Chapter 2 - Remember Me




Checking the mail was something that made all sorts of emotions flurry inside his chest. He used to be excited, but the feelings had turned to ones of discomfort. Every time he checked it, there was nothing he was looking for and it made his heart sink. He kept telling himself that Jinyoung had forgotten about him, but he refused to fully believe it. After three years of dating, was it that easy to forget?

“No I can’t think like that…” it was so easy to, but he knew it would only ruin him in the end. Those feelings were so persuasive; there were so many reasons why they could be right. But they were all what ifs, no facts.

Junghwan stood in front of the mailboxes for each apartment. The key being tightly held in his hand to the point where it would be imprinted in his skin, his heart was beating rapidly from anxiety.

The last time he’d gotten anything from his fiancé had been nearly a month ago.

It had been a year and six months since they’d been apart; and the only way he heard anything from the singer were postcards from where ever he happened to be. There was no way for Junghwan to communicate with him. Cellphones were pointless; plus Jinyoung was probably too busy to try and call him off a landline.

It was expensive anyways.

Not even needing to search for the number since his eyes fell right onto it, he brought the key up to the lock. Taking a moment to clear his head from all the negative thoughts that were festering, he turned the key slowly; pulling open the metal door and peering inside. He pulled everything out and hastily picked through it. Most being more junk, but on the top of the stack was a small note he’d almost missed. It read that there was a package at the front desk waiting for him.

After putting everything back and closing the mailbox, he walked towards the area stated in the note. The manager was normally there but appeared to be out; it was around lunch time anyways.

Figuring it was ok for him to go around the desk; he walked behind it, shifting through all of the packages quickly.

A few envelopes and smaller boxes later; he finally came upon one that was addressed to him. The address was from Paris, France.

At first he felt like this had been sent to him by mistake, but his name was clearly written on the outside.

He immediately grabbed the package and left the desk. Staring at it in his hands as he walked towards the elevator, this was from Jinyoung. It had to be. Who else would send him something from France, he didn’t even know anyone who lived there; let alone knew Korean. He wasn’t sure if he should be happy, angry, or worried. Happy because he hadn’t heard from Jinyoung in over a month, angry because it had been so long, or worried in case it might be about something he didn’t want to see. He’d never received an actual package before; and it made him feel on edge as to what it could be.

All from the lobby, elevator, and hallway towards his apartment he wondered what could be inside the wrapped box. It was a little bigger than his hand but he didn’t have the slightest clue as to what it was. As soon as he’d laid eyes on it, he’d wanted to tear it open to avoid this uncertainty. He thought it was best to wait until he was in his apartment before doing that. Who knows what it could be after all.

He nearly slammed the door shut as soon as he got inside. Not on purpose but he didn’t pay much mind to it after locking his door.

Walking to the living room; he sat down on the couch and ripped the brown paper off of the object it was concealing. Underneath was a black DVD case with yellow sticky note on the outside that said “play me :)”. Junghwan could easily recognize it as Jinyoung’s hand writing; and he felt his heart skip a beat at that.

Not wanting to waste another second; he scrambled to the T.V. Opening up the case to place it into the DVD player, once he was back on the couch and was as comfortable as he was going to get; turned the T.V on and pressed play.

He could already feel his entire body growing in tension. What was he supposed to expect? Was it some kind of tape telling him that Jinyoung wanted to break up?

When the tape started he held his breath; and for a few seconds it was completely black. What if this was some kind of ransom? What if someone had kidnapped him and was going to kill him?!

Soon he realized it was because someone was standing in front of it; and when they moved away so he could see their face he nearly burst into tears.

It was Jinyoung.

After a year and six months he was finally seeing his face again; even though it was through the T.V. It was still him.

He had taken a seat on a blue couch, there was a window behind him that showed it was nighttime. The only light that looked to be on in the frame of picture he could see was a lamp barely in the shot.

But he scarcely paid any mind to what was around him; he only focused on his fiancé. Right now he didn’t know how to feel; there was an overwhelming happiness followed by dwelling sorrow. Seeing him just reminded him of how much he missed him. It felt like it’s been more than a year and six months, it might as well have been ten.

