
This Revenge Brought Us Love Yet Pain

No one’s POV

AhnNa kept filling the bag one by one, looked like she could fill it well now. The sweat rolled down her face to her neck. The sun ray was hotter and hotter as the time flied hour to hour. Every now and then, Baekhyun turned his gaze to AhnNa and then smirk as she caught his stare and glared back angrily.

“Heartless!” She mumbled to herself.

“Ahhh!!! Finally, it’s almost finish!” AhnNa squealed in joy as she counted the plastic bags, there were twenty bags left.


After 4778907896326 seconds

“Done! 1 2 3…. Aww I can’t believe I can do all of these 120 bags. Hehe Yah!....” She yelled turning to Baekhyun but she had to shut as she saw him sleeping soundly with the book was on his face. AhnNa rolled her eyes in thinking and smiled playfully. She tiptoes toward him while taking her hairclip from her hair. She tried her best to put that hairclip onto his hair very gently. And then she tiptoes back while trying not to laugh out loud. At least she got some revenge on him. AhnNa continued her work with putting the seeds into the bags. It’s time for lunch already as she has done with those bags. Baekhyun was still sleeping with that hairclip on.


AhnNa’s POV

I opened the door as I saw Auntie heading toward the mirror house.

“It’s time to have lunch already, AhnNa” Auntie took a basket of food for us.

“Ah Nae!” I washed my hands and helped her preparing the food.

“I’ll wake Baekhyun up” I walked toward him and shook his shoulder.

“Baekhyun…Baekhyun wake up” He groaned taking the book out of his face. I tried to hold my laughter, he looked cute with that hairclip on. I secretly smiled at Auntie and pointed to his head. Auntie smiled shaking her head at me.   

“Oh hi Auntie” He greeted Auntie walking toward the table which full of food now.

“Young master, you look cute today” Auntie said smiling. I sat down holding my stomach as I burst out in laughter.

“What? Cute?” 

“Yes” She grinned pointing to his head. Baekhyun touched his head and took out hairclip from his hair. He examined it and then moved his gaze to me, who still laugh my head out.

“YOU!... Fine!”  Baekhyun didn’t say anything but sat down and ate his food quietly. Auntie looked at me smiling and mouthed ‘you’re in trouble’ I smiled and showed her ‘it’s ok’ sign with my finger.

“So, I think I go now, eat well, young master, AhnNa”

“Yes, thank you, Auntie” And she walked out of the house and headed toward the house.

Baekhyun tossed my hairclip onto the table and continued to eat. I hide my smile and took it back.

“Seriously, you’re cute with this hairclip…”

“Just finish your work” He drank the water and got up, took his book and walked out of the house.

“Where are you going?”                                   

“Make sure you’re done before sunset” And he disappeared into the woods. I didn’t care and started to water the flower. But the problem was how could I water? I scanned the whole place and found the tube at one corner of the house. I examined it and tried to find place where I could turn on the water. Ah! There! I found it and turned it on. I could see the water run through the tube and for my surprise the water spread everywhere because I turned it on too much. I ran to catch it that made the water spread all over my body. Ahh now I’m soaking wet from head to toe already. I didn’t care but enjoyed it as I started to water the flower row by row. I had fun though. I kept playing with the water until I noticed Baekhyun figure walking toward the house. I smiled as I had a plan to get my revenge. I stood behind the unit watering the flower and as I realized Baekhyun walked toward me, I turn the tube to his body, water soaked him from head to toe so now he was soaking like me, hahshasha.

“What the heck?” He shouted and ran away but I kept chasing him behind.

“Stop! Stop it” He yelled while running around. I didn’t stop. It was very fun. How could I stop? Keke

He stopped running and turned to me with anger. I stopped as I saw his eyes. He picked his book up in front of his face, Oppp! It was soaking too. I’m dead! He didn’t say anything but looked at me angrily. His eyes were full of anger. I’m really dead!

“You! Have! To! Pay! Back!” With that he ran to me and took the tube from my hand. He turned the tube to me….and…RUN!!!! I ran as fast as I could. But what the result was the water kept falling on my body…but I didn’t realize that we had fun together, how he smirk as he saw me soaking from head to toe, how he kept chasing me behind…deep inside I was really happy.


“Ah ah chu” I coughed and coughed, that made I knew that I caught a cold because of the water. Now we were sitting on the floor as we were panting hard. How tired we were. Little did we know it was dark already.

“Let’s go home” He said getting up and walked out of the house.

“Wait for me!” And I ran after him.


“Look! AhnNa, you will catch a cold, you know? Young master too” As we reached the house, Auntie ran to me worriedly. I shook my head.

“I’m fine…ah chu…”

“You’re not fine, come on in” She dragged me into the house and helped me dry my hair with towel.

“You’re burning” She said as she touched my forehead.

“Go to take a hot bath and come to eat and then you can rest, come on. Young master too” She pushed me into the room and she went into the bathroom to make hot water for me. I smiled at her concern. At least I knew everyone around me care about me although that heartless guy tried to hurt me. After took a hot bath I was force to eat hot soup and medicine. Auntie looked after me like I was a baby. That touched my heart and felt like I was with omma. After that she made me sleep.

“Thank you, Auntie. How about Baekhyun?”

“He’s fine. Just go to sleep” She said placing the wet towel on my forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes, I was too tired too, so I drifted to sleep.  

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lovely_k-pop #1
Chapter 65: you know what I hate about you author-nim? at the end of the chapter you always say sorry because you thought that the chapter was lame. believe me IT'S NOT. I read this story for the nth time but I never thought the chapter I read was lame. it's all good from the beginning to the very end.
Chapter 77: One big family! Great story author!!!!!!
Chapter 77: Read this story again & I still love it
Chapter 81: Omg i really love this.. so good. Omo... gotta read the sequel
Chapter 78: I just found this story and finished it in one I loved the story and loved the plot..this is so cute...thanks for writing this off to the sequel.. ^_^
Chapter 76: Omg i am so inlove with this story right now
anuski #7
Chapter 39: this's like 10th time reading this story but i never bored
your story is soooooo gud :)
Chapter 77: Beautiful! Your story is beautiful as usual authornim!