Chapter 1

Puppy Love


It was a beautiful Saturday. Nothing but clear blue skies and the occasional fluffy cloud all day. Just the best weather to be out and about.

For you, it was the perfect time to spend on the internet. No homework. No distractions. Just you and your laptop in your room. It was going to be the best weekend of your life. The unproductivity level was high and you were completely fine with that.

"HONEY! CAN YOU PLEASE COME DOWNSTAIRS?!" Your mom suddenly yelled.

You groan as you watched your computer light up. So much for an unproductive weekend.

"What do you want, mom?" You drag yourself out of your bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen to where your mom was.

"Go out! It's a beautiful day! Stop wasting you life away on the internet. Have fun and don't come back 5 minutes later and tell me that you can't survive out there." Your mom continued slicing the vegetables that she was probably going to use to make tonight's soup.

"Fine." You trudge over to the door, grabbing your keys along the way.


*I could be on some stupid site right now, laughing my head off.* You think grudgingly as you walk in the nearby park.

The sounds of kids' laughter drifts to your ears. Happy couples, young and old, walk past you, taking in all the beautiful scenery. You don't even bother to take a glance and sulk as you walk.

*It's so bright out here.* You groan, closing your eyes for a little bit.

It was a pretty stupid move, stopping in the middle of the walkway, you admit. You probably looked really strange but you didn't care and simply stood there.

That's when you hear it.

That... sound. You just can't stand it.

You carefully try to back away but oh gosh, it's coming nearer. The dreaded sounds of dogs barking.

You should've expected this. You're at a park, for god's sake.

*Please don't be like the dogs in my old neighborhood. Please, please, please.* You wish in your head as the barking grows louder.

"WHOA! I am so sorry." Somebody's voice brings you back to reality.

Your eyes snap open and you find yourself tangled between two leashes. A boy is trying to keep the dogs calm but to no avail. They simply ignore him and continue bouncing at your feet, letting out yaps here and there.

"MONGGU! JJANGGU! STOP IT! I am so so so sorry." The boy apologizes again, bending down to unwrap the dogs' leashes from your feet.

The dogs don't help with the situation and start to walk around you, tying the leashes tighter around your feet.

The boy lets out an exasperated sigh before he straightens back up.

"Can you still move your feet?"

You wiggle them a little and try taking a step. "A bit."

"OK. Let's go to that bench then." The boy points at the bench that is about two feet away from you.

You nod and cautiously take a step forward. And another. And another.

You shuffle your feet and focus your sights on the bench.

OK, you look ridiculous. Who wouldn't if you're shuffling through a park while two poodles draw even more attention to you by barking loudly?

Finally, after an eternity of shufflling, you're standing in front of the bench.

Humiliation time over.

You bend down to take a seat until one of the dogs bumps straight into your legs, causing them to buckle under you.

Damn it. Humiliation time isn't over.

It's time for a faceplant on a park bench.


But the faceplant never comes.

Cue cliche drama moment where the main girl gets caught by the guy.

You stare at the boy in front of you, holding you upright.

That's when you notice that he is cute. Not baby cute. You know...the other type of cute.

Why haven't you noticed that before?

Oh right, you were busy looking like a penguin.

The boy looks like he was about a few years older than you, if not your age. His skin has a nice suntan and it is so damn perfect. His lips seem to curve into a natural smirk and.. oh boy, you're ranting.

"Are you still alive?" He waves his hand in front of your face. You blush a little when you realize what you're doing and sit down.

He immediately squats down and his hands fly around your legs, untying the leashes like his dogs tangle leashes with a stranger everyday.

You watch him with interest before you realize how stupid that sounds.

How in the world is this fascinating?

By all means, it's supposed to make you incredibly jittery, considering you are afraid of dogs.

"I'm Kim Jongin but you can call me Kai." He suddenly says, tugging at a tough knot. The dogs jump on him as he works his way through.

"I should know because..?" You raise an eyebrow, unsure about the sudden introduction.

"Just thought you might want to know. What's your name?" Kai stares up at you with huge eyes, his hands working fast around the now less tangled leashes.

