Last Man Standing (6JIB!Super Junior)

Super Junior Scenarios

The members of Super Junior all sat around a computer, watching their fan’s responses to what had just taken place. Ryeowook’s and Leeteuk’s photo teasers for their new album had just been released, and by the positive feedback that they were getting, they knew that their new album was going to be the best yet.

“I look so handsome,” Ryeowook said, smiling to himself. The other members took their eyes away from the computer screen to look at him. 

“Please,” said Leeteuk, grinning and leaning back in his chair. “I obviously look the best.”

From somewhere to Teuk’s right, someone gave a disbelieving snort. 

“What are you talking about?” said Eunhyuk’s voice. “Mine is clearly the most appealing; I mean, I look so mysterious. Not to mention y.”

Donghae scoffed, shaking his head. “Oh come on,” he said, looking Eunhyuk straight in the eye. “I look so enchanting wearing that…thing on my head.”

Everyone laughed. 

“It’s fitting, really,” said Siwon, smirking at Donghae. “You look so much more like a fish with a net on your head.” This got the loudest laugh yet. Donghae narrowed his eyes, but he couldn’t help but let a smile form on his face.

“You know, I can’t believe this is already our sixth album,” said Yesung, looking around at all his fellow members. “It seems only yesterday since the first was released.”

“I know what you mean,” said Leeteuk, tears forming in his eyes. He struggled to keep his voice from wavering. “All these years we’ve spent together, and I still can’t comprehend the fact that it’s even been this long.”

The room went quiet; the air was filled with nostalgia. Of long ago memories that made each of them miss the past greatly, but long for the future more than ever before.

“There have been ups, and there have been our downs,” continued Leeteuk. “But I am always so proud to say that I’m the leader of Super Junior. You guys are what give me the inspiration to never give up. To wear a smile, even in hard times; because life is too short to dwell on negativity. I can only hope that with these coming years, we will not grow apart; however, we will continue to grow and experience life together as a group. Because I know that I’d rather be doing this job than any other in the world, forever.”

At these words, every member stood up, holding one another in a giant group hug.

“Super Junior,” Leeteuk said aloud, smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks.

“THE LAST MAN STANDING!” the group shouted as one.

Written by: Admin A.

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kpop_luv #1
Chapter 5: Some of the chapters are really cute ^_^
I don't have tumblr myself but I would still like to request


Plot:shy member of the band and don't talk that much one day he decided to go out shopping by himself only to bump into a girl who also shy and don't talk that much but only problem is her ex boyfriend and she tell her feelings about it and in the end he ask her out and promise to take care of her if feels sad and alone

thanks :)
AnimeKitty #3
I finally worked up the courage to make a request. ^^"
I would request on tumblr if I had one. ^^"
Oh well!

Zhou Mi

Plot: You're a new Chinese solo artist at SM Entertainment who just made her debut. The sunbaes throw a party in celebration and you spend the whole night with Zhou Mi, your best friend and crush. At the end of the night you both confess your feels to eachother and he decides to show you just how much he loves you. 

Thanks! ^^
HaeSun #4
Chapter 1: LOL.. XDD

Kyu is Gone..~!!
Where is the Evil Maknae??? Why is there a Kyu who's Naughty now?

haha :)