Voice Of My Heart

Remembered, Yet Forgotten


Our story, written on an empty notebook.
I’ve become alone after you ripped it apart.
I know that you’ll already have forgotten about me.
You don’t share my feelings, but if you came back I might run into you
I wait…

I wait thinking that I may run into you.

- INFINITE, "Voice Of My Heart"


The 7 members of INFINITE sat cramped in their van along with one their managers, exhausted after their busy schedules.

"We had dance practice and an interview yesterday, commercial filming and a photoshoot today, and we've got another interview tomorrow." Sungjong sighed and wiggled uncomfortably in between Dongwoo and Myungsoo. "Not to mention the rest of our busy week..." He mumbled, finally getting a little more comfortable as he fixed his neck pillow.

"At least be thankful you've got a little more time than usual to rest tonight since the photoshoot ended early." Their manager, Hyoan, informed them.

"But still... Can't we at least get a break?"

Hyoan shrugged. "Sorry boys."

All seven of them groaned in unison.

"When's the last time we did something fun?..." Hoya mumbled to himself, but Sungyeol had heard him since he was sitting right next to him, and an idea popped into his head. He immediately pulled out his phone and started texting the other members.

To: Sungjong, Hoya-hyung, Woohyun-hyung, Myungsoo, Sunggyu-hyung, Dongwoo-hyung

» Remember when we ran away during filming for Sesame Player? ...You know where I'm going with this right?

He put his phone down and gave a victorious smile, but quickly hid it with a straight face when their manager looked back at him through the mirror. Sungyeol eyed the other members curiously as each of them pulled out their phone, one by one. A few minutes later, Sungyeol had gotten everybody's replies.

From: Woohyun-hyung

» Yeollie~ Always thinking of a plan. Let's hear it.

From: Sungjong

» Yes! I can't wait.

From: Dongwoo-hyung

» That was complete chaos... But I'm willing to do it again!

From: Sunggyu-hyung

» Whatever plan you've got, I'm in.

From: Myungsoo

» Freedom?! Let's go!

From: Hoya-hyung

» Count me in.

Sungyeol tried his best to contain his shriek of joy as he texted them back.

To: Sungjong, Hoya-hyung, Woohyun-hyung, Myungsoo, Sunggyu-hyung, Dongwoo-hyung

» Daebak! Glad to know everyone's in. I'll tell you the details later. But for now, when we get to our dorm's building, Sunggyu-hyung, just inform Hyoan-hyung that we'll go to the elevator while he's parking the van. We'll all go inside the elevator and that's when I'll tell you.

He quickly pressed send and mentally high-fived himself. He looked out the window and found that they were nearing the building.

"Wow, I'm going to have to get used to the look of this neighborhood. I still can't believe we got a new dorm," Sungyeol said just to strike up a random conversation.

"Yeah, me neither," Hyoan replied, still completely unaware of anything. Sungyeol gave a light, forced chuckle in response and then looked towards the other members. He turned his head to his right, finding Woohyun who gave him a secret little thumbs up. Sungyeol grinned cheekily and sat forward in his seat as their manager neared the parking lot. 

"Ah, hyung," Sunggyu interrupted, stopping their manager. "Just drop us off at the entrance. We'll all head to the dorm while you find parking." 

"Alright then."

The van curved to the side of the road and the seven members quickly opened their doors, exiting one by one. Once they were all out, they made their way inside of the building. As Myungsoo pressed the button to go up, Sungyeol gathered them all as they waited for the elevator.

"Okay, so our interview tomorrow doesn't start until four in the afternoon. That means we have all morning to escape. Hopefully the managers wouldn't be around..." Sungyeol stopped when he heard the ding of the elevator. They quickly stepped inside and pressed their floor number as Sungyeol continued telling them of the plan.


Once the elevator opened to their floor, they carefully peered at the end of the hallway. 

"Dongwoo scout, go investigate." Woohyun sent Dongwoo out into the hall with a push. The other members slowly stepped out and watched curiously. Dongwoo opened the door of their dorm and poked his head in.

"Hello~? Geonam-hyung? Jungryul-hyung? Youngjun-hyung?" Dongwoo turned back. "Seems like they're not home." He gestured the others to come inside.

"Hurry up Sungyeol, Hyoan-hyung will come soon!" Sunggyu snapped.

"Okay, okay," Sungyeol retorted and threw his hands up in defense. "Well first off, where should we go?"

