



He didn't know how or why it had happened. It didn't make any sense to him whatsoever. Had it been like this before but he had just always failed to notice? Because what other way was there to explain this? To suddenly have feelings for the person you had been living and working with for so many years. For the person that you had always been close friends with. It didn't seem right to him. And yet he believed that that was indeed the case. Maybe a kiss could change everything after all. He put his elbows on the kitchen table and hid his face in his hands as if it would make the mess disappear.

"Hey, Kibummie, are you alright?", Jonghyun asked after entering the kitchen and seeing him sitting there.

"Huh? Yeah. I was just lost in thoughts, that's all. I already cooked you breakfast."

"Ah, thanks! Manager-hyung said I had to be at my schedule half an hour earlier than planned . I was about to go out without having any."

"Anything for you."

And it was true. He'd do anything for him, anything he'd ask of him. He had fallen head over heels for his fellow band member Jonghyun.


It wasn't too long ago when he had noticed, a week ago, to be precise. They were on stage and Jonghyun was initiating some fan service in which they ended up kissing. The fans were screaming in delight and it was so loud it hurt his ears but he actually only took note of that when they were long off stage. They had never gone as far as kiss before. They had hidden behind a towel and acted as if but they had never actually done it. Kisses on the cheek didn't count. Normally he would never let it happen in the first place, he would have found a way to avoid it.

In that very moment though, he was completely under his friend's spell. It seemed like slow motion when he got closer with a cheeky but at the same time dreamy expression on his face and then his lips were so soft and careful. The blond had automatically closed his eyes and let everything happen. His heart had been beating so fast he thought it would jump out of his chest and he had been longing for more, to be even closer, to make the kiss even deeper but Jonghyun had already pulled away by then. He had finished the last minute of the performance in a daze but at least he had managed to act as if nothing had happened.

Key couldn't even blame it on being excited from the daring fan service on stage because even later he continued to get electric shocks and goose bumps whenever Jjong touched him. He was doomed.

Love between members definitely was a no-no in his eyes. S.M. probably wouldn't approve either. Not only because it might cause problems if they had a fight but also because they were both male and the public might not easily accept them. But that actually wasn't very likely to happen anyway. He was pretty sure that despite his love for skin ship Jonghyun was a hundred percent straight. The number of girl's numbers on his cell phone was one of many proofs for that.


He noticed Jonghyun staring at him while eating.

"Are you sure you're all right? Don't you have the day off? Why don't you go back to bed? We can handle today without you taking care of us."

He grinned and Key automatically had to grin back.

"I'm not too sure about that. Taeminnie is most likely going to oversleep again. If he eats anything less than he already does he's not going to make it through the day. Seriously, that boy needs to have more free time so that he can eat properly!"

"You're right about that, umma."

"Don't call me that! Wouldn't that make Jinki my husband then? I don't want a husband who is even less home than me."

"I could marry you, then. We'd be a patchwork family."

They laughed but somehow Key didn't feel like laughing at all. Marriage. That seemed to be crossed out of his future plans now. He'd really hate to break it to his grandma. He was scared she wouldn't live through it.

"I'm off. Go back to bed, though. Seriously. You need it."

He gave him a kiss on the cheek and Kibum could feel his heart stop temporarily. Another thing he didn't usually do but he did love skin ship after all so maybe goodbye kisses were his new found passion.


Key had just gotten back out of bed when Jonghyun returned from his morning schedule. After he had woken up the maknae and made sure he had still enough time to eat his breakfast (heck, he had even packed him a HUGE lunch. He knew how much he actually liked to eat but next to all the dancing and exercise he didn't have enough time to eat enough) he had done what his friend had told him to do -  gone back to bed.

Jonghyun looked terribly exhausted but after seeing Key's bed hair he immediately grinned. Normally he would get angry now but instead he found himself swooning over the incredibly y eye smile. He had never seen a more gorgeous smile. Jonghyun pulled him into a hug.

"Hey, y! Slept well? Where is Minho, by the way?"

Key furiously blushed at his first remark and tried hard to get control over himself again.

"He doesn't have any schedule tomorrow either. Are you seriously expecting him to wake up before tomorrow morning? You know his sleeping habits."

"So we're basically all alone?"

He blushed again at the thoughts his mind were forming when he heard Jonghyun ask that. He decided to just nod because he was scared his voice might fail him. His friend had still not let him out of the hug and his heart was beating so fast he was sure it might explode any second.

"So nobody will mind if I do this, right?"

Key looked at Jonghyun quizzically.

 "What do you ..."

But he didn't get to finish his sentence because the older one had closed the little distance they had between them and carefully placed his lips on top of the other's. Key's eyes went wide with surprise but he gave in to the kiss anyway. Why wouldn't he?

"W-why?" he asked when they parted again. His cheeks were crimson red and Jonghyun's beautiful gentle smile didn't exactly help the matter.

"Isn't  that obvious?" he asked with a cheeky expression in his eyes. "Because I like you!" He kissed him again and this time it was the passionate kiss Key had longed for on stage only a week ago.

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Chapter 1: You know I said this when I read this for the first time, but now again: CUUUUUTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! <3
I really love this Story and this pairing but I think you know that^^
Maybe I should translate my Story 'Shopaholic'... or let you translate and upload^^
Saranghae <3
darkangel11421 #2
Chapter 1: AAAH !! I HAVE BUTTERFLIES !!! ^-^
Chapter 1: Awwwww I loooveee ittttttttt <3<3<3<3
kt5726 #4
Chapter 1: This was so sweet and cute omg! I loved him, the length of it didn't matter, I was still satisfied xD