Boy meets Girl

Love Chat


[A/N Sorry for not updating in a VERY long time. I have still been writing the story in my notebook.....just hadn't gotten around to typing it. Well here is chapter 4. Expect 5 and 6 up soon. ^_^]          


           M and K were split up into two different cars and head over to the event as their manager explains the plan for the day. “So today is a fairly easy day. Your signing starts at 1:30 and will go on for about 2 hours. Then there is a VIP event afterwards with those that have the VIP passes. Most of them are employees of entertainment news companies so be very good today. Especially with your one year anniversary interview coming up. We don’t want something to happen today that would over shadow your big day. So save all of your energy for after the signing for the VIP event.”

            Everyone nods except for Chanyeol who is looking out the window. “Chanyeol?”


            “Did you hear me?”

            “Don’t be too crazy.”


            “So I can’t be me.”

            “Not really just a more calm version of yourself. We just don’t a repeat of you chasing that fan girl asking her to jump up and down with you. At the party you can go all out. Well maybe no all out, but you know what I mean.”

            “But that was one time. And she wasn’t just a fan girl I knew her from pre-debut and thought she would do it. And our fans won’t be there.”

            “Some of these people are your fans.”

            “Okay whatever hyung.”

            “Hey let me see that smile of yours.” Chanyeol gave a big smile. “There it is.”

            Chanyeol went back to looking out the window. “Hey are you okay?” Baekhyun ask.

            Chanyeol nods, “Yeah I was just doing a lot of thinking today in the shower. And it is starting to hit me that we are almost at the one-year mark. I still remember entering the company. I remember meeting you for the first time. All of us have been through a lot. Some public and some private. I just want us to do well and I know this event is important for our fans and for SM. So  I will do my best today.”

            “That is all we can ask for. And knowing you, you’ll do fine. The fans already love you. So don’t worry. Manager hyung just doesn’t want you to run around or do something big.”

            “Okay don’t worry. I will just be me, happy virus Chanyeol.” He grinned and Baekhyun chuckle at him and push him a little bit.

            The car came to a stop and all of EXO got out of their cars and greeted by cameras and screaming. Bodyguards there them to the stage where there are a sea of fans screaming. Chanyeol could tell which line was for the VIPs. The only downside of this job is you can’t meet all of your fans. A good example is not being able to see Anita. Chanyeol saw Kris getting the microphone and looking at all of EXO and says, “Hana, dul, se We are one! Annyeonghaseyo EXO imnida!” EXO bows and Chanyeol starts laughing and waving at the fans. He really cares about them and doesn’t want to do anything that can jeopardize that.

            Chanyeol could feel Baekhyun pull him down and Baekhyun whispers, “Don’t worry today just have fun.” Chanyeol smiles and straightens up giving Baekhyun a thumbs up and waiting for his turn to do his introduction like he had done countless of times during the year and in multiple languages in so many different countries. He couldn’t help, but feel pleased and fortunate to be standing on that stage. He was the last one to introduce himself and when he got the microphone he made sure to make his the loudest one out of all of them. Baekhyun even got swept up in the excitement and started doing some ageyo.

            All of EXO took their places and Chanyeol requested to be at the very end because he knew that he wanted the fan’s last moment with EXO to be a memorable one. The VIP line starts moving. Chanyeol notice that a lot of people are in their suits so Chanyeol made sure to give an extra big smile to them since they are definitely from those entertainment news companies. Yet Chanyeol also notice that some of the fans have shopping bags so they probably just got those clothes.

            Chanyeol talk a little bit with a fan and could hear Baekhyun talking to the next fan. “Are you a fan of Chan Chan?” Chanyeol hears the fan say, “Mhm I am.” And Chanyeol smile a little bit. Most of the time fans that come through the line are fans of Kai, Kris or even Luhan. So to know that he has a fan in the line made him very happy and he kindly said his goodbye to the fan he had. His fan walks over in front of him and when Chanyeol looks up he can’t believe whom he is staring at. Anita from the chat.

            Chanyeol couldn’t hide his smile. Anita was right there in the flesh. She isn’t someone from the computer anymore. She is real and standing in front of him. Chanyeol was drawing a blank what to say so he just says, “Annyeong Anita noona.” Anita’s mouth drops. Chanyeol had made a guess that Anita was shocked that he remember her.

            Baekhyun turns his head and his mouth was open as well, “No way.”

            Anita blush a lot and says, “Annyeonghaseyo Chanyeol’ah. I get to finally meet you.”

            “Yeah we do.” All Chanyeol wants to do at that moment is go around the table and hug Anita. He looks over and Baekhyun gives him a look that says, “Don’t do it.” Chanyeol nods and says in English, “Are you here for the party?”

            Anita smiles and says, “Yes I am.”

            Anita shows her VIP pass to Chanyeol and he says, “Can’t wait to talk to you later.” Chanyeol signs the poster, “For my preti noona from Chanyeol,” Chanyeol hands back the poster and smiles and waves Anita goodbye.

            Anita doesn’t look at her poster and waves back and bows going back to the VIP area and luckily she was the last VIP to go through the line. “Omo. Did that really just happen?” says Baekhyun.

            Chanyeol nods, “Yeah that really did just happen.”

            “That beats any gift she could of sent you huh?” Baekhyun nudge Chanyeol.

