Chapter 21 - The Breakthrough

Ace Fighter 2: Revenge of the Ice Princess

Yosh! I'm back. It's been a few month since i updated, yeah i finish my exams!! Gonna fail i think?

Anyway, thanks for your patience, and thanks for subscribbing. Lets start th story rolling!!

Author POV

Soyeon is tapping the pen on the table, causing loud taping sound to be heard in the quiet room. Hyomin and Lizzy are sitting in front of the computers, starring hard on the screen, as if something is there. Nicole is standing near a table with hologram, turning the hologram three sixty.

“Soyeon unnie, the thing is done.” Lizzy shouted and raise a card up, swinging it around in the air.

“Good job. Minnie, give the card back to Boram unnie, don’t make it too obvious to others.” Hyomin nodded and took the card away from Lizzy, then went running off.

“Get around.” Soyeon said as she stood forth beside the hologram tabe, where Nicole was at.

“After getting in, Lizzy, you should head this way and get Nana.” Soyeon point out a way on the map and coloured it orange, Lizzy just nodded as she make note to the route inside the base.

“Nicole and Hyomin, will enter through here and create a diversion, a big one, to distract them” Soyeon place a mark on the hologram then colour the place red on the map. “After you got their attention, head over here, I remember that the room is different from the others. Nicole you should know your way there and get in. Those amateurs should be ignorant of that room.”

“What is it with the room?” Lizzy raised her hand up and asked.

“That room is only known to certain members, it is supposed to be an emergency access or shelter. It has staircases leading up to the higher level of the base. So Nicole you will wait in here, create another distraction again at the higher level.”

Nicole nodded and smile, it has been sometimes since she got the chance to be involved in some actions.

“Don’t leave Hyomin out of your sight. You know she isn’t really good with remembering things, I don’t think she could remember the whole route perfectly.” Nicole widens her eyes, she totally forgotten about Hyomin. Lizzy laugh and pat Nicole back, it is the first time they were given a different mission to work on, first time she don’t have to worry about Hyomin.

“As the distraction take place, Lizzy you should have meet Nana and Jiyeon. Go and save the Seungyeon and Sir, I’ll get Hara and Uee. I should be able to handle the guards well enough and get them before they start to hunt down for us.” Soyeon coloured on the map again, and turned off the hologram.

“All of us will retreat at all cost; we will meet back in the S.E base.”  Soyeon concluded.

Lizzy POV

I stood in front of the main door, and manage to walk pass the security without being suspicious, now the last thing for me to do is to tap in and go. I took out the card that was place in the back pocket and slowly raise my hand; droplets of cold sweat fell as I was every inch nearer to the machine.

“Hey, you there, the lady in blonde hair!” I stood still, drench in cold sweat, they noticed me.

“The machine there is broken, use another one instead, is this your first day here?” I smiled and nodded, “Yes sir, thank you for informing me.” Quickly, I tap in and ran around the corner. Wiping my cold sweat away from the forehead, I took a swift glance around; luckily there isn’t any civilian camera here. I adjust my cap and walk towards a group of guards whom were making rounds in the level and followed right behind them.

“Unnie, I’m in, heading over to the target now.” I easily blend into the security guards and join whoever that walk by and move swiftly in the base, avoiding all sorts of contact with the others. Hiding into a corner, I saw my main destination. Guarded by more than 4 guards, all armed with weapons, notably, taser and laser guns.

“Soyeon unnie, the target was heavily guarded, I need some cover up.” I whispered into a mini speaker attached to my necklace.

“Nicole and Minnie had make their way towards Area B. They should take action soon, stay low in the mean while. Did you manage to see Nana and Jiyeon?” Soyeon unnie voice echoed through the earpiece in my ear, well hidden.  

“I got it. But I don’t see anyone in the area, are you sure that I’m supposed to meet them?” I look around the corner, indeed there isn’t anyone besides the guards.

“They should be…….” Soyeon unnie voice was overwhelmed by a loud explosion which echoed throughout the entire base. Then red light started to flash, with loud siren sounded off, the water sprinkler was also activated throughout the base.

“I’ll talk to you again unnie, Nicole and Hyomin unnie have taken action, you should make use of this chance too.” With this, I cut off my microphone and check the surrounding situation. All the guards were running around like mad dogs lost without specific direction. Everyone must be astounded with the sudden breakthrough did by Nicole unnie. I only could hear many voices shouting along the corridor, other voices are mainly covered up by the water sprinkler and sirens. I walked out from my hiding area and make a brave move towards the targeted door.

“Captain wants me to take over from here and requested you guys to assist the others.” I tried my best to sound ‘not like me’, and sounded as persuasive as possible. The guards in front of me stared at each other for a moment and then left.

I entered the room immediately and scanned the place. This ‘prison’ like room seems to be sound proof, no sound was heard from the outside. Inside here was peaceful, as if I entered another world. The three guards who were on duty were soundly asleep at their seats, right across the door. I locked my eyes on two cells, the two main characters that I have to save.

