
Puppy Love

EXO-K hung around for another half hour before they needed to leave.

Surprisingly, it didn't take very long for the thirteen of you to get along.

All it took was one bbuing bbuing from Tao to Kris and the next thing you know, Sehun's having an aegyo battle with Tao and Luhan is hitting your arms nonstop as he fanboys.

You realized a lot of things that half hour.

Kris and Chanyeol are polar opposites but seemed to get along just fine, Kai had nice, fluffy hair, Sehun is tied with Tao on the cutest aegyo, Kai has the best laugh ever, Baekhyun has the weirdest obsession with SNSD, Suho has an awesome smile (but you still think Kai's is better), D.O. and Lay are the quiet ones in the group but seem to have the sharpest tongue, Sehun stares a lot at Luhan (as much as you think you stared at Kai), D.O. and Baekhyun have awesome singing voices, Chanyeol is a happy virus, Kai had nice muscles (yeah, how'd you end up ogling them again?), Kai, Kai, Kai, Kai, Kai. Almost all you seemed to notice was Kai.

Wow, this boy has such a large impact on you.


The next month goes by smoothly. There were the many tests that came and went. You, your friends and EXO-K surprisingly got closer with each other.

Then again, they visited often at the bubble tea store you worked at with Xiumin and Chen.

You don't see Kai as often in classes anymore. He's been transferred out of all your classes and you only see him with EXO-K after school at the bubble tea store.

The fangirls died down from all the hype that Kai caused and now some have returned to following all your friends again. Once in a while (now more than usual since you sort of hang out with EXO-K), they would shoot you those envious I-will-kill-you-because-you're-near-my-oppar look but you're already used to it.


The next time you actually see Kai again all by himself is, surprisingly, at the park.

Coincidence much?

You were actually out for a stroll since your younger brother insisted he just had to go to the playground. No surprise here but Kai was walking Monggu and Jjanggu.

"Hey!" He calls and greets you.

Kai immediately jogs over and the dogs seem to recognize you in an instant. They bounce around and you just have this urge to run away.

You don't, though, because Kai's there.

"What are you doing here?" Kai his head to the side before he teases you. "I rarely see you out. Explains why you're so pale."

"I'm pale because I just take care of my skin more than you do." You shoot back at him, knowing that you were completely utterly wrong.

Sure, he had darker skin but darn it, he has no blemish at all on his face.

Even Luhan's got a small pimple that he thinks nobody knows about but since he's basically your best friend and you know basically every secret of his, it's pretty prominent.

"Anyways, my brother wanted to come to the playground so there he is." You turn to gesture at where your younger brother is. That's when you started to panic.

He's not there.

Oh god, you're dead when you get home.

You could feel tears b on the edge of your eyes before some of it spills over.

Damn it, you lost your only brother. At a playground, too.

*You are such an idiot!* You yell inside your head.

"Hey, hey. Are you OK?" Kai turns you around so you could face him. His soft hands cup your face.

You feel more tears spill over in guilt. *Stop caring about Kai for right now and go find your brother.*

But you know you can't.

The brain might tell you what to do but the heart decides to act on its own.

Kai brushes the tears away and he softly gazes at you.

The dogs are wise and keep quiet. You swear you see Monggu shake his head at you.

"Shhh. I'll help you find your brother just like how you helped me find my dogs. OK? Just stop crying. You're ruining your beautiful face." Kai mumbles soothingly.

Did he just say your face was beautiful?

*Stop it.* You think. *Concentrate on finding your brother.*

You finally step backwards and croak out your brother's name.

You do it over and over as your voice regains its strength and soon, Kai starts calling him also.

You separate from where Kai's going and walk through the park, shouting for your brother.

People look at you strangely but you don't care. You need to find your brother and that's all that matters at the moment.

You probably wandered around for a good five minutes when you hear it.

Somebody calling your name. Somebody's young child voice. Then you hear another, one a bit lower and deeper. 

