One day with her

My Only Cassiopeia (HIATUS)

Changmin managed to get to the orphanage before 11 AM. He parked his car in the orphanage's parking lot and went inside to find Micha. He walked inside the lobby and to the front desk.

"Excuse me, but where's Lee Micha?" he asked politely.

"Miss Micha's probably in the children's sector." the manager replied.

"Thank you." he said and looked for signs to lead him to the children's sector.


It took him 5 minutes to make his way there. While walking in the hall, he saw a certain person passing by. It was Micha! He quickly and harshly grabbed her arm, dragged her in front of him, and she faced him quickly.

"WHAT NOW!? It's a Saturday, mister!" she said.

"You are such an anti-social! Anyway, why did you hang up on me?" he asked her.

"I hate wasting valuable seconds of sleeping. C'mon, as if you don't feel pissed off when someone calls you at 10 AM!" she said, making a point.

"Sorry...Anyway, I wanted to treat you today. Just a way of saying thank you." he said and scratched his head.


"For helping me with my life, silly! So where do you want to go?" he asked her.

"Beats me. I always let the next person decide." she said.

"But this is my treat for you, so you pick." he insisted.

"Fine. Let's just catch a movie today. I still need to attend Key's basketball game." she said and began walking with him.

"Great! I can drop you off there." he said.

Micha first went upstairs to grab her cellphone. Changmin followed and saw her grabbing her phone from her locker. He was surprised, but thought it was kinda cute.

"You threw your phone in there?" asked Changmin.

"Hey, you were annoying." she said, and they exited her room.

They both headed outside, and Micha asked permission from the manager. He allowed her to go since she was old enough to go with others now.

When Changmin and Micha went to the parking lot, she wasn't very surprised to see a rich guy like him driving a fancy car. She didn't overreact nor reacted at all!

They got inside the car, and while he was driving, Micha just asked typical questions about his life.


In the mall~

They both headed to the movie theater to buy tickets. Changmin fell in line with Micha, who still didn't care about anything in her life. They decided to watch "Red Riding Hood" because it seemed interesting.

While in line, Changmin looked at Micha. She was busy listening to her favorite songs, but she only had one earbud on her ear. She was holding the other one with her left hand.

"So Micha, have you read the book about this movie?" he asked her.

"No." she said in a steady voice.

"Oh~ Well, at least we'll be knowing what the craze about the book is about!" he said in a cheerful tone.

"I don't like joining what's new these days." she said.

"You know, you can stop being so anti-social~ish. Why are you even like that?" said Changmin and moved one step.

"Why do you look like that?" she said.

"Uhh...Because I was born this way?" he said.

"Exactly. I was born this way, and I don't care." she said, and he was somehow dumbstruck.

It was finally their turn to buy tickets. Changmin took out his wallet, and the nice lady behind the counter said, "What a cute couple! Going on a date, I suppose?"

Changmin was surprised, and Micha just sighed. He took out his wallet and told the lady, "It's just a friendly treat. No big deal!"

The lady handed their tickets, and Changmin paid for them. They both thanked her, got the tickets, and went to check the schedule. The next movie was on 2:45 PM, and it was only 12:20 Noon. Micha synchronized her watch with the theater's watch.

"The movie is gonna take lone. So what will we do in the meantime?" asked Changmin.

"What do you want to do? I'm cool with your decisions." she said.

"How about grabbing some lunch?" he offered.

"Sound great." she said.


The two started heading for the closest pizza shop. They walked side by side and caught people's attention. Some couples mistook them for being a couple too.

"Micha, people think we're going out." whispered Changmin.

"So?" she replied, and he just continued walking.

They reached the pizza place, and they ate like how they would normally do. Changmin's comfortable around Micha since she doesn't talk behind someone's back too easily, and Micha, well, she doesn't care.


After eating, Micha suddenly remembered something. Almost all of her brothers began reminding her about Eunhyuk's and Zhou Mi's birthdays. She looked at her budget, which was pretty much enough for gifts for the two.

"Something wrong?" asked Changmin.

"Not much. My brothers' birthdays are coming up, and I still don't have a gift for them." she said.

"When is it?" asked Changmin.

"Eunhyuk's on April 4, and Zhou Mi's on April 19." she said.

"Need help? I'm a guy, after all." Changmin offered.

"Hmmm...Yeah, sure thing. We still need to kill time for the movie anyway." said Micha, and they started walking.


They headed for the department store, and Micha tried recalling what they want. Changmin sighed and fixed his shirt while they walked together.

"Do you know what they want?" asked Changmin.

"Yeah. Zhou Mi loves shades and jackets, and Eunhyuk needd a new pair of headphones. Wait, I need to make a call." she said and pulled out her phone.


"I need to check what my brothers bought. That way, I won't have the same gift to give them." she said and started dialing something on her phone.

Changmin thought it was smart of her. Not only is she smart in school, but she's clever in situations too. Micha sure is amazing.



"Yeah, whatever. Listen, tell me what you bought them already."


"Yeah, yeah. I'm always the last one to buy 'em something."


"OK, please stop! Please! Just...tell me what you bought the two."




"OK? Why? *laughing"


"Oh blah! You're wasting my time, so just hurry up!"




