

When it first happened, Onew did not think much of it. After living together in the Shinee dorm and being best of friends for longer than that, they had naturally shared quite a lot of skin-ship. They had hugged before, held hands, leaned up against each other, cuddled on the sofa and even shared a single bed together. So, a small peck on his cheek was nothing out of ordinary, nothing that needed to be thought twice about. It was normal.

It was after the two of them had finished recording their solos for Minho's new drama, To the beautiful you. After a long time, Onew was finally allowed to sing the type of song he liked and he poured his heart into singing it. He was too lost in his own little world, where only he and the lyrics existed, that he completely missed the look of pure worship and love on the younger's face as he ogled his hyung through the glass Walls of the studio. When he walked out after finally finishing the recording he was pushed back a bit by a flying figure enveloping him in a tight bear hug.

'Hyung, you were great! Your voice was the best and the lyrics fit your voice perfectly. It's gonna be a great hit.' the maknae had gushed from Onew's shoulder, where his head had taken a semi-permanent residency. Then before Onew could even fathom, what was happening, the maknae's slightly chapped lips were brushing against his cheek.
'Wish me luck hyung! I want to sound as good as you.' and with that, he was off to the studio, leaving a dazed Onew behind. He just stood there, one hand rising to touch where he had been kissed. He dismissed the fluttery feelings in his stomach as food poisoning from the sea-food pasta he had the night before.

As Taemin started singing right after that, the leader was drowned in his sweet voice and pushed back the memory if that incident at the back of his mind. After all it was not that rare to have this kind of skin-ship between Shinee members, thanks to Jonghyun, who could not have a good night's sleep without hugs and kisses from his band members, mainly Key.
The second time it happened, Onew dismissed it as Taemin's way of dealing with his fears. It was a Friday night and they all had a free day on Saturday. So like always, they decided to have a movie night. They were all set with Key's homemade nachos and Jonghyun's famous caramel popcorn and lots and lots of sweets that The leader had bought for his dongsaengs when the maknae announced that he wanted to watch 'paranormal activities', a supposedly scary movie.
'I always wanted to watch this but was too scared to watch it alone. So let's watch it together, okay hyungs?', was Taemin’s reasoning behind choosing this movie. Not that he needed to explain his choice because the whole of Shinee doted on the cute baby of their group and would watch any movie he wanted, would do anything he wanted.

Taemin had propped his slight frame against Onew’s on the sofa as Minho turned off the lights for a greater impact and would hide his face against the other's chest during ever scary scene. Onew didn't find the movie scary, instead he found it funny and every time the maknae nuzzled his chest, he would erupt in his deep, baritone laughter. After the long hours of fake ghostly encounters, two batches of Key's nachos and two rounds of awesome popcorn fights, they were finally too tired to do anything but sleep. That was when it happened again.

As Onew got up to just throw himself on his bed and pass out, a pair of slender arms went around him from behind. Locking him in a back hug, the maknae leaned over and once again those chapped lips touched the leader's cheek and once again the fluttery feel ensued.
'Thanks for being my shield hyung.' he murmured and ran off to follow his Key-umma.
Onew was once again standing in a daze, trying to sell off his feeling as his tummy being filled to brims with all the junky goodness from before, but how could he explain the irratic heart of his?
But he somehow managed to overlook this one as well. He did let Taemin use him as a human shield to all things horror during the movie, so it was a given that the maknae would feel thankful. The kiss and the back-hug was just a token of appreciation, nothing more, nothing less.

It was during the third kiss that he realized that something was not right. The kisses that he had dismissed off as innocent kisses between a dongsaeng and hyung could truly mean something completely different.

It was two days after the second kiss and Shinee had a whole day filled with photo shoots, interviews and recording. So, when they finally reached home after midnight, every one of them just threw themselves on their beds, not having energy to do washing up or changing. As the leader, Onew was more tired than the rest of them and he too had pushed the thoughts of cleanliness and other things at the back of his mind and had given into the call of his bed. The minute his body touched the sweet softness of his duvet, he had lost consciousness and was straight transported to his dreamland.

So when he woke up late at night, he wasn’t sure why he was up because he was tired enough that he could not even open his eyelids, so something must have woken him up. But he decided to ignore it and tried to sleep once again when he heard it, the steady rhythm of someone’s breathing. Someone was there, in his room, close enough to him that he could hear his soft breathing! He wanted to open his eyes but the lids were like lead and would not budge more than a fraction of a millimetre. Through the slit of his eyes he could make out a silhouette hovering over him and before he could fathom it, a pair of soft and moist lips had captured his in a chaste kiss. The lips glided over his and before he could react, they were gone with a soft murmur of,

‘I love you hyung.’

