

Jaejoong is well known for his daredevil personality. Not because he is wreckless, per say; but because of his trust in science, and his knowledge of physics which allows him to do what others see as risky or even terrifying simply because his logic far surpasses theirs. He knows the theory of every situation he has been in, or could put himself in. He trusts his given instincts and senses, and with that trust comes a strange calmness in his understanding of his own limitations and capabilities, and a carefree innocence that baffles those who meet him. He knows the stats. He knows his scientific world. So quite within reason, he doesn't have any regard for the spooky stories circulating his town this time of year. Today's Halloween, and he has some fairytale disproving to do.


My dear readers,

How nice of you to stumble across my humble oneshot. I just thought of a creepy urban legend and I wanted to share it. There might be some stuff in here which could be seen as contentious or not "politically correct", but all is fictional and by my logic therefore fair game.

Thanks, and I hope to hear what you think :)

-author out

P.S half(?) of this was written drunk, so IDK really how it turned out. Please drop a comment what you think :)


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I'll be waiting!
I hadn't read a YunJae in forever. Let's do this. And I love the premise of it all. :3