
Perfect Two


Click. Click.

The sound of the camera capturing the image can be heard, as Cho Kyuhyun continued to position himself to get a good angle of the woman in front of him. "Put your arm there and try not to look stiff."

He gave more instructions to the model as she tried to follow them all, along with shooting him with flirtatious looks, hoping to at least make him notice her in another way.

Too bad for her, Kyuhyun wasn't interested in hitting on the models he worked with.

As soon as the shoot ended, he and his friend, Lee Donghae, both were in the middle of packing their equipment. The girl, determined to win the young man's heart, approached him. "Hey, Kyuhyun-ssi, care to take me out on a date some time?" She asked, as she trailed her fingers on his torso.

In a split second, Kyuhyun looked at her and caressed her cheek. The female model started doing somersaults of happiness inside her mind, because she may be able to steal this gorgeous man's heart. As Kyuhyun moved closer, the girl's eyes slowly closed, expecting for a kiss, only to meet with a whisper, "I'm not interested, Uee-ssi. Unfortunately for you, I'm already married."

Donghae tried his best to suppress his laugh after seeing her priceless expression from Kyuhyun's words. Uee stayed frozen in her spot as she tried to contemplate on what he said.

I'm married.



As soon as they left the studio, Donghae suddenly laughed hysterically. "Wow, Kyuhyun, that never gets old. Seriously, do you have to do that every time a female model bats their eyelashes on you?"

"They need to know professionalism, hyung. Flirtation is something not to be tolerated in my work space. Plus, you know I'm already married." Kyuhyun said nonchalantly, looking indifferent like always.

The older one merely rolled his eyes. "You should at least respect the remaining female population. Just because you found your other half, that doesn't mean you should diss the others."

Kyuhyun only smirked. It seems his playboy side was still there, yet he was someone devoted to a special person, someone who would never even think of hurting her. "I like having fun, hyung. And I know Uee-ssi will get over it."

He was right. Uee will eventually forget about all of this when all of her pictures are already published in a magazine. Donghae knew that. Sometimes, Kyuhyun's way of thinking leaves him confused, yet it also makes sense at the same time.

"So, when is she due?" He asked out of nowhere, making Kyuhyun freeze.

The younger just coughed. "The doctor said in a few days' time. She's already experiencing some abdominal pains."

Donghae just sweatdropped. How can he talk so calmly about the fact that his wife's already close to giving birth to their first child? But inside, the older one knew Kyuhyun was beyond nervous for the fact that he's already close to really savoring his fatherhood.

"So, can I visit Joohyun-ssi?" He inquired, despite the fact that he knew Kyuhyun can be a bit possessive when it comes to her. The younger only raised his eyebrows. "Hyung, do you even have something better to do than cause madness in my house?"

Donghae clutched his chest and feigned hurt. "Ouch, Kyu. Do you really think I'm a walking disaster? Tell that to Yoona." Suddenly, his phone began to ring. "Speaking of the devil."

Kyuhyun chuckled as he put the last of their things into their vehicle. "It's pretty evident that you're fond of her, hyung. Make a move already."

He only shushed his dongsaeng as soon as he answered the phone. "Hey Yoong! What's up?"

"There's no time for greetings, Lee Donghae! I need you and Kyuhyun here right now!" Yoona's voice rang inside his head, as she was yelling viciously. "There's no time to lose, goddamit! We have an emergency!"

Donghae put some distance between his ear and the phone, for her voice was too loud for his liking. "Hey! Calm down, Yoona. Tell me why you're getting all panicky all of a sudden."

Kyuhyun watched his hyung's reactions in amusement. Truly, when Yoona calls, Donghae's always getting excited to talk to her, although he always hides it in his indifference. Just then, he watched his hyung's eyes widen while listening to Yoona's chatter. In a split second, Kyuhyun felt uneasy all of a sudden.

"Oh boy." was all Donghae could say. Kyuhyun shook his hyung's shoulders. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Kyu, we need to go now. Yoona said that Joohyun's in the hospital. Apparently, she's about to give birth."

In a flash, Kyuhyun was in the driver's seat, ready to go all out to the hospital.



Both of them approached Yoona outside the emergency room. Her face was filled with worry for her friend. As soon as she saw them, she only glared at her friend's husband. "Geez, look who finally showed up."

"Hey! We had a photoshoot! It's crucial for us to do it." Donghae explained in Kyuhyun's stead. The younger man, whoever, ignored Yoona's sarcastic remark. "Where is she?"

Yoona crossed her arms. "She's currently in labor. Seriously, there should be a thing like a paternity leave. Goodness, Joohyunnie's been bombarding me with complaints of your lack of presence around her, and her abdominal pains! You men should be the one experiencing all of the pains of going into labor."

Again, he ignored her as Kyuhyun stared blankly at the door of the delivery room. Donghae, on the other hand, winced at Yoona's statement, imagining the pains of a woman. "I sure am glad I'm not a girl."

With that, he received a neverending sermon and a painful smack on the head from Yoona herself. "Lee Donghae, do you really want to experience hell? Are you that insensitive of the presence of a girl with you?"

He looked at her from head to toe, smirking. "Wait, you're a girl?"

Again, he received a smack from Yoona.

Kyuhyun was oblivious of all the ruckus around him. All he could think of was right now, his beloved wife is giving birth to their first child. Right now, for the first time of his life, he was feeling some foreign kind of anxiety.

