I Can't

I Can't

"Sunggyu, will you at least listen to what I have to say?"

"What you have to say? I'm pretty sure what you did tonight spoke pretty loud and clear."

"Why can't you just accept that it was simply a misunderstanding? Nothing happened between the two of us!"

"How can I be so sure? For all I know, you could be lying to me right now."

"You honestly think I'm lying to you right now? Sunggyu, I'm trying to tell you the truth here! Would you stop being so thick-headed and just-."

"Sorry, did you just call me thick-headed?"

"Well, you're being stubborn and ignoring everything I'm saying to you!"

The air was thick with a tension that was almost tangible. The couple stared at each other with flaming eyes, their wills clashing to decide a victor. She felt hurt that her boyfriend of three years was even thinking that she was cheating on him. He felt betrayed that his girlfriend of three years tried to sneak around with another guy behind his back.

After what seemed like an eternity, Sunggyu sighed and pointed towards the door. "Just go," he said, exhausted by their argument. "I don't really want to deal with you tonight."

She stared at him in disbelief. He was actually kicking her out? He knew full well that she really had nowhere to go on such short notice. Did that incident really bother him this much? Even to the point where he'd tell her to leave? Well, it wasn't the first time the he's acted like that. She was forced to sleep on the couch on several occasions over trivial things, but she'd always forgive him simply because she loved him too much. But this - this was the end the of the line. She was done.

She let out a shaky breath and tried to blink away the moisture in her eyes. "Then how about you don't deal with me at all? If you want me to go, then I'll go, but don't expect that I'll come back." 

Her words caught him off guard. Her tears surprised him. Her wavering voice made a knot in his stomach. 

She spun on her heel and headed towards their room, which prompted him to follow her. With an uneasy heart, he watched her as she packed a suitcase with a week's worth of clothes. "I'll come back for my stuff another time," she mumbled, wiping her eyes. 

He didn't say anything. 

She walked to the front door and began putting on her shoes. 

He didn't do anything.

She slammed the door shut without a second glance.

He couldn't do anything. He was still shocked over her words. Was this her way of saying that their relationship was over? If that were the case, then fine. He swore that he'd never date a non-loyal woman anyways. He was done with her.


As she walked down the sidewalk to get to the city, she started to make plans about her housing. She figured that she could stay at her best friend's place for a few days before looking into renting an apartment. She would have to tap into her savings account, but if she started being a little more stingy with her money, then she'd have enough to support herself in the future if the need for it came. And about furnishing. All she would really need is a bed and TV, but she could actually-

Her plans were abruptly stopped. She was too absorbed in her thoughts to hear the honking of a car horn coming straight at her.


The days after she left, Sunggyu spent on organizing her things out in the living room so that she could quickly come and grab her things.
As he sifted through old boxes and envelopes, he found pictures of themselves back when their relationship was still growing. Just looking at her brought a smile to his lips and made him remember the day where he realized his feelings for her. It was probably the best day of his life. Even then, her picture made his heart thump unevenly.

The more her searched through her things, the more he realized that he couldn't imagine a life without her. Though it sounded corny and clichéd, he could feel that she was his missing piece, the one who made him feel complete. He never realized it, but he had wholly given his heart to her. The fact that she wasn't there, it made his chest feel heavy. He slowly realized that he didn't want to live a life where she wasn't there for him.

Hesitantly, he reached for his phone and paused, wondering if he had the right to call her. After all, he was the one who kicked her out in the first place. Would she still even be willing to talk to him at all?

On cue, his phone rang. He jumped at the sound but quickly checked the caller ID. It wasn't the number he was hoping for. He answered his phone warily, wondering why her best friend Eunji was calling him. "Yah, where the hell are you?" was the first question he was greeted with. What worried him thought was her sound of voice. It sounded like she was crying. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"'Is there something wrong?' Your girlfriend is in the hospital!"

He sat, frozen due to her words. She was in the hospital? Why? What happened while he was gone? How did she even end up in the hospital?

Sunggyu found himself on his feet and throwing himself out the door. “What hospital is she at? Eunji!”

“She’s at XXX Hospital. She hasn’t woken up at all for the past week...”

Eunji’s words only scared him more. A week ago was the night that she left. The night he kicked her out. She had been in the hospital the entire time and he never knew. She hadn’t even bothered to have the paramedics or doctors call him.

Racing to the hospital and taking 12 floors up the building, he finally landed in front of her door, his hand poised to knock. A thousand and one thoughts raced through his head as he rapped on the door. How would she be looking? Would she want him there? Would she still be willing to accept him? All of his questions wouldn’t be answered until he opened the door.

Slowly, he slid the door open and stared inside. Everyone, including her, turned their heads in his direction, staring back, but he could only look at her. She still looked the same, except for the Band-Aid on her forehead and the gauze wrapped around her head. She still looked like an angel with her hair fanned out around her and her cheeks flushed with roses. God, how he missed her.

He strode right to her bedside and glared down at her. “Why didn’t you even bother telling me you were in the hospital?!” he nearly yelled. She flinched and stared up at him, clearly confused. Eunji stood up and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Sunggyu, back off. She just woke up...” He shook it off and knelt down to grab her hand in his, warming her cold fingers. “You idiot. Don’t do this to me again! I can’t-.” She pulled her hand out of his and gave him a puzzled look.

“I’m sorry...but do I know you?”

And so the world came crashing down on him. The love of his life didn’t even recognize him. He hadn’t even realized he loved her so much until she was gone. Was this some kind of cruel joke? Was he being punished? Was she just messing around with him? 

He swallowed nervously. “Y-Yah...don’t screw around. Of course you know me! I’m-.” Eunji pulled him back slightly and shook her head. “She doesn’t remember anyone but her parents, Sunggyu...” 

At that moment, the doctor came in, surprised at another visitor in the room. Sunggyu stood immediately and began bombarding the man with questions about his love’s strange reaction towards him.  The doctor sighed and began to explain that she had amnesia. She wouldn’t be able to remember anything within the past three years or so, but with enough exposure to things or places she’s seen or experienced before, the memories had a chance to come back.

After processing the news, Sunggyu staggered out of the room and collapsed into a chair outside. Three years worth of memories with him were wiped clean from her mind. To her, he was no more than a stranger. The thought washed over him like a crushing wave that threatened to drown him beneath its dark depths. He felt devoid of life. All the time he spent with her was gone. He could only cling to the hope that she’d eventually remember him.

But was he willing to take the time to make her remember? They were broken up after all. Maybe he could learn to live without her. Maybe he’d find someone better. Maybe...but he couldn’t. There was no one better than her. And to even think of living a life where she wasn’t in it - it pained him. He couldn't even begin to imagine it. So he made his resolve right then and there. Even if it took another three or six years, he’d make her remember him.

Just wait. I’ll make you fall for me all over again. Because for me, a life without you would be a life without sun.

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beemichelle724 #1
Chapter 1: PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel ! (:
Chapter 1: the ending is not crap at all! good job! are you making a sequel for this?