A Dangerous Trainee

All Is Fair In Love and War

"Monsters are real, ghost are real too.

They live inside of us and sometimes, they win" - Stephen King




“Ah Jiyongie~!” the older male turned around with a grin. The cap on his head was the one Jiyong had bought him last month.  He got off his wheelie chair and came over to grasp his forearm and pull him into a big brotherly hug. “I heard you got back this morning so I figured I was due for a visit.”

Jiyong smiled, his pink gums showing as he did a little dance. Teddy always gave him this boost of energy, he was a man of eternal energy and positive vibes. He was a genius in music and he was one of the most caring hyungs he could ever be blessed with.

“Ya, I’m done hyung~! Woohoo! Got two months off to just chill. ” he cheered, both fists pumping in the air. He glanced back, remembering that the producer wasn’t alone in the room.

Teddy laughed, a big belly chuckle as he playfully shoved the  younger male, “Man YG works me like a dog, should I go on strike and take a vacation with you?” He glanced at the direction Jiyong was looking at.

A young girl had stood up from her seat at the desk, waiting patiently for the men to finish their greetings. Once Jiyong and Teddy looked her way, she folding her hands neatly in front of her.

“Ah this is Lee Lily. Lily, this is Kwon Jiyong. G-Dragon from Big Bang. But I’m sure you already know.” Teddy introduced, leaning against the table with a grin.

Lily, a petite girl with porcelain white skin and black hair that fell around her shoulders to the small of her back, bowed low. “Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Lee Lily. Nice to meet you, sunbaenim.”

Jiyong stared at her for a second longer before he gave a small head nod, “Annyeonghaseyo.” Her gaze was captivating. They were a very light brown, lighter than most Asians brown framed in large round eyes. He wondered if they were contact lenses. Her clothes were simple, a pair of black tights in sneakers and an oversized sweater.

“She’s from the States, born and raised in Queens actually.” The producer added.

Jiyong nodded, staring at her. He realized she remained standing formally.  “Oh sit, take a seat I mean. So how old are you?”  His tone was friendly. He knew the other hoobaes in the company thought highly of him and his group so they were scared of offending him. It made greetings awkward and stiff.

“I’m 17 years old, sunbaenim.” She answered her eyes downcast. Her voice was a bit husky for a female but it was smooth to the ears.

“Lily, we can take a break for a bit. Why don’t you go get something to eat and I’ll find you once I finish having a chat with your sunbae hm?” Teddy suggested, though leaving no room for argument.  He had a friendly way of addressing and ordering the youngsters in their company around, he was feared but extremely liked.

The girl nodded and answered with a cool “sure.” Taking her phone and bag from a chair, she bowed to both men before leaving the room silently.

Jiyong and Teddy took a seat as the producer placed a bag of chips he had in a drawer on the table between them. Snatching one out of the bag, Jiyong gave a curious look at Teddy’s expression.

“What hyung?”

“What was that just now man?” he asked with a smirk.

His eyes widened, confused. “What was what hyung?”

“That overly observant look you gave Lee Lily just now. I know that look. You’re curious.” He’s known Jiyong since he was 7 years old. He was the epitome of older brother. He could practically be blood by now.

Jiyong didn’t try to deny it, the moment he had saw the young girl, he was intrigued. She was petite in frame and is pretty like a doll but there was something about her expressive eyes that caught his attention.

“I’m an artist hyung, I take in everything around me for inspiration. She’s interesting. What’s her deal? Hyungnim brought her in from the states to debut her?” He replied candidly, his interest in her apparent. It wasn’t the first time Jiyong asked for the down low on the various juniors, if anyone knew better, it would be Teddy.

The producer shrugged.

“Actually, she came to the company only 3 days ago. Psy introduced her to hyung, having met her during his promotions in the States a year ago and spoke highly of her. Yangsukie had been thrilled to have her, he’s calling her a prodigy and been giving her everything and more eh. Can you believe that?”

Jiyong nodded in understanding, his fingers scratching the small scruff under his chin. Three days of entering YGE and she was already meeting with Teddy Park? That was a feat of its own.

