S e v e n t e e n

100 tales of horror

Zelo POV.

  Yawning, I stretched upwards, blinking the sleep out of my eyes and noting that everybody had went home, except for one or two students that were still continuing their projects in the school’s library. I checked my phone where there were a few missed calls and texts from my members.

  Zelo, where are you? –Jongup Hyung

  It’s getting late. Are you going home now? –Yongguk Hyung

  Are you still studying? –Himchan hyung

  I quickly typed in a reply on my phone to Yongguk, telling him that I was heading home now and not to let the members worry. After I pressed send, I slipped the phone into my pocket and picked up my bag, slinging one side over my shoulder and left the library.

  It was already 11.30PM at night, it was a good thing that my school was only a quick 10minutes walk away from home. But still, It was getting late and the streets of Seoul are generally dangerous at night. I picked up my pace and walked briskly.

  As I was nearing our flat, there was this lady in front of me. She was walking in front, so her back was facing me. Her shirt soaked with this red liquid that was leaving drops of the red-coloured substance on the pavement as she walked.  She was limping, her left leg was bent at an unnatural angle.  Her left arm looked like it got dislocated, it barely moved as she limped.

  Everything in my head was screaming at me to turn and take a longer route back to the house, to avoid her. But the woman seemed to notice my presence, she stopped in her tracks as well. I quickly closed my eyes, trying to block out her image as I quickly walked towards her, hoping that I could pass her without seeing her.

  “Where’s my baby?” I heard the woman ask, her voice was strained, like it took a lot just to make a sound. I opened my eyes, just to see who she was talking to, she was still quite a distance away from me.

  She turned around, no, her head turned. I heard something in her neck snap as her head turn three-hundred and sixty degrees to face me. Her eyes were hollow, like there was nothing in them. I let out a small whimper, as she looked at me, blood dripping a gash on her forehead.

  “Where is my baby?” She repeated the same question, walking towards me now. Her head was still on backwards so her body was walking backwards as well.

  Out of fear, I quickly pointed to a direction far from me and lied, “Your baby is there!”

  The woman immediately ran to the direction I pointed, without wasting any time, I turned in the opposite direction and ran.  A shrill scream was heard from behind me and I knew it was the woman.

  “She’s not there!” The woman screamed, this time it seemed nearer to me than before.

  I turned, and I saw her, crawling on all fours, trying to get me. She was so fast. Before I knew it, I tripped over something, and everything turned black.


  I woke up to the sound of beeping. I sat up, clutching on to my head. Everything was spinning.

  “Hey hey hey! Don’t do that,” A hand placed itself on my back, helping to sit up.

  “You really had us worried there.” A voice started, which I recognized as YongGuk Hyung’s, “You fainted on the sidewalk.”

  “Just get some rest okay?” They gently laid me back down on the bed. Before I could as anymore questions, sleep overtook me.


After I got discharged from th hospital, I asked around and was told that there was a woman that committed suicide by jumping of the building opposite ours, there were rumors floating about. That she had suffered a divorce and her husband had gotten the custody of the child, and she wasn’t able to see her child again.

Well, after that incident, I never went out at nights anymore and made sure I had somebody to walk with when I walked home, also I never walked along that path again. Instead, I took the longer path that circled the entire building that lead to another entrance. 



Hmm, how was this chapter? It has been a long time since I updated this story, so this is probably not scary at all. This was from a Korean web toon that I found online. If anyone is interested, please click here for the english translation of the webtoon.


Watch at your own risk (?) It's not that scary according to my standards as it's in cartoon form. ;-; 


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baozifrozen #1
Chapter 7: Why did I laugh a bit while reading the ending?
Chapter 5: eerrr this story..
You're a genius of thinking of this idea! ^^
BabyInspiritExotics #4
Chapter 17: This is one is real.
Chapter 17: Actually your last story is real but the girl aborted her baby~
Chapter 2: this really freaks me out :o
Chapter 17: Author-nim! Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: I don't even know why I'm reading this in the middle of the night. It creeps me out..
Chapter 17: this story sounds familiar. is it from the Bong Chong Dong ghost?
Chapter 17: I knew this webtoon. And that webtoon was kinda svary me out