I put the phone down as I plan on what to do next.


Okay, somebody has my planner. I can get it back within the next hour or so, but I would be risking revealing my whereabouts to someone. I can’t ask anybody to do the exchange for me, I’m here alone right now.


Sometimes, Siwon, you can be quite foolish. You should’ve taken her offer to leave it at the receptions desk, since she’s staying at the Shangri-La anyway.


But then, I would have to give her a name, and I can’t give her mine. I don’t want to lie, either. What to do?!?!


I opened the planner again and looked at the contents. It has the name of the owner…Clare. A nice, mature-sounding name. It also has her contact number and the name of her company, a world-renowned Swiss investment bank. My father has done transactions with that bank. Surely that company doesn’t employ any screaming fangirls. Even if they do, if this girl works for that company, then I can be assured of her discretion. Okay, let’s do this.


What did she say again? Black shirt and jeans, black bag, purple devil icon. Hmmm…purple devil icon, why does that term sound familiar to me….?


I got ready and slipped out the service entrance of the hotel…




Okay. Starbucks…there it is. Guy in a black shirt, gray jeans, beanie hat…who didn’t even say if he was tall or short…ah, there he is! Whoa, even huddled down the corner of the seat, I can see that he’s pretty tall. I can’t see his face, though. I hope this is the guy I am looking for.


I approached the corner and saw my beige Starbucks planner, this is the guy. And I still can’t see his friggin’ face, hidden by the beanie practically pulled down to his eyebrows and a pair of eyeglasses that would make a hard core nerd cringe. My luck. A tall ugly Korean guy with a heavy accent.


Clare: Hi. I’m Clare. Are you the guy I spoke with on the phone?


He didn’t speak, but instead, indicated that I sit on the chair opposite him. I sat down, determined to get out of here really quickly. I’m not willing to miss any of my precious spazzing hours for this unsociable guy! Then, he looked up and I almost fell off my seat.


Siwon: Hi. Uhm…sorry I was on the phone with someone. Relax for a bit. Why don’t I buy us some coffee. What would you like?


Clare: (~Visibly shaking her head and blinking her eyes~) Huh? Oh, no. I’m okay.


Siwon: But I’m having some coffee. It would be uncomfortable for me to drink while you sit there doing nothing. Come on, it’s okay.


Clare: Oh, okay. An iced Americano would be great.


Siwon: Perfect. I’m having the same. Be right back!


Oh.My.God. Somebody pinch me!


On second thought…don’t. But if that guy isn’t Choi Siwon, then I’ll sign over my entire savings to UNICEF! But how can it be? He’s not supposed to arrive until noon! It’s only a little past ten and he left his planner last night! But really, it is him! From the top of that beanie down to the understated but expensive shoes, including the blue cross on a chain around his neck!


Where’s my phone? I need to call LeeYan now! Oh my..I just had a conversation with Siwon of Super Junior! Wait, relax, Clare. Don’t panic. He might bolt on you and nobody would believe what you say because he’s not supposed to be here yet!


Hmmmm..what to do?




I waited at the counter for the venti iced americanos that I ordered for the two of us, glancing towards where Clare was seated. She looks nice enough. Taller than most of the Filipinas I’ve seen, long wavy hair, nice smile. She looks a little older than me, but I’m not sure how old, definitely not the type to go berserk at the thought of meeting a celebrity, and definitely someone who can keep a secret. Yep! I think I made the right decision.


I carried our drinks back to the corner table where she was sitting. She nervously sat up and gave an uneasy smile.


Siwon: Here you go. Hey, are you okay? You look troubled. Is everything fine?


Clare: Yeah. I’m…uh…well, yeah, I’m okay, I guess…


Siwon: Well, you don’t sound like you’re okay. What happened? Did you get in trouble with your boss?


Clare: What? Oh, no. I didn’t. But thanks for asking.


Siwon: Then, what is it? Maybe I can help you with something? You seem like a very nice person.


Clare: Well, uh…the thing is…may I ask you something? Please don’t be offended or anything. I don’t mean to pry, but I am very curious.


Siwon: Sure. Go ahead and ask!


Clare: Okay. Well…uhm…aren’t you Choi Siwon?


Okay. That was a surprise. Apparently, she knows who I am. But well, she’s still very polite in asking me about it, and I must admit, I admire her courage in asking.


Siwon: What makes you think I am?