Even though Onew hadn’t seen who it was, there was no questioning who it really had been. That soft husky whisper could only belong to one person and one person only, Lee Taemin. A storm was brewing up inside the leader’s mind. Taemin liked him? No, he had said that he loved him! Since when? How come Onew never noticed it? How did he felt about the maknae? Did he love him back too? All these questions were spiralling in his brain, like a mini tornado. He spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, trying to answer these questions.

The fourth time was the one neither one of them would ever forget.

Onew had dragged Taemin to the rooftop as soon as the maknae had walked out of his room. Key had shouted from behind, threatening them that if they weren’t on time for breakfast, chicken and banana milk will be banned from the dorm for a week, Jonghyun had merely grumbled, something about nosy divas not letting him sleep longer. Minho wasn’t even awake yet.

‘Hyung, where are we going?’

Onew completely ignore the maknae until they stood facing each other on the far end of the roof. He took both Taemin’s hand on his own and stared deep into the maknae’s eyes. He could feel his heart thumping against is ribcage, trying to break free and reach for the one that it truly belonged to. His eyes could not have enough of the maknae, he knew he was staring, but he could not help himself. He had finally realized his hearts call and he was not going to waste any more time.

‘Hyung are you all right? You don’t look too well.’

The maknae’s worried face was like a catalyst to his heart’s speed, he was worried about the leader. This sweet, sweet boy was worrying about him.

‘I love you.’

Three simple words. Three very simple words but they contained his whole world in them. From the way Taemin’s face lit up as soon as he processed these three words, Onew knew that these words contained the whole world of two people. Two people who were totally, madly and deeply in love.

‘I love you too, hyung.’ The younger said as he threw his arms around the older. The summer breeze swirled around them, filling them with a sweet earthy smell and the sun was shining on them, butterflies danced around them but they only had the other in their minds. Onew held Taemin tighter to his body, his Taemin.

He pulled the younger slightly away from him, ignoring the other’s protests,

‘Let’s do this properly this time, no sneaking up while the other is unconscious.’ He smiled and claimed those oh-so-soft-and-sweet lips as his own. His kisses tasted like banana milk and for the first time in his life, Onew did not mind it so much.

‘I really, really, really love you.’ He traced those word on the other’s lips and shivers ran through him as Taemin wound his arms around Onew and pulled his lips closer, if that was even possible, Yes ,Onew loved banana milk.


Annyeong ontae shippers <3


So this is another one of my one shots......I wrote this after mid-night like most of my other sotires so ignore the fail, ne?~

Comments are umm yeah...please to comment :)

And that's all from me....I love you guys...and BYE~


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shinyan #1
"He could feel his heart thumping against his ribcage, trying to break free and reach for the one it truly belonged to."

This visual kind of floored me, and in the many stories I've read I've never seen a heartbeat described this way. So very cute. So very Ontae.
marchblossom15 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gods that was fluffier than a really fluffy bunny of steroids to make it fluffier. Fan girling! Loved it!
sooo fluffyyy <3 loved it <3 :DDDDDD OnTae FTW!!
Chapter 1: awwwww, i loved this one :D:D:D:D its so fluffy and awesome :D:D <3<3<3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww!
So cute~
I wouldn't have minded the banana milk taste either~ if Tae kissed me lol
Chapter 1: OMO, SO MANY ONTAE FEELS; I CAN'T TAKE IT; I LOVE THIS SO, SO MUCH; OnTae are just so perfect and so damn cute together; it's so fluffy, and cute, and sweet and adorable and beautiful, and I feel all warm and fuzzy now, keke, fantastic job hun. ONTAE FOREVER. <3 <3 <3 <3
FlaminMinho #7
Chapter 1: OMG that was so beautiful <3
I love this so much and bless onew :3
darkangel11421 #8
Chapter 1: me at the end
*reading* annyeong ontae shippers*
then onew's gif pops up
then realised that i was reading :I
Chapter 1: Omg ;w; -feels butterflies in stomach- fluffy fluff fluffy ^_^^^^^\
Chapter 1: oh my God .. so fluffy.. just go on continue making stories like this.