Chapter 2: The Start of Something New

[Pre Revamp] Chung Nam High (중 남 high)


(Park Sayu’s POV)

What in the world is this? I immediately sat down on my desk at the editorial staff room, staring at the article furiously. I don’t even know how to react. I don’t even know if I should cry, if I could cry. I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.

Should I just shrug it off and pretend that I checked that article before publication?
No, I can’t do that. I mean, should I take the blame for not checking the article. First, it has a lot of grammatical errors. It has lots of spelling and capitalization mistakes, wrong usage of some words, and to top it all some y connotations! This will ruin the school paper’s reputation.

Should I report to the school administrators about the current insubordination?No, I can’t do that too. That would only prove my incompetence as the editor-in-chief. By hook or by crook, I should be resolving this problem myself.

Should I call a staff meeting? Oh. Maybe, I could do this one.

“Hey relax!” I heard Miyeon’s voice as she comes in. You see Miyeon, has been my best friend ever since our first year at middle school. Pretty, carefree, rich and famous, she stands with those people treated with high regards. I, on the other hand, has nothing to identify my self from her. She has this very defined strong character on her which I definitely truly lack. It’s funny how opposites do attract.

It was surreal, something dreamy. You see, We’ve been friends for almost 3 years already but the story of how we’ve become best of friends is still too dramatic to be real. Whenever I tell her about it, she would laugh at me and pat me on my head. “You’re being dramatic again. tsk tsk tsk.”

(Hwa Miyeon’s POV)

Sayu is having her hard time again. Maybe, something went wrong?

I glanced at the thing she’s holding. Newspaper? Oh, right, she’s the editor-in-chief of our school paper. What could have possibly happened? A missing article? An unpublished material? A unapprovved, weird article?

Whatever that is, it makes her look like that vulnerable, helpless kid I saved three years ago.


Gah! It’s my first day at Chung Nam high and every faculty member looks at me like I am some V.I.P. Each student tries their best to stay out of my way too. Maybe they’re forewarned. Who would want to mess with me, anyway? Dare to do so, and you’re out of the school.

I silently made my way to the school cafeteria, ALONE. Because the other kids are scared of me, nobody even dared to befriend me.

“Leave me alone!” I heard a voice squeak from the back of the building. What is this? Some drama?

I ran towards the source of the voice and found a little girl, surrounded by three big guys. I silently watched them from the bushes.

“You think you’ll be considered as one of us?” the guy with messy hair yelled while poking the girl’s face.

“NEVER!” the other two guys shouted in unison.

“Leave me alone!” the little girl squealed again. Her face is all wet from her tears and her color slowly turns violet, result of being unable to breath because of the sobs building up in .

Who are these guys anyway? What rights do they have to bully such little girl? They’re gays, right? And who are they to decide whether a person fits in this school or not? (Yah! I’m the one who’s supposed to give that verdict!)

I approached them silently, not being able to bear the sight anymore. The three guys started on tugging her braids, and all she can do is cry and curl herself up in ball, like a baby.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I screamed. The four kids stared at me.

The messy-haired guy backed off. “No-... nothing.” he stuttered. Oh, I love this power of mine over the other students.

The little girl, who is wailing and crying a while ago ran up to me. I reached for her hands and pulled her close to me. “If you ever messed with my friend again, you’re dead!” I announced.

Cowardly, the three guys ran away, bowing their head to us, saying “We’re sorry.” over and over again. I giggled at the sight.

“Want to eat some ice cream?” I asked the little girl as she wipes her tears from her cheeks. She gave me a wide, warm, bright, cute smile.

~end of flashback~

It’s funny, i found that memory so interesting. But believe me, if Sayu will tell this story to me again, I’d die. She’s too dramatic when telling this story of ours. She makes it sound like She owe me big time. It’s nothing, I didn’t even do anything that time. I just yelled.

“Hey, Sayu, what’s wrong now?” I asked the girl in front of me who is all sweaty and nervous.


Hello, Miyokokato here again. :D I will be presenting the chosen girls.... not. XD
well, no one is chosen yet. The two girls, above, which is Hwa Miyeon and Park Sayu, is Rhei’s and My character respectively.
Don’t be mistaken, guys. We’re those girls and we haven’t chosen the 10 girl students/characters yet. You’ll be the first to know if we’ve chosen the perfect applicants. LOL

안녕하세요~! 밝사유 입니다. (Hi! I’m Park Sayu). I’m the current school newspaper editor-in-chief, I’ve been the youngest editor-in-chief in the history of Chung Nam High, securing the post at Middle school. Being said so, It is hard to make the Upperclassmen listen to what I say nor follow my orders. Sungmin-oppa is the only High School staff that trust me and he is the only reason that the upperclassmen never attempted a Coup de etat.  

