So It Ends Like This

So It Ends Like This


Dance practice stayed past normal time again, and Kibum was very exhausted. Being a freshmen in college is already tiring, he shouldn't have to stay past normal time for dance practice, especially since he has a report due the next day. But Kibum knows one place, one person, to make him happy right away. His best friend, or officially his boyfriend, Jinki.


Kibum met Jinki one the first day of school when they made eye contact. Kibume thought he was a freshmen too, until Jinki said he was in third year. But that didn't stop them from clicking right away. They became the best of friends in not even a week. A few months later, they became a couple. It's kind of an emotional story how they are now a 'thing', but all that matters now is that they're happy.


Kibum went straight to the person who he needed to see most. He stood in front of the door and turned the doorknob, but it was locked. It was strange, because usually when Kibum text Jinki ahead of time, the door would be unlocked. Luckily, Kibum made a spare key to the room a while back and unlocked the door.


“Hello, love~” Kibum said as he entered, but he saw Jinki on the bed, laying on his front side, face buried in the pillow.


“Um...Jinki...” Kibum came by and pushed his boyfriend with enough force so that he turned to his back. “You're going to suffocate if you don't get air.”


“Maybe that's what I want...” Jinki said under his breath.




“Nothing.” Jinki said, flashing a fake smile.


“Did you even go to class today? You look like you have stayed here all day.”


“I went to class, don't worry. I just came straight to the dorms afterward. I'm just very tired.”


Kibum noticed for a while that Jinki has been acting different. He has been talking different, and even when he smiles, his eyes say something different. But each time Kibum asked if something is bothering him, Jinki would deny it. Maybe he is okay? Kibum wants to believe it, but a huge part of him says something is truly wrong.


“Why did you come here?” Jinki asked.


“Why? Am I not allowed to?”


“I didn't say that...” Jinki said barely audible.


“Calm down, dear. I just wanted to see you. I had an exhausting day.” Kibum sighed after speaking. “Jinki, can I stay here tonight?”


Jinki felt worse than what he already did. It was going against his plan for the night. But maybe...maybe one more night with Kibum wouldn't hurt. “Yes you may.”


Kibum sighed in relief and plopped down on the bed, laying next to his boyfriend. This wouldn't be the first time Kibum spent the night. But most of the time, it would be for Kibum's personal problems. But this time, Jinki needed Kibum, at least this one last time. What he had planned for tonight will have to move to tomorrow morning, and at a different location. But before thinking of all of that, he has to know one more thing.


“Kibum baby...”


“Yes, dear?”


“How much do you love me?”


Kibum sat up, looking at his boyfriend confused. “More than you know. Why?”


“Prove it.”


“How?” Kibum become more confused.


“Kiss me.”


Kibum didn't reject the command. He learned closer to Jinki, brushing his lips against his, then actually began kissing him. This is exactly what Jinki needed, he needed to feel Kibum's love for him this one last time. Kibum put his fingers through Jinki's long brown locks, but when he was about to deepen the kiss, Jinki pushed his chest gently, wanting him to back away. Kibum pulled away, looking in his boyfriend's eyes. Jinki's eyes are saying a lot, including 'that's enough now', and Kibum understood and backed away, laying back down on the bed.


Jinki began thinking about tomorrow again. He began to think about another thing. When Kibum looked over, he noticed that he was crying.


“Honey!” Kibum turned so that he is laying on his front side, reaching to wipe his boyfriend's tears.


“Kibum, promise me one thing, that no matter what happens to me that you'll never forget me.” Jinki spoke softly.


Kibum grew worried about the words that were just spoken. “What are you talking about, Jinki?”


“Don't worry about it. Just promise that you won't forget me.”


“I promise. I can never forget you.”


“Good.” Jinki then needed to say one last thing. “Kibum...”




“I love you.”


“I love you too.” Kibum moved closer to Jinki and held him tightly. He's worried about him, which made him hold on even tigher.


Jinki couldn't breathe because Kibum is holding onto him so tightly. In all honesty, he would stay that way, but Kibum might take all the blame in the morning, so he moved Kibum slightly.