Clare: Well, for one thing, you definitely look like Choi Siwon. And you’re wearing a cross. Siwon always wear one. And you didn’t even ask me who Choi Siwon is!


Siwon: Wow. You’re smart. So, if I am, what will you do about it?


Clare: Nothing. Well, I would ask a few questions, of course. Like…what are you doing here this early? And a bunch of other things, too! I am one of your biggest fans, you know!


Siwon: Really? Well, I’m glad that someone like you, who is one of our biggest fan, can remain calm at the thought of being here with me! Uhm..let’s see…I arrived yesterday at noon, I skipped Taiwan because I was exhausted. I’ve been playing tourist since yesterday.


Clare: Wow. That’s interesting. Must be my lucky day to run into you.


I was about to respond with a laugh that suddenly turned into an embarrassing series of coughs. By the time I got my breath back, my face was red as a cherry.


Siwon: Uhm, sorry about that, I’ve been bothered by this cough for a few weeks now.


Clare: And what were you doing about it?


Siwon: I was taking some rest!


Clare: Really? It doesn’t seem like you’re doing enough.


Siwon: I must admit I’ve been quite busy.


Clare: I never considered being busy as an excuse to neglect your health.


Siwon: You sound like my nurse.


Clare: Well, I am a nurse!


Siwon: But your planner indicates that you work in a bank!


Clare: So, you have been reading my journal?


Siwon: (Turning red again) Well, I was curious about you!


Clare: Ha ha! Okay, I’m a nurse by vocation, meaning it’s what I studied and my passion, but I’m a recruiter by profession, meaning that’s how I earn my living.


Siwon: Hmmm…that’s an interesting concept. So, I may say I’m a Soldier of God by vocation and an entertainer by profession, then?


Clare: Probably.


So, that was how it went, we talked about our jobs and where it has taken us. Interestingly enough, she can make connections about seemingly unrelated things like her education and her current work, my interest in evangelism and my current profession. She even talked to me about my habit of taking my shirt off during a show.


Clare: It’s another reason for you to get pneumonia, you know.


Siwon: But the fans expect it!


Clare: You think your fans will no longer be interested in you if you don’t show off your abs? You are more than just a piece of meat, you know!


Siwon: Ah, thanks for saying that. But really, what would the Philippine ELFs say if I don’t take my shirt off?


Clare: Honestly? I’d be pissed, because you already took it off in other countries!


Siwon: See!!! But thanks for being honest about that. You’re right, I shouldn’t be selling off a view of my body like it’s a peep show. But you understand why I can’t stop now, don’t you?


Clare: Yeah, but try toning it down a bit. Besides, Araneta Coliseum is a pretty cold place, the air conditioning is quite intense. You might end up getting pneumonia for real!


Siwon: Okay, I’ll keep that in mind so, tell me….


I was about to ask her why she was checked in at the Shangri-La Hotel when she probably has her own place nearby, her office being only a couple of blocks away, but suddenly, I heard Heechul-hyung’s voice singing Rokkugeo…


Clare: Whoa! Sorry! It’s my friend.


She turned away and spoke in hushed tones on the phone. As she did, caught a glimpse of her bag and the pin attached to one of the pockets.







Siwon was struggling to learn English, determined to be able to converse in the language by his next birthday, but having no luck at it. He was reading US newspapers, but terms like GNP, reducing the national debt and nuclear treaties aren’t exactly terms that you can use in everyday conversation. He asked one of his friends, a guy he plays basketball with on his free time, about the best way to learn everyday English conversation. The guy said the best way would be to watch American TV programs and read fan fiction.


Apparently, there is an abundance of interesting fan fiction on the net these days.


“You won’t get bored with those, they’re interesting. As a matter of fact, my girlfriend’s favourite is an author who loves to write about you! She said the character really does remind her of you and the author’s English is quite good. Why don’t I give you the link…”



And that was how he started. He was hooked from Chapter One of the first fiction, the author has picked up a lot of their interesting mannerisms, even some of his personality quirks. Then, on the author’s second story, he was a bit uncomfortable, due to the story’s ual nature, and the fact that the author made fun of him by saying he can’t dance! But he continued reading, fascinated and stirred, justifying that he was doing it to learn English and even translating the entire story to Hangul.


That was his one dirty secret that none of his hyungs and dongsaengs shared. His growing love for Cho-SiHae’s stories. By the time she was posting a third story, he was an eager subscriber, even sending her numerous private messages, prompting her to update.