You meet his eyes.

They're pretty, way too pretty for a guy.

You tell him your name.

Introductions are easy.

What's not easy is tearing your gaze away from his.

Kai suddenly chuckles and lowers his head, "You're staring."

"Am not!"

"I'm pretty sure you were looking at me for more than three seconds. I count that as staring. You can't handle my looks?" 

"Well, aren't you a bit narcissitic."

This isn't you.

You're the typical wallflower in school. Quiet and shy.

Yet, here you are, arguing with a boy -correction, cute boy- that you just met.

"OK. It's done." Kai triumphantly announces to you, your legs finally leash-free. Monggu and Jjanggu bark excitedly and run off, enjoying the freedom of not being tied to a person.

"COME BACK!" Kai yells and quickly gets up on his feet to follow them. He stops halfway before he grabs your wrist and pulls you along.

"W-what are you doing?" You shout as he starts to run off.

"We're getting my dogs. Come on! It'll be fun." Kai gives you a heart-stopping smile.

You somehow forget how to move when he did that.

Have you already mentioned that he was really cute? 

"Hurry up!" 

You snap out of your thoughts and try to catch up with Kai's fast pace.


"So you live around here?" Kai tugs on the leashes in his hands. The dogs yap and whine and you try not to shy away from them.

"Y-yeah." You stutter a little bit as Monggu snaps at your leg.

Kai looks like he's going to say more but he gets cut off by his phone ringing. He takes a peek at the caller ID before sighing. 

"I have to get going. Bye." He nods his head at you and tugs his dogs' leashes to follow him.

The information doesn't sink in until fifteen seconds later when he starts walking away.

So that's it? You're just letting a cute guy just leave like that?

This is probably one of the only times that a guy that isn't part of your group of friends, a cute one in fact, talked to you. And you're letting him slip from your fingers and leave.

You fight with the mental conflict in your head. Argh, are crushes always this complicated?

Did you just say crushes?

Oh ho, you definitely think that Kai is cute but enough to have a crush on him in the span of only a few hours?

That just sounds like the girls that go after any guy that is anywhere close to them.

You get this feeling you'll care a lot once he leaves you here by yourself, though.

Ha, lies, propoganda. You won't care if he leaves.

Or maybe you might...

"Will I see you again?" You blurt before your brain even reacts.

*Stupid, stupid! You don't just randomly say that!* You scold yourself once the words leave your mouth.

But something inside tells you that it isn't random.

That you did mean to say those five words.

That you would see him again.

That this wouldn't be the last time you'll see him.

Oh god... do you like this boy? And right after arguing with yourself about it.

Then again, there was no reason for you not to like him.

Kai is nice (sort of) and he's... oh great, there you go again, ranting about a stranger.

You bite your lip. This question you asked is going to go unanswered, you could feel it.

To your surprise, Kai turns back and sends a smirk at you.

Common sense immediately leaves your brain.

All you could do in response is stare back at him with your mouth hanging open.

"We'll see." Kai turns away, the dogs pulling him along.

The answer hangs in the air before it resounds in your brain.

We'll see.


"And oh my GAWD, he is so cute. Like that's a complete fact."

"I know right? Like how can he be soooo hot."

"I should totally date him but he's saying he likes somebody else. Like how can you not want this?"

You roll your eyes at the stupid conversation in front of you.

It was typical of the queen bees to fawn over any boy at least 5 feet from their boy radar, anyways. 

You flip to the next page of your book and continue reading, completely immersed in it.

The next part of the conversation drifts to your ears involuntarily.

"I know you're so totally hot. Who could not want you?"

You snort at that comment.


The queenkas are nothing but s with layers and layers of makeup coated on their faces. Plus, they're extremely egoistic. Who would not want them, your .

You could hear the smack of gum next to you and you look up.

"Can I help you, Sarang?" You slowly ask, trying not to flinch from how close the queenka was from your face.

"Aha! Stop acting innocent. Do you hear her, ladies? Can I help you?" The queenka mimicks. "Admit it, I'm hot and guys everywhere would die to go on a date with me."

