The Last Autumn


wind is blow the leaves and i remember our last autumn together ........

   Fall in Love with Korea’s Danpung Season


                        The Last Autumn


even if you gone,my heart for you never gone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .





korean, asian, kfashion, korean girl

-Kim Hyemi (you)

-A 17 years old girl

-Very silent and shy girl

-Always being bullied by her sunbaenim

-Also have a twin brother

-liking Yongguk since her kid


-Choi Junhong / also known as Zelo

-A 17 years old guy

-A kind guy and also good looking

-New student and popular among the girl in school and also came from rich family

-Secretly liking Hyemi


-Bang Yongguk 

-17 years old

-Very social guy

-Have a girlfriend name G.Na 


-Kim Himchan

-17 years old

-Hyemi twin brother

-Really love Hyemi

-Take care of Hyemi after her after they parents passed away 7 years ago


-Yoo Youngjae

-17 years old

-Brain and also yongguk bestfriend

-Always together with yongguk

-Moon Jongup

-17 years old

-Zelo new friend

-Cute and shy guy


-Jung Daehyun /also known as busan Won Bin

-17 years old

-Busan guy but transferred to Nami Island about 2 years ago

-Jongup bestfiend and Zelo new friend

-A kind guy with his busan dialect always together with him






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zelo <3 :)
Chapter 2: YA! When are you going to update this? Yaaaaa! XD