Chapter Six

Play with me...

Hae and Hyuk were standing together, facing each other. They both had their scripts in their hands.

Hyuk shoved Hae hard until the boy fell on his . 'Ahh Namhae, you loser, why are you always in my way.'

'Eunhyuk hyung, I'm sorry.'

Hyuk pretended to kick Hae and actually did slightly.

Hae flinched in pain but didn't say a thing.

Hyuk grabbed his shirt with his free hand and pulled the boy upright again. He slammed him against the wall...a little too hard.

Hae was dizzy. 'Hyukjae...I-I, give me a second.' He panted.

Hyuk kept standing there, his fingers intertwined with the fabric of Hae's shirt. Hae wanted to smile but it froze on his lips as he saw the look of utter contempt that Hyuk was giving him. His eyes saddened.

Hyuk carried on with his role, he pretended to hit Hae. Hae looked deeply into his eyes and whispered. 'I like you.'

That caught Hyuk by surprise. He lowered his fist and slowly let go of Hae's shirt. 'What?!'

Hae blinked.

'What did you just say to me?' Hyuk hissed.

Hae turned his head with a frown and looked at his script. His eyes lit up and he looked back at Hyuk. 'I'm correct, it was my next line!' He beamed.

Hyuk still stared at him until it dawned on him. 'Right, I need a break.' He said, turned around and walked off.


'How is the play coming around?' Sungmin asked.

'I-It's weird.' Hae said.

'Weird, how?' Minho asked.

'Hyuk gets to bully me.' Hae looked down.

'What?' Taemin said.

'His character I mean.'

Minho pouted. 'We so wanted to come and see the rehearsal but Mr. Kim prohibited it.'

Hae looked to the ground.

'Did he hurt you?' Sungmin asked softly.

Hae made brief eye contact and Sungmin didn't need any words. He just wrapped an arm around his friend.


The first period in the afternoon they had math. They were seated by alphabet so Hyuk sat in between Hae, Sungmin and Taemin while Kyu sat in front next to Minho. Sungmin felt like he couldn't sit next to Hyuk though, he felt too angry. He lifted his hand.

'Mr. Lee?' the teacher asked.

'Sir, I forgot to wear my lenses and these glasses are not all that, could I please sit in front?'

'Sure, who wants to trade places?'

Minho and Sungmin shared a look. Minho raised his hand.

'Okay Mr. Choi you go sit in the back while Mr. Lee sits next to Kyuhyun.' The teacher said with a soft smile directed to Kyu.

'What the hell is up with that?' Taemin said.

'Kyuhyun is the teacher's pet hence he's called with his name and not his last name.' Hae said softly.

Hyuk huffed.

Hae looked at him but Hyuk already looked to the front.


'Ahhh, a bunny next to me.' Kyu mocked.

'Look, you irritating brat. I'm not in the mood so either you shut up or I'll make you.' Sungmin's usual calm composure fell off as he hissed.

Kyu's eyes widened. 'Well, well, well, finally some backbone.'

'Whatever, you big nerd.' Sungmin mumbled.

Kyu's eyes darkened and he pressed his lips together. You'll pay for that.


Kyu looked over his PSP towards Hyuk. Something was definitely up.

'How was practice?' Kyu asked.

'Don't want to talk about it.'


'Stupid fish.'

Kyu continued to play.

'It's good though that I get a free ticket to bully his .'

Kyu cocked up an eyebrow 'His ?'

Hyuk was distracted and nodded.

'Really, Hyuk, from all possible body parts why would one choose to bully his ?'

'Huh?' Hyuk looked up, confused.

'Granted, his would make poets faint and songwriters rich but still...' Kyu rambled on.


'And how does one actually "bully" his , Hyukjae? You better watch out, he looks like the type that might actually enjoy a good spanking.'

'Cho Kyuhyun! Shut the hell up before I...' Hyuk was choking on his words.

'Bully my , hyung?'

After that Kyu had to run for it.

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Chapter 17: Nooooooo~
Acabo de descubrir tu perfil y estoy tan enganchada con la historia, pero supongo que con los años que gan pasado ya no habrán más actualizaciones 🥺😭 es una lástima....

Espero que te encuentres muy bien 💖
Its been a long time, I was a follower of all your stories, hope you and your kids are ok 🤗, I remember that I was always waiting for your dailys updates and now I just come here once a year(? None of the stories that I followed on 2012 are updated anymore. All of us grown up, its kind of nostalgic...
Chapter 17: I'm in emotional roller coaster 😭 please update the story authornim
Iljimae #4
Chapter 17: Please comeback soon. I miss this story!
dalnimssi #5
Chapter 17: Continuee pleasee, I seriously love this kind of storyyy, please I need moree
mistymountains 193 streak #6
Nice story!
najinpi #7
Please update author nim....
felineminseok #8
Chapter 17: the story stopped right when it's the most intense fbdbdbdj i wonder what reaallllly happened to eunhae here
Chapter 17: omg omg omg I'm about to cry from this story...but I think the issue here is just lack of communication and seems like this all started because neither wanted to tell the other about their issues, they both love each other yet they both think the other hates them when really, the hate was just to cover up his real feelings....

kyaaa author nim please please update this
Chapter 1: Pleaaaase update this