Girl meets Boy

Love Chat


I got my morning coffee and sat by the window having some free time grabbing my diary from my bag and started to write, “Never realized how much I love the city until I moved here. I have been in Seoul for about a month and I love it. I have an awesome roommate, Emmy, and an awesome job with awesome people. You know South Korea should just change their name to Awesome Korea.

            I mean even though there are days when my days do get a tad bit too long for my liking it is not that bad. I get to hang out with Emmy a lot more than when we were in the states. I am making money and I am healthy. Can’t ask for any thing more. Well I mean except for you know.” Closed my diary putting it back in the bag and started to head off to work. I really do like my job and I love how I get to spend so much time with Emmy.

            I remember meeting Emmy for the first time in the city and we went to go see Jay Park. We waited out in the rain and I was even having motion sickness symptoms from being on the train for a really long time. Yet it was worth it and then hanging out in K-Town was also a lot of fun. Really a good day filled with laughs and KPOP. All a girl needs in my opinion. Although the food was really good too.

            I entered the entertainment news company and said hello to the security guard like I do every morning and enter the clear elevator taking me to the 10th floor. I was originally the secretary downstairs and after being here for a month I worked my way to being Emmy’s assistant. Emmy does interviews with KPOP idols as well as Korean actors and athletes. My job with her was to inform her on all the details on the people she was going to interview which meant being on Tumblr a lot reading all the fan accounts and doing a lot of watching of K dramas and comedies. So I basically have one of the many dream jobs of a KPOP fan and I have the best boss ever especially since she is my best friend too.

            I sit at my desk and sign onto Tumblr. Emmy is going to have an interview with B.A.P next week and I know that they recently had a fan meeting recently so I went on the hunt for the fan accounts. And I was in the middle of reading an account where Himchan dumps water on YongGuk when I got interrupted with a back hug and a squeal.            “Anita!”

            I look behind me and see a very smiley Emmy and I chuckle and say, “What is it best boss in the entire world?”

            Emmy lets go of me and sits on my desk and says, “Well you will love me forever after I tell you your new assignment.”

            “Oh really? But I already love you.” I giggle and say, “Well let’s see. Tell me.”

            “Well you know how we have been getting more groups from when we became friends since their first anniversaries are coming up?”

            I nodded, “Yeah I know.”

            “Well there is a particular band that is about to have their 1 year anniversary and they usually don’t do talk shows in Korea, but we snagged their anniversary celebration.”

            “Who is it already?”

            “EXO.” My mouth dropped and at that moment I wanted to jump up and scream and just hug Emmy tight. We bonded over EXO and obviously we had Our Chanyeol.

            Even though we were at worked I got up and hugged her, “That is awesome!”

            “Oh it gets better.” I leaned away and gave her a confused look.

            “Whatcha talking about Emmy?”

            Emmy points to my seat and I obey and sit down waiting patiently in my seat looking up at her. “So I always ask you to get me information on the band right?”


            “Well since both you and I are really big EXOtics I don’t really need to get me information.”

            “So you are giving me paid time off?”

            Emmy shakes her head, “No, well sort of.”

            “Just tell me.”

            “Yah stop interrupting me.” I pretended to zip my lips and puts my hands on my lap. “Thank you. Well I am really busy today with other interviews as you know and I got invited to an event and I am going to ask you to take my spot.” I nod, “The event is EXO’s fan signing.”

            I wanted to scream even more at that moment and I motioned the ping of my mouth and left my mouth drop, “Did I mention how awesome of a boss you are!”

            Emmy chuckles and nods, “Yes you say that every day. And I never get sick of it.” She looks at her phone, “Well the even is in about 4 hours. You better get down there, but wait a moment.” Emmy gets up and I just start packing my things and by the time I look up Emmy is back with a laminated black piece of paper. “This is your pass so that you won’t be waiting in those long lines and you will be one of the first people to be there and you get to go to a special VIP area to watch the rest of the fan signing and so you can tell me your own fan account for the interview.”

            I glare at Emmy a little bit, “So I am sort of working and sort of not.”

            Emmy nods, “Yeah it is just like you at work normal.” She smiles at me and then her phone goes off and she looks at it and makes a face. “I have to go get ready. I am interviewing this actor name Lee Hyunwoo. He is the guy that was in that drama with Minho last year.”

            “Oh yeah he is so cute. Arie and I called him squishy cause he was just so cute!”

            Emmy nods, “Oh right I forgot about that. Well I have to head off. See you tonight back at the apartment?”