I love all subjects and I mean all. errr.. maybe except Physical education and Music wherein I am such a loser. I can’t sing, I can’t dance, I can’t play anything. I know I’m such a weird person, but I really cannot do anything non-academic.

I analyze things first before I act and I’d like to think that I am logical. But one thing out of my logical mind, is how did I ever became bestfriends with Miyeon. I’m one of those trashes that rich kid would just never touch. But I know, within her tough exterior is a kind friend that is always ready to help.

안녕~! 화미연 입니다. (Hi! I’m Hwa Miyeon). The girl you shouldn’t mess up with. My family is rich, so I pretty much get whatever I want. I’m the only child, only princess, only heir of my family’s riches, so i never really cared. Some students say I’m mean, but that’s just a rumor. Because I’m not mean, I’m scary. My family, like, control the school, not because we own it, but because they owe us huge things. The teacher hates me, but i don’t care. They can’t fail me either, so who the hell cares?

My best friend, Sayu, is the intelligent one. She’s like the bestest friend anyone could ask for. Well, do i even need to describe her? Just imagine the perfect BFF, and there you have it.

I’m feisty, like what someone out there said, and I totally agree with that. I’m the happy go lucky type of girl, who never liked History Class but have always loved Math. I love solving problems. Whenever I’m presented with one, I’ll face it head on. Sometimes, that fiery behavior of mine leads me to disasters, but I usually fix my own mess. Oh, and one more thing, I HATE KIND PEOPLE! >except Sayu of course< I hate pretenders, so you guys better be blunt, or else I’ll crush your face into pieces.

Okay, I know. it’s another teaser =.= *pouts* We kind of thought that we have to start our story, so that we could start on your story when we formally start off. By the way, Is anyone jealous that I call Sungminnie, Oppa? >.> ROFL Don’t worry, I’m not keeping him for myself. We’re just close. XD

Soooo... Saa yah next chapter....  *waves*.

Hope this teaser teases you guys more.. *lol* I mean, I hope they make you more interested and excited on the upcoming chapters.. I’m pretty bad, though >Miyeon< but anyway, I love this character. Don’t worry guys, based on your applications, your characters rock too.


*waves bye* >busy with Kyuhyun< *lol*
Kyuhyun.. O.O *jealous* I want wookie and sungmin and yesung and and... and... Heechul..  Sungminnie, Wookie, Chulie and Yesung? *grabs Onew* >=P
Ehhh... ONEW!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........ *cries* you’re a bully too!!! I didn’t take Kyu Oppa~~!  
You took four SuJu members! *selfish* >Ube and Cheese quarrels because of the boys< LOL
But, I thought I’ll share 4 SHINee members... So, I thought I could take 4. >.< I want MY ONEW back~!!!! *tantrums* >yeah.. boys makes Ube and Cheese go crazy<
*says bye again with Kyu and Jinki* BYE!
*Pouts* If you take Onew, I’ll take all the suju members!!!! *won’t say bye until she got onew back*
*ties Miyo at the side* Byebye guys, this section is so long...♥
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Chapter 4: ohohohoho waiting for the update~!
onehelllove #2
please update soon
Yay!!! Finally :) congrats jiwon(^O^☆♪!!!!! I love miyeon's character ! Fighting !!
CHUKAHE BUNNYBOM!!!!! <# More updates to come bud and ate miyo!!! <3 I was waiting for story updates... >.< I can't even update mine...
mingzhuliu #5
ive just applied =]
UNNIEE!! BUDD!!!!!! HAHA! Funny and cute convo!!! >.< Why are you both so cute!?!?! Update more!! I lav ya!!
I wish u would refrain from the connotations (*giggles* *lol*) when you're writing. I understand why u put it in the letter but now I see them in chapter 2. Work on substitutions. It'll make you sound like a better writer.<br />
And I think the side conversations between you too are sooorta irrelevant. It's good if you're informing readers, but when you're just having a silly conversation is something you do somewhere else, right?<br />
All in all this is INTERESTING and I'm waiting for Bloo to be introduced!
ijjimaseyo_07 #9
^__^ i just dropped by and saw these awesome comments.. it just took all of my stress away.. thanks for supporting us guys.. *hugs everyone*<br />
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