"A restaurant!" Hoya said immediately and Sungjong enthusiastically rose his hand in agreement.

"No~ Let's go shopping." Woohyun suggested as Myungsoo, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo nodded their heads.

"Let's just split up into two groups then," Sungyeol said. "Myungsoo, Woohyun-hyung, Sunggyu-hyung, and Dongwoo-hyung will be one group, and since I want to eat too, Hoya-hyung, Sungjong, and me will be in the other."

He told them the rest of the plan quickly and managed to sort out everything before their manager came back.

"...got it?" Sungyeol asked the others as they nodded their heads. "Alright, for now, we should get our sleep. Our plan goes into action tomorrow."

~ ♥ ~

Sunggyu's alarm rang loudly throughout the room as Woohyun turned over with a tired groan. Sunggyu quickly covered his phone with his hands, muffling the loud beeping coming from it and hurriedly shut it off. He sat up, opening his eyes to the bright light shining into the room. He sat there for a few moments and let out a yawn. Sunggyu had set his alarm for precisely 9:00 in the morning. In an hour, they would escape from the dorm.

Sunggyu quickly repeated the plan in his mind. He turned to a sleeping Woohyun beside him and shook his shoulder.

"Yah, Nam Woohyun, get up." Woohyun shook off his hand and let out another tired groan. Sunggyu huffed but then gave a little grin. He placed his hand on Woohyun's hip and shook it softly.

"Woohyunnie~" he sang. "It's morning~ Wake up now, Woohyunnie~"

Woohyun turned around and raised an eyebrow, to which Sunggyu only responded with a puff of his cheeks, a fist to his face, and a "buing buing~?".

Both of them immediately broke into a fit of laughter, although Sunggyu's was out of embarrassment and Woohyun's was just out of plain hilariousness.

"Aish! What the hell am I even doing?!" Sunggyu buried his face into his pillow.

"That's what I was thinking!" Woohyun laughed harder. "Besides, if you really wanted an effective way to wake me up," he puckered his lips. "You'd have to give me a kiss."

Sunggyu threw his pillow directly at Woohyun's greasy little face and stood up. "Aish, just get up, will you? I'll see if any of the managers are here."

Woohyun chuckled as Sunggyu carefully opened the door. He quietly stepped out and saw Geonam.

"Ah, Sunggyu-ah, you're up."

"O-Oh, Geonam-hyung, what are you doing here?"

"Just came to pick up my jacket I left here, I'm surprised you're awake. Thought you'd be sleeping in until noon. The interview doesn't start until four."

"Oh... yeah... well, you know," Sunggyu forced a small chuckle.

"Anyways, I was actually just heading out right now to meet with Youngjun and Jungryul at the interview set. We're just going to be preparing everything with the PD's and MC."

"Okay then. See you later!" Sunggyu smiled.

Geonam opened the door. "If you need anything, Hyoan's staying behind outside."

"Got it. Bye!" Sunggyu shut the door after him and turned around with a grin.

"Who was that?" Woohyun stuck his head out of the doorway.

"Geonam-hyung. He just left, actually. He's meeting up with the other managers at the set. Hyoan's staying outside though."

Woohyun noded. "I'll go wake up the other members then." He walked into Hoya and Sungjong's shared bedroom, pausing Hoya's rap music and removing Sungjong's teddy bear from the firm headlock he was giving it. "Get up you two. You've got 45 minutes."

Sungjong replied with a groggy "neh~" as Hoya sat up and rubbed his eyes. Woohyun made his way to the second bedroom. "Wake up!" he yelled into the room.

Sungyeol, being the light sleeper that he is, woke up immediately, removing his eye mask and looking around the room with half-lidded eyes.

"Oh, right," Woohyun took notice of Dongwoo and Myungsoo's still-sleeping state and went over to them. He gave them both a violent shake. "Up, up! 45 minutes!" He wasn't at all surprised to see Dongwoo and Myungsoo wake up casually.

~ ♥ ~

After they all got dressed, they prepared a plan to get Hyoan inside and distracted while they escaped. After they settled on a solution, they went into action.

Sunggyu headed to the elevator, going down to the main floor and out into the front of the building. He saw Hyoan on his phone, sitting casually in their van as Sunggyu walked over and tapped on the window.

"Oh!" Hyoan said, surprised, and rolled down the window. "What's up?"

"The shower drain is backed up. Can you help us fix it?"

Hyoan gave a sigh. "Seriously? Aish..." He trudged out of the van and followed Sunggyu to the dorm.