"As if." You mutter under your breath, trying not to puke at all the makeup that was plastered onto her face.

Ugh, you swear you could see every layer of it.

"Look, girl. I could get any guy in this school and you ain't got nothing, you stupid nerd. Nobody has or will like you, ever."

Before you could come up with some witty retort, the bell rings and the teacher walks into the classroom.

"." Sarang hisses at you before turning back to her queenka friends, if you could even call them that.

You scoff and continue reading.

Screw her.

She's just some stupid girl that somehow got popular at your school.

Oh, how you've lost faith in society.

You could vaguely hear the teacher say something about a new student as you read on. Girls start squealing like crazy when the door to the classroom creaks open. The door slams closed and a shuffle of feet to the front of the classroom indicates the new student's arrival.

"Introduce yourself, please."

"My name's Kai and I just recently moved here. I hope you treat me well."




It just can't be.

Your head immediately shoots up out of your book and there he is. In all of his cute guy glory.

"I am so going to make him fall for me." You hear Sarang whisper to her friends.

You mentally roll your eyes but a part of you voices out, quiet and small, deep inside the back of your head.

What if he does end up liking her?


Kai's popular.

You notice this straight away when the bell for the end of the school day is rung.

Surprisingly, you've got 4 classes with him and in every class you have with him, girls swoon at the mere fact that he was just there.



Once the dismissal bell rings, the whole female population of your school seems to pour into the tiny classroom to get even a glance of him.

"Excuse me." You mumble as you try to escape the crowd. Girls push and shove you. They jab at you and ignore your existence. All they want is Kai, Kai, Kai.

When you finally make it out of the crowd, one of your few friends is waiting for you.

"About time you came. I thought I would've died by now." Luhan pushes himself off the wall, a teasing smile on his face.

The two of you hit it off really well when you first met. You had helped him out of a mob of fangirls and he, being the bubbly and outgoing person he is, immediately announced to everybody that you were his friend and that nobody was to hurt you. The fangirls didn't lessen at this "threat" and there would still usually be a crowd following Luhan around.

Considering today, however, Kai had gathered all the attention and you could finally be with Luhan without fangirls hanging over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry if you didn't notice the gigantic crowd of fangirls. Remember, I'm a nobody." You argue, walking towards your locker.

"The new dude's popular." Luhan mentions, not bothering with a response to your statement.

"No, Luhan. There is totally not a mob of teenage girls inside that classroom."

"Aish, you and your sarcasm. Is it ever going to stop?"

You shake your head and stick your tongue out at him. He sticks his tongue back at you before he starts his scolding.

"Hurry up and get your stuff. The others are going to kill us if we're late again."

You nod your head in understanding and close your locker door.

Suddenly, a large crowd of fangirls walked by. In the middle of them was, obviously, Kai.

He glances up for a second and seems to have spotted you. He sends a small smirk at you before he continues walking, the fangirls on his tail.




You sigh and lean yourself against the cash register. "Can't you just come here and work? We do need an extra worker and you're always forcing Xiumin, Chen, or me to make your bubble tea."

"Oh, come on. You guys are just awesome friends." Luhan grins.

"ONE POPCORN CHICKEN, NOONA!" Tao yells from where he's sitting with two of your other friends, Kris and Lay.

"I give up with all four of you! XIUMIN, MAKE A POPCORN CHICKEN FOR PANDA!" You call into the kitchen where Xiumin is working hard.

"I'M ALREADY MAKING IT!" Xiumin's voice manages to stay clear over the sounds of the hissing of popcorn chicken being cooked.

"You guys are ultimately impossible. Just come work and you could get free food." You groan and take the money that Luhan is holding out to you.

"Nah. Too lazy." Luhan shrugs.

"Bubble tea for Bambi~" Chen sings as he walks out with a plastic cup in his hand.

"Thank goodness. I was thinking that I was going to be deprived of bubble tea." Luhan accepts it with glee and takes a long, not to mention exaggeratedly loud, sip.

"So you know the new guy in our school?" Chen asks, placing his elbows on the table and placing his head onto his hands that are folded neatly on top.