You turn around and there's your little brother, holding tightly onto Kai's hand as they walk towards you.

You call your brother's name once before you scoop him up into your arms. "Where were you? Noona was so worried."

Your brother stares up at you with large eyes. "I wanted to see the ducks at the duck pond. Don't cry, noona."

"Don't you ever do that again, OK? Don't run from noona." You hug your brother close to you.

He nods his head before he turns and points at Kai. "Is that your boyfriend, noona?"

You blush at that title.


You could only wish.

Why would somebody as good-looking as Kai want somebody as average as you?

"We're friends." You kiss your brother's cheek before you turn to Kai. "Thank you for helping me find my brother."

He returns your thanks with a smile. "Anytime."

"Noona, I want to go home." Your brother whimpers in your arms and buries his face into your shoulder.

"Let's go home then." You tell him. You nod at Kai in farewell but he suddenly steps forward and leans into your ear.

"You don't have to be afraid of my dogs, you know? They don't bite. And you don't want to ruin your pretty face with tears, right?" He breathes before he steps back with a smirk.

You numbly stare back at him.

How'd he find out that you didn't like dogs? Was it that obvious?

And he called you pretty. For the second time today!

You turn bright red and you watch as he walks away, his dogs barking at the birds.

"Noona likes hyung a lot, right?" You glance at your brother who is calmly kicking his feet back and forth.

"W-why would you say that?"

"You look at hyung differently. And hyung told me t- never mind." Your brother shakes his head and points in the direction of your house. "HOMEWARD!"

You laugh and carry your brother home.


Sarang and her friends are back again with their stupid conversations.

Now, it's along the lines of Kai told me this, Kai told me that, oh my gosh Kai is so cute, KAI, KAI, KAI!

You just want to rip your ears out at how many times you've heard that stupid name over and over again for the past fifteen minutes straight.

Sadly though, whenever you hear his name, you always plaster on a foolish smile and he just appears, smirking, in your head.

As you turn the page to the next chapter of your new book, you hear the door open and girls squealing. Deja vu hits you at that moment and you shake your head and continue reading.

A whisper of a name ripples through the classroom.

That one syllable, three-letter name that you hear in the hallways, in the classrooms, in the locker room, everywhere.

"It's Kai. What's he doing here?" You hear one of the queenkas ask Sarang.

"Maybe he's here to confess his undying love for her." Another one answers, sounding quite excited.

"I knew he wouldn't be able to resist my charms." Sarang laughs.

"OMO! Maybe he is here to confess to you! He's coming down your aisle!"

A sense of dread grows in your heart.

When in the world did Kai stoop so low to get this... thing that calls herself a queenka?

But why should you care? He can do whatever he wants.

The queenkas collectively gasp and you roll your eyes. So Kai did come to confess to Sarang?

It takes a few seconds for you to realize that everybody else in the room is silent.

You raise your head slowly to see what the lack of commotion is about and oh my gosh, Kai is standing in front of your desk.

"Hey." He gives you a tired smirk.

He looks half-awake and darn, he is still so damn cute. His messy bed hair added more to the effect and you internally fangirled to yourself.

"Sup." You say back, well aware of all the stares you were getting.

Great, now you're going to get killed by every living female in this school and maybe even some males.

Hey, you don't judge.

"So.. um.. I was wondering.." Kai stutters.

You only now notice how nervous he looks.

He's running a hand through his y hair and he keeps on kicking his leg back and forth.

"Yes...?" You urge him to continue.

A tiny part of you wants him to just randomly confess to you in front of the whole school.

Logic takes over, though, and you remind yourself sternly that he's the popular kid while you're just a normal wallflower.

"Doyouwannahangoutafterschool?" Kai manages to ask in one big word.

He says it so quick that you could barely catch it but you somehow understood every single word, or more like syllable.

"Sure." You reply with a smile that hopefully doesn't look like you're just trying to make the fangirls feel bad that they can't hang out with Kai while you can.