When they walked in, the other members put on their best frustrated and annoyed expression. "Hyoan-hyung~ Help us fix it." Sungjong stomped his foot and pointed towards the bathroom.

"Alright, alright..." Hyoan groaned and walked inside the bathroom while the seven members stayed behind in the living room. "Why don't you guys use the other bathroom? Our dorm has two, you know," he stated matter-of-factly.

They all looked at each other apprehensively.

"Uh... because that shower is better." Myungsoo answered, which earned him a few slaps on his shoulder and an angry whisper of "What the hell, Myungsoo?!" from Sungyeol.

"What? How?" Hyoan asked.

"Because... we've noticed that that shower has hotter water," Sungyeol answered.

Hyoan huffed. "What? Ugh, you know what, whatever, let's just get this fixed."

The seven all sighed in relief. Sungyeol gave a pat to Dongwoo's shoulder and mouthed, "go!".

"Oh, right, hey hyung," Dongwoo piped up, sticking his head into the bathroom.


"Um, don't you think we'd need some tools?"

"Hmmm, yeah. But I don't think we have any..."

"That's okay! Woohyun, Myungsoo, Sunggyu-hyung, and me will go ask the neighbors to see if they have any we can borrow."

"Yeah, okay, anything to make this faster. Don't take too long."

The four smiled as they left, giving the others a secret thumbs-up before leaving.

Hoya turned back to the bathroom. "So, what's the problem?"

"I don't know..." Hyoan said and reached inside the drain. "EW! WHAT IS THIS?"

"What's wrong?" Sungyeol tried to stifle his laugh.


Upon hearing that, Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sungjong immediately shut the door of the bathroom. Hoya gripped onto the doorknob tightly while Sungyeol and Sungjong pushed all of their weight against the door.


The three stayed silent and held the door as best as they could. Hoya strengthened his grip around the knob. "Sungyeol, Sungjong, you two go ahead. I'll stay behind and keep this door closed as long as I can. I'll escape, don't worry. When you leave, I'll count to sixty and I'll leave too. We'll just meet each other in Hongdae okay?"

Luckily, their manager didn't hear him over his loud, indignant yelling.

Sungyeol and Sungjong gave a worried look. "Are you sure?" Sungjong flinched at Hyoan's harder pounding. "Really hyung, It's okay if we—"

"GO!" Hoya gritted his teeth and put all his strength against the door as he shooed the youngers off.

After they finally left, Hoya counted to a minute, and honestly, it felt like the longest sixty seconds of his life. His hands and shoulder were becoming sore and his shoes were soon starting to lose its grip on the floor.


Hoya released his grip and made a run for it. He dashed outside to the elevator and hastily pressed the down button multiple times. "Come on, come on, come on," he tapped his fingers impatiently against the door of the elevator, glancing back a couple times at the dorm to see if their manager was smart enough to stop his pounding and actually turn the knob.

The elevator finally opened and Hoya quickly stepped inside, pressing the button to go down to the main floor.

"YAH! LEE HOWON!" Hoya heard their manager yell and promptly jabbed his finger at the button to close the elevator.

The last thing he heard was one final hit from Hyoan's fist against the closed doors.

~ ♥ ~

"I can't believe I'm late again!" you scurried around your room and hurriedly changed into your work uniform. You worked at a little coffee shop not too far from your apartment, close enough for walking distance.

Rushedly grabbing your belongings, you made your way out of your apartment and briskly walked down the street. You looked down to your phone and checked the time, when all of a sudden, you felt something heavily collide into you, making you fall to the ground. You groaned and saw two purple shoes in front of you.

"I'm so sorry!"

That voice.

"Here, let me help you up."

It can't be.

You looked up, your eyes meeting one another's. No other than Lee Howon himself.


A/N: Little Woogyu moment when they woke up in the middle of the chapter. I'm sorry I couldn't help it okay?! xD To be honest, I really love writing this fic. ^^ Hope you liked it~! cliffhanger, mwahaha.

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i apologize for the lack of updates. i've got exams coming up, but i'll try to work on this as much as i can.


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Chapter 4: their past is so sad TT__TT;
kpopluva3838 #2
Chapter 2: I wonder what will happen @_@
Chapter 1: ooooookay ...I'm curious now :x
kpopluva3838 #4
Chapter 1: Hoya is cold hearted!
How could he forget that girls name?
Please update soon I'm looking forward to the next chappie~
Can't wait!!! :)