At the question, you choke a little on the water that you're drinking.

"Calm down there. We can't have you fangirling over the new guy, too." Xiumin pats your back and comes out with some piping hot popcorn chicken. He makes his way over to the three that are waiting eagerly to eat some food.


"Anyways, what about him?" Luhan rolls his eyes. The three of you walk over to the table that Kris, Lay, Tao, and Xiumin are sitting at.

"I'm just wondering how he got so popular in the span of one day." Chen taps his chin and takes a seat.

"It's not like you six didn't attract a lot of attention from females when you came." You retort.

"Touche." Kris replies for Chen and shakes his head.

There is silence at the table, which is one of the oddest things since somebody would have something stupid to say. All you hear now is the sound of chewing and chewing and slurping and...

"Isn't that the new kid?" Lay quietly asks, pointing out the window.

All seven of your heads whip around to look out the glass window and, just like Lay said, Kai is walking towards the store that you guys are inside of. With him are another five people.

"Oh. My. God. Is that EXO-K?" Luhan breathes, his hands unintentionally slapping at your arms.

"They're coming this way, guys." Kris's famous poker face is broken for once, his mouth forming into an 'o'.

"CHEN! GET CHOCOLATE BUBBLE TEA! SEHUN LIKES THAT STUFF!!" Luhan loudly yells, pushing the said boy towards the kitchen.

"His love for Sehun doesn't change, does it?" Lay comments.

Although Lay has the tendency to forget most things, he always seems to remember Luhan's little crush on Sehun.

Then again, Luhan never really stopped talking about Sehun for more than a week.

Yep, Luhan's gay.

He's only announced it to the six of you and kept it secret right when high school started, which was when Luhan first laid eyes on Sehun. Sehun was Luhan's crush on the first day of freshman year and Luhan's never thought of anybody else since.

"XIUMIN! HURRY UP AND GET YOUR TO THE KITCHEN!" Luhan yells. You take this as a cue to take your position behind the cash register at the same time as Xiumin runs into the kitchen.

The sound of the bells on the front door rings throughout the store. You could see Luhan in the corner of your eye, asking Lay if he looked fine or not.




"Yes, D.O.?"

"Give Baekhyun's SNSD photocard back to him."


"Listen to D.O."

"Yes, Suho."

Six guys walk into the store, thankfully, with no fangirls. You recognize all of them since they're the famed kingkas of your school plus one extra new guy that you've already met the day before.

"One c- Oh! Um.. thank you?" Sehun grabs the bubble tea that Chen is holding out to him. He glances at it curiously before taking a sip.

"How'd you know chocolate bubble tea was my favorite?" Sehun shakes the cup in front of Chen's face before he hands you a ten dollar bill.

"A-a-" Chen stutters before he nervously nudges you in the side.

"An admirer saw that you were coming and wanted us to make it for you." You vaguely replied, giving back the change to Sehun.

"Probably one of the fangirls. Please thank her for me." Sehun smiles.

*More like a fanboy and a he.* You think as you see Luhan secretly spazzing to himself, latching onto Tao's arm to try to keep calm. The younger just rolls his eyes and pushes Luhan's hands off of his arm which is quite easy since Tao knows wushu.

The rest of EXO-K is busy fooling around and you try not to laugh out loud at how childish these charismatic kingkas actually are.

"Hey, Kai! Check out these cakes!" Chanyeol calls over the boy.

Kai glances up and he makes eye contact with you. A look of recognition flickers across his eyes. He ignores Chanyeol and walks towards the cash register instead.

The shop is in silence. Your friends gape as Kai walks up to you.

"We meet again. Are you getting tangled up in any dog leashes lately?" Kai asks with a smile.

It looked like he was flirting with you, his position was one that would mean that he showed interest in you but you shook the thought away.

Maybe you're just too delusional right now.

"N-no." You shake your head quickly, fiddling with the buttons on the cash register.

"Good. I wouldn't want you to replace me," He winks. "And could you get me some popcorn chicken?" 

You turn back and nod your head at Xiumin who is already halfway done with making it.