The bell for passing period rings and Kai immediately straightens up.

He rushes out of the classroom but before he does that, he sends a nice rare smile at you. You watch as his back disappears out the door.

Oh boy, your concentration is going to be hard to maintain.





You groan. What have you gotten yourself into?

A half hour ago at most, you were waiting afterschool for Kai and when he shows up, he doesn't say anything and simply blindfolds you.

He tells you directions and you feel a car handle under your hands. You get in and only now you realize that Kai's probably the one driving and you're going somewhere with him.

The first thing that pops into your head is a romantic date but whoa, that's going way too fast right there.

Then the idea of him kidnapping comes up and other crazy scenarios that aren't true are floating around in your head.

You're in the car for about 10 minutes before you hear the car engine turn off and the opening and closing of car doors. Kai helps you out and BAM, here you are.

Dog. Sounds. Everywhere.

You flail about and grab onto the first thing you feel, Kai's arm.

You hear a loud bark near you. You squeal and unintentionally bury your head into Kai's arm.

Usually, you wouldn't be so intent with showing people your weak side but you're with dogs here. That's a different matter.

Kai softly pats your back as you edge closer to him.

It feels safe.

You don't know why.

You're surrounded by dogs and you feel perfectly safe from where you're standing.

"Sit." Kai orders you, pushing your shoulder down slightly. You obey and carefully start moving towards the ground.

Once you get comfortable on the ground, Kai takes the blindfold off.

You're too busy adjusting to the bright light to even react properly to Kai carefully tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Where are we?" You mumble as you look around.


You're in a mosh pit of dogs.

The joy.

You grab at Kai's arm.

"It's OK if you're scared of dogs." Kai nudges your shoulder with his before he tilts his chin to the dogs. "Pick the one you think is the cutest."

You stare blankly at the jumpy canines but they ignore you and continue playfighting or running around in circles.

You glanced at each one of them, realizing that they were, in fact, very cute. Not as cute as Kai, though, but you wouldn't say that out loud.

Scanning the sea of dogs, you try to find one that stands out to you. Sure, they're all really adorable but you wanted one that wasn't like the rest.

The dog is easily spotted. It's in the corner, huddled up by itself as the dogs around it push and shove while playfighting. You tug Kai's sleeve like a child and you wordlessly point at the lone dog.

A smile spreads across his face before he picks his way carefully around the puppies and lifts up the dog. He comes back, the dog safely tucked into his arms.

"You wanted this one?" Kai sits down. You nod and gaze at the dog.

The puppy looks up at you with big, innocent eyes. Its fur is creamy brown and looks soft and fluffy.

Kai pets it calmly and it looks content with snuggling into his arms.

"It's cute." *And it reminds me a little of me.* You think as you watch the dog snuggle closely to Kai.

You sit back and smile at the scene. It was possibly one of the most adorable moments ever and you wanted time to stop right there, in this store with Kai.

The store owner comes by later and tells you that you have to leave since he's going to close up. You didn't realize that it was dark outside. Time just flew as you admired the Kai and the dog.

"I'll drive you home." Kai offers, grabbing your hand to pull you up. 

You nod and dust off your pants. The dog hops from Kai's arms as if it understood that you two were leaving and it stared back with longing eyes.

You smile softly at it before you make your way through the crowd of dogs that were now mainly fast asleep. The dog you were with scampers off into a corner and curls up, snuggling itself.

"Let's go." Kai gently pulls on your hand that he was still holding and tugs you towards the car.

You sigh and lean back in your seat when you get into the car. Kai gets in with you and offers you a smile.

"Did you have fun?" He asks, starting up the engine.

"Yeah." You turn your head towards him and he meets your eyes.

You hold the eye contact for another ten seconds before he steps on the gas a little and places his arm on the back of your seat to back up.

"Your house?"

You realize that you haven't given him any directions whatsoever and you hurriedly rant out the directions.

The car ride is silent, with the occasional asking of 'is this the right place' or 'I turn here, right?'