“Hey you.” I was startled by this voice, almost letting out a shriek, but someone covered my mouth before the silence got break. A blonde lady with tall figure stood in front of me, she wore a yellow hand protector with her fist raise up to my face level. Yellow hand protector… Golden Fist!

“Keep quiet and we won’t hurt you. Who are you? Why are you here?” The other person softens the gripped on me. Making use of this chance, I easily teleported to in front of them and held my hand up. I’m right.

“Park Jiyeon, we met before.” I took of my cap and let down my hair. Jiyeon sigh in relieve and walk over to Golden Fist and push her raised fist down. “She’s with us.” Jiyeon calmly spoken and came towards me.

She raised her hand for a shake, “I’m Park Jiyeon, I apologize for my actions previously, hope you hold no grudges and work well along today.” Smiling, I respond to her handshake, “Lizzy, hope you hold no grudges too, I have no regret fighting with top notch fighters here.”

Jiyeon nodded and gave a pat on my shoulder, then moving ahead towards the cells to check on the two main criteria. Nana took a step forward and stared at me, from head to toe. “I’m Nana. Let’s not waste time here. Jiyeon get the keys there, be careful of the civilian camera.” Nana took a glance on her watch, “We have 5minutes.”

“No need you to say,” I turn around and saw Jiyeon playing around with a bunch of keys.

“Nice to see you again Lizzy, how have you been?” A familiar hoarse voice ran through my ear.

“Sir, I apologize for being this late. The ice princess is stronger than we thought she would be, so we spent some time before rescuing.” I bowed facing the ground the whole time while I’m speaking.

“We know that.” Seungyeon unnie pat my head. “Sir expected that your will spend more time than this, so he don’t blame you.”

“Sir, we will head towards the emergency escape route B and leave through there.” Nana reported and leads the way towards the door.

Nicole POV

“Unnie, I’m in, heading over to the target now.” Lizzy voice was heard through the earpiece.

“Nicole, Hyomin, you guys should head towards Area B now. Be careful, just divert their attention and don’t get into unneeded fights.” I nodded and secure my speaker next to my jacket’s collar. Hyomin unnie also followed my action, just slightly clumsier.  

“I’ll meet your back there; contact us when you are in trouble.”

“Got it.”

“Wait, Soyeon unnie, can you repeat again? I don’t remember the parts after the diversion.” I laughed when Hyomin unnie asked with her hand rose, looking like a kid.

“It’s okay Minnie, just follow Nicole along the way alright? Don’t get lost.” Soyeon unnie strictly instructed, “Nicole, please don’t lose sight of her.”

Nodding, I held my hand out to reach for Hyomin unnie hand and we left the car, locating near the Micrope base.

“Okay, just follow Nicole. No, wait, I don’t…”

“Come on Hyomin unnie, just follow me.” I tighten my grip as she tried to struggle and argue with Soyeon unnie.

Stating a matter of fact, Hyomin unnie does get forgetful all the times. Pairing up with her sounds like a burden, however, Lizzy told me that she was perfectly fine whenever they were on a mission. The best thing to get pair with her, you won’t get bored, there will be something interesting that she bound to talk about or will happen. The only problem is we have to stick close with her, since we won’t know when she will get forgetful again.

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“Soyeon unnie, the target was heavily guarded, I need some cover up.”

“Time for our entrance. All the best for our teamwork.” Hyomin unnie getting pump up was doing some arm and leg stretching. For the first time, Hyomin unnie sounded so serious.

“Where are the explosive? We can place them now.”

I mentally face palm myself, I think I speak too soon, “Unnie, it is in your bag. You are supposed to place the TNT, while I light it. You remember?”

“Oh yeah… I was just testing you.” She smiled and leaped over to the wall, which was 50meter away. Placing it, she jumps back again. “Done.”

“Just hide behind something, come over only after when you heard the explosion, the force might be quite big.” I suggested and ran towards the place where the TNT was placed. After ensuring that Hyomin unnie was properly covered, I lit up myself. “There goes nothing.”

The moment I made contact with the TNT, everything went black; black smoke covered my whole view. Explosion doesn’t work on me, so I’m perfectly safe with it. The wall which was bombed revealed a second layer made of hard steel. Just like what we expected, Micrope base isn’t easy to enter without decent equipment and skills.

“Time to use this.” Hyomin unnie, whom appear out of a sudden, took out a tiny ball like metal and place it on the floor.

This metal ball is actually a bomb, created by Seungyeon unnie, naming it ‘Piercing7’. Piercing7 works like a nuclear bomb, yet Seungyeon unnie manage to change it harmful effects through several ways, that I don’t really understand, and the force of it is able to pierce through 7 layers of thick hard steel like those standing strong in front of me.

Without second thought, another loud explosion was heard and this time round, there wasn’t any things standing in front of me. A few walls ahead have already been cleared with a straight row. As Hyomin unnie and I step into the base, the corridor was already engulfed with flames and the sprinkler was activated, siren was heard and the flashing light was covered up by the flame.

