Definitely Not Working.

Moving on

Third Person's POV


"I'm back" sighed Seunghyun as he went inside his house. _____ was already inside, watching TV with a bored look on her face. A towel was around her neck, water was slightly dripping from her hair to the towel. She was only wearing an over sized white shirt (probably his), and she was not wearing any trousers. Her bare legs were crossed. A bowl of ice cream was on her hand.

"Welcome back" she turned and he gave her a kiss in the lips.

"Mm, you're looking good today" he smirked as pulled her to him, deepening the kiss. They separated, both were longing for air.

"Strawberry?" he chuckled.

"Mm-hmm" she said as she offered the bowl in her hand, her eyes went back to the screen.

"Nah" he sat beside her and sighed.

"Not a good day, huh?" she asked as she put her bowl on the table, her eyes were still focused on the screen.

"Definitely not." she lied her head on his lap. He chuckled,

"Are you trying to seduce me in that outfit?"

"OR, I forgot to wash my clothes and decided to wear yours instead" she smirked.

"Fair enough" he smiled and sighed.

"What happened? It's Eunji, isn't it?" she asked as she traced his cheek. He closed his eyes and chuckled,

"How do you know?"


"She..... I don't know." he let out a sigh.

"Looks like she hates me" she said as she sat up and leaned her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her waist as a response. He sighed,

"I'm tired."

"Five times" she switched the TV channel and tilted her head as her favorite weekly music program was on.


"The number you sighed. Get over it already." she averted her attention to him.

"Yeah, maybe I should." He sighed

"Six times. That means you have to go out with me for six times. This week. No buts." He laughed. She might not look like it, but he knew that she was trying to comfort him.

"Arasso. I'll take you out." she snuggled to him as he gently kissed her forehead.

Jiyong went inside her apartment, his hand was around her waist. She giggled as they threw themselves to her bed. They were heavily drunk, even he had to carry her to her apartment. He pulled her to him, kissing her passionately.

"Oppa..." she put her hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. They parted and soon they were asleep, her arms were still wrapped on his neck and his arms were still on her waist.

-the next morning-

Eunji slowly opened her eyes. Her head was so dizzy from the alcohol she drank last night. She just realized that there was someone beside her, his hands was around her waist, and her hands were also on his neck. She woke up instantly and drew back her hand.

"Ji-Jiyong oppa?!" she exclaimed, waking him.

"Hnggh...." Jiyong groaned as he stretched his body and slowly opened his eyes.

"...Eunji ah? What are you doing on my room?"

"Oppa, this is my room."

"Huh? Oh yeah that's right..... Wait a second. What happened?" he asked her. "I don't remember..." she paused. "You know what? Let's just pretend nothing happened." she sighed, "I'm too stressed to think about it right now." she sat up.

"What is it?" Jiyong sat up and stretched his arms.

"Oppa. How am I going to meet him today?" she looked at him. Fear was reflected on her eyes.

"Oppa, what should I do?!" she was starting to freak out. Jiyong held her shoulders.

"Look, Eunji ah. Just.... Calm down. You need to see him as a friend. As a best friend, okay? I know it will be awkward at first, but you guys will get used to it." Jiyong nodded, convincing her. "One more thing, don't avoid him. It'll only get worse"

"Alright..." She sighed. "You can do this, Soon Eun Ji." she nodded to herself. Jiyong chuckled.

'She is actually pretty cute,' he thought. Jiyong traced her cheek and ruffled her hair, causing her to blush.

"You can do it, Soon Eun Ji" Jiyong smiled to her. She looked away from embarrassment and stood up.

"I-I'm going to take a shower" she stormed to the bathroom. Jiyong chuckled.

'I didn't notice she was this cute' he smiled to himself and lied back on the bed.

-YGE Building-

"Eunji ah" Jiyong called her as the lift opened


"Good luck." Jiyong lifted his fist and smiled. Eunji smiled back to him. Eunji stepped out of the lift, as Jiyong was going to the top floor, meeting with the sajangnim. Eunji stopped right in front of the recording room. She just hoped that Seunghyun was not inside when she opened the door. She hesitantly opened the door, and what she found was worse. _____ was inside, fiddling with her phone. She looked at Eunji for a moment before looking back at her phone. Eunji froze at the door.

"A-Annyeong, Unnie" She lifted her head from her phone and gave her a simple nod. Eunji's mind flew back to her conversation with Jiyong earlier.


"Oppa, how about _____ unnie? I was rude to her yesterday"

"Eunji ah, remember, first, apologize to her. Then, treat her as a friend. _____ might look stingy and cold from the outside, but she's a good friend when you know her well"


She took a seat beside her, and tried to brace herself to speak to her. Eunji opened to speak, but someone who came into the room cut her off. She froze. It was Seunghyun.

"_____ ah, I--" Seunghyun froze as soon as he saw Eunji. The two of them tried not to look at each other.

_____ sighed in irritation.

"You're saying?" she asked as she looked back at her phone

"I need to talk to you. Uh, privately" Eunji reflexly stood up and walked to the door. Seunghyun stopped her,

"We'll leave"

"No, oppa. It's okay" Eunji walked outside, leaving both of them inside the room.

Seunghyun closed the door and sat beside her, tucking her bangs behind her ear. Seunghyun knew she was pissed from the look at her face.

"So, what is it?"

"Jagiya, are you upset?" she sighed

"Seunghyun ah, could you please go straight to the point now?"

"I miss you" she sighed, thinking that he's still trying to make her mood better.

"Don't do this, Seunghyun ah."

"I'm serious. I want to spend time with you. It a little awkward. It's nothing." She scoffed,

"Of course it's nothing".

"You don't trust me?"

"That's not it. I told you to get over it yesterday"

"And I did"

"Wow you surely looked like you did" she said sarcastically. Seunghyun smiled,

"Are you jealous?"

"No I'm not." Seunghyun only chuckled and leaned her head to his shoulder, her hair.

Eunji walked to the basement, her eyes were clouded by tears. She knew she couldn't let him go just like that. Suddenly Jiyong showed up, she immediately covered her face and ran away from him.

"Eunji ah? Yah!" Jiyong chased her and held her hand.

"Where are you going? What happened?" Eunji suddenly hugged him, crying her heart out loud in his chest.

"Oppa, did I make the wrong choice by confessing to him? By coming back here?" Tears were flowing down her face.

"No, you didn't, Eunji ah."

"I can't forget him, oppa." she whispered

"I know it's hard at first" Jiyong hugged her back. He smiled,

"I'll replace him" Eunji pulled herself from him and looked at him in disbelief.


"This best friend of yours will make sure you forget about him" he grinned, "Come on, I know a good place to start"

"No, Oppa, I--" Jiyong placed his finger on her lips.

"Shh. Just come with me" he took her hand as she confusedly nodded. Jiyong opened the door to his White Bentley for her and she went inside. Jiyong hopped in to the car and started it right away. He drove them away from the YGE Building, away from ______ and Seunghyun.



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shirogane #1
I'm sorry to tell you that I'm putting this fanfic on suspend, and I'll be focusing on my new fanfic
Stay tune!
lovis89 #2
Chapter 2: eunji and jiyong just get together both of you
D-LITEfullKiwi #3
Chapter 1: Wow daebak! First chapter up..... update soon! Fighting:)
D-LITEfullKiwi #4
Update soon! I will be anticipating! :)