My Angel

The Angel of My Halloween

One minute pass ten. The boredom kills me a lot. And I mean a lot. Trainees and artists are all having fun but me. The loud booming sound of the huge speakers made it's way to my ears. People that are legally allowed to drink, drunk their head off. Look, one of our managers are already drunk as heck after an hour. Kris-hyung found me on a couch on the corner. His pale vampire-like skin is really noticeable. He is actually dressed up as a vampire. Me? I'm dressed up as myself. How? I'm just wearing my 'Mama' wardrobe. People keep asking me why I did. Easy because I like myself.
He walk up to me and sat beside me. He said something in English, I can't understand it and it made me really annoyed. "What the heck did you just say?" I ask. I tried not to sound disrespectful, but my night isn't really that good. Wanna know why? 
Well, it all started when Kyungsoo rejected me for this girl. Yeah, that's right. I'm gay for Kyungsoo and fangirls have proof. Come at me bro? And that was last night. I felt pain all-over my body. Annoyance is everywhere. I can't even manage a smile. I've been perusing his heart since our debut, which was more than a year ago. Freak life. 
"Chill," Kris-hyung said,"I was just asking 'What's up'." Good thing he said that in Korean, or else I could have chop his flesh cell by cell mentally. I didn't give a dang of what he said and just look away. Moments later I can see a figure of a girl on the door. She look hot. That's what I wanna say. She has this hot pink mini dress and high heels. He long curly blonde hair reached her shoulders. Although blonde, she have this yellow skin that makes you know she is asian. The dress just give away her curves.
I can see her pull someone or something on the other side of the door. She suddenly gave up and walk...towards me and hyung. I decieded that I should play for a while with her. I walked to her and grab her hand gently. I whisper to her ear seductively, "Wanna play pretty girl?" She look at me with her right eyebrows raised and one of them is a bit higher than the other showing annoyance. She look so familair, but I seem to cannot remember her. Her lips is coloured with hot pink and she blink her eyes with her pretty almond eyes. She open and a familiar tone came out, "Kai, you know I have Kris-oppa as my boyfriend slash husband. If he sees you trying to flirt with me, he'll tear you apart limb by limb." It's so familiar. Wait, if she's Kris-hyung's girlfriend then how about Amber-noona? I look at her almond like eyes again. Wait...almond? NOOO! "AMBER-NOONA?" I shouted. I was really shocked. This hot girl is Amber? Kris's girlfriend? Are you kidding me?
"You didn't notice?" she asked. She gave a groan. I slightly let go of her hand and she took that advantage to walk to Kris-hyung.
"Yeobo," she called,"Your daughter doesn't want to go in." Kris-hyung look up. His eyes widen and he choke on his wine. One of his fake vampire fang flew on the table when he was coughing. Once his back to being Kris he look up to Amber and ask, "Amber? Is that you?"
"No, it's Cinderella," she answered sarcassticly, "Of course it's me." She cross her arms and look back at hyung. Hyung's lower jaw is hanging when noona snap her fingers on front of his eyes. "I know, I know Hodan made me look like a ," she said with a pout. Hyung snap out and stood up. He hugged noona and said, "Not at all baby. You are beautiful. You are my ." Amber-noona let go and said in an annoyed tone, "I don't wanna be a you idiot. I don't like being one." Amber-noona push Kris-hyung's head with a finger and made an angry look. I snorted unattractively seeing Kris-hyung like that.
Kris-hyung just glare at me and drag noona to the door. I can see their lips moving as if they are talking to somebody. That somebody is unknown. Her/his body is covered by white wall. I gave up looking at them and walk back to my sit.

Moments later Sehun sat beside me. "Have you seen Kris-hyung's and Amber-noona's so called child?" he ask while an orange popsicle stick. I have heard about hyung and noona calling this trainee their "child". People say that she is about a few years younger than I am, maybe like teo to four years. They say that she is just a simple girl, nothing special but is really sweet and likes to hang-out with noona and hyung a lot. I didn't really bother to see her, yet. "No," I replied shortly. Sehun look at me and asked, "Do you even know her?" I looked at him and shook my head, "Nope, do you?" He shook his head too and procide to his popsicle. 

