Just a Day In the Park (part 2)

Day In the Park

"So, what school do you go to? I've never seen you before" Juhan asked

"I'm actually not from Busan. I just visit my grandparents frequently. I'm actually from Seoul" Jinki said

"Well, that's too bad. You'd find Busan very entertaining" Juhan shrugged. 

"I actually have. As I said, I visit frequently. I often feel sad when I have to leave" Jinki said

Juhan nodded then looked away to see the falling leaves falling from the autumn trees.

"L-Lovely weather we're having" Jinki said awkwardly

Juhan smiled before turning to look at Jinki. "Yes, I adore this season, don't you?"

"Autumn's awesome" Jinki nodded.

A strong wind came almost pushing them off their feet. Juhan's short hair flew wildly in the air. Jinki chuckled and led her to a bench.

"Maybe it's better if we just take a seat?" Jinki said

Juhan giggled. "Yeah"

Ray layed down on Jinki's and Juhan's feet. He pouted.

"You must really want that walk, huh?" Juhan petted his head.

"That's your dog?" Jinki asked

"Yup! My beautiful Ray." Juhan smiled

"He's really--" Jinki said stretching his hand to pet Ray.

"I wouldn't do that!" Juhan said, terrified. Ray absolutely hated everyone who wasn't her parents or her. What if he scared Jinki and that'd cause him to leave? 

But to her surprise, Jinki petted him and Ray simply let his ears down and stuck his tounge out. 

"Who's a good boy? You are, you are" Jinki smiled while ruffling his hair. Ray waggled his tail. 

"H-How did you do that?" Juhan asked

"Do what?" Jinki asked 

"He doesn't like anyone.. Believe me, I know" Juhan said  "He barely likes me" 

"Don't say that. He looks sweet" Jinki chuckled. 

"Of course he does" Juhan laughed "Because dragging me into the pond is totally sweet"

"Hey maybe you needed a refreshment~!" Jinki protested. That's when they both burst out laughing.

"I have a dog like this back home" Jinki continued. "They just really really love it outdoors and being able to stretch their legs. So, maybe that's why he got a bit too excited. How about I continue walking him for you?" 

"Oh, that'd be too much to ask for. He ways a ton" Juhan said waving her hands in the air.

"It's fine, really. As long as you, of course, keep me company" Jinki said

"..I'd love to. Thank you" Juhan giggled. 

Jinki held the leash and Juhan wrapped her arm around his. They started talking about random topics like the weather, their favourite music, their likes and dislikes, and by the time the sun started to set, they basically knew everything about each other.

"Well, it's late. I should probably go before my grandparents get worried" Jinki said

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Jinki-ssi" Juhan bowed at him.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, too Juhan. It'd be lovely to see you around again, wouldn't it?" Jinki smiled.

Juhan nodded. "It really would"

While the two teenagers bid their goodbyes, Ray was looking around the park. A small squirrel jumped around a tree and then it ran from one tree to another. He suddenly started barking loudly making the small amount of people who were now walking around, stop and stare.

Jinki kneeled down and started petting the dog. "Ray, come on.. Calm down"

The squirrel, as if mocking him ran from tree to tree quickly. With one last growl, Ray started chasing after it,barking loudly. 

"Whoah~!" Jinki exclaimed. 

Juhan instantly starting running after them. "Ray! Not again!"

But Ray didn't listen. He simply continued running after the squirrel. Juhan took a hold of Jinki's shirt trying to stop both of them. Jinki was scared out of his life. Just when he thought that things couldn't get any worse, he looked up and saw that the pond was just a couple of miles away.

"Ray, change directions now! Now! Don't go to the pond! Don't go to the pond! Don't go to the-- AHHHH!"


Ray sat down happily, seeing that the squirrel was now gone. He waggled his tail happily. Jinki and Juhan had let go of the dog and they were catching their breathe a couple of meters from the pond. Juhan looked up at Onew's brown eyes and smiled.

"Hey you have some seriously beautiful eyes" Juhan blurted out. She instantly covered . "Wow, I'm so sorry" 

"It's fine" Jinki said uncovering and then holding her hands. "I really like your lips"

"M-My lips?" Juhan asked

"Yeah.. I've been wondering what they feel like." Jinki said getting closer to her.

"Really?" Juhan asked, getting closer as well. 

"What they taste like.." Jinki's lips were hovering on top of hers. They both closed their eyes and pushed their heads closer. Jinki pur his hand behind Juhan's head. Suddenly, they felt themselves getting wet....


They took two steps away from each other and covered themselves. Ray was at their feet, shaking his wet fur.

"RAY! You have ruined this day for me!" Juhan whined.

"Would this make it better?" Jinki asked, grabbing her neck and kissing her softly. Juhan returned the kiss just as softly. They pulled away from each other after awhile.

Juhan looked down at Ray who was looking at them curiously with his big, grey eyes.

"You know what, Ray? You didn't exactly... ruin it for me" Juhan said 

Jinki laughed at this as Ray laughed and waggled his tail some more.


Author's Note

Awww how cute<3

Anyways, sorry for not updating since.. two centuries ago..? But it's spring break, it's a new year, I suppose, and we can forgive..right? 

Well, thank you for reading~!


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Chapter 2: ~~~Since I am a new reader. I request the right for asking for an update;P
Chapter 1: I shall forever weep crimson liquid that runs throughout my entire body. I shall drain myself of anything that keeps me alive. I cannot seem to function.