Answers and Anger

New World

After being thrown all of this shocking information at once, I sauntered over to a chair under the canopy and sat in silence. Chanyeol said something to the other boy's and they went inside the small cabin before Chanyeol pulled a chair next to mine. Tao stayed behind and watched Chanyeol and I talk from a distance. I had told him to go away. I was sick of him censoring important information from me, and I knew Chanyeol would be as honest as anyone. He was easy to get along with. He had a personality I couldn't quite figure out. He seemed demanding and confident around his friends, but bubbly and eager to talk to me. I wasn't sure what to ask Chanyeol first. Something about himself? The other boys? I started asking everything, and Chanyeol easily obliged. 

"Seems like Xiumin and your boyfriend really have told you nothing." Chanyeol said after spewing the answers to all of my questions. 

"Tao isn't my boyfriend." I said blatently. "Never was, never will be." 

Chanyeol's nose crinkled, and his mouth opened has he burst into laughter. He turned around to face Tao, but Tao was quickly making his way into the building. "YOU LIAR!" Chanyeol shouted after him. He turned to me. "You've seriously never dated Zitao?" 

"No. Has he been telling you we were?!" I was so confused. What the hell was Tao playing at?

"Bingo." Chanyeol snorted. He seemed pretty amused to find out that Tao was definately not dating me. I, on the other hand, was not amused at all. 

"So if you're not dating him, you kissed him because..?" Chanyeol left the question open answer.

The answer to that question, I didn't even know. "Spur of the moment I guess." That was the only thing I could think to say. 

"Really?" He laughed agaiin. "Zitao had been planning that kiss out for months, and you say it was a spur of the moment? Oh god, this is too funny." 

"Stop laughing." An anger began to build up inside of me at the though of Chanyeol laughing at my friends misunderstanding. 

Had I been leading Tao on? Had he liked me this entire time and been to nervous to say so? I thought him and I were at the point where we could hold each other like lovers, but only to fill the lonliness both of us were surrounded by. I liked him to comfort me, but I could never think of him as someone who I could love, and someone who could love me. I did love Tao, but I wasn't attracted to him. The mystery about him was gone. I knew everything about him, and I think I've spent more time with him than most married couples spend with each other. He was way too close to a brother than anything else. I felt angry at Tao for lying, but guilty that I made him feel like he had to lie. 

"I need to go talk to him." I rose from my seat, but Chanyeol's arm shot out in front of me. 

"No you don't. Just sit down. Look, it's 2:15 AM and you should get some sleep." Chanyeol got up and found a blanket to lay over my lap. 

"Get up. We aren't staying here." Suddenly Tao was ripping the blanket from my legs, and grabbing my arm in a grip I couldn't escape. He was mad. He pulled me from the chair, and I looked back as Chanyeol and the camp disappeared into the forest.

"Tao! Let go! I'm not ready to leave yet!" Tao ignored my cries. 

He kept dragging me around. I wasn't his pet, or his child, or his girlfriend. He couldn't tell me to do whatever the hell he wanted. I got angry. I stopped caring about his feelings, and screamed out anything that I thought would allow him to let me stay. 

"Tao, if you love me, you won't take me back down there!" I screamed at him. He hestitated for a moment, before tightening his grip on my arm and walking faster towards the Tube. 

Before I knew it, I was surrounded by familiar orange-brown darkness, and the muggy temperature. The air around me stopped moving completely. I never realized how stale it was here. I found it hard to breath after being exposed to the fresh air above. As the platform in the Tube reached the ground, Tao placed his palm over my eyes again. When he let me open my eyes, he was walking off, leaving me alone in the suffocating blackness of Sub-Seoul.

"Tao, stop. Tao, You have to talk to me. HWANG ZITAO TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW." He didn't respond to any of my calls. Tears started coating my cheeks. There was a strong feeling in my chest that Tao and I's friendship wouldn't be the same. And that scared me. I didn't know life without him, and if he left me alone. I limped home slowly to find Minseok raging at the front door. 

"Where the have you been?" Were his first words to me.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same?" I retorted.

"What do you mean, I've been here all da- Are you crying, Sun-ah?" He went from annoyed to genuinely concerned.

"It's saddening when you find out the only people you know have been lying to you your entire life." 

Minseok didn't say anything. He must have read the look in my eyes and knew that I knew everything. About what he had done. 

"Did Tao tell-" 

I cut him off. "Tao took me. Chanyeol is the one who told me everything."

Minseok pulled me into the house off of the porch and slammed the front door behind us. "You saw Chanyeol? You went Up? Is Tao crazy? I made him swear to never take you there. EVER! God Dammit! What if you got hurt?! What if you were caught?!! You would be executed immediately!" 

"That didn't seem to stop you. You went Up having those same risks. If you were caught, I would be here alone."

"You would've had Tao. I didn't know what to do Sun Ni. It was either that or starve. I was only 18 at the time! I didn't know how I was supposed to care for you and myself. It was the on-" 

"You dragged Tao into it too though! And you both lied to me!." I was crying violently at this point. "You should have told me, you should have said something. Did you think you could hide it from me forever? That you are the sole reason all those boys up there are criminals, as well as my best friend?" 

Minseok pulled me into his arms. I always felt silly when he did this, because I was taller than him by a few inches. "Sun-ah. I'm so sorry." He pulled me out of our hug and in front of him so he could look me in the eyes. "You can't ever go back there. You have to swear to me."

"I swear." I repeated. My fingers making an X behind my back.

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