I turned my head back to the couple on the door and stare at them as noona try to drag a person in. The person slightly got nearer and nearer to the door. Can can see a girl in a white mini dress with matching angel wings. Amber-noona kept dragging the girl in. The girl was hinding her face by her hair and her free hand. Her dress's skirt is carefully designed and her black hair fit her perfectly. My heart reached my stomach. My heart started to beat faster than it normally does. My hands became cold and my cheeks became hot. I can't breathe and my body isn't working every well. The lights on the room literally stop in the beat and focus on the girl. The wings look true, it made her look like she is really an angel. The music stop and people shift their eyes to her. She could've notice the music stopping and the silence, so she took her hair to the side and let her hand out of her sight. 

I saw her. I saw her face. She was pretty like a princess. Her black hair matched her black eyes perfectly and her small lips curve an awkward smile. I smiled to her seeing how cute she acts. 

"See, that wasn't that bad," I heard Kris-hyung said. From my sit, I can see her whisper something to hyung. "Why would I be embaresss? Performing is my carrer," hyung said almost yelling. The girl face palmed herself and took noona's and hyung's hand and dragged them out of the spotlight. The music continued and so did the party. I can see that noona manage to reverse the force and made herself drag the girl. She lead Kris-hyung and the girl to where EXO and I were sitting. When she reached us she stop and began, "Hello. So some of you guys may have known this girl for a while, but most of you don't. So I would like to introduce you to my "so-called" daughter Hodan." I smiled as I heard her name. She bowed and greeted us formally. "안영하세요 (anyeonghaseyo), my name is Lee Hoddan." 

"Or should you say Wu Hoddan?" Kris-hyung added. I can see Hodan glared at him and said, "You haven't even legit adopt me. And I will never let you. I love my biological parents." I let out a giggle same time with some people. I stood up and offered my hand to shake her's. "Hello Hodan," I said. A familiar voice said the same thing as I did. I look beside me and I can see Kyungsoo reaching out to shake Hodan's hand too. Silence covered the corner we were in. He looked at me with that same D.O face and smirked. He looked back at Hodan with a smile and shook her hand. Hodan in the other hand not knowing what is happening, just gave a smile to D.O and shook his hand.

I can't believe that...the same person I loved before......will be my.......rival in love. 


I had never believed in "Love at First Sight" before, but I sure do now. I just can't believe that somebody I used to love will be my rival.









OC: Hoddan (OC requested requester *see foreword to know the requester's username*)

A/N: Ayo waddup ppl. 

ok sorry for any spelling mistakes, cus Im writing wth my ipod right now. This plot just randomly popped to my mind. haha LOL.  K, I hope you like this one shot. If you want any one shot done for you, just pop out on my profile and message me or comment request on the comment section of this fic. I have very limited knowelge for kpop artist but if u requested it and I didnt know the person, well ill inform u. 

I like the sprinkle of KrisBer there. LOL. So cute. I always like to think im Kris's and Amber's daughter. So u can say this is one of my visions of my future. HAHAHA. K bye. Hope u like it

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Chapter 1: wow I'm reading this late but is it possible for you to do a sequel? I'd love to see what happens between Kyungsoo and Hodan and Kai and Hodan :)

Nice story though!
Chapter 1: hahahaha kai so funny kaiber
Chapter 1: Wahh~~~~ I think there should be a sequel xD ahhhh Kaii <3
Chapter 1: Yay. Perfect people tend to get what they want but I love the fact that kai has crestfallen.. TWIICE.LOL kai, and I love krisber heeeree.

And kai, I'm not blaming you--everyone could go gay for Kyungsoo.

P.S and I love the krisber. They are legit.
I can't wait xD! Can you use the OC that you used before?