



Choi Minho put the last of his papers on his kitchen table, smiling at the fact that he remembered where everything was. He made his way to the stove, grabbing a blue thermos on the way.

He picked up the ladle with his tanned hand and carefully filled the thermos with hot kimchi stew, Kibum’s favorite.

A bittersweet smile appeared on Minho’s face. He remembered years back when Kibum was in the kitchen, ranting on and on about his day. Minho would often try to listen. He would instead just end up staring at Kibum, soaking in his beauty.

He sealed the thermos and started walking towards the front door, taking in every detail about his home, the pictures of him and Kibum, the old china collections that Kibum had spent countless hours cleaning, the fading blue paint on the walls. Every single thing.

Once at the door he turned back for one last view, smiling he closed the door.


The neighbors weren’t surprised to see Minho up at the crack of dawn. It was a daily occurrence that they had all gotten used to over the years. They would all wave at him, starting idle conversations from afar; ask him questions about his morning. Nothing that they would remember the next day.

Today they noticed something unusual.

Minho was walking with a bounce. He was smiling more than usual and the whistling coming out of his mouth was something that they had never heard from him.

An elderly lady cackled when he walked by, jokingly asking him if he was going to meet his lover.

Minho shrugged, smiled, and continued walking.

In fact, Minho was going to see his lover. Just like every other morning.

Minho would wake up at 7. He would prepare kimchi stew, fill his thermos with it, and walk 5 miles to see Kim Kibum. No one knew this of course. His neighbors came up with stories of their own.

Years before, he had made a promise to Kibum. He promised that every morning he would make him kimchi stew and sing for him. He had never broken that promise and today was no exception.

He broke off from the sidewalk and walked into the woods, easily spotting the trail he had used for many years. No one but he and Kibum knew about it.

Minho smiled; remembering when he and Kibum had accidently found it.


“Could you be any slower Kibum?”

Kibum glared at Minho, slowly catching up to him. “I’m sorry that I’m not captain of the track team Mr. Perfection.”

Minho scowled but continued running. “If we get caught we’re dead. I still can’t believe they turned your brother into your personal body guard.”

Kibum snickered. “Yeah well, they don’t want me running around with the notorious Choi Minho. No pun intended.”

Minho laughed and turned to look at Kibum. He smiled when he saw the sweat running down his pale face, feline eyes filled with worry and excitement.


Minho slowed down. “We can’t stop Kibum, your brothers going to catch up to us soon.”

“Look ahead you idiot.”

Minho turned his head and frowned. Kibum’s older brother’s car was turning the corner. He turned back to Kibum, panic filling up both of their insides.

With nowhere to run he did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed Kibum’s hand and dragged him into the woods.

“Are you crazy Minho? You know we’re not supposed to go into the woods. There are wild animals in here.”

Minho rolled his eyes. After avoiding a few branches he slowed down to a walk. “Well it was either the woods or spending an eternity locked in your room.”

Kibum let out a frustrated sigh. “If I end up on the news because of a bear attack, I’ll kill you.”

Minho stopped walking and turned to face Kibum. Startled, Kibum ran straight into the taller boy’s chest.

He looked into Kibum’s eyes. “I won’t let any bears hurt you.”

Kibum blushed. He quickly switched his gaze to Minho’s chest. “Whatever Mr.Perfection.”

Minho smirked. He lifted Kibum’s chin with his free hand, slowly, he brought his head down until his lips were resting on Kibum’s.

Kibum smiled, he let go of Minho’s hand and latched them both around his neck. He pulled Minho closer, deepening the kiss.

Minho kissed Kibum harder. He ran his tongue around the shorter male’s lip, pleading for entrance. Slowly, he let his hands wander down Kibum’s body, rubbing his waist until they ended up groping his .

Kibum decided to pull back from the kiss. Smirking, he looked up at Minho. “This is a trail.”

Minho looked down at Kibum, lust clouding his sight and judgement. “That’s nice.” He leaned down again.

Key laughed and turned his head before Minho could kiss him. “No Minho. You can’t control yourself and I am not having in the middle of the woods.”

Minho sighed. “I can control myself.”

Kibum raised an eyebrow and looked down at Minho’s southern regions. “You sure?”

Minho blushed. He took his hands off Kibum’s and stepped back, turning around to hide the tent in his pants. “So this is a trail?”

Key snickered. He took one of Minho’s hands in his own. “Yeah. The big giveaway was that old sign that says Sunrise Hill Trail.”

Minho looked in the direction Key was pointing and sighed. How had he not noticed that before? “Well then, let’s hike.”

Kibum let out a wail. “But my feet hurt!”


Minho smiled at the fond memory. He could still remember every kiss they shared that night. He remembered walking uphill for hours, Kibum constantly complaining even though Minho gave him a piggyback ride most of the way.

He remembered finally reaching the top of the hill.


“Ouch! Why did you drop me?!”

Minho looked at Kibum’s angry face and smiled. “Because I’m tired.”

Kibum propped himself up with his elbows. “Yeah well, it doesn’t give you a reason to drop me. It was your idea hiking up this mountain.”

Minho rolled his eyes and dropped himself ontop Kibum, earning a startled yelp from the ladder.

