Your Home


____ ( you ) - POV


Taemin and I went to my home. I was scared as heck. I was having a nervous break down. What was my mother going to think. I never even told her about Taemin before or even talked about him. In fact I don't even know him? Huh.....this is so frustrating. As we approached the front door of my house, I was about to KO ( knock out ) Taemin looked at me and blanked and took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I was dieing. I was scared so badly. The door a opened and my Mother was standing there with a shocked eyes. She looked at Taemin up and down about two to three times. She had this who-the-heck-is-he ? look on her face.

I just stood there quietly and with my heart racing fast it was going to explode. My mother looked at me and smiled happily. I was thinking what? It's she going to do something ? Or even say something? She hugged me so tight and then added Taemin to the hug. She was also laughing with joy. So I thought does she like Taemin and is happy ?? (-_-) I just started to laugh along and so did Taemni. He was also shocked at my Mother hugging him all of a sudden.

" Ahh !! My daughter you found a good looking young man. " My mother said letting us go from her hug.I just laughed and smiled. I was shocked at it. I thought she would kill me. But NO! Taemin just smiled and scratched his back head.

" um..ahaha !! Omma I do don't I ?" I feel disgusted at what I said. I don't even think he is that good looking.

" ye. He is tall and manly too. But he is skinny. Thats okay he is not too skinny. Just perfect for my small, tiny daughter." She said pinching Taemin's cheecks. I just stood there acting cool. ~ Taemin don't be too happy my mother comlimenting you are handsome.~ ( thoughts )

" Umma lets go home. I'm hungrey. " I said as I let myself inside my house.

" ____-ah come get your lovely boyfriend.,show him around the house I'll cook something good. Araso ?" My mother said as she caught up with me and made me take Taemin on a tour around my house.Of course I didn't really want to, but I'm hungrey so I'm gonna do this quicky.

" Ye,____ show me around." Taemin smirked at me.

So I took Taemin by the arm and pulled him my room. He suddenly whispered in my ear.

" Your mom seems to like me. It's not bad then. Lets act like a couple. This is fun. " Taemin said as he put his arms around me. I just rooled my eyes and we wanlked to my room. I opened the door to my room and Taemin ran to my bed and fell on top of it.


" Yah ! Get off. This is my bed." I said as I went to my bed and tried to pull him off. He was sinny but heavey. He turned himself over and his feet hitted my knees that it bended and I fell on top of him on my bed. We looked at each other for a while and he leaned in and was close to my lips that I could feel his breath on my lips. I suddenly thought that we can't kiss because were just acting. So pushed him away and got up.

" YAH !  were just acting. Gte up we still have two more rooms to see. " I said as I walked out the door and waited for him to come along. He just got up and waked to me and again his arms around me.


~ after showing ____'s mother's room and living room it was dinner time. ~


Taemin sat next to me and my Umma sat across us. We sat on the floor. ( cuz a korean traditional thing ) I grabbed one set of chopsticks for Taemin just because I had to act like a lovely girlfreind. Taemin took the chopsticks and we ate.

our foods - 409088540_76d959ce_korean-food.jpg 


" ____-ah tell me whats this lovely young mans name ?"

" Umma his name is Lee Taemin. "

" ah......what a nice name. "

" Komapsumnida ! " Taemin said as he bowed his head.

" Aw...such lovely respect too. Yah, ____-ah You never told me about your boyfriend Taemin before ? why not? " My mother said as she stopped me from getting some kimchi with her chopsticks and I looked up to her mad.

"Umma, I'll tell you everything later. I'm hungrey now. You wanna know so badly ?" I asked. My Umma nodded her head.

" Jagiya , Taemin-ah...tell her." I said not caring what I just said.  I just shuffed food in my mouth and ate peacefuly.

" ah...well It started not too long ago we met at College. Then feel in love. Its as simple as that. Oh ! I love ____-ah, she so cute. " Taemin said as he pulled me to a hug and ruffeld my hair. I was shocked I still had my mouth fulled with food and chopsticks close to my lips. He said it like it was real and smiled. My Umma laughed.

" Ye. this pig eater is cute." She said laughing at me.  Taemin and my mother just ate.

I was just like what the ??

Then after the dinner. Taemin and I stayed for the night in my house.


So I finaly updated this story.

Hope you liked it. This is just the begining. Lots more to come from.


THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!! OuO*


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totorochu #1
omg!!!!!! mrs lee is mee??
update please!!!!!!
enkhriimaa #3
love it
Love it(: Update please!
m0zarts0nata-- #7
PLease Add another chapter to My life as Mrs.Lee please?
marshmellowbunny_owo #9
I love that gifs X3