Chapter 3

Cupid On A Mission


[Myung-hee's P.O.V.]
     Last night I had no where to sleep so I found a nice tall tree in the park to climb up on to sleep. In the morning, I came down from the tree and used my special phone. No one was in the park at the time so I pressed a button on my phone and it immediately switched the clothes I was in to a cute school girl outfit.
     Today I am going to Seoul High and finding that Baekhyun guy to finish this mission once and for all so I can promote to Official Cupid. Before I left I checked my watch and it said "Days Remaining: 29"
     "Aish!" I said out loud, "I'm running out of time!"  
     I took out my phone and press the "People Finder" button and then typed in Baekhyun's name. 
     "Wow! My phone is so cool!" I exclaimed ask waited for it to load.
     In a couple of seconds, a map popped up and there were two blinking dots on it. One of them was Baekhyun and the other was me. It turns out his school wasn't so far away. I began to walk in the direction of Seoul High.
     *About 10 minutes later*
     "Whew, I'm finally here," I said to myself. At that moment my phone rang and I picked it up. It was the headmaster Cupid.
     "Yeboseyo," I said.
     "Hello Myung-hee. How are you?" he asked.
     "I'm doing fine. I just arrived at Seoul High."
     "Good! I called to tell you to go straight to the main office of the school and pick up your schedule. Don't worry about anything because I already enrolled you into the school."
     "Okay! Got it!"
     "Bye for now! And don't forget you need to find Baekhyun by the end of the day and tell him that your his Cupid and that you will be helping him find love again or else you might be stuck sleeping in a tree again."
     "Wait, WHAT?!?"
     *beep from phone hanging up*
     "Hello?!?! Hello?!?!" 
     'He hanged up on me,' I thought to myself, 'Oh well. I guess it's time to enter the school now cause it looks like it's starting soon. But I wonder, how did the headmaster Cupid know I was sleeping in a tree last night?'
     I entered the school. It was so BIG! I began to walk in the direction of the main office. When I entered, a nice-looking lady sitting in the front desk asked me what I needed.
     "My name is Myung-hee. I'm a new transfer student and I was wondering if I could pick up my schedule," I said.
     "Of course! I'm Ms. Li! You're Myung-hee right?" she said as she pulled out a folder from her desk and handed me my schedule which was inside of it.
     "Thank you!" 
     "Your welcome! Enjoy your first day, okay?"
     "I will!"
     I left for my first class of the day. While i was walking down the hall looking like a lost puppy, I got pushed by this crazy group of screaming girls into something tall and hard. It turns out that something was a someone. I looked up and saw none other than Baekhyun himself and some other guys who were probably his friends.
     "Mianhe," I apologized right away.
     He scoffed at me and bumped into my shoulders as he walked away with his friends and their crazy fan girls followed in pursuit while throwing me deadly glares.
     'So rude,' I thought, 'Well at least I know where he is. Now I just have to find a way to talk to him.'
     *Ring Ding Dong* the school bells rang.
     "Aish! What do I do? I'm late for class and on the first day too." I said to myself.
[Baekhyun's P.O.V.]
     'Why is life always so hard on me? I don't even see a point in life anymore since Hwayoung left me for some stupid guy,' I thought as I changed into my school uniform. 
     Once I was dressed, I headed towards the kitchen to quickly grab something to eat before I go to school. My morning was just like every other morning. I would leave my house that I live alone in, since my parents have both passed away, and hop on a bus which will take me to school. At school, I will meet up with my friends. Then, we would make our entrance and the thousands of fan girls we have would scream and faint at the sight of us, Exo-K, the name my friends and I came up with for our group.
     However, today while walking down the hallway, some fan girl, I believe, bumped into me. I think she did it on purpose to get my attention. No way would I fall for her. First, because I swore never to fall in love again. Second, because she wasn't even pretty. She loed too nerdy in my opinion.
     She immediately said sorry, but I just scoffed at her and walked away, making sure to bump into her too.
     "Hyung, who was that?" Sehun, one of my friends, asked me.
     "I don't know and I really don't care," I replied.
     "I think she's new. I've never seen her before," D.O., my other friend said.
     "Yeah," Suho, Kai, and Chanyeol, the rest of my friends, agreed in unison.
     "Whatever. I'm going to my first period class. See you guys later," I said as I began walking away.
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Chapter 5: Ah!!! I really wondering wat happen next!!!
Please update soon... Jebal~>~<~
Chapter 5: The love formula is so cute ESP the last one HAHA
Chapter 4: I wonder if he'll believe her XD.
annyeong~! please update soon~ the story is really intresting! ^-^