“Like what is he giving her?” It was rare for their boss to even have that much contact with a trainee. Usually after the signing of the contract, he delegates them to the various teachers for their vocal, dance, English, Japanese lessons.

“She’s apparently pretty notorious in the music industry already. But I searched her online and nothing. She probably used an alias. Hyung’s given her a studio room, just the really small one on the 5th floor that he had given Tablo initially before he moved him down to our floor. But that’s huge.”

His eyes widened and out of habit, he glanced at the door she left through. “She’s even producing? What else? Who is she in the music industry? I’m assuming she made a mark in the US market.”

“That’s what I thought too. I asked PSY-hyung and Hyun Suk-hyung but both are pretty hush hush about it. Not that they don’t want to share but she had made them promise to respect her privacy.”  

The producer shook his head as he munched on some chips, leaning back leisurely he continued, “I did ask her straight up early tonight and she said that she wanted to debut and be known for her own skills. Put me down quite cleanly but her manners are impeccable. Some mad connections she’s made from the sound of it but me, she’s just 17, what kind of connections could be have made at such a young age.”

Jiyong was growing more and more intrigued by this new trainee. “I don’t know hyung but this Lee Lily seems to have bigger ambitions than our own Seungri.”

They both laughed. The two continued to talk about it a bit more though soon topics went off from the new girl to other matters as they caught up on what Jiyong missed over the past month of being away from home.  He had found out that in actuality, things weren’t going so well for the company’s newly debuted girl group. Quite the opposite really. They weren’t bringing as much profit as it took to maintain their housing alone, not to mention their vocal, drivers, vans and back dancers fees. The group wasn’t being requested for any programs or CF’s yet. Their digital single did mediocre on the charts. And sales didn’t hit a high that YGE needed, despite what the reports stated that it was a successful debut. This was the inside information that was strictly for the high ups, which Jiyong was one of them. He suppressed a sigh, this was what YG-nim was trying to avoid in the first place, and even delayed the groups debut, the hype got too big to deliver and too much pressure for these young girls.

He had personally produced their first album so it took off a lot of the edge but the plan had backfired a bit with the critics. There was so much attention on the new group that ‘G-Dragon music prodigy producer’ that the girls were visibly shook. No matter how much training and sleepless nights they put those poor girls through, polishing an idol came with experience. But the last few years, KPOP had blown up, and there was no room to grow. Either hit it big the first go or sink with the ship. The game wasn’t what it was before.

“We’ve been chatting for the last two hours, the little American must been tired and probably still waiting up.” Jiyong noted, the clock read 2am.

“Oh ya, . Let me go find her.” Teddy exclaimed.

“Nah hyung, it’s fine. I’ll send her up since I pass by the cafeteria on my way out anyway.” He offered, grabbing his backpack and slinging it on one shoulder.

The producer plopped right back down in his chair without any hesitation, “Cool, I got to call your noona anyway to wish her goodnight.”

Jiyong smiled, happy things worked out in the end with the mismatched pair, “Gummy-noona doing well? How’s pregnancy treating her?”

Teddy grinned as he wagged his eyebrows, “It’s a boy. Come by the place to visit this week. She’ll be mad pissy if you don’t. Hormones you know?”

The younger man laughed with a nod, “Will do. I’ll send up you’re little apprentice shortly. See ya later hyungie!”

Jiyong closed the door behind him as he lifted his cap and ran a hand through his messy blue locks. He would get it re-colored tomorrow before he did anything else. Maybe back to blonde he mused. He always liked blonde and it would match with Chaerin’s forever loyal golden locks.

15 minutes had passed and Jiyong had searched the entire ground floor. First obviously was the cafeteria but still Lee Lily had pulled a disappearance act. She was no where to be found.  He wondered where the little teen wondered off to. Teddy had even called him, it shouldn’t have taken that long to send her up and asked what was the hold up. Despite the producer telling him to forget about it, Jiyong insisted he would find her anyway. Though why he was so determined was beyond him.

He had searched floor by floor and it was almost 3 in the morning. Even when he made his rounds back up to the 4th floor to Teddy’s studio, he found his hyung had fallen asleep on the couch. Remembering toss a blanket they kept in a drawer, he hit the lights off and continued his search.