“You were holding me too tight, dear. I couldn't breathe.” Jinki wrapped his arms around Kibum comfortably. “There, this is better. Let's sleep now, okay?”


“But love, it's still a little early to sleep...” Kibum said.


“I know...” Jinki teared up again, but held them back from falling. “I...I just want to stay like this for as long as possible.”


Kibum didn't protest and snuggled closer to his boyfriend. A few minutes later Kibum fell asleep nice and sound. But Jinki is still wide awake, thinking about his feelings. He should be stronger for Kibum, the one he loves more than anything. But it's becoming really hard. It's becoming too much. Jinki continued to watch Kibum until he couldn't stay awake anymore. Soon enough, morning will rise but nothing will change. Tomorrow will be the end of it all.


The next morning came too soon. Kibum was wide awake, preparing breakfast. Jinki is sitting at his desk, writing something. Jinki couldn't think straight and he was a silent sobbing mess. He folded the paper and left it on the desk. When he got up to leave, Kibum greeted him with a smile.


“Want some breakfast?”


“N-no...I'm alright...” Jinki choked on his words.


Kibum looked at his boyfriend closely, noticing his eyes were red. “Are you alright?”


“I'm fine...”


“Jinki, you're not fine. You haven't been for a few weeks now and it's making me worried. Last night worried me the most. What's going on?”


“I'm fine, trust me.” Jinki would smile, but he's too weak to do so.


“Jinki...” Kibum said barely audible.


“I'm going out early, take care.”


Jinki was about to leave, but he couldn't leave Kibum empty handed. He came back to Kibum and kissed him, pouring all of his love into it. Kibum was surprised by it, but it felt nice and didn't want it to end. But it had to when Jinki pulled away.


“Goodbye, Kibum.”


Jinki left without turning back. Kibum knew something is up, because his boyfriend would usually say 'see you later' rather than 'goodbye.' He has been crying, but wouldn't say why. Jinki is hurting and Kibum needs to find out why. He began to look around, starting with the desk. The first thing he saw was the folded piece of paper with his name on it. Kibum picked it up and unfolded the paper to see a bit of a lengthy letter.


My lovely Kibum


When we first met, I didn't know you were going to change my life this much. Because of you, I actually felt true happiness for the first time in a long while. When I wanted to end my life but we became friends. I finally have live for. And then we became a couple. I thought it was a dream, but it was too real to be a dream. Kibum, you really make me happy, and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have passed the first week of school.


But now...all of a sudden, all of these thoughts and pain that I thought was gone came rushing back. But I couldn't show that pain in front of you, so I hid it with my smile, laughs, jokes and so on. But recently, it became too hard. Kibum, everything hurts so much. I can't hold on anymore. I'm feeling so much hurt that it even hurts to breathe.


Remember last night when you came in my room and saw me face down on my bed? I was trying to suffocate myself. And moments later when you were holding me so tight that I couldn't breathe, I wasn't going to loosen your grip...but I didn't want you to end up taking the blame for my death, so I made you let go slightly...


Kibum...I decided to wait until this morning because I wanted to spend my last hours with you. Kibum...I'm going to leave this world today. I'm going to drown myself. I can't go on. I didn't want it to end like this...but I don't think I can handle it anymore...


I'm sorry, Kibum...but it hurts too much...


But please don't forget me...


And always remember...


I love you


Kibum has tears running down his cheeks. He knew that Jinki was hurting, but he didn't know that it was bad to the point that he complemented suicide. And now he's out there, either dead or about to end his life. But Kibum can't let him do that. He can't lose his best friend and lover, not now.


Kibum only put on his shoes and ran out the dorm. He doesn't care if it's cold or not, this is an emergency. He only knows one possible place that water is deep enough to drown someone and that was in the woods behind the university. It's actually through the woods and out in an open area with a bridge and water miles across. Kibum nearly sprinted through the woods, almost tripping a few times, but eventually got to the other side, hoping that he's not too late.


When Kibum reached to the other side, he looked at the bridge ahead of him. He ran onto it, but Jinki was no where to be found. He was very worried, thinking about a million things that could have happened. Did he already drowned? Did he go somewhere else? Kibum hoped that if it's the latter option, that it's to rethink his decision, maybe even go back to school. Anything but another place to end his life. Kibum had tears streaming down his cheeks again.


