Chapter 8

Love Like This

Her POV:

Looking at the screen in front of her, she sighed, “He’s off to Japan already. He really is busy. And exam is so near. I hope he’d managed to study in between his busy schedule.’

Taking her laptop from her lap and put it on top of her pillow, she lay down on her bed with her back facing the ceiling. Hye Sung clicked on another tab on her browser and entered the URL of DSP site and get into SS501 page. She wanted to leave the message that she always does when suddenly she saw a message on the board written for HSLY. Her nickname!

“HSLY, I know who you are…kekekeke…long time no see. See you soon. For your exam, fighting! Don’t leave coded message anymore. Baby gets all tensed when you do,” she read the message out loud. Her eyes bulged out! Who could have left this message for her in the SS501 message board? Even knew that she always left message here? And also that she’ll be having her exam soon?

She searched for the person’s name that left the message for her. It just stated there ‘loveletter’. ‘What does that mean? Who is this person?’ she asked herself. She re-reads the message. ‘Baby? Baby who? Long time no see? I know this person? Who? Think, think Hye Sung…’ she wondered.

She debated to herself whether she should write her normal message or not since this person had asked her not to put message in code form anymore. So for the first time, she writes her normal message in the normal form, ‘SS501, 143 (I Love You). Fighting! GN (Good Night)!’. However, she felt that the person that messaged her would be laughing at her for following his/her request, so she wrote down another message, ‘loveletter, :P. WRU?’

Closing her laptop, she turned around and faced the ceiling. Wondering who could’ve known who she was and will be seeing her soon? She searched around for her journal to write down the event when she remembered that the journal was no longer with her. Sighing, she sat up on her bed. That was when she started to see the whole picture. The person that knew her from her nickname must be the person that has her journal and the person must also went to Kyonggi since that person knew about the upcoming exam, and knowing about the messages she left everyday would only mean, “SS501 member?” she exclaimed!

“Wait, there are three members of the SS501 that went to Kyonggi. Park Jung Min, Kim Hyung Joon and Kim…Hyun…Joong…and the message says that baby gets tensed up…in SS501, the only baby is Kim Hyung Joon. So he can’t be the one that sent this message. Only two are left…and those two were there when I left the classroom the day I lost my journal. Which one knows who I am? Who cares which one! Who ever have it must’ve told the other members about that journal! Arrgghhh…and my picture and name are there! Kim Hyun Joong must really know who I am now!! He must think I’m crazy and plus, now he knows that I still like him!” she frantically blurted out everything she thought out loud, finally came to the conclusion of who might be the mysterious ‘loveletter’.

Taking her pillow, she covered her face and screamed as loud as she can. Panting for air awhile later, she slump her body back to the mattress. In her head, she kept cursing herself for being so careless and looking at her clock by the side table, she took her phone and dialed for her best friend and cousin. They are going to have a teleconference about this.

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hwaiting ~
Chapter 32: Love the story!
Great story, loved it <3
MinYoonAh #4
I loved this fic ! ;A; amazing ! Unnie, thank you for writing this !!
commented after reading the whole story....nice...cried when I remembered KHJ leader...esp during that concert.keke...
nice fic ^^
yumyumyumyum #7
this is one of my fav ss501 fanfics ever!! >.<
haha... just done reading it... nice one mecheko^^ are you actually from Quainte? haha.. I saw this there too~~
minjoon #9
i love this story!! hehe it's so cute the ending. <33