I think I may have neen kidnapped

sign language 101

Melody's POV


I woke up. Eyes blinking, adjusting them-selves to the light.

What time is it? I looked around and gagged as I felt nausea swept over me. Beside the bed I laid on was a pale that I through up in. The ground was white and shiny. So shiny that I could easily see the reflection of the lights above me. This was not my bedroom. I may have not been there long but as far as I remember my bedroom  has hardwood flooring like every other room in the old traditional Korean house. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked around. There was a white curtain around me. Where the hell am I? My breathing hitched up as I was scared remembering what happened earlier today.

If it was still today. How long was I out? Did they do anything to me?

I looked around and felt my self for any injuries.... none. I looked to my arm then. An IV was linked to my arm. My hands trembled as I pulled out the needle stuck in my arm. Did they drug me? What did they do to me while I was asleep?

I tried to lift my body. I had a weird taste in my mouth. I gagged again as I got up and puked into the pale again. Am I going to die?


No ones POV

Sehun sat in the hospital beside the blonde girls bed. He had carried her unconscious body to the hospital after the men ran away. He couldn't just leave the girl alone. She was laying in the cold damp alley. Sehun although terrified found her beautiful and innocent. Like a doll. He was quick to check her vital signs and to check any damage to her body.

Now he was sitting there anticipating to know that she would be alright. He sat there acting as her guardian. Being the girl had no I'd or any way of identifying her. Time ticked. 1 hour, 2 hours.

The doctors had explained that the men had most likely used ether. A cheap substance that can be bought at gas stations and such under the name "starter fluid" Although it had been apparently used as anesthetics in the past. The drug was still dangerous due to side effects that some people got and worse, death.

Sehun pinched his arm as to not fall asleep.

His head turned to the curtain as he heard gagging noises. Which had to come from the girl. He quickly got to his feet to run and tell the doctor.

When sehun and the doctor which was accompanied by a few nurses got back they opened the curtain to see her crying on the ground.

The girl sent terrified looks at sehun moving his way to the doctor and the nurses. Sehun pitied her. She must have woken up confused and scared. She started calming down more though when she noticed the hospital attire.

Melody was indeed terrified. For all she knew she was hundreds of miles from home. She was almost to glad when she saw the doctors and nurses.

"It's okay you are in good hands this young man brought you here" the doctors gave melody a friendly smile while motioning his hand toward sehun who blushed. Melody was more than confused. They were speaking Korean and Melody didn't know Korean. She gulped not knowing what to do. She hoped that the doctor had known sign language. She motion her hands.

'I am deaf'

Sehun watched her hands as they moved.

*what is she doing?* He thought looking toward the doctor who was telling the nurse to a grab pencil and paper. The nurse nodded pulling some out of the drawers beside the bed. a This caused Sehun to look back at the girl who just sat there looking worried. He wondered why she didn't answer the doctor.

'She has to be Korean' He thought as he studied her face.

Melody felt the hot stare on her from the boy that the man pointed to. Reasons why she did not know. She glanced at him. He was tall, well at least taller than she was. He had good looks to. A little emotionless, but she could tell that he was popular. She felt inferior and glanced away.

When she looked back at the doctor he already had pen and paper in hand. He wrote something down and handed it to her. She gave the paper a puzzled look and took the pen.

*I am deaf and I don't understand Korean but I can read lips when people speak English* she wrote in English and handed it back to the doctor who nodded. Melody was happy he understood, But could he speak it? She gave a small smile. The smile sent a small bubbly feeling in Sehun, he found it so cute, the was her heart shape lips slightly curled up on her egg shaped face. Sehun gulped trying to shoo away the thought of thinking the stranger was cute.

" What is your name" The doctor then spoke up. Sehun now got it. She didn't speak Korean. It made him sad that he wouldn't be able to talk to her.

Melody then took the paper back and wrote on it again, which again made Sehun confused.

"Jang Melody, are you Korean-American?" The doctor asked making sure that all the info he received was correct.

*so that is her name* Sehun smiled inside the name if he remembered the name had to do with music. The girls face, figure, name. She must be popular he thought. No chance to speak to her then. Sehun quietly sighed in disappointment.

Sehun at first thought that melody was mute. She obviously cute hear but couldn't speak. To think that the beauty couldn't speak.

But he didn't know there was more.

As the doctor continued asking questions that led to contacting her parents which led to her mother and father panting in front of the bed and thanking Sehun.

Everything makes sense.

The mother moved her hands. Melody answered with moving her hands to. It was something Sehun rarely saw. Sign language.

The mom turned to Sehun.

" She says thank you"

Melody was deaf.

----- sehun you dense man!

and guess what he will continue to be dense :P bring on the misunderstandings that come from many different types of communication! sorry about yet another bad chapter!


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Chapter 2: This story is really great! Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: lol, sehun! Be a guud man!
Seoul-Less #3
Chapter 2: I am really liking this fic....hopefully you update this soon...?
SakuraLove #4
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! he's an idiot... but sooo cute!!! Can't wait for the next update :) - SakuraLove :3
SakuraLove #5
Chapter 1: Aww so cute! I can't wait for the next update! - SakuraLove :3