“Over here, this way.” Hyomin unnie grabbed my hand and ran. We stop as we entered a door and took a break.

“Are you hurt? Did the sprinkler hurt you or something? Anywhere in pain? Should I inform Soyeon unnie?” Hyomin unnie was checking for injuries on me.

“Slowly unnie, I’m fine, not hurt or injured, there isn’t a need to inform Soyeon unnie about this.” I caught both of her hand and look into her frantic eyes and smile, “I never thought that you are able to remember the route and password for the room.”

Scratching her back of her head, “My brain works only when things are serious, it tends to rest more than the others.” I nodded with her explanation, I thought she don’t know about her own problem.

Before I was able to speak further on, Hyomin unnie place her finger on her lips. She then tip toed over to the door, leaning her ears against it. Not knowing what’s going on, I did the same thing.

--- Outside the room ---

“Where’s Sica?” A tall figure shouted out. “Move you dumb , extinguish the fire, do you think those water sprinkler will be useful? Get moving.”

“Jessica and Hyoyeon went to talk to MOD about Krystal; I’m in-charge for now.” A smaller built girl said.

“Now what in-charge? The fire here won’t extinguish in any minute. And the holes, Sica won’t be happy to know about this.”

“Get a hold of yourself Choi Sooyoung, get a group of the cadets and a few of lieutenant to tighten up the security of the base. I don’t want anyone to enter through the obvious hole there. Get another group of them to extinguish the fire here and get the public away from here, this probably attracted half of the citizen’s attention.”

Sooyoung nodded and quickly walk off.

“Yoona, anything from Jessica?” Taeyeon answered her phone.

“They agree with it? When is the exchange date?” She asked, “They want Park Soyeon too? What about Nicole Jung?”

Nodding her head along with the phone, as if the caller could see her actions, “Did you told her what’s going on here? Get her back a.s.a.p.”

--- End ---

After a long silence, I sat down on the floor and took out a map, while Hyomin unnie is speaking into her speaker.

“This is Bravo over, we just found out that the Ice Princess and their top fighter Kim Hyoyeon are not in the base at the moment, and they are on their way back. It will be best if everyone keep escape as fast as they could. Also they are tightening the security for the base, so look out for those guys and pray hard that Choi Sooyoung or Im Yoona is not with them, over” Hyomin unnie made her long announcement.

“Copy that, Alpha had successfully complete what it was assigned with, heading towards emergency escape route B, over.”

“This is Charlie; I have taken down the civilian camera. Alpha stay away from escape route B, enemy cadets are getting up through that stairway, take escape route D, I’ll meet your there. Bravo, cover up on escape route A and B. Leave immediately after accomplishing. Over.”

“Alpha roger that.”

“Bravo roger that.” Both of us answered. Double confirming on our route and making changes to it, we both head towards escape route A and B, to bomb our way out.


Hihi! Me again, yes.

Hope this chapter is good enough, i fast forwarded to th actions...

It came out shorter than i thought... this is actually 5pages of microsoft word..

Anyway, hope everyone will continue reading and supporting it :) Once again, i apologize for th short hiatus...

Ohya, welcome new subscribber and reader ^o^ Do look out for new chapter next thur.

P.S: Do tell me if i hav make any mistake anywhere in th story, and comment on it, so i can make th changes. THANKYOU!!

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urmamaroxs #1
Chapter 2: Hahahaha cucumbers!
Chapter 16: Yes! happy reunion haha Gyuri entrance is the best :))
And the story become more interesting. I wonder what will happen with the alliance and who's really in the team.
Chapter 15: I love this chapter! Esp the mall part, I can imagine how Nana would look like lol :)
And I hope nothing bad happen to Nicole and also soyeon since they're the successful one.
Chapter 14: Uwaaa~ Hisashiburi~ ^_^ You're back! Aah! Soyeon and Jessica just made a deal! Hope everything's going to be alright.. Thank you for the update. m(_ _)m

Nod nod.. You're right.. The 5th general election was a shocked and alot happened..
Chapter 13: Awesome! I wonder what is going on now, Jessica doesn't seems to trust everyone. And eating in the igloo got me crack up laughing :))
ChooChooPanda #6
Chapter 13: Greeat story :DD So Sica is going to unite with the Ace Fighter? Where's Jiyeon and Nana? Pls update soon <3 Awaiting the next chapter ;3
Chapter 11: Nice update author.. Hope you update soon.. :))

Yeah. I heard about the news.. That just so sad.. But i'm also happy for the other members that got promoted and for Rena become the Team E captain.. But still Akip split up the WMatsui.. :( Gambatte Rena!
Chapter 10: great fight scene! Can't wait for the next update.. Thanks.. Hope you update soon..
ChooChooPanda #9
Chapter 10: Yay~ new updatee >.< Please update soon.. Cant wait for next chappie <3
ChooChooPanda #10
Wahhh >.< Please update soon Author-Nim~ *Bows*