Lonley & Cold

Lonely and Cold
*The Next Day* "UGH! I feel sick" ______ said. "I know, I know." I whispered while rubbing her hair, holding my arms around her. ______ got up from my arms and ran to the bathroom. I followed her into the bathroom just to make sure she's okay. When I walk into the room I saw _______ puking. I ran over to ______'s side, and held her hair back. "It's okay, it's okay." I whispered. ______ started to fall asleep while leaning on my sholder on the bathroom floor. I picked her up, and put her on bed. "I will be right back, ______" I said. ____ just nodded her head. I walked out of the room and grabbed the phone. "Is there anytime this week that you can get my girlfriend in..... Today! Sweet, what time? Okay I can bring her then, thank you bye" I says talking to the nurse. "Who were you talking to, Reita-kun" ______ asked. "The doctors." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Because your sick and I think I know why." I said. "What is it?" She asked. "You'll find out later, sweetie" I said. *Later* "Come on,we got to go" I said softly. _____ got out of bed and walked with me to the car. I helped her get in the car, and did really everything for her. When we went to the hospital, we had a 30 minute wait, when we got in the room that the doctor works in they did a check on her heart, blood presure, ect. "Okay so, you are feeling sick to your stomach alot" The docter said. _____ nodded slowly, like she's shy. Has she ever gone to the doctors before? "Okay we are going to take a test before we doing anything else" The doctor said. "What kind of test" _____ said. "pregnancy test" The doctor said. "What! Why?" ____ yelled. "Youu have all the effects of whatever you have as pregnant women have" The doctor said. *After taking the pregnancy Test* "Okay you are in fact pregnant right now. Do you know who the father is?" The doctor asked. "I am" I said. "Well good luck having to deal with effects of pregnancy" The doctor said and with that the doctor left. *After They Get Home* "So I was right" I said. "Right about what?" ____ asked. "That you are pregnant." I said smiling. "So you knew this whole time and never told me" ____ said. "Yep, I always knew" I said. "Jerk" ______ said, elbowing me.
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loveless_hikari_gx #1
Chapter 3: Wow I wasn't expecting
But i liked it
Reita so nice to her
I wonder what Reita members think of her
loveless_hikari_gx #2
Chapter 1: Yay! An update ...
Reita so nice !