Chapter 21

What is love?


“Wow! It’s so awesome out here!” Sehun exclaims, stepping out of the bus with his arm around Lu Han

“Damn” Kai murmurs, Kyungsoo squeezing his hand and smiling up at his boyfriend

“Hyung this is so cool!” Chen jumps up and down like a little kid, Xiumin chuckling

“Baekie you can see the stars clearly out here” Chanyeol murmurs “Yes we sure can” Baekhyun responds

“Ge were so awesome for finding this place” Tao says happily. Kris slips an arm around his waist “Well we are awesome aren’t we?”

Lay smiles warmly at his brothers and turns to his side to see a quite Suho.

Oh no he doesn’t like it? Should I have told him about it? What if he had plans?

Lay panics, but then Suho lets out a bright smile which takes his breath away in an instant “Yixing-ah” Suho whispers. “Mmm?”

Suho has tears in his eyes and Lay’s heart jumps “Junmyeon-ah?” Suho cups his cheeks with two hands and places a chaste kiss on Lay’s lips, taking him by surprise

“Your beautiful. This is beautiful. Thank you for keeping it as a surprise. Thank you for everything” Suho says, his lips still close to Lay’s, looking into his eyes.

Lay leans in and kisses him again “You’re welcome”

“Ahh you love birds come on let’s set camp!” Tao says blocking the moment

The boys of EXO have arrived at a set of woods, starry night sky and everything and have planned to camp out for the night. Surprisingly the company has let them out on their own (Xiumin driving the bus). Now the boys can enjoy one last night together before having to split for a couple of months


After setting up camp the boys sit around a fire Kris and Lu Han started, roasting marshmallows on a stick. It’s quiet as the boys are thinking, everyone in their own little world

“You know, this feels quite surreal” Lu Han says after a while, popping his marshmallow into his mouth before putting another one on the stick

“It does aye? It’s quite crazy actually” Baekhyun says, smiling at everyone

“I never thought I’d be here. And with you guys. It’s like a dream” Tao whispers

It falls quite again

“We are family” Chen sings. Everyone starts laughing “Aigoo so cute” Xiumin squeals, pinching Chen’s cheeks

“Oh right lets do our time capsule!” Kris says clicking his fingers

Oh crap can’t believe we forgot” Kai says laughing

“Time capsule?” Suho asks, cuddling into Lay’s side

Kris chuckles “So you really kept this all as a surprise huh?” Lay just shrugs sheepishly while Suho grins, all teeth and gums and all

“Um Kris and I will dug up a hole, don’t worry we bought a box. Were all going to right messages in this card and along with it, Lay will put in something. We don’t know what it is. It’s still a mystery” Xiumin shows a large card with the 12 boys on the front of it “Then we’ll burry it. We all agreed that in 10 years time, we’ll come back here again and dig it up. So let’s get cracking!” Xiumin orders. The boys get to work

Wow this is really amazing. I can’t believe they planned all this. I have amazing brothers and my Lay. My Yixing


After a couple of minutes the boys gather around the card, each writing their own messages into them

Kris: EXO will always be EXO and Tao will always be mine. I will always protect and care for the people I love, like these boys. We’ll laugh together, cry together, hurt together, but we’ll just grow stronger because nothing can break us. EXO

Tao: I’m blessed to have these people with me, learning new things together, trying new things together. No matter what happens- we’ll always be one. And I’ll always love my duizhang. EXO! WE ARE ONE!

Xiumin: I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here, with my brothers, with my baby Jongdae. I’m lucky to be here, to be surrounded by such great people. EXO forever

Lu Han: All my life I’ve wanted to have friends I could call family, people I can depend on, lean on. Now I've found them and I'm never letting go. I’ve also always dreamed of having love, and I have it, with Oh Sehun. EXO is one big family

Chen: I will never ever forget the first time I met EXO, its something I’ll always remember. I promise to always cherish my brothers, and my baby Minseok. EXO will stick together through thick & thin

Baekhyun: Wow it all still feels like a dream! I’m living the life now, we all are. We all went in there, chasing our dreams, but now were living our dreams as one. And we will forever be one. We’ll have each other’s backs & I’ll always, and I mean always, be there for my Yeollie. EXO is one!

Sehun: I was afraid at first to be here, to even chase my dream. When I found out I’ll be the maknae of the group I was scared. I didn’t know whether I’d feel accepted, I was always so shy. But then, in came these amazing people and I felt at home at once. I even fell in love with my Lulu, with Lu Han. Were one big amazing family huh?