When he started speaking; his heart flew through a loop. He sounded so calm while smiling at the camera. He was actually almost whispering, but it was loud enough to hear clearly.

“Hey, I hope you still remember what my face looks like.” he teased. Junghwan couldn’t help but smile. How could he forget a face like his? “I wanted to make a video for you, to fill you in on what’s been happening with me. I just hope it gets to you soon; by the time you see this I most likely won’t be in Paris anymore.”

Jinyoung looked visibly exhausted; but still as handsome as ever. He leaned back on the couch he was sitting on and sighed lightly before continuing. “It’s almost midnight, I’m dead tired, but now was the only time I had to make this.” he shook his head and gave the camera a longing expression. “I don’t even think I can begin to explain how much I miss you. I never should have done this; I can barely stand being away from you for so long.”

While Junghwan found himself blushing, the other laughed shakily. “I wish I could talk to you other than postcards, but I hope you’ve enjoyed them. I try to write as much as I can fit before I run out of room. It’s hard to sum up my feelings in only a few lines.”

“I hope things have been alright with you. I wish I could just pick up the phone and call you… just so I could hear the sound of your voice.” Shaking his head; he chuckled. “I know it’s really cheesy, but it’s true.”

His face became solemn after a moment of silence. “The first four months I remember so clearly; because I got no sleep. I wasn’t used to sleeping in a bed alone. And when I’d wake up and not see your face I felt like giving up on all of this and going back home. It was obvious I was miserable, I knew I was and so did everyone else.” Sighing, he persisted. “Sometimes it’s hard even to force a smile on your face every day. By the time you’re lying in bed, it all comes back to you.”

“But as time went by; I tried to focus more on what I was doing. Seeing new places is an amazing experience and I’m lucky to get to be here, I know a lot of people would kill for this. But it takes a lot out of you, more emotionally than anything.” Jinyoung looked straight at the camera, straight at him, and frowned. “You begin to realize how precious things are to you when they’re not around anymore. When I go by shops and stores, I’ll look inside and smile because I always see something you’d like.” Lowering his head, Junghwan was barely able to catch him murmur, “I wish you could be here with me…”

Junghwan wished so badly he could somehow reach out to the other. Even if he most likely wasn’t in that place anymore, if there was only someway Jinyoung could hear him too. There was so much he wanted to tell him, if only there was some way.

When he brought his head up again, there was a smile on his face. But it was small and not as happy as it normally was. “I’m still glad I decided to do this. I’ve been practically around the world; every two months we go somewhere else. Besides the horrible jetlag and not knowing the language in most places, it’s something I’ll never forget. I never knew how much work it is so be famous, even if I’m not yet. If this is what it’s like, I’m not sure if I’m totally ready. I know it wouldn’t be like this right away, but at some point I’m sure that it would be.”

 He laughed suddenly, and it made the brunette smile. He loved the way Jinyoung laughed. It hurt to think of how long it really had been since he’d gotten to hear or see him. “Just the other day, we were taking a break and I started playing my guitar and singing. Even though the locals didn’t understand what I was saying, they acted like they enjoyed it. And it reminded me of how music can bring us together; it’s really a wonderful thing.”

Jinyoung hadn’t changed at all. He’d thought that this exposer to being famous would go to his head, but he was still the same guy he’d first fell in love with.

Before he knew or could stop it, there were fresh tears gliding slowly down his face. Is it really possible to miss someone so badly, that it physically hurt? He wanted to go through the screen and hold the other so badly. He’d give anything just to see him again, to be in his presence. He couldn’t keep doing this, he knew it. This pain would never go away, and for so long. It was killing him. Very slowly, like the venom from a snake bite.

He then brought his hands up closer to his face, as if to hide what was splaying over his mouth. “You’re still wearing your ring, right?” Junghwan frowned; what kind of question was that? Of course he was wearing it, he never took it off. Glancing to Jinyoung’s hand that he knew the ring would be on; his heart relaxed at seeing it, the silver band was as he remembered it. “I have to take it off when I’m in public, something to do with my image. That’s what my manager says. But every time I come back to the hotel room I put it back on. I hate having to do it; I always feel uncomfortable without it.”

