Don't Call Me 'Princess'

My Tragic Love For You ♥

The young girl wandered deep within the hallways of Sector R. She glanced around the hallways and saw some of the other patients hanging around. They were staring at her strangely and some shot glares at her.

The young girl gulped and continued making her way down the hallway. The young girl was on a mission to find a certain group of someone. She looked around hoping that they were here. She was certain that they were around here since she couldn’t find them at the library.

Suddenly she felt as if she was being followed. She looked back quickly and saw a group of boys hanging out at by the window. She blinked and continued walking down the hallway again. Then there was that uneasy feeling again, she heard multiple foot steps behind her, she looked in the corner of her eye and saw the group of seven guys once again.

When she was about to take off and run for it, she felt a strong and rough grasp on her wrist. She shut her eyes and reopened them to a face that she has never seen before in her whole entire life. Tinnie glanced around and saw the seven boys surrounding her. She felt trapped with no escape.

“Heh, I was right - she isn’t from around these corners of Sector R and Q,” The boy with the sharp and handsome jaw said while smirking.

“Seems like we caught our self a new toy - what’s your name Princess?” The boy with glasses said while smiling brightly.

“Oh...why don’t you look at that - she’s scared half to death, why don’t we make her feel more...comfortable?” The boy with the dashing grin said while wiggling his eyebrows.

“God, stop teasing her. Just let her go already Zico,” The pretty-boy said while looking at Tinnie gently. ‘Zico’ scoffed and let go of Tinnie’s wrist. Tinnie dropped to the ground and sat there helpless.

“Ha - you’re too soft Jae Hyo, she wandered into our territory. The least we can do is welcome her...warmly,” ‘Zico’ said while smirking. Tinnie glanced around with fear in her eyes. Suddenly her eyes were locked on a certain light brown hair boy.

Suddenly the light brown head opened his mouth and said, “...let her go,”

“Why should we B Bomb?” The boy with the glasses asked.

“...she’s Si Wan’s sister...” B Bomb murmured out while reaching out for Tinnie. Tinnie stared at B Bomb’s hand and didn’t do anything.

“No way - she’s Si Wan’s sister?” A new deep voice asked while crouching down to Tinnie’s level.

“I heard rumors but never thought they were true...” The last boy spoke up and crouched down beside her. Tinnie looked back and forth from the new boy and the deep voice boy. She was speechless.

“Damn, we hit the jackpot now Kyung, U Kwon!” Zico cheered happily.

“Don’t even think about it - we’re going to take her to Si Wan immediately,” Jae Hyo scolded while glaring at the three cheering boys. Their happy parade was rained on and they all pouted.

“Aww! But I wanted to show her my Wii games!” Kyung whined out while Tinnie blinked.

‘...Wii games...?’ Tinnie thought while raising an eyebrow.

“We’ll play games all day long~” U Kwon nodded happily. Zico grinned from ear to ear. “I wanted to sing karaoke, heehee” Zico said.

“Tae Il says no,” The mysterious short boy said.

“Boo! Tae Il, you !” U Kwon cried out. Tae Il smacked him upside his head. Jae Hyo and B Bomb snickered at the head gripping U Kwon.

“I may be squishy but you didn’t need to hit that hard mommy,” U Kwon whined out. It was now Zico and Kyung’s turn to laugh.

“I’m not your mama, so back off!” Tae Il scowled out.

“So...what’s your name?” The deep voice boy asked while batting his eyes at Tinnie. Tinnie remained silent and slowly got up with his help.

“Honey, you got to tell us something - we’re helping you get to your big brother here,” Kyung said while adjusting his eye glasses.

“Don’t be so straight forward, currently we’re strangers to her so she doesn’t fully trust just yet,” Jae Hyo stated while rolling his eyes.

Tinnie then felt a sudden hand on her shoulder. She looked over and saw the same cute faced but deep voiced guy. “I’m Ji Hoon- you can call me P.O for short,” Tinnie nodded and flashed a smile small at him.