“Where could this kid be?” Jiyong said aloud, his eyebrows pulling together in frustration. He debated to just go back to the apartment and almost did but his stubborn side wouldn’t allow it. Concern suddenly overpowered his urge to scold this girl to oblivion. What if she had wondered outside and was kidnapped? He wanted to at least make sure the whole building was searched before he would escalate the situation. Then the thought hit him as he bypassed the 5th, 6th, and 7th floor in the elevator. He made a bee-line for their rooftop.

He jumped down the three steps in one leap, the cool night air filtering through his hair. His brown eyes scanned the large rooftop quickly. There was a small garden, plants and plenty of lawn chairs with soft cushions. His eyes stopped, she was curled up on one of the chairs. A forgotten laptop beside her on the small table was still playing whatever she was watching, the white headphones lay on the ground carelessly. She must have fallen asleep and turned over since all he could see was her back and a dark waterfall of hair, her legs tucked to her chest.

“This kid…” Jiyong shook his head but a small sigh of relief passed through his pink lips. He approached her slumbering form and looked down. She seemed so small and innocent, sleeping like this. The tips of his fingers shut the top of the laptop down.

“Ya, Lily-ssi.” He called out. His fingers slightly nudged her shoulder. “Yah, wake up. You shouldn’t sleep out here.”

His hand fully grasped her slender shoulder and shook a bit harder. She stirred as he let go and waited. It didn’t take long for her body to unravel and her head to turn his way. There it was again. Those light brown eyes as she stared at him, unfocused. Once she gained her bearings, her eyes widened even wider than it was as she realized it was G-Dragon himself standing above her.

Jiyong stepped back as the girl scurried to her feet.

“Ah! Sunbae-nim! I’m sorry. I must have fallen asleep.”  Her sleep ridden voice was even deeper now. It was quite nice actually, a surprisingly husky voice from such a sweet face he inwardly thought. She barely reached his chin and that was saying a lot since Jiyong knew his height wasn’t the ideal, not like Seunghyun.

“You’re pocket size.” His eyes widened, he didn’t mean to speak that internal thought.

She must have been shocked as well, her jaw dropping. Composing herself, Lily bowed, “Ah yes.”

He mentally slapped himself. “I mean you’re really small.”

The girl kept her head bowed, her long black tresses falling in front of her face. “Ah…yes.”

Slap himself twice, he would wait until he was alone to take out his foot from sans mouth. “Anyway, Teddy-hyung is passed out so you should just head home for the night. I’ll tell him I gave you permission okay?”

She gave him a small nod, “Okay sunbaenim.”

Jiyong was about to turn around to leave but a thought occurred to him, “How are you getting home?”

“I can just walk. It’s too late for the bus.” She replied, her large eyes staring at him.

Jiyong nodded as he fished out his car keys, “Grab your stuff, I’ll send you home.” He didn’t leave any room for argument. He told himself he was just doing the duty of a sunbae afterall.

Inside the tinted white Bentley, the car was silent except for the music playing on his stereo. Lily sat stiffly in the passenger side, staring out the window. She had given him her address and he was once again surprised by each new thing he learned about her. She lived only about 20 minutes away from the company in an upscale neighborhood.

Jiyong shifted in his seat as he continued to drive carefully; only when he pulled onto the highway did he relax. The company was a red zone for paparazzi and crazy fans so it was always good to be cautious. He glanced at the middle compartment at his pack of cigarettes. He hadn’t had one for hours now and it was a smoker’s habit to light up while driving. He was itching for one now. Though he knew he shouldn’t since he had a trainee in the car.

“Do you mind if I smoke?” he asked anyway, motioning towards his pack and lighter. it, he ran around for this girl for an hour and its past 3 in the morning. He deserved at least a smoke.

Lily looked towards it and glanced at him briefly. “It’s fine. Here.” Her left hand reached to the center and retrieved the white pack of 20 and the gold lighter beside it. He thought she would just hand it over to him as it but instead, she opened it and pulled out a slim stick.