“Please tell me you're still alive...” Kibum whispered, his voice cracking.




Kibum's eyes widen when he heard his name. Looking to his right, seeing the person he wanted to see a few feet way. Kibum ran and clinged to Jinki tightly.


“You're still alive...”




“I thought you were dead, you idiot. You scared me to death. I hate you.”


“Do you really?” Jinki was shocked by Kibum's words.


“No, I love you...” Kibum backed away a bit. “I love you enough to stop you from drowning yourself and I thought I was too late...”


“I was going to do it as soon as I got here...” Jinki started out. “But everytime I would try to step to the other side of the bridge, I couldn't. I thought it would be easy as one, two, three, but it's not. So I gave up for a moment and took a walk around the woods.”


Kibum asked what made Jinki stop him from falling off the bridge right away. Jinki did not hesitate to answer since it was too easy.




“Me?” Kibum was taken aback.


“Yes, you. I was thinking of how you would feel if you knew I wouldn't exist anymore. I don't know why, but I can't do this if I'm thinking of you. It feels...wrong...if I take my life.”


“Jinki...dear...I would be devastated if you were gone. I probably wouldn't go on myself if you weren't by my side.” Kibum grabbed his boyfriend's wrists. “Please, don't leave me. And don't do this just for me. You're alive for a reason. You have a purpose in this life time and I don't want you to throw it away because of a temporary problem that is hurting you. You're a beautiful person. Please don't throw your life away.” Kibum began to cry again. “I need you.”


Jinki began hurting worse. If Kibum is this upset already, he can't imagine how he would be like if he actually went through with his suicide plan.


“I've been convinced.”


“What?” Kibum looked at his boyfriend.


Jinki wiped Kibum's tears. “I'm not going anywhere, Kibum. I'm not leaving.”


“Do you mean it?”


“I do.” Jinki pulled Kibum into a hug. “But understand something...I'm still hurting. It's not going to go away instantly. I need your support...I'll tell you everything, but I need you to support me through this. If I ever think of hurting myself again, or if something is wrong and I won't tell you, then bug me until I say something. I need you in this. I can't do this alone.”


Kibum pulled away from the hug, quickly kissing Jinki's cheek before speaking.


“I'll be there for you. Through everything. I love you.” Kibum promised. “How about we skip school today, and maybe tomorrow if needed? Because right now you look exhausted from all of this depressing stuff. You need a break for a while. And when you feel comfortable, then you can tell me what's going through your mind, alright? I want you to be happy again.”


Jinki nodded, which made Kibum smile. Kibum wants to leave the area so it can no longer trigger Jinki's thoughts. Kibum is more than happy that the love of his life is still alive and breathing, willing to live for the better.




Phew...I didn't expect it to be this long. But I'm pretty happy with it. ^^

I've been thinking of something while writing this...should I make a chaptered story about how Jinki and Kibum met and how they became a couple(as slightly mentioned in this story) and such? :D

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you! 

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puppy_love #1
Chapter 1: Wow ....amazing story. Onkey love ......
froyolovers #2
Chapter 1: Awesome..^^
I cry when read jinki's letter..T.T
He have a lot of pain but can't show it. Just hold for himself of course make it worse.
Gladly he not leaving world in the end..^^
Chapter 1: i tot onew was dead if it really happened i will kick u author lmaooo kidding ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
purplepotatoes #4
Chapter 1: Melly~~ I know you know who I am XD
I've read the story and it's awesome~~~
I'm happy that they've worked it out and it didn't end to sad story. The simple words are enough to indulge the reader in the story. Though it was long but it didn't make bored. The suspense of whether Jinki would do it or not can keep the readers interest.
-runs away to read more of your fics-
Chapter 1: ahhh I was thinking that onew was dead but glady kibum was there to prevent that DX that moment was really sad but I hope they can fix those things together so they can be together :)

I would love to read how onew and key met =D
Yayoihope #6
Chapter 1: It was really sad!
Great story!
thestrangelittlegirl #7
Chapter 1: aww thank god that onew didnt kill himself~