Chicken and Banana-milk

A love greater than chicken and banana-milk!!!

Onew sighed contently as he scooted even closer to the warm ball that was Taemin, huddled inside the soft, fluffy comforter. He had made sure that every part of him was touching at least a fraction of the younger, their foreheads against each other, noses tickling and their breaths mingling, chest to chest, fingers laced into one another and even toes curling against each other's. Where the leader began and the maknae ended was more than hard to determine. Whoever said or thought that the leader was anti-skinship would have to take a rain check if they saw him and the blinding smile that was playing a tug of war with the nerves on his lips. He was trying hard not to smile like a dummy because after all what would his lover think of him if his teeth bared for no reason, stupid, and he was not going to have any of that. 

When a pair of melted chocolate brown eyes trained on his, smiling up at him, he could swear on all the chicken in the world that his heart lurched forward, trying to touch the specimen of perfectness in front of him. He didn't know what he did to deserve to claim such perfection as his own but neither was he going to question it. He was lucky and that was that. 

'Hyung, how much do you love me?' 

Onew wanted to scream, I love you more than there are stars on the night's sky or my love for you reaches infinity or you are the sun to my earth or I love you like my lungs love oxygen or...many more ways to express his love flits across his mind but he doesn't voice any of them. He did not want to sound so hopelessly in love. Taemin would think him cheesy or greasy and he could not have that. Nope, definitely not. 

He tries to put some simple words next to each other to form a coherent an NOT cheesy declaration of his love but fails. Nothing comes out of his mind or mouth. It was like he was put on a freeze by the person with his remote control, who also seemed to have a very cruel sense of humour.

  'Hyung, tell me...' the whine in his childish lover's voice tells him that he was getting impatient as did the sudden distance between them too, be it mere centimetres. He needed to say something, something witty and romantic and he needed to say it now. But once again, his stupid nerves intervenes and before he could even open his mouth a fraction of a micrometer, he freezes. He completely freezes.  Taemin was rolling away from him with a scowl on his face and those luscious lips pulled in a pout and before he knows it he blurts out, 

'I love you more than chicken.' 

The minute the assaulting words rolled off his tongue he wanted to them right back in but it's too late. He officially proved to his boyfriend how pathetically unromantic he is. Stupid Onew condition!

  He squeezed his eyes close so that he doesn't have to see the disappointment fill his lover's eyes and waited for the maknae's reaction, scoffs or accusing voice, anything. What he wasn't expecting though was the soft warm breathing that made his skin shiver with unimaginable pleasure and the softest of touch on his cheeks. Neither was he expecting to feel incinerating electric shocks travelling down him, burning every senses of his at it's quake. The sweet softness that was pressed into his chapped lips were too much for him to take, way too much. His eyes flew open to meet with slightly pink eyelids pressed close, long perfect lashes touching perfect skin and he thought he had died and gone to heaven. Before he could stop it, a satisfied moan left him, rumbling against his throat and those perfect eyelids gave way to oh-so-perfect eyes, clouded with sheer need and love. He definitely had died. 

Those eyes an the hesitant lips on his set free the beast inside the leader that he had tamed into submission for his lover's innocence's stake And it leapt through his nerve systems, making him growl and leap to close the distance between them, if that was even possible. His arms s around the younger, one lacing through his lover's hair, other creeping up underneath his top. His lips attacked those sweet softness pressed against his and his Tongue slithered out, probing Taemin's, demanding entrance to which Taemin shuddered and complied. All reasons were lost, they were lost.  Their inxperienced tongues swayed, slid and battled for dominance and their arms were clutching onto everything they could hold on to, pulling each other even closer and closer, until they were flush against each other, writhing and panting. 

'I...I' the maknae's small shaking voice sent fireworks exploding inside the leader, he could swear he even heard violins being played and bird chirping in their gay little voices and butterflies dancing around in side him. Though they had been together for a long time, neither had voiced their love in such ways. He fought with himself to pull away from those lips and stare at the maknae's flushed face and pulled him closer to place a soft, chaste kiss on his forehead. 

'I love you more than you'll ever know Taemin, sorry about the chicken thing though...I shouldn't have said something so stupid.' he murmured against the other's soft skin, wrapping his arms around the warm body that was still shuddering from that kiss they shared. He was shocked when the maknae suddenly pulsed away from him and once again he found himself staring into the never-ending brown sea that was Taemin's eyes, looking at him accusingly.

'No hyung, don't say that it was stupid. It wasn't. If you said anything else, it would not have been as meaningful as it was. I'm glad that you love me more than your life-line.' his smile could rival that of any angel, any miss universe, any day. Onew felt elated at his lover's words. He finally found his right match who knew exactly who he was and excepted him as such. The younger's next words were like ambrosia to his ears,  'I love you more than banana milkshake too hyung.'  They both smiled happily and wrapped around each other once again, their not-so-steady breathing lulling them to sleep.


Annyeong everyone :)


this is just a small gift for one of my friends here :) I hope you liked it ....(you know who you are :P)

And...another thing is ....this is like the 1st proper kissing scene I've written in my whole ignore the enormous fail ...

and umm

Comments are much welcomed as always :)

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Chapter 1: Sweet! OnTae is the only pair that can be cute and hot at the same time XD absolutely love this ^^
Chapter 1: So cute XD I loved it!
Chapter 1: aawwwww YAY, I feel all giddy and fluffy and happy now; love this so so much, OnTae are so perfect and totally adorable, their just cuteness overload; it's just such a dubu thing to say and Taemin knows it, and now he knows just how much he loves him; also a nice semi steamy scene there; fantastic job; I really hope that you write loads more OnTae soon. <3 <3 ;-P
FlaminMinho #4
Chapter 1: Awww I kept on smiling so much :)
So beautiful <3
Chapter 1: Oh god it was just soooooooo cute. onew loves him more than chicken. god this is the most adorable line in the whole story. I can imagine dubu saying that. loved it. like seriously <3<3
darkangel11421 #6
Chapter 1: oh wow ! just wow ! (in a absolutely good way) xD
Chapter 1: ooohhh.. yeah... i love it!!!
Chapter 1: awww yeah my cheesy ontae. *does happy dance* they soooooo fit eachother its not even funny. Like a;kldf;akldjfa;hf. ya know? kekeke. they fit, they are just so so so perfect for each other.

OnTae forever!!!! :D:D:D