The Game

I Have Two Soul?!


A week passed and today is the day of the soccer competition. For the audience, or the girls I may add, they arranged according to each classes.
"Too bad you're a girl" he said in despair. You provoked him by laughing at him, "Too bad you're not here as yourself" He scoffed at you, "Blah blah blah, whatever. Like I care" your eyes widened.
"But the way you say, I think you’re really care" you smirked when he cried. Well, he's busy having his mental breakdown.
As the game start, you kept cheering for Soryong and at the same time, for your class too since your class was in the first game. Daeryong also busy cheering with you.
As you were busy cheering for them, a few pairs of eyes were fixed on you. "Oh my.. She's so.. " the girl lost of words and ended it with a loud groan.
"I don't know what Soryong sees in her" she cringed. "Yah, I know how to give her a lesson" the other one said with a smirk. Hyejin looked at Minhee, clueless.
The first game ended and your class won. You celebrated with your other classmates. The players came towards where your class placed. Then Soryong approached you with sweat all over his face and body.
"Yah! Give him a towel" Daeryong instructed and you just obeyed him. You passed him a towel for him to wipe his sweat. "Thank you" he smiled. You replied his smile, "Aww, not a big deal" the soul cooed.
Then, you handed him a mineral water, "Here" he took it and straight away drank it to relieve his dry throat. He settled down next to you and have a little conversation, along with the interfere of Daeryong even his twin couldn't hear him.
Back to the two girls who deadly jealous with your closeness with Soryong. A die-hard fan, perhaps. "Yah, when will you give her this note?" Minhee asked, can't wait anymore. Hyejin pursed her lips as she was thinking of their plan.
"After the second game" she smirked. "But, what if their class proceed to the final?" Hyejin asked. She shrugged, "Well, we have no choice other than just keep waiting for her" she just nodded and continued to observe you.
Then, the second game started. Soryong did some stretching before he walked into the field with the rest players. "Soryong, make our class champion!" you raised your fists.
He smiled as he nodded and proceeded to the field. "Ahh, I'm so nervous" the soul acted like he's gonna play. You raised your eyebrow, " Pfft, why are you nervous?" you shook your head as you chuckled.
"Well, I can feel the nervousness of my twin" you scoffed, "Oh really? Did I ever asked about it?" you smirked, ready to start the war. "What the.. Yes, you were. You asked why am I nervous" he fought back.
But before you could counter attack him, a sound of whistle hit your ear drum, indicating the game is already start.
You were immersed with the game and kept cheering for them.
Tired of cheering, you took your seat and drank some water. You took a deep breath and continued drinking. After you put away your bottle, a random girl passed you a small folded paper.
You looked at her, puzzled. "What is that?" Daeryong asked, as clueless as you. As if the girl could read your mind, she said, "Well, someone asked me to pass this to you" she shrugged.
You blinked a few times at the small paper in her hand before you took it. You observed the paper before you unfolded it. As your fingers were about to unfold it, Daeryong interrupted, "Nooo!!" you paused.
"Yah, what do you want?" you asked lazily and he continued, "What if.." he stopped. You narrowed your eyes, "What?" you pursed your lips, irritated with him.
"What if it's a bomb?!" he sounded panic. Your eyes widened, couldn't believe what you just heard from him, the so called Almighty Daeryong. Then, you burst out laughing.
"Oh my God, how can a piece of paper be a bomb?" you continued laughing, but this time, he joined you as well. You shook your head as you unfold the paper. "BOOM!" he made a sound effect and both you and him giggled.
As you were reading the content, Daeryong spoke, "Err, why did my twin want to meet you at the back of the school's building?" you blinked your eyes, "How would I know?" your sight then shifted to Soryong who was in his soccer world.
It written, 'Meet me at the back of school's building after I'm done with my game -Soryong'.
At the back of the school's building, the two girls already wait for you to appear. They smirked, "Let's play this game"
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IH2S?! Guys, sadly, this story will be slow since both author and coauthor are busy :( we're so sorry >< please keep on supporting us ;D


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Chapter 32: Hahahaha xD Don't tell me why but I re read this story all over again cause.... JUST BECAUSE!! Hahahaha xD I miss this story ㅠㅠ Hope you have a good day author-nim!! Hope your life have been great!!! Hahahah xD Bet youre gonna get shock to see a new story comment xD but anywayssss xP Hope you have a good life so far!!!!
naznew #2
Chapter 32: Its okay author-nim..take your time..
Chapter 32: It's okay author-nim^^ take as much time as you want. As long as you finish this story, I would wait and love it to the max xP
Author-nim jjang!!!!! *thumbs up!*
C3cilia #4
Chapter 31: I love their moments together they are so cute together!!!>~<
Chapter 31: Gosh!! This chapter is so sweet and fluffy!!! Finally a Yoonjae and Daeryong moment!!! Kyyyaa!! Sho cute!! But it's weird though... hahahahahah xD They became lovers because Daerying ask her to say to Soryong that she is his girlfriend but in the end they love each other like a real couple ::>_<:: they are so cute together! Thanks for the update^^ and can't wait for the next one^^ How I wish Daeryong can go back to his body!!! *prays very hard*
Chapter 31: Awwwwww~~~~ this chap is like freaking sweet!!!! Oh my gosh! The sugar of the sweetnest in this chap hahahahahahha
I really love this man!! More Daeryong and Yoonjae! Woohoo~~~
I wonder who she was feeling touching her?
What if it was Soryong, who had followed her to the hospital?! Oh man! He's gonna feel so sad looking at her. But wells, they are 'together'. Right? Daeryong and Yoonjae likes each other, don't they?! Oh my gosh! I can't! My feels for this couple in this story!

Hehehe sorry for all the !!!!!! ~^O^~
kwistal12 #7
Chapter 30: I was freaking out when I saw you updated. Likeee OHMYYYGAWDD. THANK YOU!! Made my day.
xNarya #8
Chapter 30: This is so cute but sad at the end, why Daeryong can't be alive TT___TT !
But then, I won't be able to choose between the two of them. THANK YOU FOR UPDATING ~
Chapter 30: I feel sad for Daeryong.... ㅠㅠ He kept saying to himself that he is helpless or hopeless... just because you are not there physically, you can still not make her lonely right Daeryong... ㅠㅠ You talk, joke and play with her mentally... so it's okay.... when you get your body back, you can happily play side by side with Yoonjae^^
Chapter 30: 힝~ Daeryong-ah~~~~~ Wish she had just listen to his voice and be calmed downㅠㅠ But she is scared.... can't do anything 'bout it