End of Summer.

Triumph over Vengeance.

Hi! Thanks for reading! :D

This chapter is a bit of backstory, and not really necessary. So you can skip it if you'd prefer. <3

I hope you enjoy the story and give it a chance, it's a bit slow paced so might take a few chapters to pull you in. (If it ever does //shotdead)

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The food set on the table before me was amazing, but I still couldn't get used to it. My mother's cooking was much simpler than this, but it always tasted much more delicious to me. Because it was hers. Nowadays, we had a chef to cook for us. I looked across at my mother; who was laughing joyfully at the joke my step-father just made. She took a bite of the dish and delight filled her features. "Mmm! Min Hee, eat up it's delicious," she prompted, and I smiled at her before taking a bite. It did taste pretty good... maybe I will get used to this lifestyle sooner than I think, I conceded to myself before smiling at my mother; who took this as a cue to return to flirting with her new husband.

I had been living here over the summer break. My mother had suddenly announced to me she was getting married just over half a year back, and introduced me to the man now across the table from me. I was more than surprised; I didn't know where my mother had found the time to date outside of her multiple jobs. Not only that, but the man she introduced had an air of dignity around him. The sort of air the well-off district gave off. He was much older than her, too. I was nervous as I introduced myself, making sure to use very polite language. I wanted to leave a good first impression, for my mother's sake.

A lot of people my age would be hurt to find out their mother had kept such a secret from them, but I had always hoped one day my mother would find someone to make her happy. I had never met my father, although my mother had always spoken so fondly of him, and I had grown to love him from her heartfelt words; I always felt a pang of guilt for being her cause of loneliness. Having to raise me without him had left her no time to discover a new phase of her own life.

"Ah, so you're a girl," the first words I heard from my soon-to-be-step-father had startled me. "I guess that will do," he continued. I had smiled and bowed my head in response, unsure of his intentions.

It turns out my step-father had a son, although even up until now I have never met him. I don't know much about him, only that he was around my age; and that he had left home to pursue his dreams. At first I was confused as to why he would have to leave home to do so, but I learned that his dreams conflicted with what my step-father had hoped for him. My step-father wasn't a cold person, but he was very practical; and he has a company and employees that he feels responsible for. I guess that's why when he learned his son would not follow in his footsteps, he told him he would have to be responsible for his own decisions and move forward on his own feet; without relying on his family.

Part of me wonders if this had any influence on the relationship that bloomed between him and my mother. He seemed to have started dating her not long after his son moved out; maybe he felt lonely with no other family in the home. Maybe he was just looking for a new successor, a woman that had a child. I strongly feel as though it's the latter, but I would never tell my mother that. Not when she's this happy.

My deduction is not without base. After the wedding six months ago, my step-father had begun to discuss with me that I would be transferring schools. He informed me that my mother had already shown my impressive report cards to him prior to the engagement. He also informed me that he had already filled out an application to a prestigious school; he only needed me to approve it before sending it off. Not only this, but months later when summer break started and my mother and I moved in, he began to introduce me to his workplace. He told me that since it was break, it would be beneficial for me. He said it as though I would have nothing better to do in the holiday period.

It was difficult, but I was worried for my mother so I didn't complain. My mother had worked hard for years for me. She had always kept her extra job just to be able to send me to a better school. Her hard work to get me there put a fire under my feet to make it worthwhile, and I have always studied hard as a consequence.

I looked down at my plate, without realising it I'd finished my meal. I hoped no one had spoken to me without my realising.
"May I be excused?" I requested, before pushing my chair out and standing up. "I should probably get ready for tomorrow."
"Of course, honey." My mother said as she smiled at me. I knew she was excited for me, today was the last day of summer break, which meant I started at my new school tomorrow.


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***A/N: Ahhhh~ not the most captivating beginning, but I thought some backstory might come in handy eventually. :)

I hope she doesn't sound like she has too much of a mother-complex...!

Will update chapter 2 really soon since this chapter doesn't tell much. xx

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Chapter 9: O.O oh no...I wonder if her parents are dead...
Chapter 3: So excited for this! It seems like it'll be amazing. :)
Please continue!

I'm subbing.