Meeting Ice and Sunshine

Triumph over Vengeance.

I wasn't the only transfer student to join my class, so I found myself awkwardly standing next to a very pretty boy, both of us being asked to introduce ourselves. I strongly wanted to hide my face, standing next to him I couldn't help but feel compared when he was prettier than most girls. His hair covered one of his eyes, which was a shame with his features.

"Lee Sungjong." He said. His voice was high and sweet, but the mannerism his speech had wasn't so sweet at all. He went to his seat, ignoring the scowl one or two students gave him for such an unfriendly introduction.

"Hello! My name is Kim Minhee, I'll be in your care from now on." I said with a small bow, and also moved to take my seat directly behind Sungjong's. It was by the window, which I was thankful for. I could see the terrace from here.

"Nice to meet you," The teacher had started the lesson, but the voice came from the seat next to me. There was a pretty girl there, looking at me with a smile. "I'm Jaehwa."
I nodded, but I wasn't sure what else to say, so I went back to looking out the window. That was when I saw two guys entering the school grounds, one of them had the biggest smile, and I found myself staring at him while he laughed with his friend.
"Omo..." Jaehwa startled me a little, I'd gotten a little too engrossed in staring at his laugh. "He's late on the first day, tut tut. I'll have to make sure to tell him off later," she said and winked at me. "That's my boyfriend, and his best friend. They've been close since middle school."
I opened my mouth to reply, hoping to find out which one was her boyfriend; but just then the teacher cleared his throat. "Jaehwa, if you wouldn't mind reading out this paragraph since you seem so keen to speak," he said, tapping his textbook. I heard her sigh before standing to read from the book.

When the bell rang for lunch period, I noticed Jaehwa getting up to leave as I packed my books away, and remembered her comment about her boyfriend being one of those two boys.
"Jaehwa, do you mind if I join you? I haven't met anyone else here yet, and I'm not sure where the cafeteria is." She grinned, linked her arm in mine, and I soon found us chatting as we headed down the halls.

Jaehwa was lovely, I was glad to find someone I clicked with so soon. Talk about lucky seating arrangements! Jaehwa's family runs a small dance school, and she excelled in ballet. As soon as she told me, I found myself noticing the poise in her posture. Her straight back, and light steps. As though those things were natural for her. I started to wonder if dance class might not be a bad idea for myself, but with my step-father having such hopes on my grades and asking me to help out, I figured I probably wouldn't have time.
"That's a shame, but feel free to drop by just to try out for fun if you'd like. I'll help you," she giggled, and handed me a cafeteria tray. "I've always wanted to show some moves to a girlfriend, but for some reason the girls at this school don't seem to like me much." At this point, a cafeteria lady served some rice and dishes onto my tray. I looked at them.
"How much does this cost?" I asked Jaehwa, I was intending to pay for my food with my own money, my step-father had already done too much for me. But this looked pricey.
"It's included in the school fees, so eat up," she replied, and gestured for me to follow her to a table. She seemed to know which table she was aiming for. I frowned, unsure how I could repay my step-father. I guess I'll have to study extra hard. "I made a new friend!" Jaehwa piped up once she reached her table. "This is Minhee," she added, showing me to a chair.
I looked up to see the two boys from this morning. Other than them, the table was empty.

"Dance machine Hoya," one said with a small bow of the head. His hair was short, but it covered his forehead. He was mostly expressionless, I guess the 'machine' part was right.

"Dance machine..?" I raised an eyebrow. Intresting way to introduce yourself.

"He attends my family's dance school, he's really something!" Jaehwa said with a proud grin.

"What's a dance 'machine' doing at a ballet school?" I looked back at him. I guess he had the right build, ballerino's need decent muscle strength to lift the girls, right? And he had them.

The other boy lost it, laughing. He put a hand on Hoya's shoulder and managed to say while laughing, "She thinks you're a ballerino."

"Minhee! It's a dance school, we don't only teach ballet!" Jaehwa scolded, but she was smiling. "You're welcome to try it if you want to though, Hoya." She winked at him, and he shook his head with a slight eye roll.

My gaze went back to the second boy. He wasn't laughing anymore, but his hand was still on Hoya's shoulder and his smile was still just as wide. He had the biggest smile, it extended to the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He caught my gaze.
"Ah! I never introduced myself," he said, "Jang Dongwoo." He was looking directly at me now, his eyes had a penetrating quality to them, and only half of his mouth was grinning; resulting in a bit of a happy smirk. He had blonde hair that was styled up at the bangs.
Embarassed that he'd caught me looking at him, I nodded, looked back down at my food and started to eat. Seeing Dongwoo in person, I became even more curious about which of these two Jaehwa was dating. It seemed more likely to be Hoya, since they both did dance; but she never said for sure. I could hear her scolding them for being late on the first day, keeping to her earlier promise.

I looked around the cafeteria briefly while the other three chatted and noticed the pretty boy from my class, Sungjong, sitting alone at the end of someone elses table. I thought about going over to say something; after all that could have been me sitting alone. We're both new here.

Recalling his cold attitude in class; I dismissed the idea and turned to join the conversation.

- - - - - - - - -

***A/N: Four new characters ~ :D

I'm quite fond of Jaehwa even though I just wrote her a moment ago //cough

Unfortunately she won't be in it much for a while. :(

Sorry for playing up on Dongwoo being so fantastic. I'm personally a Dongwoo bias hahaha; I love his positive energy.

I don't know yet who'll end up being the main love interest though, so don't worry if you're not a Dongwoo fan! ;DD He's just Minhee's crush at the moment.

Let me know what you think/want for her. <3

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Chapter 9: O.O oh no...I wonder if her parents are dead...
Chapter 3: So excited for this! It seems like it'll be amazing. :)
Please continue!

I'm subbing.