The Tuesday Night Dance Performance

Family Network


A/N: This chapter is long overdue. I have had a very rough few weeks so forgive me. It is long but I loved writing it. Also if you ever have writers block, listening to Bon Iver or Metaphorest is sure to cure it. :D 


Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. Yes, the three younger boys had an extremely rough day at school. Taemin was once again confronted in the locker room by Siwon, but Siwon was in no mood to have Minho punch him, so he didn’t call on his stupid followers to harass Taemin. Taemin let it roll off his shoulders though, because he and Key were dancing tonight at their big weeknight performance. Minho, had trouble concentrating all day because of his head injury, and following in suit with his clumsy older brother, tripped, slipped, and fell multiple times. Joon had witnessed a few of these falls and decided to let Minho skip practice to take care of his head. The blow to his head wasn’t enough for a concussion (well, Minho didn’t actually know that, it was a diagnosis from Key umma) but he was still having a rough time. He was also very excited for the dance concert because all five of them would be together. In a tight knit group, a few days seems like forever without seeing each other. Key however didn’t have the best attitude that day because he was now sitting in the principle’s office. All day, a new guy was hitting on him nonstop, being very abrasive and forward and possessive, like Key was his already. In Key’s mind, no one could ever compare to Onew, however, the touching and pestering bothered him so much, that before last period, he clocked the guy in the chin and was sent to the principle for punishment. Let’s just say, that the principle wasn’t too keen on the Kim/Lee brothers because of their orientation and the orientation that most people thought Taemin was, and often favored the other side, no matter who’s fault it was. Back a few years ago, Jonghyun was sent to the principle on many occasions for standing up for Key or Taemin, standing up for himself, or even when he was bullied and didn’t fight back. Jonghyun became so accustomed to the office, he knew where all the files were, what kind of coffee the principle liked, who the vice principle liked out of the faculty...etc. Key was fuming in his chair in the office. Ah. You know, that chair was your brother’s throne back a few years ago. It is quite a shame seeing another one of you siblings in here. When I thought I wouldn’t have a trouble maker like that in my school after Jonghyun graduated....along come two more, eager it seems to follow in their brother’s  footsteps. You know, Kibum, if you just kept your attitude, flamboyant nature, and anger under control, we wouldn’t have to go through this. Your little brother it seems is causing a bit of tension during physical education class. Not a good sign, Mr. Kim. Not a good sign. Key had never wanted to punch someone in the face more. He was offended and fuming, Key made a mental note to rant to Minho that night. Although in low spirits, Key was excited for his dance performance with Taemin. 


After being released from the principle’s office, Key had to go to the basement hallway where the dressing rooms were. The dance performance was being performed with two other boys that were in the dance club like Key and Taemin. Taemin’s friend Kai, who Key thought looked amazingly like his brother and the one and only Lee Joon, who not only graced the football field, but the stage as well. Key was nervous for this performance, not because he got stage fright, but because this performance included a very difficult dance accompanied by Lucifer by SHINee as well as cute, flirtatious dance, where Key and Taemin...were dressed up as girls,  This worried Taemin and Key a bit for what karma had in store for them regarding bullies, which added more pressure on Minho. But also, it made Key nervous because Onew would be there, watching him, dance in a girl’s outfit. He wasn’t sure how it would be received. 


After a few minutes of waiting, Key’s umma instincts kicked in and he called Taemin. Three times before Taemin finally picked up. That kid always lost his phone in his backpack somewhere. Taemin was walking down to the room with Joon and Kai and told Key not to be such a nag.   The opening dance was the Lucifer dance, so the boys got on their futuristic inspired costumes, put together by Key, of course. Key helped Taemin do his hair and they all looked pretty damn good. It was time to take the stage for this really difficult dance. Their school was wealthy and took a lot of pride in the performing arts, so the sets that were going to be used were amazing. For the lucifer dance there are glowing pyramids giving a dark, robotic look to it. These four enormously talented boys were some of the best in the class, so this performance would get people really excited for the performing arts week held in April every year. 


