

Lee Hyukjae doesn't like to socialise. For some reason, even his handsome new neighbourg, Lee Donghae, doesn't change his cold politeness. However, Donghae wants him to break that barrier, to become friends, or at least a little more friendly, and tries to make him talk about something more than the weather.

He didn't think that a storm would make his cold neighbour knock at his door late the evening.


A one-shot I got the idea maybe a week ago. Short, simple...

There no love implied, like there's no kiss or sadly, but I think it still can look like a love story, if you want to.

I am not doing a sequel. Why? Because I already have a ton of stories to finish and I have two long stories of EunHae on my list, so...yeah, I'm not doing a sequel~

Hope you enjoy~


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ismary666 #1
Chapter 1: Well, as of now there is someone to look after him on stormy nights, that's nice.
Chapter 1: god it was so sweet
how i wish it had a sequel^^
Chapter 1: thank you ^^,
Chapter 1: pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaase sequel *inserts hae's puppy eyes here*
Ju-Bee #5
Chapter 1: I know you said there won't bee any sequels to this but... Me want one TT____TT

They were like super-duper-mega cute (from the friendship POV and from the maybe-more-than-friends-more-like-possible-lovers too(I'd actually prefer this one... :3))
xnapoenya #6
Chapter 1: Ahhh,,you are a teaser,,so what will hppen after hyukjae come in???
Chapter 1: NO! This needs sequel! I demand a sequel! Do it or I drag you to! Pls pls pls *puppy eyes*

I want Hyukjae to open up..yeah, ang they get together, whoaa I love it! Hhe..pls consider it :)

No, I'm not forcing you, just kidding! Hha, thanks a lot , for sharing :)