
I Have Two Soul?!


As you were walking towards your class, you met eyes with the two girls that be the publicity attention last time. Both were sending you a death glare but you acted as if they didn't exist.
"That were the two girls last time, right?" Daeryong asked for assure and you pursed your lips as you raised your brows up. "Whoah, look at that glare. Even lions couldn't give that kind of glare" you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at what he said.
But they thought that you were laughing at them.
You entered your class and the first thing you saw was Soryong waving at you . Smiled, you replied his wave and took your seat.
After a few minutes, an announcement was made and it says all students must go to the hall. "What circumstance do you think?" you raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" he sighed, "For all the students to go to the hall, you stupid"
You took a deep breath and lifted your shoulders up as the answer. Just then, someone patted your shoulder. You looked up, "Let's go" Soryong smiled at you. You nodded and headed to the hall together with him.
As you were walking towards the hall, two pairs of eyes were watching you with fire of anger on each eyes. "Yah, this time, I know how to get her" Minhee said as she gritted her teeth.
Hyejin looked at her and shifted back to you.
In the hall, the teachers arranged the students according to their class. In your class' line, Soryong was at your back.
The whatever-event in the hall started with a teacher gave a short speech. Most of the student didn't pay much attention.
And you? You were busy in your own world as you were talking with Daeryong.
Then, you heard a yawn escaped from someone and when you turned around, Soryong was rubbing eyes. You faced forward, "Maybe he's tired from the soccer game" his twin made a conclusion and you shrugged.
Just then, you felt a burden on your right shoulder. "What--" his sentence was cut off when you turned and your eyes widened at the sight of Soryong's head leaned on your shoulder.
"Yah!" you whispered at him but he didn't budged. "Yah, I'm so tired" he mumbled. At that time, you were already in panic mode, afraid the teachers would see you two in that position.
The two girls saw how were you and Soryong's position. They pursed their lips in anger.
"Yah!!" Daeryong shouted, trying to wake his twin up. But he forget that nobody could hear him but you. "Soryong ah" you patted his head but he was still not moving. You made a face of annoyance.
Then, a smirk  formed on your face, *So you don't want to get up huh?* Daeryong went puzzled, "What are you--" again, his words were cut off with your unexpected action. You turned your body around, made he lost balance since his balance was depend on you.
And a thud is heard as you tried to restrain yourself from laughing out loud by biting your lower lips. Meanwhile, your other soul, a.k.a Daeryong was laughing like crazy. "Yah, I never know you would react that way" and he continued laughing.
He threw his bag at the corner of the room before he slumped his body on the bed. Sighed, he turned around and face a photo frame.
A photo frame of him and his twin, smiling in the picture. "Yah hyung, your girlfriend is really one of a kind girl. She's different. And sometimes, she's weird" he chuckled.
"Did you know what is her hobby other than running?" he glanced at the photo and continued, "Sleep in the class" and he laughed as the flashback hit him.
Where he threw a crumpled paper on your head, trying to wake you up during the examination session. Then, the moment when he felt amazed seeing you were running as you're an athlete.
Then, it clicked him, "Why am I keep thinking about Yoonjae?" he shook his head to get rid of you in his mind.
*What is this feelings? Am I.. by any chance.. like Yoonjae? But no way I would betray my own twin. I mean, yea he's coma right now and his girlfriend needs someone to protect her... That's it! I'm just someone who take care of his girlfriend in my twin's position. Not someone who take over the position. No*
But then, a smile formed as his mind replayed on what happened in the hall.
One thing that he didn't know is that, even his twin was coma, but his soul is always with you. Even, his twin is actually not your boyfriend, but that what was in his mind; Yoonjae is Daeryong's girlfriend.
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IH2S?! Guys, sadly, this story will be slow since both author and coauthor are busy :( we're so sorry >< please keep on supporting us ;D


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Chapter 32: Hahahaha xD Don't tell me why but I re read this story all over again cause.... JUST BECAUSE!! Hahahaha xD I miss this story ㅠㅠ Hope you have a good day author-nim!! Hope your life have been great!!! Hahahah xD Bet youre gonna get shock to see a new story comment xD but anywayssss xP Hope you have a good life so far!!!!
naznew #2
Chapter 32: Its okay author-nim..take your time..
Chapter 32: It's okay author-nim^^ take as much time as you want. As long as you finish this story, I would wait and love it to the max xP
Author-nim jjang!!!!! *thumbs up!*
C3cilia #4
Chapter 31: I love their moments together they are so cute together!!!>~<
Chapter 31: Gosh!! This chapter is so sweet and fluffy!!! Finally a Yoonjae and Daeryong moment!!! Kyyyaa!! Sho cute!! But it's weird though... hahahahahah xD They became lovers because Daerying ask her to say to Soryong that she is his girlfriend but in the end they love each other like a real couple ::>_<:: they are so cute together! Thanks for the update^^ and can't wait for the next one^^ How I wish Daeryong can go back to his body!!! *prays very hard*
Chapter 31: Awwwwww~~~~ this chap is like freaking sweet!!!! Oh my gosh! The sugar of the sweetnest in this chap hahahahahahha
I really love this man!! More Daeryong and Yoonjae! Woohoo~~~
I wonder who she was feeling touching her?
What if it was Soryong, who had followed her to the hospital?! Oh man! He's gonna feel so sad looking at her. But wells, they are 'together'. Right? Daeryong and Yoonjae likes each other, don't they?! Oh my gosh! I can't! My feels for this couple in this story!

Hehehe sorry for all the !!!!!! ~^O^~
kwistal12 #7
Chapter 30: I was freaking out when I saw you updated. Likeee OHMYYYGAWDD. THANK YOU!! Made my day.
xNarya #8
Chapter 30: This is so cute but sad at the end, why Daeryong can't be alive TT___TT !
But then, I won't be able to choose between the two of them. THANK YOU FOR UPDATING ~
Chapter 30: I feel sad for Daeryong.... ㅠㅠ He kept saying to himself that he is helpless or hopeless... just because you are not there physically, you can still not make her lonely right Daeryong... ㅠㅠ You talk, joke and play with her mentally... so it's okay.... when you get your body back, you can happily play side by side with Yoonjae^^
Chapter 30: 힝~ Daeryong-ah~~~~~ Wish she had just listen to his voice and be calmed downㅠㅠ But she is scared.... can't do anything 'bout it