Yo Seob's Revenge!

My Tragic Love For You ♥

“Okay I’ll tell it to you ONE more time – AND THAT’S FINAL,”

“YAY story time!~”

“…My god, I don’t understand how you are older than me…”

“Okay, once upon a time –”

“No! Dino Jong let ME tell the story,” Myung Soo sipped up the last bit of apple juice that was in his carton and threw it away.

“Uh…okay,” Jong Hyun blinked and then moved away from Yo Seob.

“Yay! Story time from Myung Soo!” Yo Seob was giddy now.

“Okay – once upon a time there were three pigs. One piggy lived in a straw house, the middle piggy one lived in a house made of sticks and the last piggy lived in a bricked house,” Myung Soo told while Yo Seob’s eyes glistened.

“Ooooh! In Joonie! Come listen to the story!” Yo Seob squealed happily.

“Since the three pigs were very noisy and loud, their neighbors the three Chickens–” Myung Soo began while Yo Seob cut off the boy. Yo Seob began flailing his arms around.

“EEEEK! CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECKENNNNNN! SEOBIE DOESN’T LOVE CHICKENS!” Yo Seob shrieked. Myung Soo got up and back handed Yo Seob softly and grasped the older boy’s shoulders.

“Calm your down,” Myung Soo stated while rolling his eyes. “Anyways as I was telling my story, the pig’s neighbors couldn’t take it anymore so they decided to hire an assassin to destroy the piggy. The neighbors hired the best of the best which is – danananana–” Myung Soo continued on with the story.

“IS IT BATMAN?!” In Joon suddenly called out while Myung Soo shot a glare at the boy.

“No! Stop interrupting me!” In Joon shrunk and hid in a corner.

“It’s the BIG; MEAN, AND BAD, WOLF!” Yo Seob gasped.

“So the wolf agreed to help the Chic-” Myung Soo told but got a knock on the door. Chun Ji smirked when he saw Myung Soo twitching in annoyance. Myung Soo couldn’t tell the story in peace due to the interruptions. Chun Ji went to the door and opened it to seeing So Yeon, Eun Jung and Hyo Min.

“Hey noona’s” Chun Ji announced while the three older girls nodded at him.

“Hey Chun Ji, we’re here to look for Yo Seob” Eun Jung began while smiling.

“And looky here, he’s hiding right there again,” Hyo Min pointing at the boy that was hiding under the table. Sung Jong came out stretching and seeing everyone looking at Yo Seob.

 “What’s going on?” Sung Jong asked while fluffing up his hair.

“Yo Seob has an appointment with Doctor Onew, Jun Hyung specifically told us three to tie up Yo Seob and bring him over for his check up,” So Yeon said while bringing out the secured rope. Eun Jung brought out the duct tape. Hyo Min slowly began creeping over to Yo Seob.

“NOOOOOO I DON’T LIIIIIIIKE CHIIIIIICKEEEEEEN! RUN AWAYYYY!” Yo Seob shrieked while zooting right out of the doorway. So Yeon, Hyo Min and Eun Jung rushed right after the boy.

“Hey Yo-” Hae Won, Mae Ri, Hyun Jin and Rae Mi began at once but Yo Seob was speeding away.

“HI GIRLS! BYE GIRLS!” Yo Seob screamed while sliding into the next hallway.

“…umm…okay?” Hyun Jin and Rae Mi said while looking back and forth between the girls.

“That was weird…” Mae Ri Joo said while raising an eyebrow.

“Reminds me of Jessica when there’s a 75% shoe sale,” Hae Won said while thinking.

“GET YO SEOOOOOOB!” An angry raging Hyo Min, So Yeon and Eun Jung yelled while running down the hallway.

“Hey Un-” The girls all began once again but got cut off.

“HI GIRLS BYE GIRLS!” The three girls shouted while searching around for something or someone.

“I SAW HIM RUN DOWN THIS WAY!” Hyo Min shouted. Eun Jung searched around but failed.