Jiyong watched from the corner of his eye, fascinated, as the girl placed it between her full rosy lips and inhaled slowly as she brought the flame up to the end. She took a small drag before handing him the lit cigarette which he took.

“…Thanks.”  Jiyong switched hands on the stirring wheel and pulled down his window just a bit. He took a long drag and felt the smoke fill his lungs. His nerves instantly relaxing. Exhaling slowly towards the open window, he looked over at her. “You smoke?” It was more of a statement.

Lily shifted, obvious that the question made her uncomfortable. He waited though, curious to hear her lie or not. He already knew she did, just by the way she would lit a driver’s cigarette for them out of courtesy. Only smokers would do that for another smoker.

“I’m planning to quit.”

“Tonight?’ he quipped out.

Her lips quirked up ever so slightly as her gaze remained fixated on the empty highway ahead.


Jiyong smirked at the cute and clever answer. “Help yourself. It’s okay; I won’t tell your teachers.”

He pulled onto her street as per his GPS’s instructions as she lit up her own cigarette. Taking from his example, she only pulled down her window just a crack, enough for the stick to go through to ash.

He pulled beside the apartment complex and put his car into park. Shutting off the engine, he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned back into his seat. She looked at him questioningly.

“Finish your smoke, I’ll wait. I’m sure your parents wouldn’t like it so take your time here.”

The girl nodded, turning her body slightly away from him as she puffed on the white stick. She didn’t see how Jiyong observed her every action. He usually hated when girls smoked, not caring if it was hypocritical. And he would usually never let a trainee, and better yet, a girl trainee smoke in his car, but she looked like she needed it bad. At least he could understand her cravings.

“How do you like Korea?” he asked, just for the sake of breaking the silence. It must have taken her by surprise as she gave a slight jump. He hid his amusement and waited patiently.

“Ah, it’s okay.” She answered quietly.

“Are you usually shy or are you usually a quiet person?” he inquired. Her answers were boring and short and he wanted to her hear voice more. Stop talking like a nervous trainee, he mentally encouraged.

He watched again, fixated on her lips as she took a long drag, blowing it towards the open crack before leaning back in her seat as well. She looked over with a smile. “It takes time for me to warm up to people; I don’t usually make the best first impressions.”

“Why is that?” His hand reached for another cigarette. Interesting, he had initially thought she was just shy.

She shrugged, “I haven’t really spent a lot of time socializing with others so even in the States, I am a very blunt person since I’m not really sure how to be friendly. So here in Korea, I’ve been extra careful not to offend anyone.”

“It’s much different I agree, whenever I travel to the States, I know I can be a lot more carefree with my words to the friends and fans there.” He admitted. So that’s why he’s been trying to bring her out of her shell, he could sense there was much more than she was leading on. So in fact, she was hiding her true colors and it was peaking his interest more and more.

Lily nodded, flicking the  out side with her fingers. She turned back to him, “But I like Korea too because I like doing the mannerisms and the bowing. It feels very formal and respectful.”

He laughed at the enthusiasm she showed, his eyes taking in more of her as she relaxed just a bit more. “So you’re going to be okay going up by yourself?” he asked. It was getting late.

“Oh sorry sunbaenim. I was waiting for you to finish your second one but it makes sense since you need to drive anyway.” She stammered out. Quickly unbuckling her seatbelt and gathering her bags.

Jiyong grinned crookedly, “It’s fine. Do you need spray to cover the smell? I only have cologne though but it should mask it a bit.” He wouldn’t want her parents to think she was okay to smoke as an YG trainee.

She shook her head as she opened her door, “It’s okay sunbaenim, I live alone. Thank you for sending me home. Good night.”

She looked at him with her eyes, those damn expressive eyes. Jiyong could only nod as they locked gazes for a long second. She had slipped out of the car and bowed 90 degrees from the sidewalk before shutting the door. He didn’t even have a chance to respond. She lived alone? Here?

