The Birthday Cake


“Happy birthday, dear Dara…happy birthday to youuuuu!!!” chanted everyone as they clapped and wished Dara a happy birthday. She forced a smile on her face as she blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

“Happy birthday unnie!” said Minzy as she hugged Dara.

“Happy birthday Dara!!” cheered Bom as she hugged both Dara and Minzy tightly, causing Dara to flinch.

“Oww...Bom!” flinched Dara

“Unnie, not so tight” said Minzy pulling away from Dara and allowing the rest of the staff to congratulate Dara on her birthday.

They were currently working away from home, in LA, so their manager had organized a small private dinner in order to celebrate Dara’s birthday. Everyone was there, their stylists, managers, assistants, dancers, even their translators. Yes, everyone was there, everyone except the one person whom Dara wanted there the most, Chaerin.

She looked at her phone hoping Chaerin had replied to none of the many messages Dara had send her hours earlier. Nothing. The last she had heard from Chaerin, she was going out to lunch with one of her friends. She didn’t say who, though. No one knew where she was. The last anyone had heart from her she was going to be a bit late for the dinner party.

Chaerin, where are you? Dara thought to herself as she clenched the phone close to her chest.

Everyone was having such a great time, enjoying the food and cake. Dara wasn’t enjoying herself, she wanted to leave but couldn’t bring herself to do it. It was her birthday dinner after all. She just sat there with a fake smile and watery eyes.

She knew Chaerin had other plans for that day, which is why she hadn’t accompanied Dara and the rest of the girls out shopping, but she still expected her to at least show up for her dinner. It hurt that Chaerin hadn’t even bother to call or send a message to let her know she wasn’t coming.

Hours later, everyone had returned to their individual hotel rooms. Dara was now sitting at the foot of her bed, a blank stare on her face. She let out a sigh and walked over to the table where her presents were. She stared at them, she didn’t care about the presents. She just wanted to spend her birthday with Chaerin, like she always did.

It was almost midnight, she wasn’t sure if Chaerin was back in her hotel room or was still out and about. She picked up the room’s phone and called Chaerin’s room, no answer.

Chaerin hadn’t returned yet.

Where are you Chaerin? I hope you’re safe. Why haven’t you called? Why haven’t you returned my messages?

A loud knocking on the door brought Dara out of her thoughts. She walked over to the door and opened it wide. A vengeful glare formed in her eyes as she saw Chaerin standing there.

There she was, Chaerin, dressed in jeans and sneakers, something she rarely did nowadays. She was hunched and had an apologetic look in her eyes.

Dara crossed her arms over her chest and remained silent.

“Dara, I’m so sorry!” started Chaerin as she stared directly into Dara’s eyes. “I swear I didn’t forget, I lost track of time and…I’m sorry.”

Dara remained expressionless. She furrowed her eyebrows trying to understand what could have been so important to Chaerin that she missed one of her best friend’s birthday dinners.

“What was so important that you choose it over me?” asked Dara, there was a tint of pain her voice.

Chaerin lowered her head in shame. “I know. I’m truly sorry. I should’ve been there, like you’re always there for me even when you’re busy with other stuff. I’m sorry. I just… I screwed up. I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t even call, or at least text me to let me know where you were. I was worried Chaerin. You don’t always have to tell me everything, but I want you to at least care enough for me to let me know you’re alright!” said Dara practically screaming the last part.

“Look, I’m really sorry Dara. I ed up, okay. I know!” mumbled Chaerin

“At least you admit that!”

Chaerin rolled her eyes. “Can I just come in? Please?

Dara scoffed and stepped aside so Chaerin could enter her room. Chaerin rushed inside, before Dara decided to change her mind and kick her out of her room.

Inside Chaerin noticed the small table full of presents. For a small dinner with just staff and friends, she had received many presents. Proving everyone loved and appreciated Dara, everyone except her. She always seemed to take Dara for granted. The thought hurt her; she knew it was partially true.

Chaerin stood in the middle of the room, unsure of whether she should sit on the sofa near the window, one of the other chairs, or the bed, Dara’s bed.

“Just sit wherever you want” said Dara coldly.

Chaerin nodded and took a seat on the sofa near the window. Dara sat on one of the chairs, her arms still folded at her chest. Neither one of them said anything. They sat in an uncomfortable silence avoiding each other’s eyes.

Chaerin cleared nervously to break the silence, causing Dara to look at her. She raised a large pink box to Dara. It had been on Chaerin’s arms the entire time, but Dara hadn’t seemed to notice, or perhaps she didn’t care enough to notice.

Dara eyed the box, she didn’t seem interested in it. “What is it?”

“It’s…for you.” Said Chaerin with a shaky voice. She hoped Dara would like it. She had spent the entire day trying to get it.

Dara slowly unwrapped the present, discarding the wrapping paper to the side. She opened the box and her eyes widened in shock.

Inside the box was the most beautiful cake she had ever seen. It was shaped like Kiiroitori, with a smaller Rilakkuma leaning against it. It was truly a spectacular cake.