Strangely, you're quite happy with this silence and there was no need for any talking at all.

The trip home seems shorter than it's supposed to be.

You unbuckle your seatbelt, thank Kai for the ride home and rush up to your front door.

"See you tomorrow!" Kai calls from his car and grins. His eyes curve into cute crescent moons and he reminds you of something.

Then it dawns on you.

*He looks like a sweet, innocent puppy.* You wave your hand and unlock the front door. Kai drives off and you turn on the hallway lights.

*He's my puppy.* You smile to yourself, a warm feeling stirring in your stomach.


You don't expect Kai to be waiting by your locker.

Even bigger shocker. You never told him where your locker is.

"Hi." You wave your hand and spin your lock.

Kai greets you back and leans on the locker next to yours. "Hey."

You roll your eyes at the simple conversation and take out the necessary books you needed for homework. Kai silently watches you as he smiles and closes his eyes.

When you get all the necessary things, Kai cracks open an eye.

"So.. are you ready?" Kai tilts his head and you laugh internally.

*Yep, he looks like a puppy, for sure.*

"Where are we going?" You slam your locker closed and mirror Kai's actions.

"The same place we went yesterday of course." Kai plasters on a humongo smile that looked almost inhumanely possible.


The first thing Kai does when you two step into the store is to drag you all the way to the back of the store to visit the dogs. You go reluctantly but you also want to see that puppy again.

Kai calmly nods at the store owner before he silently opens the door to what you would now like to call the dog room.

The puppy from yesterday is still there, shying away from all the other dogs.

Once the two of you step into the dog room, the puppies fall silent and stare wondrously at you, obviously forgetting you were the people from the day before.

Eventually, the dogs go back to their playful activity and only one dog bounces up to you.

Kai scoops up the dog from yesterday and gestures for you to sit down.

You oblige and are completely surprised when Kai plops down right next to you so that your shoulders and kness are brushing each other.

Kai, then, places the dog on your lap. You squeak in shock and try to grab onto Kai.

"Just pet it once." Kai breathes into your ear, wrapping his arm around you to keep you in place.

You turn red at the position of Kai's arm. Does that arm really have to be there?

You shake the thought out of your head and cautiously pet the dog. It leans into your hand and nuzzles it softly.

"It's so cute." You murmur, petting its soft fur.

Kai uses his other hand and brushes the dog's fur too. His hand occasionally brushes against yours.

"We should name it." Kai finally removes his arm from you and he folds his hands and places them on his lap.

"We should." You echo.

The dog looks up at you with huge eyes and nuzzles you before walking across your lap.

"Boo!" You scold lightly, the name coming off easily.

Kai laughs. "So we're going to name our dog Boo?" He reaches over and pets the dog that immediately jumps into his lap.

"O-our dog?"

"Well, we both technically claimed it." Kai winks and smiles.

Kai's been smiling a lot lately, you notice. First, it was all smirks but after visiting the dogs, or maybe it was even the time you cried in front of him, he's been doing less smirks and more smiles.

A grin also seems to spread across your face at this. Kai glances at you and looks like he's about to say something but his mouth turns into an 'o'.

Suddenly, you feel self-conscious. "Is there something on my face?" You pat it carefully.

"Nah. Y-you should smile more often." Kai goes back to playing with the dog's fur.

Was that a stutter you heard? How in the world does Kai, of all people, manage to stutter?

You spend another hour at the pet store with Kai until you remember that you have to pick up your brother from his piano class.

"Calm down there. I'll drive." Kai gets up from his sitting position.

Boo jumps away to his little corner and you sadly stare back at the puppy.

"He'll be here tomorrow. Don't worry." Kai pulls you up and smiles.


"NOONA! YOU WERE LAT- HI HYUNG!!" Your younger brother bounds up to the two of you.

Kai grins and squats down to your brother's height. "Hey, kiddo."

Your brother glances up at you happily before hugging Kai. Kai immediately wraps his arms around your brother.