            I nod, “Yes and I will have dinner ready.”

            “Thanks you are the best!” Emmy hugs me and goes away waving at me. I was about to ask where the event was taking place when I look down and see the location written on the VIP pass. Emmy really is the best boss and friend any person can I have. I grab my things and head downstairs where I see one of the company’s drivers.

            “Annyeonghaseyo Dae Ho Oppa! Who are you waiting for today?”

            Kim Dae Ho always drives the executives and I have had the chance to be driven by him a couple of times when I had to accompany Emmy to an interview. “I am actually here for you today Ms. Zanella.” He holds his arm out as if he was going to me.

            I chuckle and take his arm. “Why thank you kind sir.” I smile as he leads me out front and opened my car door for me. Mrs. Kim is a very lucky woman to have a man like him. I picture the guy that I will marry one day to be like him. Kind and caring, but also a guy who can make me laugh. I enter the car and get comfortable considering that the traffic to the event was going to be absolutely crazy.

            I decide to take a little and music blasting awakes me and I am startled from my nap. “I am sorry Ms. Zanella.” I hear Dae Ho chuckling up front and I just shake my head.

            “You know it is considered rude to wake people up with loud music.”

            “It is also rude to be late to an event.” I look out my window and we had arrived at the mall where the signing was taking place.

            I nod and gather only what I need; my VIP pass and my purse with my phone inside. I smile when I see Dae Ho opening up my door. “Kamsahamnida Dae Ho Oppa!”

            “I will be shopping for my wife’s birthday so call me when you are ready to leave.”

            “I will.” I wave to him as I walk towards the screaming fan girls feeling very out of place still in my work clothes. As soon as I enter I see a little store and decide to look around for a different outfit.

            I walk out with something stylish, but not too stylish because I wanted to show my VIP status with out really sticking out like a sore thumb. I walk over to the area where the security guards were checking to see if people had tickets for the event and I could see all of the fan account reporters there with their camera and ladders trying to look over the huge temporary wall that they put into place.

            I walk up to the security guard and show him my VIP badge. He nods and puts me in the second line, which was a lot shorter. I could tell that I made the right choice of changing my outfit. Some people in this line looked like they came from work. Others decided to take the route I took and bought some new clothes. I could tell by the shopping bags they had in their hands. There weren’t a lot of us in the line maybe 20-25 and I look to my left and see all of the other exotics there and I smile a little. Thinking about being in that line with my friends from tiny chat and us feeling that same excitement.

            Moments like that made me wish that I was back home and on tiny chat with my friends, but every time Emmy and I want to talk to them it is really early over there. I look at my phone and it says 1 pm. Meaning it is midnight where I used to live in the states meaning everyone is on tiny chat at the moment.

            I go straight to the app since I have time to kill and I plug in my headphones and make my username Guess_Who. The original girls plus some new girls have joined us and everyone is confused.


Jackie: Hello guess who.....who are you

Guess_Who: You have to guess duh~

Chaos: Hmmm Arie?


Guess_Who: No Chaos and very close Tae



            Oh Tae and her imagination.


Guess_Who: No I am not.

Shun_love: Come on and just tell us.


            I decide not to tease them any more and just get on my front facing camera. With in seconds anyone that had a webcam got on camera and were freaking out as silently as they could since it was late for them. I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot. I almost felt like crying and I waved to my phone and I didn’t care that the other people in line with me were looking at me with judge looks. “Hey guys!”

            Jackie looked like she was going to cry, “Anita we missed you so much! How is Seoul? Have you met any celebrities yet?”

            “Well I am in line for an event.”

            “Where are you?!”

            “I am in line waiting to meet a band.”

            Carla says excitedly, “Who?”

            “EXO!” This is when I couldn’t hold back my laughs as I watch my best friends try to silently freak out. And some actually started jumping up and down and there was Chaos with open.

            “Don’t you dare say a thing about me to Chanyeol.” I laugh knowing that Our Chanyeol hated Chaos.

            “Don’t worry I won’t. I probably won’t say anything really.”

            Jackie finally stops freaking out and says, “Anita you have to see if Chanyeol knows who you are. You gotta call him Oppa!”

            I laugh even harder at this, “But I am older then him.”

            “Exactly! If he corrects you then we know that it is really Our Chanyeol. Do whatever it takes.”

            “Well I am in the VIP area so I hope I get to talk with him after the signing.”

            Everyone’s mouth dropped. “You have a VIP ticket?” I showed Jackie as well as everyone else and they couldn’t believe it.