"Yeah, thanks. Call you later."


"Oh I don't know! Ask Donghae, he broke your project yesterday."


"Bye~" she said and ended the call.

Micha faced Changmin again, who seemed to be in deep thought. She snapped her fingers in front of him, and he snapped back to reality.

"Did you find out what they bought?" he asked.

"Yeah, and I can only buy Eunhyuk earphones. I don't know what to get Zhou Mi." she said, still in a flat tone.

"How about clothes?" he asked her.

"Good idea. Sorry for asking this, but can you try on the clothes? You're as tall as Zhou Mi." she said.

"No prob." he said.

They started hunting for clothes, and Changmin picked the clothes she was going to give. After half an hour of walking, they both agreed on one outfit. Now all Micha needs is a pair of earphones she can give Eunhyuk.

They passed through the music section, and Changmin was walking behind Micha. He had one hand inside his pocket, and he was thinking about making his move on Micha. But there was one problem. Will she like a cheerful guy despite her anti-social attitude?

Micha saw a pair of earphones, and realized they were the ones Eunhyuk really wanted. But too bad they cost too much. She thought, and maybe if she bought him a gift next week, she would have enough money for it.

Changmin read a disappointed expression on Micha's emotionless face. He thought, and since he wanted to treat her, how about he bought the gifts she wants to give them for her?

"Micha, is there something wrong?" he asked.

"No, it's alright. C'mon, let's just pay already." she said and grabbed the clothes from his hands.

Changmin secretly grabbed the pair of earphones Micha was looking at earlier. While paying, he added it with what she was buying. She looked at him with a WTF expression.

"Don't worry, I got it." he said and paid for everything.

"Oh, thank you Changmin." she said, and the nice lady gave the bag of everything she bought.

They headed out the store and Changmin smiled at Micha. She just smirked back and they sat on one of the rest benches.

"Changmin, thank you so much. But, it wasn't necessary for you to do it, you know?" she said.

"It's OK. It's been a while since I last shopped anyway." he said, and he unconsciously placed his arm around Micha.


Soon, the movie was about to start. They bought snacks for themselves and went inside the theater. They sat on the middle row on the upper side of the theater. Micha started setting the food down, and just on time, the rest of the movie watchers came inside.

The movie started, and it was pretty OK. A bunch of people gasped when they saw the dying people halfway through the movie. As Micha watched, she placed her hand on the cup holder. Changmin flinched a bit because she didn't notice that her hand was on his.

He looked at her, and so did she. Changmin blushed a bit and Micha just shrugged. When the wolf suddenly jumped out, he felt her hand slowly grabbing his. He didn't mind this, in fact, he liked it.


When the movie was done, they headed outside to the parking lot. In Changmin's car, they didn't talk with each other. After a while, they reached the basketball court and the game was starting. Micha removed her seat belt, grabbed the bags, thanked Changmin, and went out of his car.

Before driving off, he saw her punching Key on the shoulders. She was half smiling again, and Changmin also smiled. He admitted to himself that he was a little jealous that she was a little happy to be with them.


(Changmin's POV)

OK, I'll admit it. I like her, OK? She's really cool, charming and smart. She's really a rare girl I can't find these days. I just wish she was mine, but will she like me back? She really - no wait - TOTALLY HATES ME!! Now what do I do?

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This breaks my heart but this is such a well written story! I hope you'll update it (even if it's been 6 years)
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update soon xD
Awwwww~!! So cute!!! but poor Changmin! Wait till he finds out! <br />
Update sooon!!!!
miko12 #4
Ooooo... I like Jaejin very much, she's probably starting to admire him, huh? <br />
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**update soon!!
Awwww~!!! 8 YEAR OLD HANKYUNG!!!! SO CUTE!!! haha! Changmin's got some competition! XD<br />
Update soon!
Hahahahaha~!!! Appart from Changmin's dog! XDDD OMO!!! I LOVE 0330!!! I happened to be listening to it as I was reading! XP GOOD LUCK CHANGMIN!!! FIGHTING~!!!<br />
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miko12 #7
There's a 90% chance that the person secretly watching Micha was Changmin! Am I right? The ending was so cliffhanger =)) Update it soon, ok?<br />
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03:30 by U-Kiss is a very good song, much different from Ssikkeuro... The song is slowly growing on me, not that I didn't like it, I'm just liking it more now =))<br />
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Such a cute chapter [(14)]... Definitely digging your story/fic <3
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!! YUNHO!!! Fully apologizing! XDDD How nice of him though! =D lol Jessica's heels broke...*micha throws them out the window* Aww~~~! Henry and Kyu!!! LOL CHANGMIN!!! ("Oh, OK." said Changmin.) lol so calm! and lol at how he was like "thanks for punching her earlier!" XDDD<br />
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Update soon!!!
cassiesAKTF #9
I Love ur story ! ^_^ <br />
Update soon ! <3 <br />
* clicks the subscribe button *
YAY!!! CHAPTER 10!!! Sad....ohhh~!! JAEJIN!!! XDDD Hahahaha!!! Cute girls list!!! SO CUTE!!! Hmmm....Does this mean he's gonna find her and maybe marry her one day...??? Oh but then what about Changmin? Sorry! Thinking too much! XP <br />
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