Maybe we were made for each other


____'s POV~


It was already 8pm almost 9. Umma was alseep by now, but I couldn't. Wanna know why? I didn't want to share a bed with Taemin, thats why. Umma and I only live in an apartment with two rooms. I was getting blankets and pillows ready to give until he asked me. 

" Are you going to sleep somewhere else ?" He asked me that question I was thinking he'd ask.

" haha, your so funny. You are dummy. " I said fake laughing and haded him the blanket and pillow.

" Me? You got to be kidding. Why can't we share a bed together ? You know we almost getting married." He gave me his smirk.  


" No! I don't even know you! " I yelled  and Taemin covered my mouth making me shocked. I touched his hands which where placed on my mouth. 

"Shh ! I was just kidding. Don't yell or our little secret well be broken. We don't need anyone to know about this. " He whispered in my ears. I felt his breath on my neck and shivers started to form. I took his hands off and nodded.

" Fine, but I'm not sleeping in the living room. " I said as I turned around not facing him with my arms crossed. I didn't want him to know I was afraid of the dark or ghost. Plus, its raining hard outside too and who knows maybe the lights might go out. 

"Why? You're not afraid of ghost are you?" He said walking up to face me smirking.

"Ani, ani. Im not. " I said giving him my fake face I use when Im trying to convice someone something. 

" Sure, your not. Then you wanna explain why you have a night light next to you bed?" he said looking over at my bed where the night light is. SHOOT! he saw it already. I tried to come up with something.

" It...Its for reading. I like reading before I sleep. " I lied.

" A small night lightlike that you can reas books? Why don't you use the lamp on your desk?" He asked and pointed to the lamps next to my bed on the opposite side of the night light.

" saving energy?..... Fine, I am afraid of ghost. This house is creepy you know?" I said.

" Does that explain why I see a kid behind you?" He said as he looked scared and frighten, which made me frightned. I was too afraid to even turn and see if he was telling the truth and ran to Taemin and hugged him tightly. I started to tear up a little while Taemin laughed.I pulled away and turn to see nothing behind me. 

" Yah! You scared to death you know! " I yelled to him and he stopped laughing and I then fell to the ground crying. I heard him walk towards me. 

" I was just joking. I didn't know you where that scraed? I'm sorry." He said and patted my back. I didn't answer back and continued crying. All of a sudden he hugged me, tightly. I was shocked and started to stop crying. I loved the feeling how he my back up and down comforting me. I had to admit I guess I kind of had feelings for him. I guess when he felt me stop crying he slowly pulled away leaving a small gap between us. He looked me in the eyes. He didn't have any emotions in his eyes or I just couldn't find out his emotions. To me, it was those eyes just telling me everything is going to be alright. We kind of just looked at each other for a while. His hands (thumbs) carssed both my cheecks. I blushed at his sudden action but it went away a little bit after. Then he slightly touched my left eye brow. I closed my eyes as he did. Out of nowhere, I felt his lips kissed my nose as my eyes where still closed.



Then he slipped his hands under my knees and carried me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled in his chest.I felt really tiny. His chest was big and toned too actrually, not so toned but the perfect toned chest with the right amount of muscels. I smiled as he walked us to my bed. He layed me down slowly and he didn't break the eye contect at all. He layed half on top of me. I took this chance to touch his face. I touched his chin, both his cheeks,and  used my fingers to slightly touch both his eye brows. Lastly, his soft big kissable lips. He then grabbed my hands and kissed it. He set my hands to both my sides and leaned in to kiss me.It was more of a peck but I liked it. He left his lips there for a while until his lips started to move. The kiss wasn't a passionate kiss but a soft, sweet slow, romantic kiss. It didn't go more than that. He pulled away so we can breath again. Catching my breath he kissed my forehead. This seemed to be too much for us. Two people who meet not so long ago and have no clue who each other are and already end up going to get married. I didn't care though, I liked the other side of this man. 

" Are you tired? " He asked, while my cheeks. I nodded and he smiled sweetly

[Resim: taem.jpg]

" Go to sleep then." He said and pinched my cheecks lightly.  

" Why all of a sudden are you being nice to me?" I asked and he just pecked my lips again and smiled. " I could have changed my feelings. Who's knows?" He said smiling and fell over to the other side of me and pulled me in his arms. I just smiled and snuggled closer as his eyes were shut now and pretended to sleep.  I closed my eyes and sleeped peaccfully with happiness. 






So how was it. I know I finally updated this story. Well tell me what u though. :D


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totorochu #1
omg!!!!!! mrs lee is mee??
update please!!!!!!
enkhriimaa #3
love it
Love it(: Update please!
m0zarts0nata-- #7
PLease Add another chapter to My life as Mrs.Lee please?
marshmellowbunny_owo #9
I love that gifs X3