Gold Flower

Triumph over Vengeance.

It was Tuesday morning, and I deliborately woke up early again. I regretted that yesterday I hadn't been able to have a nice look at the terrace. I knew my mother would love it, she'd always enjoyed gardening.

I rode a bit faster today, and as a consequence I didn't manage to finish my toast on the ride. It was a bit cold when I chomped down the last few bites.
As I made my way to the garden, I remembered the boy I'd met there yesterday; Sungyeol.

"Are you usually here this early..?" I asked, mostly curious where he'd suddenly popped out from.
"You could say that." He grinned.

I stopped, does that mean he might be there again today? I peered around the entrance, and sure enough there he was. It looked like he was tending to the plants. Does the school not have a gardener..?

I suddenly remembered how he's snuck up on me yesterday, so I tip toed in quietly and made my way behind him. As I got close, I realised it sounded like... was he talking to the plants? I stood on tip toe and could just see over his shoulder, and sure enough I could hear his voice.

"What do they say?" I asked.
"AAH--" It sounded like his voice cracked a bit when he jumped. "Don't do that!" He said, voice still cracking a little.
I laughed, "Payback for yesterday, now you know how it feels." I said with a grin.
"Fair enough." he said, smiling back now. I noticed a trowel in his hand.

"Were you gardening? I would have thought a school this size would have a gardener," I remarked, eying the spot where he'd been standing. I saw the dirt had been freshly turned and there were some new flower buds amongst the foliage. To my surprise, they were Golden Chrysanthemum's, which were my mother's favorite. Consequently, I was quite fond of them too. "I love Chrysanthemum's." I said with a smile.

"You do?" He seemed genuinely surprised. He looked around, and I followed his gaze. There were more Golden Chysanthemum's in the terrace garden, all different ages; waiting to bloom. I wondered if he'd planted them all. "Actually, the school does have a gardener," Sungyeol added, remembering my question. "But this garden is my one. She looks after the surrounding area, the plants by the gate, and the backyard." He grinned, "My one is much nicer, right?" He winked.
"You planted all of these? The school lets you?" I looked around once again. "It's lovely." I said.

At this, he decided to show me around. He started to tell me what some of the plants were, and I commented when I knew them. I told him my mother loved gardening, and I learned a lot from her. For the most part though, I couldn't get many words in. He was really a chatterbox!

When the bell rang, he waved and headed off. Most of the people he walked past greeted him, and he was grinning the whole time. It seemed like he had something to say to all of them. Smiling chatterbox, indeed.

I was about to leave when I noticed a coffee cup which I could only guess was his sitting by the trowel. I  picked it up thinking I could still catch him, but it had gone cold. 'Americano' was checked.

- - - - - - - - -

***A/N: G-gardening isn't too woosy of an interest, right? I wasn't planning to make him like gardening, it just sort of happened.

It's finally day two! It might seem a bit much to follow all of Minhee's interactions every day; but I promise you, it's all relevant! ;D

For interests sake, the Chrysanthemum is a really pretty flower; second only in popularity to the rose. The name means 'Golden Flower' and it represents Optimism. In the country I live in, there is an annual festival for the Chrysanthemum flower. It's believed that drinking wine with a petal from the flower in the glass will prolong life.

The Golden Chrysanthemum.

Honestly, I just used it because it was the first flower to come to mind. Hahaha~

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Chapter 9: O.O oh no...I wonder if her parents are dead...
Chapter 3: So excited for this! It seems like it'll be amazing. :)
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