Is this fatherhood jitters? He silently asked himself while praying for his wife's successful labor, and mentally readying himself for the worse sermon he could ever receive.


Several hours has passed and finally, Joohyun's been transferred to a private room.

Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was in the nursery, staring at the two babies in front of him. He never could've guessed that their first-born would be twins, much less fraternal twins.

And most of all, he couldn't believe that these two beautiful babies in front of him where their children. He was too overwhelmed of the fact that they're right in front of them.

Definitely fatherhood jitters. He concluded, laughing at himself inwardly. Just then, a nurse approached him and said, blushing, "Um, sir, your wife is looking for you."

He only nodded as he left the nursery. Then the nurse began writing something as she murmured to herself. "These two babies sure are lucky to have parents like them. I mean, seriously, their dad is probably one of the most handsome men I have ever seen."


Kyuhyun slowly opened the door to her room, as he took a peek of what she's doing right now. Gingerly walking towards his wife's bedside, his eyes never left hers.

She felt her husband's presence and turned her head towards him, smiling lightly. "How are they?"

Sitting down, he held her hand. "I never expected us to be having twins, Joohyun. Don't worry, they're fine. They're probably the most beautiful little angels I have ever seen in my entire life."

Joohyun's smile never faltered. "They got it from their dad, I bet."

"And here I thought you would give me an earful for not being by your side while you gave birth." Kyuhyun scratched his head, laughing to himself. Honestly, Joohyun never bothered to even speak out her mind to him when it came to the nature of his work. "It wasn't reasonable. Sure, there are times I get upset, but hey, that's your job right?"

This was only one of the things that Kyuhyun loved about her. She was level-headed, even during her pregnancy, which is rare. As he caressed her cheek, Kyuhyun has never been happier.

Just then, two nurses entered the room. "Mr. Cho, here are your babies."

Joohyun's face instantly lit up at the sight of their children, as she held her daughter in her arms. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was still a bit nervous as he carefully held his son, scared of making him cry. The look on her husband's face was priceless. "Kyuhyun, seriously, I have never seen you so worked up like this."

"Stupid fatherhood jitters." He cursed himself. But seeing the look on his son's sleeping face was enough to take his breath away. "I never thought this would be the feeling of seeing your children's face for the first time. So what should we call them?"

Joohyun giggled, cradling her daughter. "I was thinking of that for a while, with the help of Yoona unnie of course. Hmmmm, Yoogeun and Yoonji?"

She couldn't have picked a better name for his two little angels. "Cho Yoogeun and Cho Yoonji it is."

Looking at his wife has been his habit ever since he met her. He would always ponder on how breathtaking she is, taking stolen photos of her. But right now, seeing her overflowing with happiness with their daughter cradled in her arms, Joohyun has never looked more beautiful in his eyes.

In a split second, he found himself falling in love again.

Settling their son on her other arm, he caressed her cheek and kissed her softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Joohyun replied.

Taking his camera out of his bag, he got ready to take a picture, saying, "This is my masterpiece, right here."

His wife's hearty laugh can be heard, and he found himself smiling ear-to-ear as he took his very first family picture. After that, he settled the camera on the bedside table and approached her.

He has seen so many beautiful sights in his lifetime, and managed to preserve them by taking pictures. But none can be more picturesque than the sight in front of him.

Kyuhyun has never felt more content in his life.




Author's notes:

Fluff all the way. Hahahahaha. I've always loved fluffy SeoKyu scenes, but not too much. And I'm loving how this all turned out. There has been a big halt of SeoKyu moments, and in order to avoid losing faith in my ultimate OTP, I would just spazz about the pictures in tumblr. Yes, that's where I get most of my ideas. :D

I guess this can be considered as an early Christmas gift. Teehee. I may be planning to write a Christmas oneshot soon. Right now, please tell me what you think! :3

Credits to kmaniac for the lovely poster. Check out her shop here.     


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| 12-15-2012 | First drabble entitled "Picturesque" has been published! :D


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Stand4SeoKyu #1
U may called the fluffy story was cliche or something, but i really love that kind of story B'cos i don't really like story that have so much drama or angst one cos it definetely will ruin my mood, Hehehee..
Stand4SeoKyu #2
Chapter 1: Woooaaaaaa, fluffy and i looooveeeee it..
Chapter 2: Daebak!!! It's so sweeet... Kyu you're making me bluching as well...>///<
Chapter 2: I like this plot!
But I agree, fluff is quite cliche too. But I would prefer them in relationship then friendship XD
It's up to you author nim, story's all yours XD
And the quote in the foreword, did Kyuhyun really say that?
seokykyu #5
Chapter 2: woooooooooow..
will they keep in contact??
Chapter 1: This is so sweeeet!!!
SeoKyu fighting!
And author nim you have wonderful writing skills! Keep the good work up and I cannot wait for The Angel and The Devil!
soneELF001 #7
Chapter 1: That was so great! Seokyu forever! Update soon!
Chapter 1: Seokyu!!! I like how Kyuhyun will always have his eyes only for Seohyun though there are so many other beautiful woman out there. I miss their moment seriously :(
I love it, please update author-nim, you are the best
Shaiyu #10
ohmygossshhhhhhh! they are really suitable for each other! i will only accept seohyun for kyu, ther will be no other girls accepted. :D seokyu saranghae! :3