It was time to go out on stage. Minho arrived about a half an hour earlier than everyone else to save seats, as usual, and was sending encouraging texts to both Key and Taemin and teasing Joon as well. Jonghyun arrived with his phone, ready to take pictures, but was taking selcas out of boredom. Onew, who came with Jonghyun after a long day of studies arrived with flowers (sun-flowers for Taemin and tiger lilies for Key) Sulli also walked in and sat in between Jonghyun and Minho, which annoyed Jonghyun a bit and also made Minho chuckle because Jonghyun was so cute when he was obviously jealous. Jonghyun was taking more selcas, Onew was messing with his fly away hairs, and Minho and Sulli were talking about how hard math semester exam was going to be, when the lights dimmed, and four black figures could be seen walking onstage. Then, the teacher who sponsored the dance club came out and all became quiet when the spotlight was on him. The enthusiastic Mr. Park, aka, Leeteuk (he thought Mr. Park made him sound really old so he created a name so he could be in with the times) began his short speech about how hard the boys worked, how amazing the set was, how great the April showcase will be, and joked about how many times Key complained about the lack of style in the costumes that the school had. This caused Onew and company to laugh really loud at how typical Key this instance was. Then the final applause sounded at Leeteuk exited the stage to find his seat and the blue, metallic performance lights went up revealing a very attractive group of limber, charismatic dancers. They were in a pyramid formation of some sorts, with Key and Taemin in front and Kai and Joon in the wings. The beginning moves were sharp and robotic. Taemin stood out because of his red pants, but their silver and black outfits went together perfectly. HER WHISPER IS THE LUCIFER!!~ and off they went on an almost martial-arts like dance. 


Minho was enjoying watching the dance. It lifted his spirits to see them happy onstage. Taemin and Key definitely their manly dancer attitude, which Minho found really funny in comparison to how they actually were. Having not seen Joon dance a lot, he was really amazed. His football captain was limber on the field, and shouts and cartwheels like an animal, however, seeing this charismatic, serious, explosive side while dancing was awesome. He was amazed at how Joon could manage long dance practices as well as football. Of course Taemin and Key, as well as Kai were amazing. Ever observant Minho, however, noticed Kai not so much staring into the audience, but at the back of Taemin’s head. What could be up with Kai? 


Jonghyun’s mind was blown. Only in his wildest dreams could his short limbs allow him to perform this dance as well as another one. He was totally going to tweet about this so the whole world could come to the April Showcase. (Which all of them would be performing at, by the way. Onew and Jonghyun had solos and duets, Key and Taemin were dancing, as well as Key and Minho were rapping. Lots of collaboration between their group) The only thing that was keeping Jonghyun from completely forgetting his worries was the fact that he was still plotting out his real confession to Minho. 


Onew on the other hand, was not sidetracked by anything else. He of course went to support all four of them, but as for Key, it seemed like right now he was the only one dancing up there. He was perfect. His makeup was done, accentuating his beautiful feline eyes. His stare was impossible to look away from, and his outfit made him look....Onew could not even describe it. Key was commanding and perfect. That was all Onew knew. Onew was also wearing the shirt that he and Key bought, hoping maybe it would trigger something in Key’s brain. He hoped that the moment he saw Key after the performance, and gave him his tiger lilies, that there would be a spark and then an explosion of fireworks. He hoped that something would combust from the amount of chemistry he and his, yes his Key had. (If Onew thought Key was intriguing and unique in this performance, he will be in for an awakening come the number after that) 


End of Lucifer, roaring applause. 


Guys! That was amazing! Did you see how many people were out there? That really was awesome! But this next dance is the one that is the wild card. Joon was talking and absorbed in the conversation about their next performance, but Kai wasn’t paying attention. He was in front of a dressing room mirror, trying to look busy, and holding on to his chest. He was trying not to let his heart leap out of his body and onto the floor. Kai had a growing crush on Taemin, but this performance, there were no words to describer all of Kai’s feels. He thought Taemin, although a one year older, was perfection, adorable, sincere, and real. This was now no crush. He hoped that his staring during Lucifer didn’t attract anyone’s attention. But, in the back of his mind he knew that one person had to of noticed. Damn Choi Minho and his magical large eyes that can see goddamn everything. This attraction and these feelings would not go away, and with the next dance, where the already beautiful Taemin was going to be dressed up like a girl and he himself would be dancing with him. 