“I’m Jae Hyo,” The pretty face boy said while bowing at Tinnie. Tinnie bowed lightly as well.

“...B Bomb,” The light brown hair murmured while avoiding Tinnie’s gaze.

“Tae Il at your service,” The short boy said while smiling warmly at Tinnie. Tinnie smiled back at Tae Il.

“Dearie, I’m U Kwon,” The bright smiling boy waved happily. Tinnie returned a small wave at U Kwon.

“I’m Kyung~ you can just call me Kyung,” The guy with glasses grinned a wide grin. Tinnie nodded and smiled softly.

“And Princess, I’m Zico,” The last boy said while smirking.  Tinnie gulped and nodded at him.

“So what’s your name?” Tae Il asked while looking at Tinnie.

“...I...I’m T-Tinnie,” The girl said while shifting around uneasily.

“Hmm, Tinnie? I thought your name is Hye Shi because that’s Si Wan’s real sister’s name?” Jae Hyo asked while tapping his chin. Tinnie nodded while everyone raised an eyebrow.

“My name is Hye Shi...but I don’t like it when someone other than my brother and those that are close to me calls me that,” Tinnie explained quietly. Everyone heard her and nodded in understanding.

U Kwon then appeared in front of Tinnie’s face. Tinnie’s eyes widen and didn’t know how he got in front of her so fast. “So...if we get more familar with each other and you know - become best friends, we can call you Hye Shi?” U Kwon asked while bouncing around ecstatic.

“I...I guess,” Tinnie said while stepping away from U Kwon.

“Alrighty, now that we know each other’s names; let’s take you to your brother okay?” Jae Hyo asked while leading the way first. Tinnie blinked and scurried behind Jae Hyo.

 She glanced around and saw that Zico, Kyung and U Kwon were walking coolly behind her. P.O and Tae Il were on her left hand. While Jae Hyo was in front of her and on her right was B Bomb. The mysterious B Bomb walked silently beside Tinnie. Tinnie looked in the corner of her eye and felt some mysterious aura around B Bomb.

This aura was the same as the first time she got to talk to Ye Jun. It was eerie and just mysterious. B Bomb glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow. Tinnie shook her head and continued looking down. B Bomb let out a secret chuckle and continued looking ahead. The group continued down the hall way until the run into four familar girls.

“Hey Zico!” A familar girl voice called out.

“My God, what Aya?” Zico groaned out annoyed.

“Don’t you what me! You still owe me $25 dollars for your Hello Kitty phone case!” Aya crossed her arms and glared at Zico.

Tinnie looked back at Zico and wondered, ‘Hello...Kitty?’

“I’ll pay you back when I get the money,” Zico said while rolling his eyes.

“Damn it Zi- hey...what are you doing here?” Aya began while shifting her eyes around and locked her eyes on Tinnie.

“You know her Aya?” Kyung asked while raising an eye brow.

“Oh course I know her! How can I not know the girl who practically ruined my date with Si Wan!” Aya gritted out.

“Ah! So you’re also the girl who made Aya cause a huge commotion at her dorm?” P.O asked while the rest of the guys laughed. The guys all held their stomachs while laughing. Aya was fuming in anger. The rest of her dorm mates came out and stared at the group.

“You! You’re the one who is close to Si Wan!” Suu shouted.

“I-I’m sorry for my little problems. I didn’t know that Si Wan was going out with you-” Tinnie began while U Kwon stopped Tinnie in her sentence. He flung his arm around Tinnie’s shoulder casually.

“He isn’t dearie. Aya has little fantasy problems, she’s been chasing Si Wan ever since she got here!” U Kwon teased.

“Shut up U Kwon! As for you, stay away from Si Wan or you’ll regret it,”Aya threatened while glaring at Tinnie.

“Sorry Aya but she can’t stay away from Si Wan - they are practically bonded together. You know...” Kyung said while smirking. The rest of the guys all nodded in sync.