He watched her curiously as she scurried towards the front entrance of the high end condo building and used a keycard to enter the building. He shook his head, the more of a peek she kept giving him into who she really is, the more questions he had for her. And he was usually good at figuring out if a person was trying to intentionally bait his curiosity. But he trusted his gut that this wasn’t the case; she seemed to genuinely want to keep a distance without having to outright lie to him. And if he hit the right question at her, she seemed to be compelled to tell the truth and only but. Unless she chose to plead the ‘fifth’ as they say in America, and picked silence over providing any type of answer.

“Who the hell are you Lee Lily?” he said before peeling out of her driveway.


End of Chapter



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Chapter 5: Lily is the new girl in Jiyong's life and like everything new she's amazing..
If I were Chaerin I would think of it, think of how he's staying with me only because "we have history" and how he's taking me for granted...

I don't know, I really love skydragon's couple but in this story he's just a confused selfish jerk, blaming everything on others.
Chapter 5: If I was in her position and I found about my boyfriend and other girl at first your normal reaction is to freak out. But definitely things will be a lot more easier to solve if he comes and tell me. Then it makes sense to fight for this relationship. Like he is saying 'I made a mistake. But I am acting like a grown-up and I want to solve this out. I realize it and I think this and this about it..'. But kicking his ___ won't solve anything.
Chapter 5: Sorry haven't been commenting lately. School. Lol. I can't believe he kissed her! He gave deeply into temptation! He should DEFENITLY be feeling guilty towards chaerin. If I was chae and I found out I would break up with him. I won't ask him to choose between "us". Even if "we" do have memories,and history together. Just lyk loveveve said, you can't force a person to be with you when they dnt even know their own feelings. One) that's not solving anything. And. Two) it's not right to make someone stay with you for your own selfish reasons. Just like the saying says "if you truely love someone you'll let them go. And if their truely meant to be together they'll come back".
Thanks for the updates btw. ;3
loveveve #4
Chapter 5: I wont ask him to be with me -__- . Why would u force someone to be with u if he isn't even sure about his feeling? And honestly, i wont trust him. My view towards men is so negative, that i always have this kind of view that u cant trust them, they will leave u one day. So, im looking forward to the end of this. Can't wait to know what is ur opinion on this ;)
NaNa198892 #5
Chapter 5: ....i honestly dont know what to think if i were in Chae's posotion right now...im torn between feling hurt or kicking his *ss, the latter winning more than the first lol!
i mean he has Chaerin why go to Lily...okay shes something new and mysterious for him but like he said, SHES NOT LEGAL!! AND hes with Chaerin AND they have a history what more is there to think!!! aish!! i honestly dont know whatto think anymore with GD hes making decisions that are stupid even for him!
thanks for updating though it was good ^^!
Chapter 5: I'm not sure what to feel/say for this chapter. A part of me wants to kill and torture jiyong for 'two-timing' Chae and then make him beg for chae until I feel that alright that's enough punishment for him.
Another part of me just feel that Jiyong doesn't deserve chae's love and I hope that Chae will not forgive him AT ALL. Just give Chae someone who will not hurt her.
It just breaks my heart to see Chae hurt after knowing what jiyong is doing behind her back. I wish she would nvr get to find it out so that she will not get hurt. I know that will never happen so please author-nim, torture jiyong and make him feel like ____ after doing this to Chae.
And that lily girl, as much I pity her for her past, I really hope that she would just go back to America and nvr come back.
Chapter 5: Author nim, please tell me where is Ji's home. I'll kick his ! How could he did that to Chae..
My poor Chae :'( it breaks my heart :'(
Chapter 5: If Chaerin found out, i hope she'd be the one to break up with him!
Ji, u are such a ____in bastard.
how can u do that to my Chaerin?
man, I need to punch ur face now!
my poor Chaerin, she didn't even do anything wrong *sigh

if I were Chaerin ? I will surely show him who's the queen here. it's not like he's the only one who is in love with my Chae.
maybe find another guy will do ? to make him realize what have he lost ? I'm not cruel am I ? lol, update soon author-nim :3
Chapter 5: OMG my heart's breaking for Chaerin. </3 T^T
If I were in Chaerin's position? Hmmm actually I don't know what to do ahahahha. I've never really been in a relationship before and even now. XD Forever alone. :d

Please update soon. <3