Chanyeol: We will always be creating memories together, for the rest of our lives. Even after we become too old to stand on stage, we’ll be standing as one. We’ve become brothers. I also met my Baekhyun-ah here. I found another place to call home

Kyungsoo: I remember when I was young I always aspired to become a singer. A big performer. So I took a leap of faith and auditioned. Now look at me. Camping out with my brothers, sitting side by side with my baby Jongin. I love them all. I’m so very lucky. Let’s stay together hm? And Jongin-ah, I will forever love you

Jongin: we finally stood on stage together! After all that hard work, it paid off. Now were kicking back together. I couldn’t be any happier than at this moment. Laughing along with my brothers. Its crazy, it’s like we've known each other for years and years. And my Kyungsoo-ah, goddamn his perfect. I love him so much and I love all my EXO brothers! EXO


Suho and Lay was the last ones to write on the card. After reading the messages together, they feel their heart soar.

“We have found another place to call home huh?” Lay says softly, caressing Suho’s cheek. All Suho could do was nod, this felt so overwhelming

The rest of the boys sit around silently, watching the SuLay couple as they both start to write in the card


Suho: I really don’t know what to write. The boys have pretty much written everything down. I just want all of you to know that, we’ll always be one. No matter what. When EXO stood on that stage together, they came down together. When EXO trained with one another, they rested together. EXO will always be one. Yixing-ah, you’re my angel. I never expected to fall in love, especially with a fellow band member but I did. With you. And I’ll forever be with you and only you Yixing. Remember guys, EXO is always one


Lay read the message, leaning in and kissing Suho’s cheek. “Aww!” Kai coos causing his hyung to blush. Suho in turn takes the card away and reads Lay’s message


Lay: I’m speechless. Really speechless. Life is really unpredictable hey? We all dreamt of debuting, we all had our own dreams, and that’s what bought us together. We became acquainted and soon we were brothers. We are brothers. EXO lets remain as one alright! And Junmyeon-ah, god how I love you. Your smile, your touches, your voice, everything about you. How I love you Junmyeon and I always will. EXO hwaiting!

Suho turns and grips Lay so tight “I’m so lucky” Suho whispers into his shoulder, Lay in turn wrapping his own arms around him

“Ngaw cute! Now let’s put this in the box!” Tao shouts, successfully blocking the two

Kris grabs the card and places it flat in the box “Yixing-ah, where's the other thing you wanted to put in?” Kris asks

“Oh! Stand around in a circle, around the box, and I’ll grab it” Lay releases Suho’s hand, pecks his cheek and runs to his shared tent with the older

Baekhyun chuckles and the boys fall silent, each one gripping onto their lover, besides Suho who is patiently waiting for his.

Lay comes back smiling, with a book in his hand

“Hyung what’s that?” Kyungsoo asks, his eyes wide as usual

“It’s a photo album I made. Look”

He kneels down beside the box in the middle of the secret as the boys’ crowd around. Lay flips through the pages. Inside the book are pictures of each and every one of them, some took secretly and some posed. Lay even put separate pictures in, each member on their own. The last page is Suho’s separate picture, a picture taken from below of their balcony, Suho unaware of Lay’s presence below him, smiling to himself


Lay chuckles “It’s the perfect picture”

“The whole thing is perfect hyung!” Chen says happily, extremely excited and bouncy beside Xiumin’s side

“Now let’s bury this. And may I add, you’re a freaking ninja” Kris says laughing as Tao blushes, knowing exactly what picture his boyfriend was implying. Lay managed to catch the couple sharing a quick kiss in their lounge room, cuddling together on the couch and completely unaware of Lay snapping a picture of them

Xiumin takes initiative and closes the box, putting it in the whole they dug up. Chanyeol passes him the shovel and each boys watch on, teary eyed, as Xiumin buries the items. The memories contained in them, forever engraved in their own hearts.