“W-What?!” Aya asked while twitching. Suu, Miki and Rin all stared in shock- they were baffled.

Aya pushed everyone aside and gripped tightly onto Tinnie’s shoulders. Aya looked at Tinnie in the eyes and glared at her. The boys stood there staring at the two girls.

“Who are you really? Why are you stealing Si Wan away from me?!” Aya demanded while Tinnie tried to break Aya’s grip.

“Do you really love Si Wan more than me?!” Aya demanded while shaking Tinnie. Tinnie tried to grab a hold of Aya and pushed her off. Aya stood in front of Tinnie and glared at her.

“For your questions Aya, I do love Si Wan more than you,” SLAP. Aya had backhanded Tinnie. The guys mouth all flung open. Tinnie’s eyebrow twitched in anger. Tinnie then readied her fist and then PUNCH. She punched Aya on her right cheek. Aya stumbled backwards and fell on the ground.

“I love Si Wan more than you Aya. Why? Because he’s my brother,” Tinnie spatted out. “Instead of obsessing over my brother - find someone else who will love you, for you Aya,” Tinnie stated while P.O began dragging her away from the situation. The guys followed behind while waving good-bye.

“They are brothers and sisters - you can’t just tear them apart,” B Bomb then said while leaving after the group of guys.

“Wow - Princess got a backbone,” Zico stated while smirking. The guys were pretty impressed at how she wasn’t just going to stand there and get hit like that.

“Don’t take advantage of me. Most importantly - I don’t like getting slapped around like that,” Tinnie hissed out.

“Done and done,” The guys all agreed in sync. Except for B Bomb and Tae Il - they nodded in understanding.

“Understood Princess,” Zico saluated while Tinnie rolled her eyes.

“Will you call me by my name?” Tinnie asked Zico since she was walking beside him.

“Nope - I like calling you Princess,” Zico grinned happily.

“Great...” Tinnie muttered out.

“You’ll get use to him dearie,” U Kwon said while smiling.

“...same goes for you too ‘dearie’ really?” Tinnie asked while getting a bit annoyed.

“Heh, they are like the brother’s that you’ll never want to get,” Tae Il snickered out.


Seunii's Love Letters:

As promised the next chapter of the story, I'll try to get as many possible updates I can for this story.

Anyways I added Block B to the story as well...they can either be the minor characters or guest appearences o_o

But I'm suddenly having some ideas for Block BxTinnie. I don't know...I'll see throughout the whole day.

But here's a picture of the guys - >_>

B Bomb, Kyung, Zico, Jae Hyo, P.O, U Kwon and Tae Il

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Chapter 4: I'm sorry I have been away for so long. Things have been crazy=/. This chapter was cute. I like how L.Joe was jealous and also his cute side is refreshing to see, after I have seen him portrayed as a heartless b***ch. Nice chapter=).
Chapter 5: @DaeGukNamAhForever Thanks for commenting unnie! It's been a while since I've gone back to this story. Honestly - I think I have to re-read this and see what goes on. I think this story is about 3 years old now. xD
Chapter 3: Deal! Remember the necklace=). This story is kinda mysterious=).
Chapter 2: Poor Tinnie. She seems so confused, and it doesn't help that everyone is curious about her=).
Chapter 1: I like it, so far. Intriguing characters and I hope she wakes up soon=(. Nice beginning!
yofunkeemonkEY #6
I wanted hye shi and Neil! Sequel please!!!!!
Thank you for everyone who read this story ^^ <br />
I'm glad that you enjoyed it ^^<br />
I'll definitely tell you when I have a new story up :3
Awwwwwwwieeees. COUPLE RINGS!<br />
Yay! Ye Jun & Tinnie <3
AWWWW! It ended... At least it was a happy ending~!!<br />
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I'm glad everyone is happy at the end~!<br />
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I teared reading this.... (':<br />
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Pleaaaaaaase update!