A smile spreads across your face.

The two look like brothers or maybe even a boyfriend with the girlfriend's younger sibling.

Wait... what?

You shake the thought away but it comes back nagging, knowing that you would like that idea. If only it were real that is.

"Hyung, did you ask yet?" Your brother tugs on Kai's jacket sleeve, interrupting your thoughts.

"No." Kai shakes his head sadly.

"Awww. You should hurry up hyung." Your brother pouts.

"Alright." Kai ruffles your brother's head.

Even though you have no idea what they're talking about and you desperately want to know, a warm feeling spreads throughout your body at how well the two get along.

You look up and notice the sky growing dark.

"We have to go home." You murmur.

Kai stares at you before nodding.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He offers.

You glance at the black car parked on the side of the road before looking back at the smiling Kai.

He does a lot for you, you realize. Well, that adds to the long list of things of why you like him.

"No. It's fine." You shake your head. "Our house is a few blocks away."

"OK then. Have a safe trip." Kai jogs to his car and waves at you before getting in.

"What were you and Kai talking about anyways?" You ask your brother as you tug him in the direction of your house.

"It's a secret, noona." Your brother places a finger on his lips before he skips down the road.


You and Kai visit Boo every few days. Sometimes, he can't make it and you visit the pet shop by yourself.

The dogs have grown quite fond of your presence and vice versa but Boo is the one that loves you the most.

Every time you go to the pet shop with Kai, you get to know him better.

He tells you a lot of things about himself.

You find out that he loves dancing and it's basically his life. He has a brother called Taemin that looks almost exactly like him and has the same interests as him. Monggu and Jjanggu are the regular trouble-making dogs, except they don't tangle their leashes with other girls.

You hold onto every single detail that he tells you even the one about him not liking D.O.'s kimchi spaghetti.

Occasionally, the two of you just sit there in silence as the puppies roll around and playfight while you two watch Boo.

These moments are the moments that you probably cherish the most. Sure, you don't get to know a little more about Kai's life but you notice the little things that make Kai, well, Kai.

Like how Kai's eyes brighten every time he sees Boo.

How he pulls funny faces when he's thinking hard.

The smile that's finding its way onto his face more often.

The faint dimples that come with the smile.

You notice all those small details and that's how you find yourself reaching the borderline of turning your crush on Kai to something else called love.

The next few weeks go by like this and winter starts rolling in.

On this cold December day, Kai says he doesn't have enough time to go to the pet shop, something about a surprise.

You completely understand and walk there by yourself.

The cold wind blows and you wrap yourself tighter in your jacket. Your breath puffs into the air and you let out a small grin.

When you see the familiar pet shop sign, you push it open and welcome the warm air.

The puppies in the back bark loudly when you step in.

You nod at the clerk and he nods back.

The dogs playfight now as you near them.

You look over the dog room.



Where's Boo?

You scan the dogs more carefully and there's no fluffy dog hidden among them.

Could it possible be that Boo was picked out and bought already?

You want to reach out for Kai, who would be next to you.

However, all you grab is empty air.

The thought of Boo being bought was heartbreaking.

Not to mention, Kai wasn't here to comfort you.

The heartbreak crawls throughout your body and clogs your throat from any form of speech.

You reach down and pat a random dog's head numbly before turning and leaving the store silently.


You kick at the ground, sending stones skittering across the sidewalk. Your head is bowed and you're still not over the fact that Boo is practically.. gone.

You glance up and look at the holiday festivities lining the street.

That's when you see the one person that you need comfort from most right now.


He's always made you feel safe and warm and protected and, sometimes, loved.

You speed up and weave your way among the crowds of people separating you and Kai.

When you finally manage to sort of catch up to him, he abruptly turns a corner.

In his arms is a little bundle.

You look closely and to your relief, it's Boo.

You feel a bit less heavy-hearted but you still want to know why Kai has Boo.

He stops by a house soon after he turns another corner.

