A Little Surprise - To: Jojo, From: LeeTeuk

I Never Thought That I'd Fall In Love (Again)


-And now, what we do?

-I guess the only option is go out once

-On god, I don't want go out, but I'm hungry too. So let's go before I go crazy!

KyuHyun choise a simple, and great restaurant for us. Even I didn't see him im all my life, I just trusted in him because he is cute because he aparently is "normal", I really don't know why.

After a little time since we arrive, a waiter bumped in my chair and dropped some pasta in KyuHyun :O .

-Oh sir. sorry for this...

-OMO!!! Let, I clean myself...- He said staring waiter with a evil face, it's scaring. The waiter diseappear.

-So, ... you don't are very lucky - I said laughing so much (it's my turn to be evil!).

-Be quiet, Okay?

-Sorry, but I can't stop laughing...- He started to laugh with me now while he cleaned himself.

-You are right I'm so unlucky, but what you think about it? - He get some pasta in his hair and quickly put in my head!

-You want revenge?


  • We begin a food war with each other.
  • The people started to look at us in a really weird way.
  • We are kicked out of the restaurant
  • We are totally dirty of food
  • This are one of my best dates XD

-It would be nice if we had not started the food war - He said

-Yes, and now I still hungry!

-Me too!

-The best we do is buy some food in market and return to the dorms

-Okay, let's do this

Afterwards we went to most close market. And go to the dorms

-I'm so tired of this. I'll never "date" with you anymore

-This is a date? - He asked confused

-Apparently, yes. But actually, not

-This is very strange...

-Yeah... I know. Oh!!! Finally we arrive! What time is it ?

-It's 15:30!

-We really linger

-You are right. Do you think the members arrived yet?

-I don't know...

-Let's see...and lastly sleep *_*

But I did not know a thing will happened...


All of them are making the same things they always do. The members look bored.

-Wow, that happiness is affecting me. What is going on?

-We don't have nothing to do - Hangeng answered with the TV remote control through without any hint of joy for all channels.

-I know what we have to do...

-What? Wait, you won't do what I'm thinking - HeeChul said desesperatly

-Oh yeah, it's exactly this. We gonna do a hurdle!!!



-Okay, you have to divide into groups

-I will choise the groups!!! - LeeTeuk said very happy

  • Group 1: LeeTeuk, KangIn, DongHae
  • Group 2: HeeChul, Kibum, HanGeng
  • Group 3: SungMin, YeSung, SiWon
  • Group 4: RyeoWook, KyuHyun, ShinDong
  • Group 5: EunHyuk, Henry and Jojo

Oh, LeeTeuk, I hate you soooooo much!!!!!!!!

Sorry everybody I lingered to write this capter. But is because I have to study for my tests, and I don't have time to write. So, finally it's here and I hope you enjoy it! :D



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Lucy97 #1
Chapter 1: why is my name being used?
MusicChibi, thanks for being my first reader to comment this story, thanks for the tips too! I hope that you still enjoying this! :D
Do you enjoy this new chapter? The pictures are the best!! :D ushushushushu
I know this chapter is small, but I just wanted to write against!! The last picture is so funny!!!! usahuhsuahsuhas :)
Keep waiting, I'll write soon! Sorry... :(
Onew FINALLY come back!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! ^▿^
I already started write the 10 chapter!!!! I'll come back...
Anyone vote! T_T I'm thinking, maybe I will stop write the story :/
I think I'll write today or tomorrow the 8th chapter... ⋀⊽⋀