That was ridiculous. He wasn’t even famous and they were making him take off his ring? Junghwan didn’t like the idea of that, and as much as he didn’t want to understand, he did. Still, what should it matter to anyone else if he was engaged? He tried not to think much on it, but it still bothered him.

“Anyways…” he yawned loudly; pulling his arms away from his face to stretch. “It’s so late and they make us get up at six. It’s insane.” Jinyoung got up, moving closer to the camera to smile. “If it’s morning there then I hope you have a good day, or if it’s night I hope you have a goodnight. I love you babe, and I can’t wait to go home so I can see you again.” After waving two or three times, the screen went black.

And Junghwan lost it.

His tears began clouding his vision as his breathing went uneven. He leaned forward to sob violently into his hands; Jinyoung’s face being beyond his closed eyes. It tortured him; he was happy to see him, but once it ended his heart finally snapped. He couldn’t take the idea that there was nothing he could do to talk to him; if he could he’d tell him to just come home.

There was only so much more of this he could take before he went crazy. He wanted to call himself an idiot for letting Jinyoung leave so easily, and acting so calm when he left, but on the inside was yelling for him not to. This was only tearing holes in their relationship, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. He knew it was true, and there was only one way it could be fixed.

He’d tried to tell himself that this was all for his fiancé’s future, for his dreams. But what about their future, and they’re dreams, were those not as important? Did they not mean anything, or was their future nonexistent?

For the first time since Jinyoung left, he thought about if this was all really worth it.

Was it worth going through all this pain for someone who may not even come back for another year? Was it fair to put himself through all this? If he really wanted to, Jinyoung could come back. If he told them why, he was sure they’d let him. That trip had been optional; it wasn’t something that was required of him. At the time, they’d both thought it was a good idea and a way for him to get more experience.

Now, after realizing what it was putting both of them through, it wasn’t worth it.

He’d never thought about ending their relationship, and he couldn’t believe he was considering it. But it upset him so severely to think he’d be alone for who knows how many more days or months. Like a knife being plunged through his stomach. He could leave it in, bleed, and let the pain eventually stop. Or he could rip it out and find a way to repair himself before he died.

They were horrible analogies, but they made sense to him.

What was he supposed to do? What if Jinyoung never came back, what If after another year he completely forgot about him? What if it started with not remembering to put the ring back on? Because he was so used to taking it off and just forgot about it? What if by now Jinyoung didn’t love him anymore, after all this time? What if he’d found someone else?

He knew he was destroying himself right now, tearing down every sense of truth to replace with false assumptions. They were so easy to believe and convince true; he wanted to believe them just as a way to give him a reason to walk away. But wouldn’t walking away be more painful?

He didn’t know anymore. All this pain felt the same.

When there was a loud knock on his door, he nearly jumped right off the couch. Not knowing who it was since he wasn’t expecting anyone, he shouted a quick “be there in a minute!” before going to the bathroom to try and look more decent.

Once he was actually looking at himself in the mirror, he realized that it was impossible for him to not look like he’d been crying. Splashing his face with cold water and drying it; hoping that whoever it was wouldn’t ask about why he looked like a train wreck.

When he got to the door and opened it; he was surprised by the familiar face.

“Channie? What are you doing here?” They were friends through Jinyoung, but hadn’t spoken in a few months. He knew that he lived with his boyfriend on the sixth floor but he never really saw much of him. His arrival here wasn’t exactly the best timing though, even if it was good to see him.

Chanshik appeared momentarily confused; it was probably because normally Jinyoung was the one to answer the door. He was always too lazy to get up; either that or he lost a game of rock, paper, scissors. Although the younger knew about his fiancé’s trip, maybe he thought he’d be back by now.

Either way, his question caught Junghwan completely off guard.

“Do you have any condoms?” he asked like it was the most casual conversation starter in the world.

“You came over to ask me that?!”



Chanshik gave him a dull look. “Why else?”