A girl, wrapped up with a scarf and designer clothes, is waiting for him.

"Kai oppa!" She calls before running up to him and plucking Boo out of his grasp.

She pulls down her scarf to reveal her face.

It's Sarang.

You stop in your tracks before you run away in the direction that you came from.

The two never notice you.


You're not one to assume.

When Luhan started acting.... gay, you never just jumped to the conclusion that he was. Well, until he told you and your friends.

When Tao and Kris came out of a storage room with messy hair, you didn't judge. (Something about a spider and they didn't want it in their hair.)

That time when Lay was hanging out with a girl (a childhood friend), never once did the thought that they were dating cross your mind.

Yet, here you are.

You're assuming Kai bought Boo to give to Sarang.

Is it possible that Sarang's forcing Kai to bring her Boo? Was she just unfortunately there?

You don't know the whole truth but the scene that you saw replayed over and over again in your head.

It brings tears to your eyes for some reason.

You blink your eyes to make sure the tears don't fall and run to a familiar place that you'll know you'll feel much better at immediately.


"Is this about Kai?" Chen sighs, wiping his hands on his apron and setting the taro boba down in front of you.

"How'd you guess?" You mutter and take a long sip.

"You always talk about him." Xiumin places the plate of popcorn chicken in front of you.

The aroma wafts towards your nose and you feel better. Xiumin's popcorn chicken always makes you cheer up.

You take a bite of the chicken and savor the taste.

"WHAT IS THIS I HEAR ABOUT KAI BREAKING YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEART?!" Luhan storms into the store, the bell on the door ringing crazily. For a feminine-looking boy, Luhan has a loud voice.

"Do I have to break his neck?" Tao calmly asks, settling next to you.

"No. It's not like that-" You try to answer before Kris interrupts you.

"You just don't want us to hurt your precious boyfriend." He deadpans, looking straight into your eyes.

"I-I'm serious. It has nothing to do with that." You shake your head frantically.

"Kai is going to die if I ever get my han-" Luhan starts.

"Oh, just calm down. You haven't even heard her talk yet."

You shoot Lay a grateful smile before you start explaining.

"You know the puppy that I always visit with him?"

"DID HE MURDE-" You glare at Luhan, "OK, continue on."

"He bought the puppy and then I saw him with Sarang holding the puppy."

The table is in silence. Luhan looks like he's ready to kill anybody, the rest have a calm composure.

"Those two could just be related or something." Xiumin tries assuring you.

"Then why would Sarang be out to make Kai hers?" Chen hisses.

"She's probably looking out for another fling and since we refuse her so much, she's going for Kai." Kris shrugs.

"Eh. Just don't worry your head off, OK? It'll work out somehow." Lay pats your head and smiles, his adorable dimples showing which is sadly reminding you of a specific guy.


You don't even see Kai anymore.

You two don't visit the pet shop and the reason there is obvious.

However, EXO-K and Kai just don't come to the bubble tea store. It's like they're purposely avoiding you and your friends.

Luhan is coming up with crazy scenarios that suddenly seem like they could be true. Even Lay, the usually positive one, is starting to question their disappearance.

Were they just making friends with you and then abandoning right when the friendship is going steady?

That would be typical mean kingka stuff but the EXO-K kingkas aren't mean. They're dorks.

Neither you or your friends knew what their reason for avoiding you was so days passed with no happy virus, no grandpa, no umma, no Luhan fanboying about Sehun, no SNSD, and especially no Kai.

It's been two weeks and four days since you last saw Kai with Sarang.

Winter break is just around the corner and everybody is buzzing with excitement.

You just can't wait until you could find time for the glorious internet that you've been neglecting for the past few months. Kai is a great distraction from the internet.

You finish the last sentence of your book when the bell rings for school to end.

Everybody in the classroom whoops and hollers as they throw papers in the air.

You cheer along with them and the classroom starts emptying out.

You make your way out and find all six of your friends there.

