Jaejoong's Diary

Strangely, after finding Jaejoong’s secret diary, Yoochun could sleep better that night.
He didn’t have any weird dream; he had a good night of sleep though. It’s been a week since he couldn’t sleep that peacefully.

Yoochun woke up it was 3pm. He overslept. Not that he had something to do, but the fact of not going to visit Jaejoong’s graveyard, was killing him inside.
Despite of being worry, he didn’t rush. He didn’t had to, and he knew that.
Slowly he changed his clothes, simple white T shirt, and black jeans, cleaned himself and left.
As usually, he went to the flower shop to buy a sunflower. The florist looked a little worry yet relieved to see him. She thought that maybe Yoochun could have done something stupid… Gladly, as always, there he was. A little late we may say.

Holding just the sunflower he, again, passed through the gates and went to see Jaejoong’s grave.
He sat in front of it and put the sunflower down…

“Hey~ How are you doing today?”


“Sorry, I’m a bit late”


“Why didn’t you tell me about that diary of yours?”


“Oh yes… I guess I was supposed to find it by myself, am I right?”

He was trying to avoid it but he just couldn’t. Tears started falling from the corner of his eyes… he couldn’t stop it.
Bringing his hands to his face, he cried silently, asking for forgiveness.

“When… when are you coming home..?” Said Yoochun in tears.



After a good shower and a no-decent meal, Yoochun remembered the diary he found in the previously night.

He walked towards their room, got the diary which was in the bed, and sat in front of the desk.
Opening the pages, he started from the seconds register Jaejoong made 5 years ago…

August 19th

Dear Diary,

Today was my first day at the new school. People seem to be nice. Specially Park Seonsaengnim, the English teacher.
I was nervous when introducing myself, specially when I couldn’t say the words properly and then people started laughing at me. For a moment I wanted to cry and ran away that place where I, somehow, knew that people wouldn’t accept me. But seonsaengnim encouraged me, and gave a really cute smile, saying me they weren’t bad people. And it seemed pretty real in the moment. I do want to believe. ^^

And more, I guess this year is going to be a great year! The sun was shining to me! To my lucky, I found out that Park Seonsaengnim is our class mentor! It means that he’s going to spend more time with us.
Ahn… wait. Why am I this happy? I mean… I barely know him. I know he’s my teacher and he seems to be a nice person.
Hmm, I shouldn’t really think about it! The important fact now is that’s I’m happy to have a seonsaengnim like him. ^^

This year didn’t have a nice beginning. I was in the hospital since last year’s Christmas and it’s not nice when the doctor say that we might not see much more Christmas after that one.
But, it doesn’t matter now! I’m happy now. And I hope this year to be the greatest!!!!


Yoochun closed his eyes and remembered. He remembered his first days in class with Jaejoong.

He was, in a few time, addicted to the little boy. The way the smiled to the simplest things and the way Jaejoong would come running towards him saying, ‘Park Seongsaengnim!’

A smile.



YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY GUYS! I mean, my two subs till now '-'


I'll make sure to make the next one longer -.-
Take it easy because now it's just the introduction of the whole story~  (nah, actually I didn't know what else to write so I end there) *throw rocks*

Okay.. anyway... tell me what you think till now :D
Comments please~~

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you posted foreword only ~
hmm deathfic... should I really be thanked ? XD
okay, I'm reading because it's you! I'll do my best but I can't promise to read the entire thing. I'm sorry but I really can't bear it.

I like the beginning, it's quite sad and a bit angsty, but it's nice.
I wonder what happened. The introduction of seems to be peaceful, it's lovely and it doesn't suit the heavy plot but that's what I like. ^^