“You know, they sell them at the market down the street…” he stated, his face feeling slightly warmer.

The youth sighed exasperatedly; pushing past Junghwan and walking into his apartment uninvited. “I don’t want to go buy them! It’s always weird and people will give me looks!” he said over his shoulder.

Junghwan shut his door, following after the black haired male. “Then don’t look at them!” by the time Chanshik reached the bathroom and was shifting through all of the drawers, he decided to speak up again. “I don’t have any.”

Chanshik sat on his knees; glancing in the cabinet underneath the sink. When he regarded Junghwan, who was standing in the doorway, he didn’t look like he believed him. “Are you saying you and Jinyoung have never-?”

“Of course we have!” he blurted before blushing madly, looking away to hide his embarrassment. “Why don’t you just do it without them?”

He stood, sighing while appearing bothered. Walking past the older, he completely disregarded his question.

The brunette followed after him to the kitchen where he sat down on a chair. “Is it the first time you guys have… done it?” he questioned cautiously. Even though the conversation was awkward, it helped him get his mind off how he’d felt. It had been awhile since he’d had an actual conversation with a friend, even if it was something like this.

“No.” at this point; the younger glared. “And you can just say ! You know, I’m not a kid!”

Junghwan frowned; reaching out and pinching Gongchan’s cheek. “You’ll always be our little Channie~!”

He quickly swatted away his hand. “Stop treating me like Jinyoung!” growled the black haired male.

The other couldn’t help but laugh. Jinyoung and Chanshik’s relationship was like brothers, his fiancé was always teasing him and treating him like a child, sometimes he’d join in because it was entertaining. He could see why he did it though; Gongchan looked so much younger than his age.  

“Shouldn’t you be going? Or is Sunwoo not waiting for you to get back?” Junghwan asked; trying not to think about what would happen after he did regarding their conversation.

Chanshik shook his head. “He’s out; but I wanted to surprise him when he got back.” he said with a frown.

His predicament seemed less urgent than he’d first thought. “If he’s out, then why don’t you call him and ask him to get some?”

“Are you kidding me?!” now he was glowering. “What part of “wanted to surprise him” do you not get?” Gongchan placed an elbow on the table, his expression not wavering.

“Then maybe you should just plan—”

“But I don’t want it planned! It’s always planned.” Again he scowled, resting his whole arm on the table so that he could place his chin over it. “I wanted one of those “heat of the moment” things.”

Junghwan laughed as an invisible rain cloud appeared over Gongchan’s head. He reached over; patting his shoulder lightly. “Your relationship is still young, give it time. How long have you two been dating anyways?”

“Almost a year.” Replied the other solemnly. Though he knew Chanshik well enough to know he wasn’t actually in despair, he just enjoyed overdramatizing. He really did act like a kid, but Junghwan couldn’t say he did the same. Especially when Jinyoung was around, he always felt like he could be himself, not having to worry about being judged or made fun of. The singer always joked around and about small things, but it was never hurtful. They were both the kind of people who could take jokes well.

“That’s a long time; I’m surprised someone can actually put up with you.” Junghwan joked, earning a small glare from the other. He actually didn’t know Sunwoo all that well; he’d met him probably only three or four times. But he seemed like an alright guy; though he had a serious problem with jealousy. He only knew this because Jinyoung had told him about how he’d overreacted when he and Chanshik went out shopping without telling him. That had been when the two had first started dating, and he was sure he was probably better by now. Junghwan wouldn’t want to be around him when he lost his temper, that’s for sure.

The thought reminded him of how scary Jinyoung could be when he was furious too. He didn’t see that side of him often since he was calm a lot, but when he did, he made sure never to do anything to upset him. In fact he tried to stay out of his way and let him calm down. Anyone could be terrifying when they were angry, but Jinyoung was just a tad bit more intimidating.

Lifting his head, Gongchan looked on optimistically which was a huge change from his earlier demeanor. “I can’t believe how long you and Jinyoung have been together. Isn’t it four years now? How do you do it?” he wondered curiously, his expression reminded him of a nosy puppy.