“SPLIT UP!” So Yeon ordered while all three of them run in different directions.

“Uhh…even more weird,” Rae Mi stated with a huge sweat-drop on her head.

“Not as weird as seeing Head Master talks to his stuff cat –” Hyun Jin said while everyone begins laughing awkwardly.

“Now that’s freaky,” Mae Ri Joo pointed out while everyone else laughs.

“So…what are you all going to do?” Hae Won asked while walking down the hall.

“I’m going to go check up on Ki Kwang-oppa,” Rae Mi said giggling lightly.

“I might go and see if Key wants to hang out…” Hyun Jin said while blushing deeply.

“Wah? Unnie likes Key?” Hae Won asked while smiling brightly.

“Yeah…I’ve been getting some signals from him as well. So hopefully he’ll want too!” Hyun Jin giggled which caused all of the girls to giggle as well.

“Good luck unnie!” The girls all cheered.

“I might go and try to talk to Tae Min-oppa again. I have to get over this fear,” Mae Ri Joo declared.

“Cause you like him but you can’t get near him?” Rae Mi asked while smiling.

“Yes! What’s worse is that he can’t even get near me! So I’m going to do my best,” Mae Ri said while smiling. The girls all hugged.

“You can do it Mae Ri! If Tinnie-unnie was here – she would root for you too!” Hae Won said while smiling.

“Thanks unnies!” The youngest girl said while blushing.

“I wonder how Tinnie’s doing now,” Hyun Jin asked while wondering.

“Well hopefully things turned out right for her; I’ll go check up on unnie later. After I go visit Byung Hun, he’s texting me non-stop now,” Hae Won said while laughing.

“Other than that, good luck everyone!” The girls all bid their goodbyes and left.


|With Yo Seob|

Yo Seob snuck around the offices of Soo Yun and Onew. He glanced around and saw that the two office couple we’re in their utility closet and was getting supplies for their next patients.

“So you have a scheduled appointment for Yo Seob right after you were joking around with him?” Soo Yun asked.

Yo Seob’s eye brow twitched and scoffed behind the couch.

“Yes my dear, I figured I would try a new antidote on him,” Onew said while shifted around to find some needles.

Yo Seob slowly snuck around the office and tried to get closer to the door. Luckily the nurse and doctor were too busy talking and didn’t notice that Yo Seob was slowly closing the door inch by inch.

“…what are you going to do to him?” Soo Yun asked suspiciously towards her husband.

“I’m just…going to give him a shot?” Onew asked innocently while hiding the needle away from his wife. Soo Yun shuffled her feet around and stared at the doctor. Soo Yun looked around and slipped her hands around Onew’s back and took the needle.

Right as Yo Seob saw the huge needle – he felt as if he could just pass out. Yo Seob felt a bit woozy for a second but regained conscious once again.

“…what? With a needle that huge! Are you trying to kill the poor boy?” Soo Yun asked while glaring at him.

“I was going to go for a bigger needle…” Soo Yun heard and was about to smack Onew but instead heard the door slam and the lights were shut off. Yo Seob was the person who did everything – he locked the door and pulled a chair up to the door handle, blocking the doctor and nurse from exiting.

“Take that you evil people! How dare you try to poke me with a needle that huge!” Yo Seob murmured out while running away quickly. He laughed evilly while leaving the two couple in the closet.

“H-HEY?! WHAT HAPPENED?!” Soo Yun demanded while looking around. Onew shrieked and glued himself to Soo Yun.

“EEEEP! IT’S THE DARKNESS! OH HOLD ME SOO YUNNIE!” Onew screamed like a girl. Soo Yun was speechless and twitched.

“…WHAT THE HELL!” Soo Yun screamed.


“You ate his what?” Soo Yun asked while Onew leaned closer to Soo Yun’s ear.

“…his donut,” Onew whispered quietly. Soo Yun had a huge annoyed look on her face and then she pushed Onew off.