After a long night together, talking around the campfire, sharing laughs and playing happily together, Xiumin, being the good hyung he was, ordered everyone back into the tents to sleep. Because tomorrow, EXO-K was leaving and they would be officially promoting separately in two different countries, not knowing when they were going to see each other again

Lay snuggles into the sleeping blanket, arms under his head and looking up at the tent. Suho snuggles in beside him, wordless. The two boys have no idea what to say

“You know I was jealous of Sehun on the first day we all met”

Suho stares beside him at Lay as Lay slowly turns to look at Suho. The expression is unreadable, but looking like that time they first found out they were going to split

“Why?” Suho asks almost breathlessly. Lay’s stare is so intense

“Because he was the first person you talked too. You ruffled his hair too” Suho laughs as Lay pouts “Well to be fair I was jealous of Kris, Lu Han and Tao because all four of you guys were so close” Lay smirks and Suho moves closer to rests his head on Lay’s chest

“Can I just keep you here with me?” Lay whispers, playing with his boyfriend’s hair



The two share a chuckle. Lay puts his arms around the guardian angel, tightening his hold around him. “We’ll stay in contact everyday right? If I don’t hear your voice I’ll go insane” Suho feels tears prick in his eyes and hugs Lay just as tight “Of course. I will too”

It falls quiet for a while



“I love you”

Lay moves to sit up, looking down at his boyfriend’s crying face. Tears are softly falling down his face. Lay brings his hands up to catch the tears and Suho just smiles up at him despite the ever so falling tears

“Remember at the fair? That thing the lady said to me?”

Suho nods, not trusting in his ability to speak at the moment

“She told me to hold onto you. And I swear that I will. Nothing and no one can keep us apart. Because my heart will always beat for you” Now Lay is crying softly, all the while, caressing his boyfriend’s face. So soft, like his the most precious, fragile, person in this world. To Lay, he is.

“Kiss me” Suho says soft, but loud enough for Lay to hear

“My pleasure”

Lay leans down to capture Suho’s lips; Suho bringing his arms up to wrap them tightly around the dancer’s neck. The kiss turns passionate, full of love as Lay brings in his tongue, taking the opportunity to taste Suho, memorizing how his lips feel against Suho’s.

They pull back to lie back down together, holding each other tight, their last night together.

“I love you Kim Junmyeon”

“I love you Zhang Yixing”


The boys are all huddled around together at the airport, because they’re in public, no public displays of affection are allowed. Luckily, the HunHan couple and SuLay shared their kisses in the bus, parking lot (in secret of course) and sneaking subtle ones in. now they had to leave…

Hugs are all around and Sehun buries his head in Lu Han’s shoulder, the two in their own world, whispering sweet words to each other and promises of love

Suho hugs Lay so tight as he urges himself to fight off the tears

“Always remember, I’ll always love you” Lay whispers

“And I do too”

Lay pulls back. Lay looks at the pendant around his neck and slips it off, putting it around his lover’s neck. “Keep it safe with you. No matter where you are, I’ll always be with you”

Suho smiles at him and nods.

“Come on boys its time to board” EXO-K’s manager commands

Everyone moves around to hug one another once more and Chen ushers everyone into a circle.

“One last time before we meet up again?” Chen asks, putting his hand into the middle of the circle. Xiumin grins widely beside him “I’m in, forever” Xiumin places his hand on top

“You don’t even have to ask” Kris says laughing

And with that, all the boys pile their hands in the middle. Suho and Lay the last ones

“WE ARE ONE! WE ARE EXO!” they all shout together

Suho tenderly looks at Lay and the two hug one last time

“I love you so much Junmyeon”

“And I love you Yixing”

With one last look, one last touch, the boys of EXO-K board the plane.


Suho looks out the window sadly as the plane moves, holding the pendant around his neck so tight. Sehun is beside him, crying softly and hugging the dear plushie Lu Han gave him

Suho sighs a sad sigh, but knows that of course this isn’t the end, because like Lay said, nothing and no one can tear them apart. And they will see each other again

Yixing-ah wait for me. I love you, forever and always.


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Jikook_JeonPark #1
Chapter 23: i cried thinking about exo everytime they said we are one we are exo i cried to the letters they made i cried to their ptomises but now its broken im sorry :'(
Chapter 23: Soooo good! I love Sulay couple! Please keep writing nice stories!! ❤️❤️
Chapter 23: wah this is beautiful :D its hard to find a great sulay story and this, i must say is the best sulay i've read ^^ i dont really read sulay but this is great, really :3
Chapter 23: Oh this was excellent!!!! There needs to be more Sulay chapter stories i love them do much!!! This is my favorite Sulay fic!!~ <3
Chapter 23: i literally felt my heart clench at "those moments" and OMG, a.m.a.z.i.n.g I LOVED IT SP MUCH, its really sad how there isn't much SuLay fics but i am very happy that i read this ^_^
Galdy42 #6
Chapter 23: This was wonderful! Thank you so very much for this sweet story. It was delightful <3
Chapter 23: the ending was really sweet :) i love it so much.. hehe thank you so much for this story, author-nim :D
instarmyy #8
Chapter 23: awww :'3 the endddddd