Junghwan smiled; though it was strained. “I’m not sure.” he was honestly barely able to keep himself together while Jinyoung was gone. It was miserable, and he didn’t know how long he could go on this way.

“Aren’t you two supposed to get married too?” he pestered. Glancing down at the ring on the elder’s finger, “and he’s been gone for almost two years.” Gongchan leaned back in the chair, gazing haughtily at him even though Junghwan’s eyes had moved to the ring. “If I were you, I probably would have left him by now.”

Straightaway the lather turned his eyes to Chanshik. He felt as if he should be offended, or angry, but was he right?

Either way the statement had thrown him completely off guard. “Why do you say that?” he questioned, trying his best to hide the hurt in his voice.

“Because,” he rested his elbow on the table once more, leaning closer to Junghwan. “It’s been almost two years. That’s a long time not to see someone; and it’s not like his trip was mandatory. He could have come back by now. How do you know he’s not seeing someone?”

“He wouldn’t!” Junghwan shouted defensively. Staring at Gongchan with pain in his eyes, and it was clearly evident. “He’d never cheat on me.”

Chanshik scooted away, slightly startled by Junghwan’s outburst. “Calm down, I know he would never do that.” Realizing he had probably pushed the wrong buttons, he sighed heavily. “I meant… after so long it’s going to be really weird between you two. It’ll be like you don’t know each other anymore.”

“How do you know?” he wondered, now avoiding eye contact to stare at the ground. How would Gongchan know any of this; had he been in a similar situation?

“Isn’t it obvious?” groaning; he ran his slim fingers through his hair. “Why does everyone think I’m an idiot?”

Chuckling once, the other brought his head up to smile faintly. “Because you act like one.”

Sticking out his tongue, he crossed his arms and turned away with a grimace. “Do not.”

Junghwan laughed harder. “You’re acting like one right now! You brat!”

Chanshik growled, uncrossing his arms after a moment. “But back to the point, even if I haven’t gone through it, I can imagine what it would be like.” A sort of pout crossed his lips. “If I was in your position and hadn’t seen Baro in almost two years, I’d be just like you. And I know for sure when he came back, things would be awkward.”

“But would you leave him?”

At first he hadn’t been sure if he’d wanted to ask that. It was the one thing on his mind at the moment; and it was destroying him internally. He felt horrible for even letting it cross his thoughts, but there was only so much suffering someone could go through before they had to do something to make it stop.

When Gongchan went silent, clearly thinking about it. He was considering it, which meant it wasn’t wrong for him to consider it also, right? It was different between their relationship and the one he had with Jinyoung. For starters they hadn’t been together for nearly as long, and second they weren’t engaged. Still, Junghwan found himself wanting to know his opinion, wanting to know what he would do in this situation.

The dark haired male opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He did this multiple times before finally deciding on an answer; he seemed fairly nonchalant about it. “Probably. I mean, after two years without seeing him and not being able to talk to him? It’s like you’re single. So, what would the point of sticking around and sulking be? For all I know, he might not come back.” His answer sounded honest; but he wasn’t sure if he could fully believe it. Especially since he wasn’t in the position right now, it still gave him something to think about.

Suddenly a phone went off and Gongchan was jumping up from his chair and digging into his pants pocket. With the device pulled out, he barely checked who was calling before answering with a cute smile and voice to match. “Hello~?”

Junghwan watched for a few seconds as Chanshik listened to whoever was on the other line. By the way his voice sounded and the look on his face, he assumed it was Sunwoo.

“Mhm… I was just visiting Sandeul to see how he was. He’s so emotional now without Jinyoung around.” he pouted playfully on the phone, then smirked when the other reached out to punch him in the leg.

He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at how Gongchan’s personality went from serious to playful to a flirty suggestive idiot. Listening to what he said on the phone made him want to gag. He’d never fully understand what went through his head or why he always tried to act so innocent. Everyone but probably Jinyoung knew that he was far from.

When their conversation finally ended and Chanshik shut his phone, he barely caught sight of his smile while he headed towards the door. “Baro’s home, so I’m leaving! Tell me when Jinyoung comes back, I want to see him too!”