“OHMIGOD!” Soo Yun screamed to the sky. Onew huddled into a corner and waited. Soo Yun took a seat and waited for someone to come and rescue them as well.

|2 Hour Later…|

“IN THE JUNGLE THE MIGHTY JUNGLE~ THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT!” Onew sang while rocking back and forth.

“Jin Ki darling…” Soo Yun muttered out with an annoyed tone.

“NEAR THE VILLAGE, THE PEACEFUL VILLAGE~ THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT!” Onew ignored her and continued singing.

“Lee Jin Ki…” Soo Yun called out again.


“IN THE FREAKING JUNGLE THE MIGHTY JUNGLE! LEE JIN KI IS GOING TO SLEEP THERE TONIGHT, IF HE DOESN’T STOP SINGING!” Soo Yun blurted out while glaring at Onew. Onew gulped and zipped his lips.

“Thank you my dear,” Soo Yun said happily while hiding her face in her knees again.

“I got a pocket-pocket full of sunshine~” Onew sang quietly.

“Great! Out of everyone in the world, I get stuck with you in a closet for almost three hours! I mean we are married and we see each other about 24/7 seriously Jin Ki-dear, I don’t like getting stuck in closets with you every now and then,” Soo Yun stated while sighing. “This is like the third time this month? And Jae Joong has to come and unlock us from this same closet,” Soo Yun groaned out.

“This isn’t a bowl of sunshine either babeeeeeeeeeeeeey!” Onew said while laughing.

“And this is one of the side effects when you get stuck in here too long,” Soo Yun grumbled out.

“You got it babeeeeeeeeey!” Onew clicked his tongue and winked at her. Even though she can’t see in the dark, she thought he did that.

“PUT A SOCK IN IT JIN KI!” Soo Yun shouted loudly.

“YOU’RE MEAN BABEEEEEY!” Onew cried out hysterically.

“What’s with that crappy accent?” Soo Yun asked while laughing.

“THERE IS NO CRAPPY ACCENT~!” Onew sang with an accent anyways.

“God you sound like a goat choking or dying, no offense to the goats!” Soo Yun said while rolling her eyes.


“OH MY…JUST KILL ME NOW” Soo Yun banged her head on her knees.


Seunii's Love Letters:

Every single OC will have their little scenario~ :D

The next scene will contain this:

“W-why? W-why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“Tell them…what?”

“That you’re on the verge of dying! Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“How could I ­­____?”

“Wh-what about ___?”

“Don’t tell her, I plan on telling her in a note that I love her and hopefully ____ will take good care of her,”

“Oh ______ please don’t do this!”

[Really old teaser but I finally got the details and I’m ready to type this up ;D]

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Chapter 4: I'm sorry I have been away for so long. Things have been crazy=/. This chapter was cute. I like how L.Joe was jealous and also his cute side is refreshing to see, after I have seen him portrayed as a heartless b***ch. Nice chapter=).
Chapter 5: @DaeGukNamAhForever Thanks for commenting unnie! It's been a while since I've gone back to this story. Honestly - I think I have to re-read this and see what goes on. I think this story is about 3 years old now. xD
Chapter 3: Deal! Remember the necklace=). This story is kinda mysterious=).
Chapter 2: Poor Tinnie. She seems so confused, and it doesn't help that everyone is curious about her=).
Chapter 1: I like it, so far. Intriguing characters and I hope she wakes up soon=(. Nice beginning!
yofunkeemonkEY #6
I wanted hye shi and Neil! Sequel please!!!!!
Thank you for everyone who read this story ^^ <br />
I'm glad that you enjoyed it ^^<br />
I'll definitely tell you when I have a new story up :3
Awwwwwwwieeees. COUPLE RINGS!<br />
Yay! Ye Jun & Tinnie <3
AWWWW! It ended... At least it was a happy ending~!!<br />
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I'm glad everyone is happy at the end~!<br />
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I teared reading this.... (':<br />
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Pleaaaaaaase update!