
sign language 101

Melody went threw the metal detectors after he mom told he to take of her shoes, watch, cell phone, jewelry and everything else with metal before stepping through the metal archway. A woman started patting her down. Melody looked back giving her mother a worried look.

She hadn't been in an airport and she didn't know what to expect. Everything was so busy and overwhelming to her. The people hurrying. Sometimes alone, sometimes with a huge amount of luggage, or instruments and even pets. There were people alone, with their coworker, spouse, lover and or even children.

All these things, were so busy. Yet so quiet to Melody.

Her mother motioned her had in quick fluid movements.

*let them do their job. Don't worry*

Melody was deaf.

Ironic isn't it. having the name melody. A component of music.

Something that Melody had not had the luxury to hear.

the next hours to come were full of her and her parents running and walking from terminals to terminals, and the boring and anxious flight to Korea.

Melody's POV

The whole trip scared me. The take off. The turbulence. The many people bumping in to me.

But the flight will probably not be as bad as what to come.


At home i could understand. I could at least communicate!

It kept me sane for the past 16 years of my life.

But now what the only way to communicate to people is by a translator?

A translator that is almost as bad as using Google translate.

It may have got me through applied Spanish ( the most pointless subject for me)

But it doesn't get me through actually living in Korea and school.

I heard the schools hard. competitive.

All I know is I'm in .

My family was riding in a taxi. I was tired jet-lagged and drowsy.

I looked up at the sky. No stars. Tall buildings, a city that never sleeps.

Just like new York. Kind of like home.

Different language.

My eyes went heavy as i slowly leaned my head on the window, put my scarf up to cover half of my face and drifted away to dream land.

No ones POV

*ring* *ring*

Sehun eyes shot open inwardly from the rays of light hitting his eyes and the thought of the boring day to come ahead.

" What the hell man" He shot a dirty look to his brother chanyeol. In which he earned a knock in the head from the smiling happy virus.

"YA! it's hyung to you!" Chanyeol smirked.

"hyung, why are you up early? it'th theven o'clock for godth thake!"

"What do you think?" chanyeol's smile got bigger. almost creepy


"I'm grabbing myself some bacon" My gay brother. he isn't grabbing bacon, he GRABBING baekhyun, his boyfriend.

"If you thmiled like thith in front of him, he'd think you were a pedo"

Sehun rolled myself and got off of his bed. He walked to his calendar to check off another stupid day.

January 20

Still winter break.

Senior year to started in almost 2 months. Sehun sighed and continued with his daily routine.

Take a hour jog in the morning

come back and eat breakfast


hate his life.

"sehun-ah can you go to the store I need milk" Sehun's mom asked from the kitchen.

"yeth umma" he yelled. She passed him money as Sehun left the door.

The corner store was 3 blocks away.

It was easy to get there since his house was half was up a giant hill. It was coming back up.


After 17 years of his life he was used to his walk up the steep slant, he took this way to school. It wasn't the safest route due to the many bars, gangs, thieves and drug dealers in the area. But it was the closest.

"ahh-" Sehun heard a muffled odd pitched scream close by. He slowly walked toward where the sound was made moments ago the sound clearly came from a girl.

He turned to an alley way to see a bunch of men carrying and covering a girls mouth she seemed to loose conscience ness.

Sehun was quick to reach his phone. With the click of three number he dialed 911.

"Ecuth me" sehun called to the men.

they all turned their attention to sehun and started laughing. The lisp to easy to catch.

"let her go! I called 911" Sehun put up his phone.

"you did what?" The of the rugged men took a step towards him while cracking his numbers.

"hello? offither there are men trying to kidnap a girl, The addreth is XXXXX" Sehun looked up to see no one there. except for the girl lying down on the cold damp ground.


sorry about the terrible first chapter.... i'm always terrible at opening stories ><




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Chapter 2: This story is really great! Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: lol, sehun! Be a guud man!
Seoul-Less #3
Chapter 2: I am really liking this fic....hopefully you update this soon...?
SakuraLove #4
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! he's an idiot... but sooo cute!!! Can't wait for the next update :) - SakuraLove :3
SakuraLove #5
Chapter 1: Aww so cute! I can't wait for the next update! - SakuraLove :3