“It’s a cake. Shaped like a Kiiroitori...It’s you…I’m the Rilakkuma...see?” Chaerin said pleased with herself.

Dara smiled and her heart filled with warmness. It was a cute cake. The amount of detail was amazing. She then remembered she was still upset with Chaerin. She pretended not to care and put the cake on the coffee table in front of her.

“Thanks” she shrugged expressionless.

Chaerin’s heart sunk. She knew Dara had liked the cake, she saw it in her smile and her eyes, but the girl was so stubborn when upset. It was one of Dara’s best and worst qualities. She took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. She moved closer to Dara and put her hand over hers, but was immediately pushed away by Dara.

“Dara, I’m sorry. I truly am. How many times do I have to say it?” said Chaerin looking into Dara’s eyes.

“You don’t have to say anything Chaerin. The fact that you though a cake was more important than spending time with me says more than enough on your behalf.” Replied Dara, raising her voice. “The cake means nothing to me. I just wanted to spend today with you! There are more important things than gifts!”

“I said I was sorry!” yelled Chaerin, losing her patience. “I busted my all day trying to get that cake for you. I walked all over the city trying to find a bakery that would do it in such a short time. I even paid much more than I should’ve just so you could have this ing cake!”

“I don’t want you ing cake!” said Dara getting up from her seat. “Leave! Now!” she yelled and pointed towards the door.

Chaerin stood up from the sofa. “Fine!”

“And take you cake with you, I don’t want it!”

“I don’t want it. It’s your ing cake.” Said Chaerin as she headed towards the door. She took a couple of steps before turning around “You know, you’re quite the when you’re upset! Had I know this would happen I wouldn’t have bothered with your ing cake! Have a happy ing birthday Sandara! Have a happy ing birthday all alone in this ing room! You ungrateful !”

That was when Dara lost it. Her body filled with rage and in an act full of anger she picked up the cake from inside the box and slammed it into Chaerin’s face.

Happy with herself, Dara let the rest of the cake fall to the ground.

Chaerin just stood there, unable to move. She was in shock, she couldn’t believe what just happened. The cake was all over her hair and face, blinding her. It slowly slipped down to her neck and chest.

Dara just stood there, staring at Chaerin. She couldn’t believe what she had just done. She looked at the cake, then at Chaerin, the sight caused her to burst into laughter. She laughed loud and hard, she couldn’t breathe, tears rolled down her cheeks. Chaerin  just looked so funny, standing there covered in cake. She couldn’t help but laugh.

Chaerin looked at Dara and became angry from her laugher. She wiped cake away from her eyes. Meanwhile Dara couldn’t stop laughing. She clutched her stomach and sat down on the bed trying to stop herself from falling over and onto the floor.

“You think this is funny?” yelled Chaerin as she wiped more cake from her face.

Dara couldn’t even respond as she was now rolling at the foot of her bed, laughing at Chaerin.

Chaerin bent down to pick up what remained of the cake and threw the cake in Dara’s face. She stepped back and watched as Dara sat up on the bed. There was cake now covering the side of her head, all over her hair.

Dara screamed as she felt the soft cake and frosting stick to her hair and skin. She looked up at Chaerin, there was a grin on her face. 

“This..is war Chaerin” said Dara wiping the cake from her face and throwing it at Chaerin.

“You’re on!” said Chaerin and began to wipe her face, throwing the cake at Dara.

They were throwing cake at each other, wiping it from their face and picking whatever was leftover on the ground. Chaerin then decided to tackle Dara onto the ground, wiping cake all over her face and hair. After a few minutes of screaming and throwing cake at each other, Dara managed to push Chaerin off her, flipping her over and straddling her.

Now covered in cake and icing, Dara stared down at Chaerin, whose hair and face were covered with cake as well.

“I won” said Dara, amused by their recent childish behavior.

“You won?” said Chaerin raising an eyebrow.

“Yes” she said and firmly pinned Chaerin’s wrists above her head and stared straight into her eyes, their faces a short distance away from one another.

After a few moments Chaerin smiled and apologized for her words earlier “I’m sorry Darong…”

Dara didn’t say anything, she just looked down at Chaerin’s lips.

“Dara?” asked Chaerin as she noticed Dara leaning in closer.

“You have icing on your lip” whispered Dara as she closed her eyes and leaned in closer.

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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 2: So romantic story...
Chapter 2: i was freaking wet and ting from dis
Chapter 2: I simply adored the teasing part. YOU MAKE ME HAPPY
jssc_YG #4
Chapter 2: that was effing hot~! u got some great skill lol
Dara sure got a great bday :P
Chapter 2: I ____ing like this. Pls continue writing this stuff! :):)
Chapter 2: hahaha This update was so fun and hot... and y, haha I liked your . Please, keep writing more chaera ^_^
2addicted2ne1 #7
Chapter 2: This is so hot n y! Love it. Please write more Chaera, ok?
Haha the end gave me chills hahah. Hope you update XD
Chapter 1: hahahaha funny xD Keep updating this :P
jssc_YG #10
I love to see them having a cake-fight for real lol xD happy to see these new bday fics for our favourite couple~!