Junghwan nodded and waved as Gongchan exited his apartment.

As soon as he left and could hear his retreating footsteps, his mind set to work crumbling what little foundations of sanity he had left.

He wouldn’t say that Gongchan was the reason, but this had gotten to a point out of his hands.

He couldn’t do this anymore.

Sitting and waiting; going with each day feeling like he’d been slapped in the face. Who knows when Jinyoung would actually come back, and Chanshik had a point saying that his trip hadn’t been mandatory. He didn’t have to go, and he surely could have come home by now.

What if he really was seeing someone else? Going all over the world gave him that opportunity. As much as it hurt him to believe, and as much as it probably wasn’t true, his mind still tried to convince him of this assumption. His stomach felt uneasy, and his heart ached. It was so simple to say that these emotions would eventually fade, but they hadn’t. Not at all since Jinyoung had left, in fact they’d only gotten stronger with each passing day. This apartment served as a reminder of all his once happy memoires. Now they were scorned by unsettling images of betrayal.

Was he being brash?

Only acting on impulse?

It didn’t feel like it; but then again his mind wasn’t even straight anymore.

There were too many dark clouds hovering, making things foggy and unclear. The only thing he wanted was for this pain to stop. He barely sleep at night with it tormenting him; with him having to stare at the empty side of the bed and cry until he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer.

He’d had enough of being trapped and isolated. This apartment had become his prison, and he didn’t care where he went, he just wanted out.

Again he was sobbing, his chest unevenly hitching. He stood from the table and made his way towards the bedroom. It was there he pulled out a suitcase from his closet and tossed it onto the bed, pulling it open and violently throwing clothes inside.

Anything that meant something to him went in his suitcase, and when that was full; filled another one halfway.

When he finished; he grabbed his cellphone off the nightstand and unlocked it. Searching through his contacts for a few seconds, he found the name he was looking for and immediately called it. Placing the phone up to his ear, he bit his lip to hold back the sounds of his frantic breathing.

His actions were unplanned, to the point where he knew he was overreacting but refused to stop. Everything was too painful. His vision was blurry with despair and he hopped that the one on the other line would pick up.

When the line clicked he started talking right away.


“Hello? Sandeul? Is that you? Are you alright?”

“I’ll explain later. Could I stay with you for a while?” his words stuttered but he hoped the other wouldn’t press on the matter.

“Sure, do you need me to come get you?”

“Please. I’m at my apartment.”

“Alright, I’ll be there in ten.”

As soon as he heard his words, he ended the call and shoved the device into his pocket. Grabbing both of his suitcases, he dragged them to the front door. He felt like destroying everything in his sights, like yelling and screaming at nothing or sobbing until he could no longer cry.

All because Jinyoung had left, and they were both to blame. They were both stupid to think their relationship would last like this. He didn’t realize how hard it would be, or what just one day can do to you.

Turning back to the kitchen, he ripped a piece of paper off the fridge, which they kept there for reminders. After grabbing a pen, he began writing a short note to Jinyoung, if he ever decided to come back.

Reading over it a few times once he finished; he tried his best not to let his tears fall, but it was past that point now. They were splotched over the document, blurring some of the ink. He then held his hand for the longest time, mentally fighting with himself before finally he’d had enough. Pulling the ring off his finger; he placed it down on the paper and walked away.

At this point; he’d never felt so lost or hurt in his life. It was like someone was reaching inside his chest and tearing his heart up piece by piece. He knew what this was, and it was what he should have done months ago. This was the only way the pain would ease over time.

Moving on.

It was time to pick up his things, the shattered remains of his life and who he was, and walk away. He didn’t even know how long it would be before the singer decided to show up, but when he did, he wouldn’t be here. He wouldn’t be here to welcome him back like he probably expected.

Maybe Jinyoung had no desire to come back at all.

Maybe everything, the postcards and the tape; he’d sent just to lead him on, to make him think that he still loved him, even if it was all a lie. It was so easy to tell someone one thing; especially not in person, but mean something completely different.