Kai pays you and then he and his friends go to a table in the corner of the shop. Once they are all seated, Luhan runs up to you.

"You met Kai before?" He whispers, barely loud enough for you to even hear.

"At the park. His two dogs tangled me between their leashes and he helped me untie them. Then he made me chase after his dogs that ran off." You answer, digging the toe of your shoe into the ground.

"Did you embarass yourself? We all know how scared of dogs you are." Luhan gestures at your whole group of friends.

"M-maybe." You mumble.

"Aish. Well, don't embarass yourself now. Popcorn chicken's here." Luhan pushes you lightly towards the plate that Xiumin is holding out to you.

"Good luck on your little crush." Xiumin grins playfully, patting your head.

"YAH! KIM MINSEOK!" You yell, a bit too loudly.

The heads at the far end of the store snap towards your direction and you could see Kris facepalming already.

You sigh and weave your way through the many tables that are usually left empty.

So much for not embarrass yourself.


But the embarassment doesn't stop there!

You, being the clumsy person that you are, suddenly trip on your feet. *Oh great, not again.*

A chair squeaks and you feel an arm support your weight back up right before gravity could pull you down.

"Why am I always catching you when you fall?" Kai asks, a smirk slowly forming on his lips.

"It's because you're just coincidentally always there and you're too nice to let me just fall." You sharply reply before placing the plate of popcorn chicken down.

"Or maybe you're just doing that on purpose just to make sure that I'm nice to you and make sure you don't fall." He leans back in his chair and smirks.

"Being narcissitic again, I see?"

Kai laughs. You watched him, fascinated, as his eyes turned into crescent moons and his mouth opened to let out one of the most beautiful sounds ever. "I give up. You're too witty for your own good."

Kai's friends gawk at him and yours have the same reaction.

"That's the most words you've ever said today." Sehun's nonchalant voice is muffled from the straw in his mouth but by his expression, you could tell he was equally as shocked as everybody else.

*And that's the most I've ever said to a stranger. Well, sort of a stranger.* You realize in your mind. *I must REALLY like this guy. Wait, I like him? Oh my god, I need to think this over.*

You bow your head before you hurried back to the cash register and untie your apron. "Bathroom." You nod at Xiumin who takes over your duty as the cashier.

The apron is thrown somewhere in the back room as you lock yourself into the bathroom.

You sigh and lean your head against the wall. OK, ever since you got home yesterday, you admit, you thought about Kai. His smile, his smirk, his.. everything. Even the dogs. Those devilish dogs.

You were quite aware of the fact that you were a little jealous today when Sarang said that she'll get Kai to fall for her, when the fangirls swarmed him.

You started to hate every part, every fiber, of his body at how popular he was on the first day. Yet, a single smirk during that whole period of time had made you forgive him.

Was this how it felt to like somebody a lot?

You never knew how it felt, considering you were forever alone most of your life and you didn't bother having crushes as a result.

How can you already like a guy that you just met a day ago? It just didn't make sense.

But when did love make sense?


This oneshot is so long that I have to split it into two parts o.o

Anyways, I'm trying out a new style of writing, so there might be mistakes here and there.

The next (and final) chapter will be coming soon ^^

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Chapter 3: Was nice story!!!!!
Lovelypandabear #2
Chapter 2: So much feels~~ I can't handle it all~~
LunaVenture #3
Chapter 3: This is so nice! Thank you for sharing with us! I love this story! Cutee
origamifoxes #4
Chapter 2: WAAAAHHHHH! This is so cute!~ I love it c:
Great story!
Chapter 2: OOh, this was nice. I'm confused about Sarang tho. I dun get what was there.... Why Kai was with her then, and why he took time away from the girl.

OH WELL, great story either way! :))
gabyfany #6
Chapter 2: So fluffeh and perfect!!!!
Chapter 2: eeeeee... what a really sweet&cute story! :D
Chapter 1: "Why am I always catching you when you fall?"

Chapter 2: Love this!!!! So sweeeet :3 You make me want to have a dog (+ kai if it's possible) lol