While Joon and Kai changed into their black suits with silver and red ties, Taemin and Key put on their girl costumes. Taemin was wearing silver skirt, a black blouse, and  cute heeled boots. He was all done up, looking even cuter with his apple styled hair. Key on the other hand had to wear a wig, which didn’t seem like a problem. Key had his “hair” in french braids, and was wearing silver skinnies and a black blouse with heeled boots. Key enjoyed being called cute and pretty, however, Taemin really wanted to be manlier and be called handsome (like his Onew hyung and Minho hyung) This cross-dressing definitely wouldn’t help. The pair walked back into the room  where the other two were getting ready. Joon saw them in the mirror and laughed so loud, not believing his eyes. The two blushed and laughed along, however, Kai, couldn’t stop looking at Taemin. His skinny dancers legs and his cuteness. He looked beautiful, although Kai preferred him as a guy. Kai was worried his legs wouldn’t move. 


The next dance was announced and the boys took their place on the transformed set. It was deigned like a home kitchen, and the concept was that the couples were getting ready for a party. The interesting thing about the dance, besides the addition of cross-dressing, was that Key, Taemin, Kai, and Joon choreographed the dance so that they would be using the kitchen utensils, drawers, oven, and other elements of the set as much as possible. This dance was meant to be flirtatious and cute and bring the image of two young couples having fun while being in love. Key, being an umma, sensed there were strong feelings coming from Kai for a while now, and paired the two up. Key was paired with Joon, which greatly amused Minho when Key told him. 


The lights dimmed again, and the boys took their places. Then on came Marshmallow by of the cutest songs ever. Hands down. The lights came up, bright on the two dancing couples behind the counter. The Taemin and Kai couple were doing synchronized moves, adorable and difficult, opening cupboards and drawers trying to find a kitchen utensil while Key and Joon were dance-cleaning the floor with a broom and  wiping the stage counter. This dance really told a story and was eliciting many sounds from the audience. Some squeals about how cute it was, some surprised gasps when members of the audience realized the two girls were Taemin and Key, some laughing about how silly it was, and groans from the principle on how this dance could bring a bad image to the school. 


Minho was laughing at Joon’s expressions and how even in a dance, Key was bossy. He was also wondering why the heck Kai’s face was red. Jonghyun was smiling like an idiot at how funny and adorable the dance was. He was taking a lot of pictures that would both serve as memories and blackmail for his two younger brothers. Jonghyun also was happy at how much Minho was enjoying it and how happy he looked. Confession would be coming soon. Onew was literally dying....Key....Key....Key...Key...something had to be done. He thought Taemin was amazing too...Sulli was having a blast. She thought this was amazing and adorable. She also could not rip her eyes away from Joon. 


Kai looked like he was about to explode. The last move was that both Key and Taemin were on the counter being all cute and when the music was coming to an end, they both hopped onto their partner’s backs, giving a cute wink to the audience and a quick peck on the guy’s cheeks. This made Joon crinkle his nose just because it was so silly and he of course had his eyes on someone else....and this made Kai lose his mind, and stare right into Taemin’s eyes without blinking. Taemin blushed and didn’t know what to do. Had Kai always looked so handsome? 


Roaring applause. Smirks from Minho at Kai’s reaction to Taemin kissing him on the cheek. Onew immediately got up after it ended so he could get some air, which made Jonghyun chuckle. Jonghyun’s chuckle made Minho blush at how cute his hyung was. Sulli was left confused about all the snickering and smirks and blushing, but didn’t hang on it too much because...Lee Joon was before her eyes. 


After changing out of their clothes, Key and Taemin congratulated Kai and Joon on a job well done and they had their secret dance club handshake thing that Joon created so they would make others jealous. While Joon and Key were talking about how Minho was doing in football practices, Kai turned to Taemin. You were amazing tonight, hyung. Taemin blushed, he was not used to being called hyung by anyone, but Kai never called him hyung because Taemin wanted them to be equal friends, plus they were not that far apart in age. (Neither were Minho and Key, but Key always wanted to feel more important, so Minho called him hyung.) Keke Kai~ why are you calling me hyung? You were amazing too! I thought that the couple dance would be risky, but it was great! You should wear black, silver, and red more looks good on you.*blush blush* Oh the smirk on Key’s face when he heard them talking. 