Then, about a month before Super Show Manila, Cho-SiHae and her co-author, shinyiuhan announced a contest: The Hunt For The S.A.L.


He was interested, eagerly reading clues, and sending private messages to Cho-SiHae asking for more clues, even though he knows he will never be able to join the hunt. So excited about the hunt, he got careless and was eventually discovered by everyone. Heechul, being the most stubborn and Kyuhyun, being the most competitive, even challenged him that they will find the authors before he did, and ask them to write hard-core and turn Siwon into a eunuch!


Siwon was quite dejected. With Heechul, Kyuhyun and the rest of the group joining the hunt (although none of them quite figured out yet how they will manage it), he has virtually no chance of winning. Then, a few days before the group was due to go to Manila, he got his manager’s permission to go ahead one day before everyone else. He sent another private message to Cho-SiHae.


TeachMePlease: [block] on 2-22-2011 20:17:21 says:

[private] Hi! Will you really be checking in at the hotel? When? I’m checking in on Thursday. Want to meet? I’ll treat you to lunch!


Cho-SiHae: [block] on 2-22-2011 20:20:33 says:

[private] Yeah, we’ll be there. But we won’t be checked-in until Friday. Whoa, girl! Are you trying to cheat?!?! You’re supposed to look for me, not ask me for a meeting.


TeachMePlease:[block] on 2-22-2011 21:13:15 says:

[private] But there will be so many people there, and that hotel is HUGE! How will I find you?


Cho-SiHae:[block] on 2-22-2011 30:15:13 says:

[private] I gave you enough clues. They will be very visible. You won’t miss them. See you!



And the most prominent clue that Cho-SiHae gave: THE PURPLE DEVIL ICON.




LeeYan: Girl, better get here now, there’s tons of people at the lobby and I need your credit card to check in!


Clare: But…..


LeeYan: So, do we measure our friendship by that planner? And besides, haven’t you got it yet? Please!!


Clare: Oh, okay. Give me ten minutes.


She disconnects the call and turns to Siwon.


Clare: Sorry, I really need to go, my friends are waiting for me. Don’t worry, this is our little secret. I won’t tell anyone.


She picks up her bag, thanks him for the coffee and the interesting conversation and starts to leave. Siwon shook himself out of his daze.


Siwon: Wait!


Clare: Huh?


Siwon: Uhm…I was just curious. Why are you checking-in at the hotel?


Clare: Why, to stalk you of course!


And with a saucy wink, she hurries off to meet LeeYan at the lobby.

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no prob! Yes I will subscribe! hoping you'll update soon! =))
Cho-SiHae #3
Hi! Thanks for reading (and I hope you subscribed?) it takes us a while to update this coz the three of us are quite busy, but we will, definitely. And to answer your question, yes I am a Filipina. :-D
New reader here!! Even if i just started reading your story it seems like it's really interesting. By any chance, are you a Filipina?
Cho-SiHae #5
Hi.this story is based on events that actually happened in ss3 Manila last February, but not ALL of it is real. Thanks for subscribing. I'm a Siwon fangirl,too, and all my stories so far have him as main character.
wait..... im SO confused... (hi im a new reader btw.. your story is amazing) the question i have is this IS THIS REAL???? DID THIS ACTALLY HAPPEN????? im a siwon-oppa fangirl as well *blushes*
Cho-SiHae #7
@presstoplay: glad things are much better. Yonsei jacket? Sure, I'll ask Siwon if he can get Yesung's for you, apparently, the guy prefers to go sleeveless since he found out that I think his shoulders are y anyway. LOL!<br />
<br />
Ha ha, I think Siwon has blocked me from his twitter coz I keep bashing him! ROFL!
On a serious note, thank you so much for all the prayers! I couldn't thank you enough for all the support you've given me and my family. I love you guys so much!
On a serious note, thank you so much for all the prayers! I couldn't thank you enough for all the support you've given me and my family. I love you guys so much!
Unnie, I'm so sorry I kinda missed the update on this. I've been hell and back I must say. And the Yonsei jacket, wooohooo! I don't care how you got it, I also want one! *wink*<br />
<br />
Anyway, I can still bash Siwon's English. You can't stop me! LOL! But now I'm loving Hae's lack os SSSSSSSSssss in Twitter. Sweet Dream! Haha