Chapter 6

Love Like This

Her POV:

Hye Sung walked faster towards her previous classroom, eyeing every corner and path, retracing back her route from the first class to the second. She just realized her journal was missing when she wanted to paste a heart and music note sticker in them during the second class. Realizing it was missing she looked everywhere around her seat but it was not to be found. That was when she remembered that she probably left it at the first class but by then the class has started and not wanting to miss the class, she waited for the class to end before dashing out to find it.

Reaching the class, Hye Sung quickly climbed the stairs to the seat she sat before but she still couldn’t find her journal anywhere at sight. She went back to the front door to look at the classroom’s timetable, to check whether the class are occupied after her class had finished but the there wasn’t supposed to have any other class in that classroom for another hour. Frantically, she walked about the classroom again; ducking under seats around a 4 seat radius from her seat but there was no sign of her journal. Sitting back at her previous seat, she tried to recalled back her memories of that morning.

I remember writing in the journal before class start about how I hope he would be attending class today because I miss not seeing him for a few weeks. Then class starts, so I closed the journal and put it underneath the textbook. That was when I heard a faint snoring sound behind me. I turned around and, hehehe…he was there. Behind my seat, sleeping. His sleeping expression is just so cute,' she smiled at that thought.

Continuing the event inside her head, ‘Then the class ended. I looked back again and he was still sleeping. I remembered thinking that he must’ve been real tired to sleep through the whole class. I just sat there looking at him for god knows how long when I heard someone asking about Kim Hyun Joong’s seat that made me turned around. His team member, Park Jung Min was asking another student that was just about to leave class regarding Kim Hyun Joong’s seat. I just looked at Park Jung Min. I can’t believe my luck to be able to see the other SS501 member. Then he probably saw him behind me, Park Jung Min walked towards my seat. I was so anxious; I quickly grabbed my books and bag to exit the class. I don’t want to be around when Park Jung Min wakes up Kim Hyun Joong. Park Jung Min was really cute up close and he even smiled at me when we walked pass each other. And then I went straight to the second class. Emm…if I left it here, it should still be on top of the desk. Where could it be?’ she contemplated with herself of the morning events.

Then she stood straight up. ‘The boys didn’t picked it up, would they?’ she asked herself. ‘Should I ask him later about it? But there is no more class after this. The only time that I would probably get to see him is during the final exams. That is in one and a half week more!

They won’t open it up and read, right? Oh my god, I put everything about them and especially him in there! It would look like a stalker’s diary, a sick fan. What should I do? What should I do?’ Hye Sung argued with herself, scratching her head, looking frantic.

After a while, she managed to calm herself. ‘If he asked, I would just deny it. That’s right…deny it!’ she finally concluded, feeling a bit relieved.

Looking at her watch, she walked out of the classroom to go meet up with her best friend for lunch at a mall near by her university. She will asked for her best friend’s opinion on this. Though she have decided to ignore and deny her property if she was asked later, deep down she was feeling pretty noxious of the whole image of Kim Hyun Joong finding out about her liking him from her own journal, her pure feelings and thought of him.

“What would he think of me now?” she asked herself subconsciously.

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hwaiting ~
Chapter 32: Love the story!
Great story, loved it <3
MinYoonAh #4
I loved this fic ! ;A; amazing ! Unnie, thank you for writing this !!
commented after reading the whole story....nice...cried when I remembered KHJ leader...esp during that concert.keke...
nice fic ^^
yumyumyumyum #7
this is one of my fav ss501 fanfics ever!! >.<
haha... just done reading it... nice one mecheko^^ are you actually from Quainte? haha.. I saw this there too~~
minjoon #9
i love this story!! hehe it's so cute the ending. <33