            Tae spoke up and said, “Anita you better get a good fan account from being there. And make sure to tell us everything!”

            “Don’t worry I will. I gotta right up a fan account for Emmy anyways because she is going to interview them next week.”

            “No way! She is?” Says Chaos.

            “Yeah for their 1 year anniversary.”

            “Guys our one year anniversary is coming up too. April 28th.” Says Jackie.

            “That’s right! I will talk to Emmy and see if we can try and get on chat that day. Oh guys I missed you so much!”

            “We missed you too. Don’t be a stranger to us.”

            “Don’t worry I don’t, but the event will be starting soon so I have to go.”

            “Okay bye!”

            “Bye Anita!”

            “Take care!”

            “Anita oh my god when did you get here?!” I chuckle as I see Arie’s face appear on my phone.

            “Hey Arie! Uh maybe for about ten minutes, but I have to go now.”

            Arie pouts on camera, “Why do I get to miss all the good stuff that happens in this chat. I missed you guys talking to Chanyeol, Jackie falling asleep on camera and now I miss you here. No fair!”

            “Ah Arie I will try and come back soon. I promise. I miss you guys and I hope to see you soon.” I wave and close out of the app putting my phone away. I didn’t realize how much I have missed them until I talked to them. Over that year we gained people and lost people, but we remained close. And here in Seoul my real and only friend is Emmy. I am friendly with the coworkers, but we don’t go out after work and my day ends before theirs and I know some people who even have spent the night to get their work done or tried to get ahead in the company. I just do what I have to do and mingling leads to drama. So obviously I won’t be messing with that yet that also makes me a little bit lonely.

            Before I could think of any more depressing thoughts I hear the fans screaming and see EXO getting on stage. All 12 of them and I couldn’t help, but grin and scream along with the fans although I was getting judgmental looks from some people in the VIP line except for the few like me who are here for work, but also are fans of these boys.. Kris grabs a microphone and says,  “Hana, dul, se. We are one! Annyeonghaseyo EXO imnida.” All of them bowed and the screams were louder and I couldn’t stop staring at Chanyeol. It is really he. The big loveable happy virus. Chanyeol is standing up there smiling and waving at everyone while standing next to Baekhyun. I chuckle when Baekhyun tries to whisper in Chanyeol’s ear and ends up pulling Chanyeol down. I can just imagine what people are saying now.

                                    Oh my god they are totally doing it.

Uh no, that is not always the case. Not everyone in KPOP is gay. I mean come on I do ship people, but I shop the friendship. Whatever they do in their personal life is well personal and I shouldn’t judge or really have a say in it.

            All the member did their introductions and as usual Kris was cool, Kai tried to kill fan girl’s hearts and Chanyeol was a big dork as always with some help from ageyo Baekhyun. The two of them are just too adorable for me to handle. I would love to see how they would interact on tiny chat. The cuteness overload would kill all of my girls. My line starts to move and they have an EXO poster to sign and I start getting more and more nervous. Chanyeol will be the last person I see and I don’t want to look like an idiot especially since I might have to see him later after the even in the VIP area.

            Everyone is going up by how many people are in their party and most people here have someone with them. I on the other hand am alone. My turn comes up and I get my poster sign by EXO M first and use the little Mandarin Emmy has taught me and I talk to Kris in English. He could tell that I am a native English speaker and ask where I am from. I say, “Connecticut which is next to New York.”

            “Cool, well I hope to see you after the even.” He then winks at me and I try to keep my composure since he probably does t just to see the fans reactions. Plus there are a lot of cameras on them right now. And if I don’t react someone online will.

            I smile and move down the line and make little conversation with the other members and finally I am with Baekhyun and I couldn’t help, but glance over at Chanyeol and Baekhyun could tell, “Are you a fan?”

            I blink, “What?”

            “Are you a fan of Chan Chan?”

            I blush a little bit and nod, “Mhm I am.”

            “Well I hope you enjoyed the even and I also hope to see you back there.” He smiles and waves at me. I could see Chanyeol waving to the group in front of me and I move in front of him.

            As soon as he looks at me his eyes widen and that huge grin appears on his face and he says, “Annyeong Anita noona!”

            My mouth dropped and Baekhyun hears and his head turns rapidly with his mouth opened, “No way.”

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Chapter 3: ANITA!!! WHAT! OMG!
LadyRin98790 #2
Conundrum #3
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LadyRin98790 #5
Chapter 1: SEEING AS I AM TECHINICALLY IN THIS STORY I DEMAND MORE!!!!! But seriously, awesome job ^_^