Key and Taemin met applause as they came up the stairs. Jonghyun ran up to hug his younger, but taller brothers. Minho patted both on the back when they looked at each other and tackled Minho with simultaneous hugs, almost bringing him to the ground. Where is Onew hyung? He needed to get some air he said, maybe you should find him. 


Key left the crowd in search of his beloved. He found Onew bent over a railing that overlooked the school garden. Key gasped in surprise, seeing Onew wearing his couple shirt they bought together. Key blushed so red. Yah! Onew hyung! What are you doing out here? I’m thinking, Key-ah. Just thinking. You were incredible tonight, you know. Thank you hyung. Here are some tiger lilies for you, I also brought Tae sunflowers. And...I have been thinking about the question you asked me a few days ago. What question? The one about how I would confess to the person I loved. *blushing and tearing up at how honest and adorable his Onew was being* How would you confess? What about the grabbing of the wrist and the holding them close and all that? That didn’t seem to be my style. I would probably trip before grabbing their hand and I would probably pull their hair or something. *chuckling* How would you really confess then? *looking up with pink cheeks and a soft smile* I...I think...I would give them tiger lilies. 


A/N: WHAT ONEW YOU SWEET BOY!!! EEEE Lemme apologize again! I am so sorry this took like 10 years. I made it long and hopefully my distractions help make it up maybe idk. Thanks so much for reading this fic it means so much! Please continue thinking about what is to come! A few chapters ago I posted what the next chapters were named so keep guessing! I love this chapter so much and I hope you like it too! THANKS :D

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Chapter 31: Yay taekai moment<3
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 30: Ok I really have to say that I hate how they're pinning all the blame on Jonghyun for the situation being ed. Like forreal the crap that went down was not his fault and yes I understand Minho is scared but you don't get anywhere by running in the opposite direction all the time. It's not that Jonghyun pushed him away an obstacle popped up and instead of Minho trying to find a way past it he ran in the opposite direction AGAIN. For crying out loud Minho you're the manliest man out of all of them! GROW A PAIR AND COME OUT WITH IT ALREADY.

Rant over.
SuDarkWind #3
Chapter 8: " please just listen....Minho feels it’s his responsibility to protect Taemin and I, and feels responsible when we are hurt. This along with feeling forgotten or under appreciated, is causing him extreme anger and sadness. He doesn’t want to tell you because he doesn’t want to bother you or Onew-hyung because you have a whole other set of pressures with college."

That whole part is supposed be in pink to symbolize key talking but you put it in blue which is Jonghyun's color.
Chapter 39: lol somebody need to draw that couch scene it sounds cute
I'll read as soon as I have time
CoffeeJjong #6
Chapter 35: A year long away from Minho/Onew?!
Can Jjong and Key actually stand that?
Cant imagine that >.<
Same goes to Minho and Onew!
I believe they wont like some others ppl during the away
(The other brother wont let that happen though XP)
But having not with their love one....
kind of cruel?
CoffeeJjong #7
Chapter 32: FINALLY!!!! I was damn upset when i read the last two chapter.
Though not that sad since Taemin and Kai finally together.
Maybe you could show what they said instead cause this chapter is kinda brieft.
CoffeeJjong #8
Chapter 29: OMG! Please hurry just let them together already!
Even before the surgery or what i dun care!!
Its so hurt to see them NOT TOGETHER!
xoxogossipgoat #9
Chapter 27: 39: omg its so amazing right?
44: hahahaha I laughed so hard at this!

Oh and we're the same height :)
CoffeeJjong #10
Chapter 27: Why must this be so difficult for jjong and minho?
When things get better it became even worst =(
it make me hate Victoria. Finally onkey get tgt! Wish that jongho will soon, as soon as next chapter, tgt too!