Inside, it tortured him to think these thoughts. But they were necessary; if he denied them then it would make leaving much harder.

When he felt his phone buzz; he went back to the door knowing his ride was here. He pulled his things out and shut the door behind him without another glance, afraid he’d change his mind if he looked inside again.

This time, he wouldn’t come back. Once he locked the door, made it down the hall and to the elevator, his entire body felt numb. Like he’d been burned with searing flames of anguish but not felt anything. There was only one thing that was going through his mind at this point.

And it was leaving, never seeing this place again. It would only bring memories back that he had no desire for.

Dropping his key off at the front desk, he made it hastily out to the parking lot. As expected, the car was waiting patiently for his arrival.

A part of him wanted to say that he was sorry, but who would he be sorry to?

He recalled the night when he’d told Jinyoung he loved him. Maybe things would have been different if he’d actually heard him. Now; he didn’t know where the love was, or if it was there at all. There was too much chaos irrupting in his mind. But he would make sure that Jinyoung would never find him; even if he tried. Because all that would wait for him would be more aching if he went down that road again.

Finishing packing his things into the truck of the car; he shut it with a slam. In taking a deep breath; he found his courage to look at the apartment complex again. He stared at it for a minute; his tears of hurt turning into ones of confusion and anger. His feelings were so conflicted; but he knew one thing, that he would never, after this moment see Jinyoung’s face again.

This was what he was sure of, but in truth, it was only his part of the story. 




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yaleave #1
Man this story is the best out there no exaggeration. Can't you've a jindeul comeback now that b1a4 had their comeback. This story deserve much more ... I wanted to upvote but don't have enough karma :(
Comeback soon fighting
Chapter 3: Deullie why ????!!! just forgive Jinyoung and be happy !! . TT^TT .. as much as it hurts Me that Jinyoung left Deullie to pursue his dreams .. I can never evr compare it to the pain Jinyoung feels when Deullie gave Up on him .. and then he still tries to get em back just to see him totally turned his back !
Chapter 2: I was crying like crazy halfway of this chap. .. I can totally feel what Deullie's into . And then came Channie asking for some !! . like wth Channie ! I burst out laughing ! .lol ! . and yah ! Deullie how dare u gave Up on Jinyoung !! . I love u soo much but right now I just want to kick u !! TT^TT
bbyungwoos #5
Chapter 3: Oh gosh why.............. ㅠㅠ how did Sandeul lose it in only six months after all those years omg I'm die.. And it wasn't entirely Jinyoung's fault sobs Sandeul supported him too asgdfjshsk ㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: Im crying so hard right now.... :'( can't you write an alternative ending/sequel with an happy ending, I'm like dying here... :'(
luvfics02 #7
gosh! so hard 2 express my feelings with words but u're so gifted author-nim! Sandeul y can't u just 4give Jinyoung already? u deserve a reward. anyway, hope u write more Jindeul fics in the future. i would love 2 write 1 2 after i find a perfect plot 2 write about...<3 u author-nim!
Chapter 3: How could you do this to me, I'm a sobbing mess. I was doing fine up until the ending, thinking that they'll get back together. It killed me to read the last sentence and realize that it was over and everything. Junghwan, oh god, please forgive Jinyoung so we can all live happy. Even though you just killed my heart, thank you for giving me something so wonderful to read
Chapter 3: omg, it breaks my heart so much!! i thought it would be alright..
it stabbed my heart a hundred times, thinking i was in their situation
, authornim deserves an award
Chapter 3: akjhsfkjafhgjasgfjkashkjfghdsjakhfjakshgfkjasfjksahjfkashfkja
This story makes my heart ache. The first fanfic ever to do that. T_T
Omg, but at the same time, I'm loving this. You wrote it so beautifully, author-nim. ;A; I am green with envy about your writing styles. So smooth~! Every word, every emotion. It is precisely displayed. No kidding. Every second, my heart wrecks like hell. Please make some more Jindeul fics cuz I'm addicted to it. lol CRAVING FOR MORE~~!! Eventhough it is completely angsty.
Keep up the good work~! *twothumbsup* Fighting! ♥