            Chanyeol chuckles and nods, “Yeah way better. I can’t wait to talk to her now.”

            “Well don’t forget about all about the others.” Baekhyun motion his arm to the sea of fans waiting to meet them. Chanyeol nods and gets his pen ready for the fans.

            Once in a while Chanyeol would glance over to the VIP area and would notice Anita looking over and then at one point she was talking to another girl there and looked like she was enjoying herself. Chanyeol’s mind once in a while would wander off and he would think of different questions to ask Anita. Like ‘what happened in the chat that night? Does she still talk to those girls? Did they get a new chat room?’ Too many questions for a short amount of time together. The event started to come to an end and Chanyeol couldn’t wait for it to be over. The last fan came through the line and EXO did their sign off and proceeded to the VIP event.

            The good thing about being in a big group is there was enough for them to spread out. Suho and Kris went to the ones who were in suits since they are the leaders and have to show the good side of EXO. Chanyeol notice the M member going to the people who spoke Mandarin in the line. Chanyeol spots Anita and a smile appears on his face. He heads over to Anita when he notices Lay starting to approach her and he doesn’t want to talk about the chat with Lay there.

            Baekhyun is the only one that knows about the chat. Kai thought Chanyeol was on their board page when Chanyeol said a fan wanted to marry Kai. It is against the contract for the first year to go on chats like that. Chanyeol heard of Yesung going on chats and fans not believing him until he posted a picture of it on twitter. Once the one-year mark has passed if they did something against the contract the previous ear they are able to talk about it publicly. Yet the dating ban is still in place until they hit the 3rd year mark.

            Chanyeol couldn’t walk fast enough and Lay starts talking to Anita in Mandarin. It is times like that Chanyeol wish that he had took up Kris’ offer to also teach him Mandarin. Chanyeol walks up next to Anita and clears his throat. That gets Lay and Anita’s attention. Anita smiles at Chanyeol and bows slightly, “Annyeong Chanyeol-ah.”

            Chanyeol bows back trying to not be overly excited to see Anita again. “Annyeonghaseyo uh Anita noona right?”

            Lay looked at Chanyeol confused, “She is the same age as you.”

            Chanyeol blinks and says, “Mwo?”

            “Yeah she is just born earlier in the year.”

            Anita has an apologetic face and Chanyeol sees Baekhyun come over and says, “Hyung I need you.”

            Holding onto Lay’s arm, “Huh? Wae?”

            “Because there is a girl here who is a fan of yours from China.”

            Lay smiles “Jinga?” Baekhyun nods. “Well my apologizes I am needed elsewhere.” Lay bows and walks away with Baekhyun and Baekhyun turns around and gives Chanyeol a thumbs-up.

            Chanyeol chuckles and looks back to Anita. “Wae didn’t you tell me we are the same age?”

            “Well I thought older is older no matter if it was a couple of years or a couple of months.”

            Chanyeol shakes his head. “Is Jackie noona really my noona?”

            Anita nods “Yeah she is, don’t worry she is my unnie too.” Anita smiles and Chanyeol couldn’t help, but smile.



            Kris is looking around at the other members socializing and sees Chanyeol smiling at a girl and notices it’s the girl who was speaking in English earlier. He smirks thinking about going over there to talk to her until Baekhyun comes over. “Hey duizhang. What are you doing?”

            “Going over to talk to that girl over there.” Kris points over to Chanyeol and takes a step and Baekhyun hold onto Kris’ arm.

            “But Chanyeol-ah is talking to her.”

            “She can talk to more than one person.”

            “But uh I want to talk to you.” Baekhyun does his greasy smile and Kris raises is eyebrow.

            “Like what? What do you want to talk about?”

            “Uh ummm.” He couldn’t think of anything. Although Kris is the leader of M and doesn’t spend a lot of time with K he can tell when members were hiding things.

            “Baekhyunnie? Is there something you need to tell me?”

            “Baekhyun shakes his head, “Ani nothing at all just want to spend time with you.”

            “I can tell you are hiding something.”

            “Baekhyun turned red, “I’m not h-hiding anything.”


            Baekhyun takes in a deep breathe and looks at Kris. “I can’t tell you, but trust me and just let Chanyeol talk to Anita alone. He needs to talk to her.” Kris sighs and looks over at Chanyeol and it looks like they are laughing and Kris nods looking at Baekhyun.

            “Okay fine, but I want to reason later at the dorm.”

            “Well you can ask Chanyeol, but it not my secret to tell.” Looks around seeing everyone there, “Just ask him back at the dorm.”

            “But we’re suppose to be one. Wae is he keeping secrets from us?”

            “He has his reasons. Think about what we talk about right after we debuted. After the showcase and I had that talk with Soo Man seonbae.”

            Kris tries to remember about the topics they talked about, but more specifically talking about the differences of contracts when it comes to discipline for the subgroups and what they can and can’t do.

            Kris just nods and gets the idea, “Okay, but I will get an explanation one way or another.”

            Kris walks away to interact with the other guests and Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol and sighs thinking, “I hope he knows what he’s doing.”

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Chapter 3: ANITA!!! WHAT! OMG!
LadyRin98790 #2
Conundrum #3
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LadyRin98790 #5
Chapter 1: SEEING AS I AM TECHINICALLY IN THIS STORY I DEMAND MORE!!!!! But seriously, awesome job ^_^