Around you, there's friends that are hugging and saying "I'll miss you"s. Fangirls run around with presents in their hands but, surprisingly, they rarely give any of the presents to your friends.

They don't mind and they grin when they see you.

"Oh my god. We can finally get out of school." Luhan automatically slings his arm around you and grins.

"About time." Kris yawned.

"Where are you guys going to be for winter break?" You ask your friends.

"I have to go visit a family friend in Busan." Xiumin groans, spinning your locker combo for you.

"I'm going back to Canada." Kris stretches his arms.

Before he moved to Korea, Kris used to live in Canada and most of his family lived there if not in Guangzhou, his hometown.

"I have to visit the wushu masters back in China." Tao tosses the books you're holding into your locker.

You question the other three with your eyes.

"Singing competition. I have to prepare." Chen raises his hands in defense.

"I have to go with Chen since I have a dance competition at the same time." Lay nods.

"So it's just you and me. I get to spend time with my best bud~" Luhan sings, sticking his tongue out at the others.

You roll your eyes but smile anyways. "You guys have a great holiday then."

"Of course we will! We can't have poor noona worrying about us!" Tao pats your head.

Screaming girls pass by and you turn to see EXO-K surrounded by every single female (except you) in the school with early Christmas presents. You and your friends try to wave at them but they're too surrounded by girls shoving gifts into their arms to even notice you.

Kai is the most bombarded and you especially avert your gaze when Sarang makes her way to the front of the crowd of fangirls.

Luhan nervously laughs and pushes you away. "Let's go."

"Er... Have you tried my experiment on spicy popcorn chicken yet?" Xiumin asks, distracting you from Kai.


"Let me make you some then. TO THE STORE!"


"Girl, you've got to try chocolate bubble tea. It's awesome." Luhan nudges you.

"Are you only saying that because Sehun likes it?" You raise an eyebrow.

Your mom is out of town for a meeting on Christmas Eve and she won't be back until the day after Christmas. Your brother is staying with you and Luhan's sleeping over for the whole of the white Christmas with his mom's permission.

"No seriously it's re-" Luhan's interrupted by a doorbell and he frowns. "Isn't your mom coming home tomorrow? It's still December 25th if I'm correct."

"I don't know either." You open your mouth to shout for your brother to get it but he beats you to it.

"NOONA! GET THE DOOR!" Your brother yells from his room.

You roll your eyes at your younger brother's command but you get up from your sitting position.

You plod down the stairs and walk over to the front door and with a twist of the doorknob, you open it.

You aren't prepared for what you see on the other side.

Kai's standing there with messy hair and a thick, black jacket.

You can't help but say that he looks really cute.

Kai bites his lip and digs a foot into the snow before he speaks. "Hey."

"Hi?" The greeting turns into a question.

"Um.. I haven't seen you lately." He coughs a little to clear his throat.

"And?" You have a feeling he has more to say but he looks like a nervous wreck.

"M-merry C-christmas." Kai manages to speak out. You raise an eyebrow at his simple talk.

That's when you notice something moving inside his shirt.

"Are you turning into a monster or something?" You ask, laughing as you take a step back.

"Uh.. oh.. um.. no! It's your Christmas present!" Kai waves his hands in front of himself frantically.

"My Christmas present is you turning into a monster?" You fight down another bubble of laughter.

That's when the thing pops its head up.

It's Boo.

Your Christmas present is Boo.

"Oh my god." You gasp and put a hand over your gaping mouth.

You forget everything about Kai turning into a monster.

It's Boo, for goodness sake, that you lost for a few weeks. You feel so much better since Kai didn't give him to Sarang.

You reach for the puppy, brushing lightly against Kai's chest. Your face turns red but you don't care since you get to see Boo for the first time in weeks.

He wriggles in your grip and rubs his nose against you, showing his neck.

There's something wrapped around Boo's neck. You realize it's a ribbon with a piece of paper and you turn it over so you can read it.