“Minho get off me!” Kibum shrieked.

“No, I’m tired.”

“Minho you’re heavy!”

“Are you calling me fat?”

Kibum let out an exasperated sigh. “No! But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re heavy!”

“It’s not like this is the first time I’ve been on top of you Kibum.”

Kibum let out a shriek. “Minho!”

Laughing, Minho rolled of Kibum. He stretched out his hands and sighed. The night sky showed bright with stars.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

Key scooted closer to Minho; he raised his head and laid it on the taller boys shoulder. “Yeah, it is.”

Shortly after that they both fell asleep in the soft grass with the night sky acting as their blanket.


Minho listened to the birds as he sat down in one of the trail’s rest area. He remembered both of them waking up the next day, right as the sun was rising. They saw the sun extend over the small town, covering everything with its warmth. They figured that’s why it was called Sunrise Hill.

He stood up and started walking again. It wasn’t much further.



Minho looked up from the paper. “Yes?”

“Make me kimchi stew.”

He gave Kibum a look. “But we just woke up an hour ago.”

Kibum pouted. “But I’m hungry and it’s my favorite.”

Minho looked at Kibum’s face, instantly melting for the adorable pout. “Fine.”

He stood up and made his way to the kitchen, Kibum hot on his trail. True to his word, Minho made him the kimchi stew.

He had to endure Kibum’s gossip about the locals but it was worth it.


Minho looked up from his plate. “Yes?”

“Sing me a song.”

He sighed. “You’re very demanding this morning.”

Kibum let a small smile grace his lips. “Well it’s a special morning.”

Once again, Minho did as he was told. After they were both fed and on the couch Kibum made one last request.


He sighed. “Yes?”

“Promise me you’ll make me kimchi stew every morning. Promise me you’ll sing to me every morning.”

Minho laughed. “Kibum you’re crazy.”

Kibum opened his eyes, causing Minho’s laughter to cease. The sadness in them cut through Minho’s soul. “Please.”

Minho nodded. “I promise.”


Minho laid the flowers he had picked on the way up the hill next to Kibum’s grave. That same morning, years ago, Minho had found out that Kibum had terminal brain cancer.

It had shattered his world. For months he drunk himself to sleep, knowing that the love of his life would be taken from him.

It was unfair. They were both so young. They had so much to live for.

“If you were still alive you would be 67 now. Happy Birthday Kibum.”

Minho sat down next to the grave and opened the thermos. He savored every bite of his kimchi stew, knowing Kibum would do the same.

He sang him the same song he sang every day. A strong wind blew, making his gray hair fall in his eyes.

Minho chuckled. He was so stupid when he was young. He couldn’t believe he was mad at the world, mad at Kibum, for something that both of them couldn’t control.

He thought that their love would end with Kibum’s death. He feared finding someone else to love. He feared forgetting about Kibum.

His biggest fear was figuring out how to live his life after Kibum was gone.

Minho healed of course. He never got over Kibum. They were soul mates. They still are. Death couldn’t stop their love. Their love would just transcend.

Minho smiled. He knew why this morning was so different from the rest. It wasn’t because of Kibum’s birthday.

It was time.

Minho laid down next to Kibum’s grave. The rustle of the leaves became soothing to him as his vision became blurry.

Minho had known for weeks that his time was coming.  He wasn’t sad though. He would finally be with Kibum.

Minho looked up at the blue sky. It was gradually getting blurry. He was getting sleepier.

He smiled when he saw someone standing over him.

He knew that face, the pale skin, those feline eyes, and the curve of those pink lips.

As his vision plunged into darkness one last thought ran through his head.

‘I’ll finally be with Kibum again. This time Forever.’


I just have a lot of feelings okay. ;_________; If there are any mistakes I'll come back to fix them later. its 7am and I haven't slept yet. 

Sorry I've been gone for soooooooooooooooo long. Maybe this will help you guys not hate me? XD If you want to yell at me for not updating anything else you can do so in the comment section and if you have a tumblr you could do so HERE.


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Laviaria #1
Chapter 1: oh my.. Minho is so sweet. keep his promise till the end. How happy I'm if were Kibum. This really make me cry
Chapter 1: Omg this is so heartbreaking. It's so wonderfully written, I just. My feels. ;_;
salome620 #3
Chapter 1: aw... this makes me cry. so bittersweet. but their love didn't die and that made me happy. and sad at the same time. ugh!
Chapter 1: i really shed some tears reading this. its nice how devoted Minho is. Y.Y
htenusho #5
Chapter 1: lol sometimes i wish you wrote on lj. for some reason i just really like what you write but i ____ at keeping track. its not even stuff i usually read, but i like ittt.
PoisonInMyCookie #6
Chapter 1: Even though i knew from the start how this story is gonna be, i am still crying.

Gosh, i've never cried reading a story before...T.T

Simply beautyfull....there are no words good enough to describe this...
Chapter 1: How am I supposed to yell at you for not updating when you post something as beautiful as this? ;~;
Chapter 1: This is very beautiful. I loved it.
Chapter 1: Oh my god . Im crying like a baby gírl ..
This is so sad . Minho is perfect ..
Have a great life you too, MinKey :')