Chapter 15

I Don't Need A Man


We laid there, side by side, hands in hands until it slowly became brighter outside. We hadn’t even had a blink of sleep last night. My body felt so weak and my head felt so heavy. But I need to go to school.

“Keun Oppa…, you need to get ready for work,” I said with croaked voice.

“I’ll just stay home today, I’ll call my secretary,” Dong Won Oppa answered with low voice.

“Jakeun Oppa, don’t you have shoots?” I asked Joong Ki Oppa.

“I’ll cancel them later, I’m not going anywhere,” he also answered in low voice.

“Then I’ll have to get ready for school,” I tried to get up but then the world spinning like I was on a merry-go-round. I fall back before I could heave myself up. I groaned as my head touched the pillow again.

“What’s wrong? You’re sick?” Joong Ki Oppa asked. He rolled over and felt my forehead with his palm, which he pulled back the next second. “You’re burning hot! It must be because of you were in the rain yesterday.”

“I’m okay,” I mumbled.

“I’m calling Dr. Yoon,” Dong Won Oppa said.

I just sighed as he took his phone and walked outside the room, leaving me with Joong Ki Oppa. “Oppa…, Jakeun Oppa…,” I called out and he squeezed my hand. “Will it heal?” I felt another tear on the corner of my eyes.

“What is?” he asked softly.

“My heart?”

“It will… of course it will. Time will heal you heart, even if it doesn’t we will. Me, Hyung and Il Woo will heal your heart,” he said softly and then he kissed my forehead.

Il Woo Oppa suddenly breached through the door and went straight to the bed. “What’s wrong? Keun Oppa said you’re sick.” He hurriedly felt my temperature and went to check my pulse.

“I’m okay, Oppa… I just feel weak, it’s okay,” I told him.

“You have high fever! This is not okay. Stop saying you’re okay!” he exclaimed.

“Il Woo-ya…,” Joong Ki Oppa said with a calm voice.

“What is it, Hyung?” Il Woo Oppa raised his eyes to meet Joong Ki Oppa’s.

“Tell that friend of yours to be careful. If I see the first sight of him, I’m going to kill him.”

Il Woo Oppa looked alarmed. He straightened his back.

“Oppa! Stop saying that… ”I tried to shook Joong Ki Oppa, but my hand were too weak, I ended up just clung on his shirt sleeve.

“He… Did he…,” Il Woo Oppa looked at me.

“No… he didn’t do anything,” I shook my head. But he stood up then dashed out the door.

“I hate you, Jakeun Oppa…,” I hit his arm weakly.

“You can hate me as much as you want if it makes you feel better,” He pulled up the bed cover and covered my body. “I’ll go make some porridge for you.” And then he left, leaving me alone in Dong Won Oppa’s big room.

I hope nothing will happen to Soo Hyun Oppa when he met Il Woo Oppa.

I closed my eyes for a second.

When I opened my eyes Dr. Yoon was sitting on the bed side, putting back all his medical stuff back to his back. He caught my eyes and smiled. “Take a good rest, Hyo Na-ya….”

I smiled back. He put one hand on my head before he stood up and left, Keun Oppa went to send him back, leaving me alone again. I was starting to doze off again when I heard a ringtone on the small table near the bed. Keun Oppa must have left it there after he called Dr. Yoon.

I took the phone and saw the caller ID. It took me a hesitant moment before I took the call.

“Dong Won-ah…. Why didn’t you come to the office? I tried calling you but your secretary said you cancelled all your plans. Mr. Yoon called me about the contract that we agreed on and…,” he kept talking without even make sure it was Keun Oppa or not that answered him.

“Appa….,” I finally cut him.

“…,” he went quite for a second. “… is it Hyo Na? Why are you holding your brother’s phone? Where is Dong Won?”

“Oppa is sending Dr. Yoon home,” I answered weakly.

“Dr. Yoon? Kye Sang-ie? Why Kye Sang came? What’s wrong with your voice?” Oh, he noticed. I couldn’t help a smile.

Dr. Yoo Kye Sang was my father’s best friend. They knew each other for half of their lives, which was quite long. He treated all of us like his own kids. Dr. Yoon was one of the reasons Il Woo Oppa wanted to be a doctor.

“I have a light fever, Keun Oppa just make it big. I’m okay,” I told him.

“He is just taking a good care of you. Have you eaten your breakfast?” His voice turned shooting.

“Jakeun Oppa is making me some porridge. How about Appa? Have you had yours?” I asked back, knowing that the answer would be a no.

“I have no time for breakfast, sweetheart,” he said again. He called me sweetheart. I suddenly miss him so much.

“Why are you not taking care of yourself? You should at least take a good care of yourself when you are away from us. What would we do if you suddenly fall sick?” I really didn’t know what happened to me. Was it because I have this hole in my heart, and my brothers are just not enough to cover it up. “I miss you…, when are you coming back home?”

He went silent. “I miss you too. But I have so many things to take care of. I can’t just leave them. I’m sorry.”

“Hmm,” I answered. “But I really want to be next to you.”

Was it the pain of my first love? Was it the love for my father? Was it my care for my brothers? Maybe all the three. I didn’t know. I just know, this might be a chance to heal everything.

“Appa… can you grand me a wish?”

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Hello, I just want to tell you guys I might start editing this story, to fix it, I mean the grammar and everything is so messy. I'll try to make it better.


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Chapter 31: I like this story
author Thanks for beautiful fanfiction
vicqian #2
Chapter 31: Wahhhh, this is great fic. I just found this 2 days ago and already finish read this now :) I love to see that there is brothers who love their sister that much and bestfriend too. What a lucky girl Hyo Na :) Great job :)
Chapter 31: happy ever after aww so drama ;) i hope you keep up the great work on Woobin nim's story!(or Joongki actually kekeke) i enjoyed this fan fiction :)
Chapter 31: Was hoping that there's gonna be a chapter about how Soohyun reasoned it up with the men. Oh well...

And did he really sacrifice his ribs for Hyona or was it just figuratively speaking? Either way, wow!!
miezah_ija #5
Chapter 31: Yeah happy ending!! I really love this story so much. :)
athena1496 #6
Chapter 31: Awwww.... Its finished ㅠㅜ i agree that HyoNa and SooHyun shouldnt have anymore heartaches but i love this fic so much, i wish it just kept going...
Everything is really set just right.. Very happy ending^^ Dad doing what he loves, HyoJoo happy with DongWon, JoongKi oppa doing what he loves, IlWoo finally went down on his knee for GeunYoung, SooJoo's cheerfulness melted the ice-prince, and mostly HyoNa with SooHyun after everything -theyre love stronger than ever.
I really liked, no loved, this fic~ Youre an amazing writer and I'm enjoying your other ongoing fics. I also look forward to the fics that come out~ >∇<
Chapter 30: Wonder what's gonna happen to Soohyun. Will the real brothers and 'fake' brothers (including the father) hurt him or something? Hehe,, But maybe Hyojoo will prevent them
athena1496 #8
Chapter 30: Awwww... So Hyo Na is finally standing up for her love♥ I hope everything goes out well!! and that theres a small fight between Joongki and SooHyun lol
Chapter 30: yeey chapter 30 updated! *dancing*
i am so curious of what Joongki oppa will do to Soohyun oppa.. are they going to fight or something kkkk eonni jjang!