In neat handwriting, the paper says Will you be my girlfriend?

You look back up at Kai who's looking very flustered.

You feel a warm feeling spread throughout your body.

This whole time, your crush wasn't just one-sided?

This whole time, Kai liked you too?

"Kai.." You trail off, showing the tag to him.

"Um.. I'm not good with confessing even though I have a bunch of fangirls but I've never had a girlfriend before so I don't know anything about this confessing stuff and I'm really sorry if it's really cheesy beca-"

"Yes." You let out the short, simple answer that you wanted to say for a long time.

Kai stops in the middle of his rant. "W-what?"

"Yes. Now if you don't want me to be your girlfriend, then that's OK-"

"NO! I mean, yes! I mean, I want you to be my girlfriend!" Kai scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

Boo struggles a little in your grip and you let him down. The puppy runs around your living room, exploring the new enviornment.

"You're an idiot." You smile at Kai once you straighten back up.

"Well, now you're an idiot's girlfriend." He smirks back at you, stepping inside the warmth of the house. He seems to have regained his confidence again.

Kai closes the door behind him and takes his shoes off casually.

"What are you doing?" You ask quickly, backing up as he walks closer.

"Can't I go into my girlfriend's house?" Kai asks back cheekily.


"ISN'T THIS ABOUT THE TIME WHERE YOU KISS?" Luhan yells from the stairs where he's watching you two.

You turn to glare at him but Kai takes this opportunity to do exactly what Luhan said.

Luhan and your brother whoop in excitement.

The kiss is nothing like what you have read in books.

It was much better.

You're a bit shocked at first but you react quickly. Your eyes flutter shut and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you. 

Kai's lips move perfectly with yours. He pours every ounce of emotion into it like it's the last thing he would ever do. A hand slowly makes its way up to caress your cheek softly and you lean into the touch.

You can feel Kai smirk a little against your lips as he kisses you a bit harder. You weave a hand through his messy hair and tug him towards you and he obliges, wrapping an arm around your waist.

You wish time would just stand still. That you could stay in Kai's arms like this forever, lips locked.

Eventually though, you both have to part for air.

Kai's chest is heaving up and down but he still looks at you with twinkling eyes. You're pretty sure you look the same as you stare back up at him.

Kai rests his forehead against yours and he moves even closer so that your toes are touching each other.

Boo lets out a small bark and runs straight towards the small curve that your feet create when they meet Kai's. The puppy settles in it and looks up at you two with big eyes.

The two of you let out a chuckle at the same time.

Boo was your "kid" after all and he looks like he's innocently watching his mom and dad do lovey dovey things.

Kai cups your face and nudges you to face him. His eye smile is more prominent right now and you have the urge to poke the dimples that are appearing.

You don't know how long that the two of you hold the stare but it feels like an eternity.

"Merry Christmas, Kai." You murmur, content in his embrace.

"Merry Christmas.." He mumbles back before he brings your face to his for another heart-stopping kiss.



AAAAAAND my one/twoshot's done! I love this story so much so I have a poll for you so here ya go!







Besides that, please subscribe to my other stories. *bows*

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Chapter 3: Was nice story!!!!!
Lovelypandabear #2
Chapter 2: So much feels~~ I can't handle it all~~
LunaVenture #3
Chapter 3: This is so nice! Thank you for sharing with us! I love this story! Cutee
origamifoxes #4
Chapter 2: WAAAAHHHHH! This is so cute!~ I love it c:
Great story!
Chapter 2: OOh, this was nice. I'm confused about Sarang tho. I dun get what was there.... Why Kai was with her then, and why he took time away from the girl.

OH WELL, great story either way! :))
gabyfany #6
Chapter 2: So fluffeh and perfect!!!!
Chapter 2: eeeeee... what a really sweet&cute story! :D
Chapter 1: "Why am I always catching you when you fall?"

Chapter 2: Love this!!!! So sweeeet :3 You make me want to have a dog (+ kai if it's possible) lol